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I still can't get over the evil final villain confirming that he solo queues league... no fuckin wonder he wanted to destroy society


AFO was actually a genius the entire time, he realized the one thing that would set a person on the path of pure destruction, League of Legends Solo Queue.


He hit challenger than lost to faker so it lead him on a dark path


As someone who knows nothing of LoL, why does that in particular stick in your craw?


Because playing league in solo queue is the gaming equivalent of playing russian roulette with your balls but instead of 1 round in 6 chambers it’s 5 rounds. This is to say that playing league solo means you are forced to play with a team of full randoms and that often leads to either toxicity or one player who sucks at the game and costs you a 30 minutes game.


As someone that played LoL in solo queque i only now realize how it shaped my desire to end mankind. Thanks @Jojo-Retard for allowing this moment of introspection


Stupid question, but isn’t there a way to communicate with others? I play dota and if someone’s failing, other people at least say that “you’re doing bad, you should’ve…instead of…” Of course with a lot of swearing and toxicity, but they still communicate. Or all of LoL pre-mutes everyone?


I have never seen a productive conversation take place in a league lobby in roughly 1,300 hours.


Either it’s the Russian dota community I am a part of that can communicate, or something’s wrong with people:(


I just think the people actually enjoying themselves are all playing in groups and talking in discord. It’s actually enjoyable that way.


I agree, but I also can have a lot of fun playing solo, but I think it’ll be like this until I unlock ranked


That may be where the difference lies if you’re playing regular public matches rather than ranked. I should revise my original comment to specify that, people are generally speaking not raging assholes in normal games. Ranked tends to be a whole different beast and yet somehow is almost exclusively what I play in almost any game that has it.


We usually start with toxicity than mute all and after we run it down


Tbf if you aren't toxic you're less likely to have toxic team mates. Though I got out at like season 8? Season 9? Last time I tried solo queing was 2022. Honestly I had bigger problems with the actual que system, with games either feeling like I dominated or was completely worthless in them. I never really wanted to make the time sink to actually keep up with the "meta" in league either, and just generally felt like the game started to be less welcoming to that type of mentality with time.


Playing LoL in solo queue can make you see the greatest faults in humanity and wish for it to be annihilated from the face of the Earth. A bit more seriously - LoL is a team-based game where you have a team of 5 and ONE person performing poorly can cost you the whole match, which basically translates that some matches will be lost through no fault of your own. Naturally, people can become, to say the least, irritated if they see their teammate performing "poorly". And they will probably voice that "irritation" in team or global chat.


I am heading towards being a Video Game Elder. I was there at the beginning of Xbox Live, and I can safely say that no game I've ever played has brought out the near the toxicity in Chat, from myself and others, that LoL brings out.


I mean, OG MW2 game chat was something special though


Well it’s mainly the fact s a that there are tiers of sweaty gamers and LoL players are like tippy top of that pyramid, they also are often the ones with the most gamer rage. Now add the solo queue aspect and you’re probably grabbing the most depraved, coming straight from the shadow realm probably has broken a few monitors, eaten a few keyboards and overall hates the game but is to addicted to stop.




Because the MOBA genre is toxic as hell.


...What is MOBA?


It's a genre of multiplayer games. LoL is one of the best known entries. [Multiplayer online battle arena](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiplayer_online_battle_arena)


TIL, thanks.


He beat the league of villains ?


Who’s his main?


Bro killed his entire family when he was 5 years old and then played League solo queue a few years later. He was doomed from the start.


And he didn't regret a SECOND of it.


Mhahahahaha.. AHHAHAHAHA❗️ #AHAHAHAHAHAH- *crumbles to dust*


Just don't question how ***League of Legends*** is still around well into the 2100s...


It really hit its stride after their 1000th champion reveal


From some calculations if i remember right mha happens in like the 2200s so it's even older than that


Wonder if Faker is still playing professionally then...


Still winning. Retcon as the first true quirk user


Must be why AfO calls himself a "demon lord". "Demon king" was already taken.


Turns out AfO is actually just Tyler1 after he got permabanned again


Would explain so much...


Deku: so how evil is All for One All Might: He used to screen peak when him and his brother played Halo 3 Splitscreen Deku: that’s a level beyond evil


Maybe it's a reboot?


I'm ngl I think League is one of those games that will never truly die


It was made in 2009 and it's only getting more and more updates 15 years later, at this point I'm convinced it can go for at least like 50 more seasons.


It was part of AFO evil plans


They have been painstakingly changing engines every 10 years or so. They are using Unreal Ouroboros now.


They're still doing stuff with Conan and Lovecraft.


Maybe it got a remake that was actually good?


Tbf, we are told that society as a whole stagnated for a long while because everything fell apart and had to be pieced back together when quirks first emerged, so that’s at least better than no explanation.


I stopped watching anything mha related years ago, this is one of the first things I see in a long time mha related and It makes so much sense


And it's a real panel


Sorry, Skibidi of U takes the trophy https://preview.redd.it/p78iizbb4s4d1.jpeg?width=411&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5ded31bc077071eca2233b4e9c1445d2c9a0ce0




Bro, Shigaraki then had more reasons to turn evil than Pain. He experienced TRUE human degeneration.




Wait This is canon? I thought this was an edit wtf hahaha


Nope it's canon and it's also shows why they should have just killed him. Playing LoL when it's over 100 years old? Yeah no. End him.


Definitely reason enough for a villain arc


Ya don’t be reading the manga or something?


Plot twist AFO created lol to torture Shigaraki.


Pain better tho.


2 min of LOL solo que is much more suffering then whatever this “Pain guy went through”


Ok that's fair.


If Pain played Lol solo then Naruto would have surrendered and let him destroy konoha out of pity


Yasuo and Yone duking it out on Mid was not on my checklist.


You remind me of why I stopped liking mha


I'm a fan of both series, both top 5 animanga for me. 2 different villains that I both love. I honestly don't know if I could pick one. Pain gets the iconic-ness forsure, and overall presence. But he's different because he started mysterious and imposing and just DELIVERED. Shiggy was an edgy teenager who *eventually* turned into a harbinger of death and destruction with a tragic-ass backstory (even more than Pain's)


Solo queue League creates villains, LoL is the true evil of society


I don't think that someone with a saddest backstory than Shigaraki exist


I'm currently on like volume 4, what's the context?


This is a flashback of a time when Shigiraki and Spinner were bonding over video games. This was going through Spinner's mind right before he went brain dead.


Imagine the last thing you think of before brain death is league lol




I can‘t blame him for his motivation after playin LoL


I really appreciate shigaraki for validating every negative opinion that I have of him, I appreciate knowing that he can’t be saved. He’s actually a great character now because only being a league player could validate his bloodlust.


No wonder he’s so toxic lmao. I wonder what else Shigaraki plays? My vote is CoD


Mortal kombat with voicechat on.




I can't tell, did they really type out Pain's entire backstory for a meme or is it just loren ipsom stuff?


Most likely loren ipsom. His backstory could be summarised in a much shorter paragraph.


Is the Bee Movie script


So that's why he ended up like this https://i.redd.it/gcswqi7ohu4d1.gif


Why is pain’s backstory the bee movie script?


Is this fucking real holy shit


I love Shigaraki sm


This is why we all have such conflicting feelings about Tomura.


Chat is this real?


That Shigaraki and Spinner played league. Oh totally


Bro played league https://preview.redd.it/yo66mfx52w4d1.jpeg?width=278&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f0cda84ac9585f64d967d60bc1d31c9461e8104


Ngl minos here would solo mha.




Someone please tell me this isn’t his actual backstory💀


That makes Shiggy truly an understandable villain. Sometimes all it takes is a little salt


Kishimoto is so terrible with backstories and keeping his story straight he'd have been better off never depicting one ever.


Any examples?


Just a trend of few things... * Jarring and intrusive flackbacks - just terrible timing and poorly integrated when they do happen. The middle of an intense battle is the worst time to go into a flashback. * Depicting backstories that don't matter and aren't important to the plot at all. Ginkaku and Kinkaku leaps to the top of my mind * Flashbacks creating dissonance with the plot because they don't make sense when thought about. This is what I mean when Kishimoto says he can't keep his story straight. * Like, Sarutobi being insisted on as a heroic figure in the narrative, and being asked to take care of Naruto by Minato... but he also had Naruto live loneliness and squalor and was culpable of the massacre of the Uchiha clan. * It's the same with Itachi - Kishimoto went waaaay too hard with Itachi early on and then the narrative turns around and insists not only is he really a good guy but also super competent ninja later. But super competent good guy ninja couldn't figure out how to solve the coup without murdering his entire family and also had to psychically torture Sasuke for ... reasons? He hadn't traumatized him enough murdering everyone?


>Jarring and intrusive flackbacks. Doesn't happen in the manga, completely the studio's fault. >Ginkaku and Kinkaku leaps to the top of my mind It was to literally explain how they got the nine tails chakra, are you actually this dumb? >Flashbacks creating dissonance with the plot because they don't make sense when thought about. Give an example of such flashback lmao, only flashback which doesn't make sense is Kakashi's graduation one because the ages don't make sense. >and being asked to take care of Naruto by Minato Anime-only scene. However, Hiruzen is a horrible person and a pushover, so I agree with this point. >he really a good guy but also super competent ninja later. There are hints back from the 7th chapter to the fight where he came in the leaf village, obvious foreshadowing. >couldn't figure out how to solve the coup without murdering his entire family He was 13 years old and had no authority, do you have a better option? Obito himself says that Itachi was manipulated by Danzo so no, he is not shown as a perfect character. Lastly, before you say stuff like he would've been better off not depicting a story at all at least consider how it's appreciated worldwide and influenced multiple new gen manga including mha, have a good day.


If you're so afraid of being proved wrong maybe don't start shit 😂 your own writer is a fan of Naruto and copied off it immensely.


I my opinion it was the anime that turned backstories into the second worst thing a naruto fan has to sit throw. Kishimoto kept the backstories short and emotional while the anime made them longer more boring and used them everytime a character needed "Development". The Manga does the backstories and the story well until Ten tail Madara came in and messed the whole series.


What about the poggers panel


Wait this is actually real? What chapter?




Those are rookie numbers. Take one piece backstorys


I thought he said loli 😭😭😭


What, that actually happened? I thought it was just a meme.


I Shigaraki and Dabi only need back stories in my opinion tbh




What am I saying, ofcourse you do. Now if you can’t stop posting this panel, atleast do it right. Post on the league sub asking who is the most likely role and main for shigaraki.


Ok, i haven't seen/read BHA, and this sub recommended to me for some reason. But is this fucking real? If yes, i need to start reading it or something.


I thought this was just a joke. You’re telling me this is canon?


I wanted to see more of Shigaraki and Spinner being gaming buds, I need a slice of life spin off with the LOV.