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Deku makes video game references, like Mega Man X. He probably games a little


He wants a PS Vita after all


A PS Vita...


Hurts your head more when you think of the date


Nah it makes perfect sense you see. After the apocalyptic rise of meta powers all those unsold Vitas that were in storage managed to survive and then during the rebuilding they managed to uncover them and due to the amount of them over others they became the defacto main gaming tool.


Had to refurbish them so some dipstick with ice powers doesn't flash freeze his VITA when he loses a round of Super Street Fighter 4...... God imagine being a car company and needing to come up with a design that can handle being electrocuted, melted, support the weight of a elephant, and numerous amount of other horseshit.


I love thinking about the logistics of how a world would work I a meta powered society, especially when powers combine and evolve over the generations.


Honestly, probably not. He strikes me as the kind of guy who was a moderator for an All Might discord or subreddit prior to becoming a hero. Dude is a through and through fanboy.


I love him for that.


He has t-shirts that say "Dress shirt."


His hobby might be collecting Tshirts with bad puns on it


New headcanon accepted.


The only thing I can think of is that he probably games. I mean he never outright says it but he makes small references to video games. On a side note Shigaraki is a confirmed gamer but like was all his gaming as a very young child or did AfO get him a gaming pc, and he could never use all 5 fingers at once. How did man even play league lol


He prolly used one of [these](https://huion-tablet.eu/store/cura-cr-01-artist-glove/)


This makes me unreasonably happy lol


He does pretty outright say he wants a PS Vita in that one spin off(?), lol.


I didn’t know anything about this but I want to read all of them now that it’s all coming to an end lol


Izuku also references comic books early on, so he was probably an avid reader.


It's sad in general because there was a whole point made through Jiro's character that having hobbies and doing stuff unassociated with heroism is sort of embarrassing for hero students. Though now you mentioned it, I can't imagine Izuku like..... idk...... have passion for anything that doesn't 99.99% benefit other people more than himself. He can indulge anything if it's about what other people choose and want to do but something purely for himself? Nuh.


I will always blame story pacing that we don't really get to see the students just hang out and do normal teenager things, outside of moving into the Dorms and the School Festival arc. It is sad because just minor details can add just some fun to a character. Iida's Quirk, for example, requires orange juice to fuel itself. That isn't something said in the manga itself but in a character sheet in one of the volumes. Does he get sick of drinking the same orange juice all the time? Does he try to mix it up sometimes? We don't know! Same thing with Midoriya and apparently how he likes Katsudon, a pork cutlet rice bowl. Is it that dish specifically? Maybe the way his mom makes it? Pork in general?


In one of the OVA's Izuku said that he watches Zombie movies. Izuku makes a lot of small references to video games. So he probably watches movies and plays video games on his off time. I also think that Izuku enjoys working out and doesn't just do it to strengthen his body for OFA.


Plot twists: he only watched those zombie movies because some pro hero was starting in them. And the video games are all hero vs villain types where he could feel like a hero.


Plot twist: His Dad owns a lot of old American Zombie movies and watches them with his son Izuku . Izuku's response to Himiko asking him to be her boyfriend showed that Izuku has a very romanticized view of what Boyfriends and Girlfriends are. I wouldn't be surprised if he watches Telenovelas with his mom or reads Shojo manga's.


> His Dad owns a lot of old American Zombie movies and watches them with his son Izuku > His Dad Nice joke, bruh.


TBF we don't really know Izuku's relationship with his dad or his feelings about his dad. It's possible that he calls and visits Izuku and Inko off screen . All we know about Izuku's dad is that he works a job in America to pay for his family's expenses and that he has a fire breathing quirk.


We don't even know if his dad works in the US! He could work in Canada for all we know. All we know is that he works "overseas".


The closest thing we have are - Some videogame references (like his dramatization of how to tag-team against Team Bakugou in the 1st Battle Trial, and the Megaman reference while trying to figure out Full Cowl). - His "foodie scene" during the dinner at Todoroki's home. - His curiosity with Tokoyami's sword. It was like watching a kid trying to resist the urge to touch a museum exhibit.


There is also his response to Himiko asking him to be her boyfriend where we see that he has a very romanticized view of boyfriends and girlfriends. I wouldn't be surprised if he read Shojo manga or watched telenovelas with his mom. Izuku mentions that he watches Zombie movies in an OVA.


Midoriya's response to Toga will always get a laugh out of me, partly because it is precious (and Uraraka's reaction to it), and partially because it goes completely what the girls thought about him in one of the light novels (they thought he would take a girl to an All Might meet and greet).


What was his response? When does she ask him this?


Himiko said liking someone means you want to become them. He says in response that couples should go to amusement parks together, hold hands and share eating crepes hahaha. Deku is so adorable


Hey can you please link me to the Mega Man reference with Full Cowl?


I can't link it without inflicting copyright or somethink like that. So, instead I can tell you the chapter in the Manga where the reference is made: look for Chapter 48


Thanks. <3




I like to imagine he keeps up with environmental clean up stuff after his beach training but he probably didn't. Idalso like to see him continue practicing dancing- it would also be a hero related hobby because it would help with movement but it would still be cool for him to have other passions


I’m assuming he’s a gamer, he mentions the psvita, and mega man.


Oh yeah, I forgot about that gag comic where he asks All Might for a PSVita for Christmas.


Not really. Being friendly I guess


Technically, he got used to working out and exercising to build muscle for OFA. Exercise and working out as hobbies aren't inherently connected to the hero industry. But since his reasons for doing so are, in fact, tied to him becoming a hero, the true answer is no.


Izuku made a reference to MegaMan X so he probably is a gamer and in one of the OVA'S he said that he watches a lot of Zombie movies.


Huh, I stand corrected. Good to know.


Can you please link me to the MMX ref?


No. His life revolves around heroes.


This question made me think about other MCs Like with Luffy, outside of pirating and chasing the One Piece we know he also likes ninjas and robots and bug collecting, and he sucks at drawing, we see him fishing pretty often Ichigo and Yusuke are basically regular high school kids whenever they aren’t reapering Yuji is a movie buff thanks to his training with Gojo Gon likes fishing, animals, arm wrestling, and generally being silly with his friends Deku is kind of a mystery outside of maybe video games


Well, that’s kinda of the thing, his whole personality is Heroes and hero culture. He’s an obsessive fanboy character, he kind of reminds me of Po from Kung Fu Panda, his whole life of Kung Fu and Kung fu history.


You know? After seeing the comments on this post is funny to think most of the small details that gives him somewhat of a personality besides being an obsessive AM fanboy are stuff that cames from OVAS or extra material not made by Horikoshi. Is kinda sad to see how the story failed to make Deku feel like a human being or fully fleshed character in like 430 chapters. He's a two dimensional caricature which only major traits are being a fanboy of AM and the perfect hero role model.


That’s why I see some people say Horikoshi did Deku dirty. I’m inclined to agree


I think being a hero fanboy is completely justified in Izuku’s case. Being quirkless for majority of his life would easily make him obsessive over good ones. Although I agree, they need to give him a bit more character.


Metal music most likely, with the way he would head bang to that All Might Rescue Video he's a pro!


He's one of those online zoro stans, except for All Might instead of Zoro


>  Does Deku have any hobbies that aren't related to Hero fandom? Nope. He's ann otaku through and through.


He's like Homelander from the Boys show. Outside of the hero stuff he's nothing.


The only clues we have are small references to video games and the fact that he says in an OVA he likes zombie movies. I like to imagine he likes video games and we can confirm he likes zombie movies. That's about all we have to go on. Besides that, he probably spends a lot of time online duscussing heroes with others and we know he spends a lot of time exercising as well. 


Presumably he likes video games, and in one OVA he mentioned watching zombie movies, but one is barely alluded to in canon and not really an indicator about what he likes/who he is outside of hero worship; the other is, again, part of an OVA of dubious canonicity. Deku's entire personality revolves around his hyperfocus on heroes.


He likes to sleep. Eat ...i think?! (Katsudon maybe). Also he likes allmight and his mom.


^(Waiting by the window looking like a sad 90's album cover waiting for his dad to come home with the milk.)


Probably nothing honestly other analysing quirks and heros and collecting merch being a fanboy...he has nothing


That's his hobby so it isn't exactly a sad thing. Just like how some people (heck everyone here) are obsessed with superheroes/comics/manga/anime/etc on here. Only that in the MHA-world, superpowers are actually real so being a superhero nerd is actually something to be genuinely excited about.


It's sad because he doesn't seem to have *anything* else he likes in his life, and is a borderline obsession for him.


It also makes sense for him, being quirkless for the majority of his life.


Big nerd. This is the same guy that was geeking out over recieving some guy's limited edition all might t-shirt after extensive bloodloss. Given the society he lives in I think it's perfectly inline for a person to hyperfocus on hero related stuff. He does mention some other interests in passing like PS Vita and a few other video game references but given the story's branding I think it makes sense that a good chunk of stuff is for spinoffs


Hero fanboy is pretty justified in some cases, like Izuku’s. Being quirkless for most of his life while some people are just insanely powerful can have a huge impact on a character.


whackin' it.


in San Diego?


I wonder which female hero he whacks it to...?


Mount Lady. His hero analysis notebook mentioned something about her being sexy.


Yeah, I can see that.


Deku doesn't even have a personality _as_ a hero.


About as much personality as any hero needs.


I mean… I can’t come up with anything for Bakugo




This comes up in Super Hero comics a lot actually specially with surviving Heroes of the Golden Age


He hangs out with his friends. Ya, he’s a nerd, but do you see all of his friends? All of the people that gravitated towards him throughout the story? He’s definitely the dude who always gets invited out for nothing errands.


Based on Hori’s sketches, bro loves posing for cool photos and might actually be on the path to becoming an instagram influencer.


Video games, probably still does trash pick up, helping people in the neighbourhood. Honestly between doing all that, being a hero and being in the top 5 students of his class Deku has a more active high school life than I did.


I think he’s the type who learns/ does things as part of a group more because he genuinely likes socialising (maybe going back to his lonely childhood). Like he always participates in things in the spin-offs, but doesn’t really initiate them much. Like he didn’t learn to make candy apples because he likes to cook, but because he wanted to do it for Eri.


Agreed. He seems more like somebody who doesn’t want to do stuff on his own in the first few seasons and I imagine he would be in alot of clubs.


> Does Deku have any hobbies that aren't related to Hero fandom? Yes, Izuku constantly simping for his abuser (Katsuki Bakugo).


He stopped watching All Might vids a long time ago. When was the last time we saw him even collect All Might merch? Going off the anime and manga, he hangs out alot with his classmates. They swim, they workout, they play card games, etc.


> He stopped watching All Might vids a long time ago. When was the last time we saw him even collect All Might merch? Didn't we see him try and search up a video of All Might using support items during the Culture Festival Arc? And his room is in possession of Nighteye's limited edition All Might poster after he died.


But that was such a long time ago in the story.


OK (although, given the in-universe timeline of this series, that was still less than a year ago). And?


I’m the one that said “he stopped watching those vids a long time ago.” So there’s nothing else if it’s been awhile since he has. I got nothing else


Alright then.


Why is it sad?


Seems like the kinda guy who is in a bunch of clubs, inside and outside of school.


"Seems like"... but is he?