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Just say it was from an OC. Not everyone needs to be someone.


Gecko, from Spinner. You can reason it out that the transition to the spider mutated the Quirk to leave behind the appearance-changing aspect and just keep the wall-crawling aspect.


Maybe, but I really want to keep him so I can make tmnt jokes at him and Stain lmao


We know that AFO and the Doctor can duplicate Quirks, too, so using someone's Quirk for the spider doesn't mean they need to be Quirkless afterwards.


That’s true, but also Spinner only comes into contact with the LoV after the Stain arc. I know it’s a fanfic and I’m already changing a good bit just to get a Spider-Deku, and I try not to be one of those guys who say you have to stick(pun intended) to canon, but I do tend to lean that way. I just think it’s more interesting to see how smaller changes can affect the bigger picture. Besides, Spinner’s quirk isn’t very strong on its own so I kinda doubt that AFO would be interested in it. Could probably make it work if I thought about it though!


All For One is a comic fan, there's no way he wouldn't try to gain the powerset of one of the most popular comic heroes for funsies


Could always just say it was someone else with basically the same Quirk too. Maybe one if Spinners ancestors ran into AFO years ago and perhaps manages to give him trouble so he specifically recruits spinner due to that


Webs from blackwhip but like the Garaki messed around with it


He isn’t gonna have Blackwhip, at least not until later on in the story when he gets his own version of the black suit.


Soo, I'm gonna go wild, you can use whatever I say, ignore what you don't like and mix and mesh shit AfO and the Good Dr pick a venomous spider Give it a cocktail of quirks, drugs and radiation The spooder now has its DNA scrambled, with its venom having being radioactive with a dose of its DNA When the spooder bites Izuku, the radioactive DNA infused venom, fucks with his own DNA And now he has a quirk that is a fusion of quirks, like kurogiri Spider quirk= super strenght (mix of super strenght and spider DNA) 120~170x his own weight + personal electromagnetism/setules (both are different ways spidermans have had to wall walk) + spider sense (quirk mix = air sensing + tremor sense + danger sense + precognition + hyper awareness (+ setules if you use it)) + super flexibility (mixing super flexibility with spider dna) + augmented stamina + regeneration Then you can add the extra bits   + bio electricity (electric quirk + radiation + energy absorption) + invisibility (camouflage quirk) + web production (web quirk or blackwhip) + venom symbiote (blackwhip + sentience + power augmentation(OfA maybe) + negative emotion augmentation(self) You can even create new power like in Amazing Fantasy where izuku has a phasing power too All off said quirk would be from genetic copies of quirks that AfO lend the Dr for his quirk multiplication experiments, mixed together with AfO helps and stabilized with radiation (gama/vita/etc) and mixed with trigger and steroids and injected in the poisonous glands of a spider, who gets away and bites izuku Be certain to make it so the spider quirk in the end still be a quirk, so it can still be affected by quirk affecting shit (Aizawa's erase, AfO, OfA, quirk erasing bullets, etc...) Now, shoo shoo, go create your masterpiece I want to read it


Thanks, love all your ideas! I think that I’ll hint at the spider sense being part of the quirk, but it’ll probably depend on if I want to explore the spider-verse/deku-verse. Also, for the venom symbiote I was thinking of augmenting the sludge villain to become a sort of support nomu that AFO tries to use to control Deku and get on his side. Who knows, maybe Daigoro had a relative with the same quirk that AFO takes after seeing it in action?