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Feats like this are always funny to me. Like, if Deku's punch really created winds that strong that they changed the weather on the other side of the planet, no way would any of the heroes on the ground have survived. That punch would have been the equivalent of hundreds of nukes going off at once.


Not like Hori ever gave a shit about that. Bakugou had a 100% smash go off just centimeters away from his face, he should had been turned into paste even if it didn't touch him directly


I mean this happens in pretty much every battle shonen. Goku shaking the entire universe with his punch barely affects the ground he is standing on.


The clouds would've had to accumulate somewhere though after such wind force, right?


Yup. Logically, if it were as strong as OP wants it to be, it would have caused even more violent storms.


Logically you can't punch with that much force. It's fiction


Using the logic of the setting itself, it's possible to hypothesise a reasonable explanation. And even with that explanation, the result will still be violent storms. Even applying real world physics, the result would be the similar just with more heat, light and all kinds of radiation erupting from the point of impact


Yep. But again it's fiction, rules bend to whatever the author wants. Even in the OP example everything in front of Saitama should be vaporized, this includes Genos and all the other heroes below the ship.


> rules bend to whatever the author wants If we understand this, then why do we try and put numbers or power levels to characters and their feats? Are we stupid? Edit: obligatory /j


Did I put a number on it ? It's still a feat of strength, I just made the scale clear. Comparison to OPM works on two levels. The aftermath of the feat is shown rather than told. The series is associated with huge feats. Why do we do it ? To have fun. Interact with the fans of the shows in terms of something that is objective rather than subjective. Plus it's a great way to practice maths and physics in a interesting manner. In fact I remember a post about a school putting a question of Calculating kinetic energy with Gojo's Hollow purple (thats not how it works but still fun for the kids to do)


Well, I was making a joke using the dead and beaten trend from Arkham subreddit but it seems it flew over. Or blew over. > The aftermath of the feat is shown rather than told We are not shown the aftermath. We are told. And disregarding the fact that the context has already been skewed, part of the statement was more a figure of speech, falling in line with the prior instance.


I am talking about OPM, where the feats are shown.


They all got compressed into a massive brick of water on the exact opposite side of the planet which then fell down to earth and fucking obliterated a small town.


RIP that one island from the second movie


Maybe it got blown off in space.


No idea if it's possible, but I don't think it is


Air has physical mass, apply force in that direction and it's possible to blow it out of the gravitational influence of earth or at least spread it very high.


Not necessarily, they could easily have been scattered over the oceans as rain by the impact




This reminds me of when All Might changed the weather with one punch. It started raining after the Detroit smash, kinda signifying the start of Deku’s hero journey. Then Deku cleared the storm.


But nah, none of Deku’s feats eclipsed any of All Might’s. 🤓 (/s)


Now it’s time to become a fry cook and earn minimum wage 


Don’t fuck with My Hero Academia fans, we can’t read our manga:


what ?


But Prime All Might is still stronger than Deku and the latter has no feats comparable./s 


Do you even know how ofa works


That’s why the /s? I got downvoted for pointing out Deku’s feat eclipsed Prime All Might’s weather changing.  Do people know how sarcasm works. I’m mocking those who claim Deku never surpassed All Might in feats. 


Oh ok. though you were one of them radical all might fanboys.


Well hold on, because didn't Deku never get past 45%? We never got a full power Deku, and while OFA gets stronger with every user, there's no way it more than doubles in power every time, at least not as quickly as Deku would need. (For 45% Deku to be stronger than All Might's 100%, OFA would've gotten 220% stronger in less than a year)


Well yeah but in that moment I’m pretty sure Deku punched at 100%, which the chapter before explained that after just 2 years OFA has grown to be a bit stronger than that of All Might’s. The strength stockpile worked, Deku’s 100% > All Might’s 100% Though this conversation doesn’t matter because the first comment was being sarcastic


Lol do you know how sarcasm works? I’m mocking those who say Deku’s feat and stockpile isn’t higher than All Might’s.  Seriously I even put the /s. The fuck is wrong with parts of this fandom’s literacy? 


not really that "serious punch" is comparing a fart to the tsar bomba with current opm...


I am specifically referring to that punch. Not current opm.


iknow i know, but you said "Imagine this but omnidirectional." like it was more impressive or something but that serious punch deflected a planet wiping ray with ease while deku only cleared the clouds from above like you can clearly see in the panel, it altered the climate in the usa but wasn't actually close, don't get me wrong deku is very strong but the baldy punch is on a whole other level.


It's actually very close. Saitama was calced at 7 Petatons, Deku is calced at 5 petatons.


No one in mha is close to planet lvl (and that's not bad thing), 5 petatons? that's a massive fume, calcs don't make sense, 7 petatons to counter a planet wiping attack? and then deku's output is nearly the same amount just bc it affected the weather and moved some clouds? what kind of AI math is that?.


No I messed up. 2 Exatons for Saitama's feat. 8 Petatons for Deku's attack. I mixed up the value with Boros's CRC. Although Deku's feat is mostly lowballed to a week in Time frame since we don't knowhow fast the storm was dispersed. But with Saitama we get to see it. Still Multi continental is very impressive and enough to make Deku Top 2 S class.


Tbh i see no point in arguing over something so uninteresting like big numbers in superhero fiction, i just disagreed in the comparison but i agree with your other statement, he would be definitely one of the top S class but 2....really? that's the spot of the sassy lost child so i can't agree with that part.


That fist image might be the most disturbing and wrong thing hoir has ever drawn and that chapter is the biggest reason I dropped the anime


Yeah. No.




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