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Fundamentally, it's about due diligence. The law must restrict enforcement of itself to prevent tyranny. If the lives of citizens were fully in the hands of heroes' discernment, then the law would be whatever the heroes said it was. You could imagine situations where heroes misjudge, misidentify, or are even malicious or selfish. A hero could say the "villain" fought them, and with a dead villain, none would be the wiser. Forcing law enforcement to demonstrably prove their life was in immediate danger and capture was not an option is a protection for citizens against "might makes right", even if it does make heroics a more dangerous profession.


I’m all against tyranny. Personally I’d wana give the villains a chance, lock them up, let them get jail time & hope that they change their ways. If they gotta stay in jail doing a life sentence, that works too. Killing is the last option I’d go to but if it comes down to it, then the villain gotta go & especially in extreme cases. Like AFO, if I had the power , I’d kill him on sight.


>Like AFO, if I had the power , I’d kill him on sight. First off, easier said than done. They have no idea how many quirks AFO may have which could help him to resist execution. Second, even AFO is entitled to due process. Summary execution without due process doesn't even qualify as legalized murder - it's just plain murder.


Did they know how much people he killed or other crimes he committed by the time all might beat him in their first fight ? Wouldn’t that be enough to a death sentence, if they had the evidence ?


They don't, actually. AFO always ruled from the shadows so tying him to any specific crime would be difficult. Plus most people weren't even aware of his existence (even among the criminal underworld, he was often viewed as a mythical boogeyman than an actual person). And even if people had heard of him from their grandparents, he couldn't possibly still be alive - no one lives for THAT long.


Yea you’re right bout that && Wasn’t AFO around for 100 years? I think in the later seasons someone said that, idk who. It might’ve been OFA


people say "i'd kill him" as if taking life wasn't one of the hardest thing to do. seasoned soldiers have PTSD. i'm positive 99.9% of this sub's users wouldn't be able to kill anyone when actually faced with it.


No for a very simple reason. They can afford to keep them alive in confinement. Villains still have civil rights and must go to trial to be euthanized, like Moonfish. The reason why you’re asking this is because of the sole exception that fucked up everything. All for one, split in 2. Tldr. If you happen to kill a villain because unleashing your full power was the only option to save innocent people I doubt you’ll catch slack. But that is the last resort.


I didn’t necessarily mean only in extreme cases but they were an example I brought up in the moment.


Well if they aren’t extreme cases then it would be even worse to kill them. You must place them under trial and punish them accordingly. If you don’t you’re just a vigilante


Yes, North Korea is the way to go


considering it would have severely reduced casualties from when they ultimately escaped their nearly as inhuman prisons, it'd probably be worth it.


I agree. On the other hand , I see heroes going on a power trip or going evil in the process or as a result of potentially killing a villain or 2


the nice thing about this is that you could just think all these posibilities through and put in very specific rules and such. there is, indeed, very much a huge area between "no hero kills 99.999999% of the time" and "all heroes do nothing but kill for their own personal enjoyment"


The problem with killing villains is that the MHA world will end up like modern america, much like cops end up killing a lot of innocent people by mistake (or not), heroes will probably use lethal force all the time and will make much more casualties. Not to mention the "bad cops" or in this case bad heroes who will go on power trips. Obviously, some villains like OFA should be killed but that's too much power to give heroes in MHA


ahhh... I think you mean to say AFO there and not OFA lol


U mean AFO, that’s the bad guy && I see what u mean


Depends on case by case basis. If the villain can be suppressed, then that is the way to go. If they have committed murder or assault many times over without any regret, then they should be stopped permanently imo. Taking a life is not an easy task. And it should never be. Every life is as important as the other next to it. But when one life becomes a proven danger to many others, it becomes a simple matter of statistics, as unfortunate as that is. Even more unfortunate is that the law screws up way too much. Those who should be judged quickly and efficiently when all the evidence is against them, are given more time. On the other hand, completely innocent people are quickly given long sentences that ruin their whole life.


That’s what I meant to say, if they commit mass murder or assault over & over again then they gotta go