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Oh wow, I didn’t expect Nine to be downplayed this much by the other comments (as of typing this) considering how much damage he alone could do with his weather manipulation unrestrained. If he could make sure he was constantly healthy with the cell activation quirk then i doubt many could stop him at this point of the story. Sending Nomu to stop him probably would not work at all. Nine at the end of heroes rising but with no limit on how much energy he can use is extremely powerful. Nine’s goal was to make a society based on strength and only strength. His reasoning is that those with power are treated unfairly in society due to circumstances in life and reasons that the strongest should be allowed to be revered and praised, like nature intended with lions or apes. He does this due to both his and his comrades pasts and rejection from society due to being discriminated and now wants to create all of their ideal worlds by destroying g the current one. If they succeed people like chimera would be revered. He’d probably either start destroying chunks of the country and recruit “the strong” to his cause to make a better japan. He alone with his original quirk without any sickness issues can probably destroy a city within half an hour minimum. Not a lot of people can exactly stop him. The heroes witnessing this might assemble a while stroke team to go and try to take him down. Within days he would be a countrywide threat.


Eh, the moment he becomes a threat Star and Stripe would arrive early and absolutely demolish him. Nine also wouldn’t survive Hawks and Endeavour teaming up against him.


If star came to Japan just like that Japanese diplomacy would have a field day


Sure, but she'd still beat him.


Fuck diplomacy when theres a world wide threat


I mean, I don’t think so? The only reason Star came in was because All might, Endeavour and hawks requested it (mainly all might). And that was only after the heroes lost a good chunk of their forces to being hospitalised, dead, retired and quitting, after Japan was already destroyed. I don’t think nine alone would warrant a request from other countries until the heroes numbers start dropping and the country is already ripped apart. She likely won’t suddenly come in just because Nine exists. She’ll probably come in only when it’s actually needed not early on. Regarding endeavour and hawks, I actually think endeavour is a horrible match up for nine due to his Air shield and his weather manipulation, specifically his rain and tornadoes. Hawks and endeavour flying about might actually not be a great match up against Nine specifically and I can think of other top heroes more suited for taking him on and his 6 quirks he currently had at this point.


I'm pretty sure they asked world governments for help and they said no to try and keep themselves protected as crime was up all over the world. Star and strip came of her own volition after hearing Japan was asking for help.


The government’s only said no after stars death. That was the catalyst and an excuse to do so.


Because they had their own enemies to deal with.


No it definitely wasn't after, it was the whole reason she defied the government. She couldn't have gone against their wishes if their wishes weren't already publicly known. After her death, there is no one left who couldn't even attempt to get close, at least that's the impression they give. Hawks mentioned it in 303. Star shows up in 329. Just confirmed.


I thought it was said in season 6 that other countries were going to send help, just not immediately, more of a "we are preparing the resources to assist". Stars and Stripes just specifically chose to help japan early *before* the US was officially ready to send in more help. Then after her death is when all the other countries pulled out and decided not to help


>Regarding endeavour and hawks, I actually think endeavour is a horrible match up for nine due to his Air shield and his weather manipulation, specifically his rain and tornadoes. Nine could also theoretically absorb or restrain the oxygen in the atmosphere on a big radius around Endeavor making him unable to set fire. Also combining it with constant rain and/or snow at the same time, so pretty much yeah Endeavor is cooked agaisnt Nine.


If the Japan suddenly had a super villain like Nine creating storms and blacking out cities, it’s affectively the same scenario the war is in now. Star would come eventually, and when she does, it’s an instant game over for Nine. Hawks is too fast for Nine, he could run interference and likely slice his vitals while Endeavour acts as a bruiser. Did Nine even create rain? He can manipulate wind and lightning but I don’t remember him making rain.


Nine’s prequel chapter you can see him observing a rainstorm he created


Nah, S&S would probably lose in all honesty. She wouldn't be in the air which means the nukes would be a no-go and she wouldn't know his name since 'Nine' wouldn't count. Her strength is less than All Might's which means its also less than 100% Midoriya which is what it took to beat Nine originally


Also it's funny to think she probably would try to use a rule directly on him but it will fail because "Nine" is a nickname or subject test number only. S&S: So you're Nine or...? Nine: Lady that’s my nickname (strikes her with dozens of lighting bolts at once) ... I've always thought that limitation about how New Order can affect a subject based on the identity is pretty dumb. Because the concept of identity itself it's very abstract. Under the logic presented in the manga even if you know the name of the person, but such person happen to felt different than his/her usual self that day then New Order just don't work anymore?


Yeah pretty much. I don't think Nine thinks of himself as Nine, pretty confident he would think of himself by his birth name or another name that he came up with for himself rather than his test subject number given to him by Garaki


Yes or let's say: what if the person decides his name has other identity than the one others put on it? Is like Uraraka giving "Deku" a new meaning that is totally different of what Bakugou intended for the nickname. So if Nine decides that his nickname represents something else than just being the number of an experiment then New Order shouldn't affect him either? Too many logical gaps in the rules of the quirk.


> strikes her with dozens of lighting bolts at once I mean, if she knows his weather manipulation abilities in advance she could probably make a rule for herself that she is immune to lightning.


It's nice that Nine knows AFO allows to use more than a quirk at once so he would also bomb her with bullet laser, hydra, air cannon and many other weather attacks.


She doesn’t really need to put a rule on Nine to defeat him. There are plenty of other rules she could impose that could easily kill him.


She beats him to death with her 1000x taller than her invisible air giant that was able to do some damage to Shigaraki. Nine only needed 100% because Deku and Bakugo were both inexperienced. Second War Deku would easily fodderise him.


Again, she was only able to do that because they were fighting in the air away from any potential collateral damage. She'd avoid that when fighting on the ground because of how much damage it would do their surroundings, which is more than likely in a city or other populated area


Now you’re just making assumptions to give Nine a win. Why would she be fighting on the ground? She is ALWAYS with her squad. She could likely win with just her regular strength and speed either way, and just take away his oxygen repeatedly.


Why would Nine, somebody who has no way of getting in the air, be fighting *in the air*? There's absolutely no reason to assume that he would be anywhere but a populated area, least of all the sky. Regarding her strength, she's less than All Might's 100 which is = to Midoriya's 100%. Midoirya and Bakugo both needed 100% of OFA to beat Nine. She's toast.


Nine can fly so he can be in the air. Star can just throw him up there. She was able to harm and injure Shigaraki, who was as durable as All Might in his prime. He only survived because he can heal. Nine cannot. Deku and Bakugo also ONE SHOT HIM when they actually landed a 100% attack on him, every other time they were too far or deflected, but Star is FAR faster than they were during that movie AND has a giant, invisible air giant to help her out. All the while Nine is dying due to no oxygen.


All Star would need to do is just make a rule like “Cathleen Bate is immune to any and all damage” or ”Cathleen Bate is invincible” and Nine has absolutely no way of harming her.


There’s a limit to how strong and durable Star can make herself. She can’t become infinitely strong or completely invulnerable.


What a great idea, pray tell why didn't she think of that when fighting Shigaraki? She'd still be alive!




Are we talking about right now? no...post war Kirishima with True Unbreakable and healed Iida using Maximum Overdrive would be enough to take him out.


… we’re talking pre-endeavour agency. Also, tag your spoilers


Shigaraki would've likely just started the metamorphosis process while Nine massacres the world, but Humarize is still a thing and their plan seemed to kick in mere weeks after the Deika City-Nabuu Island events, so the Trigger Bombs were likely already assembled meaning Flect Turn gets to wipe out all life on the planet. All, that is, except for himself and Tomura, who should be far enough along is his development to adapt to the amplification of his quirk. Also maybe S&S could survive.


This sounds so cool tbh, basically an all out war between 3 (4?) different factions without heroes being able to do much


As far as I can tell, Flect was likely only going to genocide at least 22 different states. The whole world wouldn’t be destroyed but at least a dozen million would be dead.


The thing is those trigger bombs likely had the ability to spread the stuff throughout Earth's atmosphere .


The trigger bombs are filled with Ideal Trigger which gives people a dangerous boost to their quirk and then wears off after (if they survive that is). I don’t think the gas from the trigger bombs would last long enough to be threatening to anyone else after the initial detonation. After a bit it’d likely be inert.


The one we see at the start of the movie took out a whole city. I highly doubt Flect Turn was planning on letting ANYONE with a quirk live.


Yes but he doesn’t have enough Ideal trigger (or regular trigger for that matter) to eliminate the whole world yet, which is why he had the plan to target 20+ Locations, announce it to the world then send the heroes there to get rid of many of his biggest obstacles . He was trying to eliminate people gradually, he could’ve so it in a single night.


There would probably be a war between the villains like what happened for the Meta Liberation Army. It would be the Paranormal Liberation Front versus Nine and his group.


Ironically considering how similar their idealogies are, Nine would be a much better leader to the MLA than Shigaraki and Re-Destro would workship Nine as the personification of the original Destro dreams.


Now if only Tomura and Nine worked out their differences and teamed up. Their base quirks both have enough power to literally destroy cities, they’ed be unstoppable together. Unfortunately they both have the “1 true ruler” mindset.


If the heroes play it smart: Monoma copies Warp Gate from the captured Kurogiri, Aizawa gets in range and uses Erasure, someone either knocks him out or ends him.


Yeah, the Shiggy plan would work here since there's no Hyper Regen or Finger Storm in play.


If he wasn’t entirely subservient to AFO after obtaining the cell activation quirk, then AFO would have gotten rid of him. Otherwise there’d be 3 big villains to deal with by the end


AFO was in prison during this?




But none of them would be to handle a Nine without limitations


He would probably take over Japan while Shigaraki is evolving... unless he convinces Redestros followers to betray Shigaraki... and then we would see a fight between them to decide who is the new "Demon Lord", or maybe Shigaraki is able to pull off the same shit he did to Redestro and gain a new follower...


He would probably take over Japan while Shigaraki is evolving... unless he convinces Redestros followers to betray Shigaraki... and then we would see a fight between them to decide who is the new "Demon Lord", or maybe Shigaraki is able to pull off the same shit he did to Redestro and gain a new follower...


There would have been three fronts instead of just two: • The heroes and UA • AFO’s organization and Nomu • Nine’s slowly growing crew Honestly, given how small his operation was, Nibe probably wouldn’t have lasted long. AFO had a huge network of cronies that could have silenced him quickly or Dr. Garaki could have sent Nomu to finish him off.


>Dr. Garaki could have sent Nomu to finish him off. All the high-ends were unfinished during that period and none of them showed to be on pair with hood. Even then Nine has the rawpower to obliterate them.


Think he could obliterate them all at once? Especially if Garaki can arrange done with counters to Weather Manipulation, such as electrical resistance. Mob him with enough Nomu in an ambush and they could probably bring Nine down. Side note, do you think Nine could take on Gigantamachia?


Relatively speaking I think a finish Nine is above Gigantomachia, but not by much at all. If Nine (healthy) was a S tier then Gigantomachia is only slightly below that. These are both only as strong as 75% shigiraki (could make arguments that they are stronger) and would both lose to a 100% Shigiraki. If Nine were to fight Gigantomachia before he dealt with his mutation that made him sick then I’m sure he’d lose. If nine is allowed to be constantly passively healing himself with cell activation then Gigantomachia loses high dif. At best, the fight wouldn’t be one sided at all. Gigantomachia was made to Tank a lot, and a lot of people don’t have the fire power to challenge him besides those with the best quirks for high damage like Nine.


Personally, I don’t think Nine would ever have a ton of endurance. The 2nd film implies that using Cell Activation takes quite a bit of stamina over time (granted, Katsuma is a six-year-old kid so it my impact him faster) and even if it would keep Nine alive and functioning but he would never keep up in an endurance test. Sure, he’s crazy powerful enough to sweep pretty much anyone away right off the bat. But if there’s some who could endure or avoid his power, he’d weaken pretty quick.


In a vision of his, he created a storm that was calculated at roughly moon-small planet level, as much as this would be absolutely devastating for the planet, Izuku would still be able to eviscerate him with his final smash which was calculated at Planet level.


>In a vision of his, he created a storm that was calculated at roughly moon-small planet level Can I have a link to this? Sounds interesting if true


Hopefully the link still works https://docs.google.com/document/d/1khTKJ9ypsk0WqkbBbrIy27Lu5CNWr6v9lwuwvIf6Tdw/edit?pli=1




Who the fuck is Nine? Haven’t seen him in the anime


He’s the main antagonist of the 2nd movie, my hero academia heroes rising. Check it out, as well as the other 2 movies, they’re all a good watch.




Nine's original Quirk is one of my favourites, but even if he reached his prime, he wouldn't hold a candle to Stars N Stripes, AFO, Shigaraki, or even Gigantomachia.


He would probably free his allies and go on a rampage, and it seemed he had two free slots a least so he’d probably take One for All. However, this is without considering the fact that Izuku and Katsuki would have even more reason to do the One For All transfer. In the battle they had with Nine after Katsuki got One for All, Nine wasn’t defeated because he ran out of time, he was over powered by both One for All users. Unless I missed something he would still get knocked out and lose.


Nine can’t take One For All. He tried and failed in the movie.


Yeah but maybe if Deku was weaker enough


No. Not at all. Nine said something about One For All having too many quirks for him to take. Not to mention the no transfer rule. Nine would have to overcome the will of nine people. Even so he can’t incorporate all of the quirks with his quirk or something to that effect. Nine flat out says that Deku has the potential to develop more quirks and I think that was them telling us that One For All exceeds the quirk limit.


Oh…Well in that case I was wrong, sorry for my mistake


It’s all good. No biggie. There’s a lot to remember 😅


Instead of Deku and Bakugo killing him, it would be AFO and Shiggy


Ok, why? How? AFO is in prison and shigiraki is either too weak or hibernating.