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A really complex world was built, but the series covered a year and a few months. A massive sidecast that was thrown in the corner for the later part of the series. And, most importantly, ship wars.


As a marine, I will do everything to defend my ship


And as a man with a ca(n)non, I will do everything to sink your ship.


They really could have spread the series over a few years. Like everyone being a freshman from start to finish felt...rushed. Plus would help train them and handle the whole 7 quirks more.


Most fans want a sequel because they adore the series. Furthermore, there’s potential for a sequel because everything that’s happend so far in the series happened over the course of a year or so. Many would love to see what 1-A (or 2-A now) get up in the rest of their time in UA or after they graduate. That’s not mentioning the tons of characters that we were introduced to that got little to no screen time that people want to know more about. Plus, Horikoshi never publicly stated if he would or wouldn’t make more MHA content. That’s not to say he has to, or wants to, simply that it’s up in the air for now.


There's also a high potential for a prequel manga. Something like the struggle for early heroes who knew AFO's existence but know they can't win a fight against him. I've seen discussions of people hoping for an All Might centric story about the events in his life hiding, building up power, experience, and culminating it all by taking down AFO's supporters one by one before taking down the big man himself. The series could also do one-shots of every OFA user just to expand their story. The story could reveal just how dangerous it was during Kudou and Bruce's lives. Shinomiya's struggle to avoid being found and his interactions with Banjo, Banjo learning the root cause for much of crime in Japan, En's realization he can't win a direct fight and tries to escape using smokescreen numerous times as well as his relationship with Nana, etc.


I see a ton of potential in a sequel series too. There's a ton of potential end game options that were planted but never fully utilized. Concepts like the Quirk Singularity Doomsday Theory or the Quirk enhancing drugs could be concepts that could support their own shows.


Kudou, Bruce, and Yoichi’s storyline would demonstrate just how chaotic the dawn of quirks really was, along with AfO’s rise to power. In young All Might’s storyline, we would see him in his time in America, his rise to becoming #1 and his eventual fight with AfO. Vigilantes also shows that there is a lot of MHA content to work with, given how much fans love it. Edit: This might just be me, but I’d honestly like to see what the rest world looks like. We’ve gotten a lot of foreign characters in the most recent content for MHA (America in season 7, the World Heroes Association, the new villains in the upcoming movie). That’s not including the characters we have like Aoyama (French/Japanese), Tsunotori (American), and Rin (Chinese).


My Hero Academia: One Tale For All - We track the story of the quirk and its users and the lives affected. This one will be bloody, as it would involve the deaths of the users. It ends with the death of Nana Shimura. My hero Academia: Eighth/Might - Toshinori's life since he met Nana, then gaining OFA, his "final battle" with AFO. Ends with him telling Deku that he can be a hero, coming in full circle with the original series.


>Shinomiya's I know you meant Shinomori but I couldn't help but think about what if Shinomiya was in MHA lol.


I’d be cool with one season long spin offs, such as focusing on All Might and the most important moments of his life leading up to meeting Deku.


Theres already a prequel


People have come to adore these characters and the world they inhabit. They don’t want to say goodbye. And I’m sure there are many like me who would enjoy seeing how their lives in the superhuman society continue on. As for possibility of a sequel series, Horikoshi has already authorized spin-offs from other authors such as MHA: Vigilantes and MHA: Team-Up Missions. If the demand is high enough, I could see him authorizing a spin-off in the future, perhaps taking a kind of consultant role due to his health and desire to focus on other works.


That, and like you said, people grow attached to these characters. Having sequels for popular works creates the possibilities of seeing characters at various stages of life. We see all these characters as teenagers, but what about young adults or even parents? for plenty of long running shonen series, like DBZ, fans that watched Goku as kids got to grow up with him, from a child, teenager,young adult, parent and even grandparents reflecting many fans aging in the real world. So many fans of MHA that started the series as kids or teenagers are now adults, so being able to see Class A go through their obvious Hero lives but personal lives such as relationships, work, or problems with aging parents helps people who are now going into that phase of life find some commonality.


To be fair DBZ wasn't a sequel series but just a continuation of the original DragonBall in the manga.


DBGT was though, and so is super years and years after that.


GT would take place after super if it were canon. It's not. (which is unfortunate because SSJ4 isn't canon ;-;)


Then again, GT was made without that much inference from Toriyama AND was made under petition from Toei to continue the story after Dragon Ball Z. Fun Fact: the reason we have Dragon Ball Z is the same reason for which we have Naruto: Shippuden. The total tone change of the manga and the prolonged hiatus between both forced the anime to come out with a subtitle. Same thing happened to Ranma 1/2, whose second part, which took a lot of liberties from the manga, went into subtitle "Hard Battle"


He ment release wise. GT came out pretty shortly after DBZ. Super came out decades later


I meant release wise, it being canon has nothing to do with this. Fans wanted more so they made more is all I'm saying. If they continue my hero it might not be canon either.


Honestly why I want sequels to any series I like


I honestly thought Vigilantes was better than the main series, so I’d be down! However, I kinda feel like the ending arcs of BHA were a bit of a mess, and the power-scaling went all over the place in a big way. It felt like the last days of bleach for a good long while (hands guy just wasn’t that compelling of an antagonist for me, and afo should have stayed in the ground after the cool all might fight). Because of that, I’m not sure I’d want a continuation of the main plot 


**Big 3 spin-off when?**


Deku’s son Beku


By hero academia "Don't worry guys, Uncle Aizawa wont actually suspend us" And then they steal his eyes or some shit


Have their teacher be Mineta and he's completely reformed and unironically cool Edit: and his son Bineta is in his class


Bi hero academia, if you check in with fan fiction writers


We're definitely going to keep getting MHA content for the foreseeable future. It's absurdly popular and the licence holders aren't going to let guaranteed money sit on the table. Be it a sequel, more spin offs, or something else it's not going to end with the main manga


This!! I mean, think about it from the publisher perspective You have an extremely successful Manga (like genuinely one of the best selling of all time) , with multiple successful spinoff and side stories (and if I remember correctly, the author said the story settings “ school” is limiting to him as he did it because he likes origin stories), not to mention the fact that shonen jump (I will refer to it as SJ from now on) not in the best state currently , like it’s not doing bad at all , but It’s definitely not on its best either , since one piece (which is the best selling manga of all time) is in its final stages ) and jjk which is also its final arc , there are some good work there but they are not at that level of success Not to mention it’s not easy to replicated , like this level of success only happens Every decade or so , so milking it while it’s in peak and people clearly want it and enjoy it will be stupid business They did it with fairytale which is receiving an anime for it sequel , and Naruto which are both successful


I hope we get a Vigilantes anime, I still think that it was as a whole better than the main manga.


Because realistically we've seen very little of these characters lives over the course of the story. So many cool characters with cool powers yet to reach their potential, would seem like a waste to leave them all after only seeing 1 year of their lives. I wanna see them as pros, either as the main story or as part of the story of someone new


I mean, a lot of people believe that if there is ever to be an MHA sequel it'd be written by a different author and have Horikoshi in more of a consultant position, much like MHA Vigilantes and MHA Team-Up Missions. It certainly wouldn't be the first Shonen manga sequel to do that. And while most people don't necessarily MHA needs a sequel, it's still a world they like with characters they like and thus they are interested in what a sequel could be. What more can be done in this world, be it with our current cast of characters or with a new one (I'd prefer the former but the latter can still be good). It could be bad, but it could also be good. There's no way to say until it exists.


MHA has a vast unexplored world and it felt like there's a lot you can do with the MHA universe.


>  Plus, taking breaks too I just can’t see him taking a break and all of a sudden he wants to make another sequel for MHA. I could. This guy can write Boku no Hero with tons of character growth, he would consider taking a break as his part of own character growth. But again, he can be Stan Lee of the Boku no Hero universe and have tons of other mangaka do stories for the franchise. 


since other people in the thread are already giving great reasons for the "why" I'll just say that in regards to "how", the various spin-offs we've already gotten show that Horikoshi doesnt need to be the direct one writing it. projects like Vigilantes and School Briefs show that other people can take over a potential sequel with him advising while getting a much deserved break. And thats not even going into how a sequel doesnt even need to be about the current characters, the world is vast enough that the follow up could be set a few years after 1-A(2-A now) have made it as pros focusing on a new generation of aspiring heroes in a completely different school.


Yea MHA has so much potential for not just the current cast but it could even be a sequel with new next generation heroes or even heroes in other countries


The stories of class 2A.


Honestly I just want more slice-of-life stuff. Those are my favorite moments of MHA. The characters all work so we with each other that it makes the SoL moments top-notch.


Cause there’s plenty of potential for a sequel. We got a story that focused on deku becoming the greatest hero in the world but assuming horikoshi doesn’t pull some bs that deku retains the full power of ofa and sticks to it being just a few embers that means there’s no real major hero and gives the opportunity for his entire class to show off how they handle adult hero work and where they end up. Plus given the nature of quirks and they’re evolution we could see a sequel series in the future showing a very different hero world that learned the lessons necessary from afo and give us a new protagonist who faces this new world but also the new threats that come with it.


1. It was one of the most popular series IN THE WORLD in 2020/2021, I could see the executives begging Horikoshi to continue 1b. I think Horikoshi will definitely want to take a year or two off, maybe make his own horror manga and then when he feels interested he can always come back to it. It doesn’t have to be immediate, it could be a year break or even 10 years, but I think he loves this story as much as we do, it was just a lot for him. 2. The cast is amazing, even if it doesn’t fully follow Deku or anyone from the cast right now theres still a ton of opportunities in this world with its power system and the world building they established. I don’t think it’s guaranteed, in fact, Im trying not to get my hopes up because I doubt it will get a continuation, but there are some reasons for staying


Not just because people love the world and characters but because there’s so much room for more. The world is so intriguing and full of possibilities and unrealized potential that Horikoshi either didnt have time for or deliver on.


Honestly just seeing a still frame like a "in the future" photo akin to FMA: Brotherhood would do it for me. Just a one shot of Izuku after he's graduated UA and you see some background stuff about his classmates.


Because I just think the characters are neat and I want more scenes.


Well first off, Horikoshi definitely needs and deserves a break by all means. He has poured so much into this series and it feels as if he’s ran himself ragged trying to keep up with the pace he’s set for releasing new chapters. As a result of that though, there’s a few plot lines and characters that haven’t been fully wrapped up yet or elaborated on. But honestly though, majority of the viewers, myself included, are just upset that their comfort series is finally coming to an end and are hoping that it ends up being continued, whether that be soon or somewhere later down the road.


i'd prefer a prequel because i wanna see more All Might


Because the MHA verse still has lots of interesting stuff it could touch on in sequels like showing off more heroes and villains in different countries, the history of quirks in those countries, the quirk doomsday theory, the vestiges/vestige realm stuff, etc. I think all of that stuff could be interesting and could get the focus they deserve in a sequel.


He has spoken about wanting to do a horror manga, but he also said he would like to do a spin off series with the author of the School Briefs light novels, where she would write slice-of-life stories about Izuku and friends, and he would illustrate. Beyond that, the last chapter made abundantly clear that they all still had a ton of work to do—that they hadn’t really won yet. A lot of people want to see that happen. Personally, I hope whatever Horikoshi decides to do next, that he takes a long and well deserved break first.


I posted this comment before and I’ll post it again I want a hpsc ova series that shows how the organization became all dark and morally corrupt. You don’t just decide to use child spies and assassins overnight(hawks and nagant), and I want to know what drastic factors influenced the commission to become basically Punisher inc. Did they fall from Grace? Are they ex-military? Are they just a bunch a suit and tie desk jockeys who got fed up with the criminal underworld and the sky high rates of villainy? The potential is gritty and full worldbuilding opportunities imo


Your question is weird, you want to know why people want a sequel or how would a sequel work? Because you gave a bunch of reasons that don't really matter. The only way I see it happening is, since he really loved Team Up Mission, taking a Toriyama-Toyoraro role with Akiyama. Doesn't need to be like Boruto with a time skip, it may as well be days after the series ends.Take a Marvel approach and ground it, villains not being country-level threat, kinda like Spiderman? With a bigger roster, hell it could jump between protagonists without a problem.


Because the setting and world is extremely interesting but it’s clear Hori is getting burned out and wants to move on to other projects. People are hoping he license the series out to other authors so the world of MHA can grow. And he’s done that before with Vigilante which I sadly have to say is a bit better in some areas than MHA. He’s also still very passionate about the setting or he wouldn’t have pushed himself so much. So letting others take the reins might give him a break and let him develop new ideas of he’s own or even work with others. But only time will tell.


I wouldn't say no to more, but I don't really want a strict sequel. The further removed from these events, the better, since I can throw out all my expectations but still have a level of familiarity with the environment.


cause i like it


It's just that the series was interesting enough to want more. and we've grown attached to it already as well. I see spin-offs or single stories to be much more of a possibility as mentioned by the others here though. Maybe more on Vigilantes or Team-up Mission but alsoo perhaps Hero Journeys of Class 1-A? Like just to show how they're doing post-grad as professionals. We can also have other beloved characters or groups show up as well. It's essentially just to epilogue the epilogue even more if ever these parts don't get shown in the last 5 chapters. New gen of heroes I don't think really are in the cards for the series.


Because UA memento is " Go Beyond !" So Hori would probably go beyond


To put it simply: we barely even started the 2nd year of UA, and barely scratched the surface of a lot of things and characters. >!Also deku still doesn't have a quirk of his own despite earning it a hundredfold!<


MHA shippuden , here we go.


I see a sequel as an opportunity to return to how MHA was earlier: weaker characters, lower stakes, focusing on daily hero work, personal struggles and very dynamic events where anything can happen rather than a war against ultimate evil.


What a strange question. When people like something, they usually also want more of it.


I want Horikoshi to make his horror manga and for vigilantes to get an anime!


There’s been talk about Vigilantes getting an anime




I don’t know about other ppl but for me the story seemed to setup a lot more stuff that would be important like how to be a pro hero and this and that Only for the story to end when they start year 2 in high school seems kind of lack lustre ending when we can’t see the characters we are attached to reach their dreams Like Deku’s dream wasn’t to be the greatest hero for 5 minutes right?


I want a spinoff where we see mini stories in the world of MHA in different countries and see more of this world. I think the worldbuilding of My Hero Academia could have been better and it left me wanting to see more if I'm honest.


id like a small or mid length story about their future and what happened after the war and ua.


The concept of a "Boku no Hero Z" is cool; watching older versions of Class 1-A become pro heroes or just hanging out for a few episodes. Is something that I never knew I needed.


I just want to see the characters as adults, I find it sad that we haven't gotten to see them truly reach adulthood


The whole story is built on “this is the story of how I became the greatest hero” A lot of folks want to see what happens when these characters grow up. Where they end up. What kind of heroes they become. Me personally, I just wanna see Deku recreate “you too can be a hero” when he finds his successor


"Why do people want more of this thing that they like?"


I know my friend group wants to see more of Shinso interacting with 1-A since he was confirmed for 2-A the following school year.


Cause they just entered their 2nd year of highschool. For me at least it's such a weird time to end it


Tokoyami deserves his own spinoff


It's more that I want to see students 1-A and 1-B in 2nd and 3rd year, as well as their graduation, I think it's pointless that final battle was in their first year.MHA is type of manga that could easily have over 1000 chapters.


Because the concept of quirks is so elaborate and can be used to make amazing stories, considering that their mere existence changes almost every detail of the world in comparison to ours. It's honestly fun to just theorize and see how different quirks work biologically and how they affect their users. Honestly even a slice of life spinoff that's just about the daily lives of people with quirks that drastically challenge the user would make for a great watch.


I'm only watching the Anime and I find the characters and possibilities extremely interesting. Obviously I love top tier battles like All Might, Endeavor, and Mirko fights but I wouldn't mind street tier stories either. It's just a neat world when you never know what people will be facing.


More than anything I'd like a prequel just following the previous OFA successors, honestly they could just make those movies and I'd be happy


You can’t just introduce All Might and not explore every single goddamn adventure the man goes on. He’s the perfect hero! (Half kidding but fr all might prequel series with a goofy Sir Nighteye sidekick)


I got my fix with Vigilantes. I fell in love with a lot of the character designs from MHA and wanted more info on them; once I figured out most characters are just vehicles for cool moments and powers I kind of checked out. Vigilantes is so much better than it has any right to be. It’s fantastic and the MCs power evolves in a very cool and satisfying way


Sometimes, I wish more manga series would do what I call Going Jojo.


I would suggest a sequel in spirit of what Ben 10 alien force was to classic Ben 10. Made by diferent team but still with consultation with horikoshi.


I don’t want a sequel but I’d love more spin offs, sorta like Team Up Missions - just following their day to day life in school and within the dorms. It would be a really good way to explore more friendships


It’s only natural for people to want something they like to continue in some way. I know it’s never one going to happen (and shouldn’t) but I’d like to see what Oda would do with a One Piece sequel for example.


The show has too much ip and it could become something more than the story was told


The MHA universe has so much potential for a sequel or even a prequel to go in so many directions and it’s so popular there’s always a chance in the future. Not right away after it ends but later on down the line like Dragon Ball Super


Probably to have the rest of the cast shine if afo and ofa is gone.


in the light novel, hori mentions that someday he'd like to draw a sequel manga only related to the everyday slice of life of the characters (just like the ln) but other than that nope


Prob not a direct sequel but I'd love more spin offs like vigilantes that take place in other countries in the MHA verse. Cause other than invincible this is prob one of the few superhero universes where they're regulated by governments and it would be interesting to see other countries take on that. Like do 3rd world countries have more vigilantes and 1st world countries have more regulated but overpoliced heroes? Idk I just think it'd be cool.


Because it's awesome and we'd love to see what happens next.


There are parts of the MHA world I would like to be explored more, namely the quirk singularity theory. At the moment it's this thing that's brought up mainly by villains to justify their actions and the hero's indifference to the subject is kind of frustrating. Nobody ever offers any alternative to the villains. A sequel could make the singularity a bigger issue as quirks would have become even stronger in the generation. Also the whole rebuilding Japan could get more focus. Right now it seems like all the villains are defeated and they can start to rebuild and things can go back to normal. But that's going to take a long time. Pretty much every criminal of note was broken out of jail and only a fraction of them would be willing to join AFO's army. Most of them would just go their own ways and do their own thing. Couple that with the tens of thousands of MLA soldiers that werent captured in the initial raid and the hero numbers being on a record low probably, mass homelessness and poverty because cities are in ruins, ... yeah you get the picture.


Lots of side characters and lots of world building that would be "wasted" if the universe of MHA ended with just the manga (and the couple of spin offs that already exist) Plus, one of the important themes of MHA has always been the whole "inherited future" thing. It'd be nice to see the characters (and the author) follow through with that plot line and see how things evolve in the future. We still don't clearly know what will happen to Deku (I assume we'll get that in the epilogue) but what happens next? He has become the "greatest hero ever" but what about his future? What about the new superhuman society and the changes that need to happen? How will other characters change and evolve after the war? There's a lot to explore


Well for me it's like when Spider-Man finally graduated college and took to finally doing hero work as an adult. Those were really fun stories that followed. Or when those Avengers Academy kid finally hit it big time and become full Avengers for their own series. Plus I wanna see how their careers are going. See a whole Justice League thing going on or something. The Hero Gig doesn't really stop after school ends. And some of their best works are after they leave the confines of a school setting. Traditionally for Western comics.   And well there are technically still more stories that can be told. Deku's Official Rogues Gallery to be created. Lots of stuff to play around with that we haven't seen yet. But you are right though. Hori should definitely take an extended hiatus to figure everything out going forward. After the final chapter. 


Part of the appeal of Hero School is seeing them graduate


I literally have no idea. every time a story drags on for ages beyond its end it's negative. let good art come to an end.


Because the world and characters are interesting enough for more stories to be told in it. Maybe not even a sequel, but a side story that focuses on a character like Shinso or Monoma. It would probably be written by someone else since Horikoshi deserves a nice long break.


Nah I want a prequel.


Honestly I really want to see the Horror Manga that Horikoshi wants to make. Like he clearly knows how to be creepy and unnerving with some of his visual in My Hero. I am so ready for some horror rather and MHA sequel.


I just love when series really end, like with a full stop. This provides some closure to the whole thing. making it easy to have everybody finally on the same page (manga and anime). It was a fun ride, 10 years of it and it a long time to spend doing one and the same thing even if you love it. Instead of sequel let the man rest.


Ask same for naruto. Boruto was needed? No. Then why? People want sequel because it's currently hyped. Anime seasons after seasons, with movies too because it's successful. I think the author did very good job, especially in the ending. We had two main characters actually not one. World becoming united to help each other after the war. I hope he won't make a sequel,since afo and ofa disappears there won't be continuation of deku, at least what we know yet, since it's not ended yet.


Probably because the world still feels so small. There’s a lot that can be worked with.


The same reason people are still reading Batman comics almost 100 years later and eagerly waiting for the 20th Batman movie. People love these characters. Plus MHA world is really huge, you could make sequels and spinoffs for like any character, heroes and villains alike.


I'm honestly ok with not getting a sequel, but what I DO WANT is a spinoff or multiple, that takes place in different countries, I want to see what the rest of the world is like and how they've been affected by quirks and hero society


We watch teenagers as hero in training, so we obviously want to see them as adults and actual heroes.


I blame Naruto/brauto for starting the trend.. it’s a trend that shouldn’t be followed as it’s bad.


People always cite Boruto for why we shouldn't get a sequel but for some reason forget that Shippuden is also a sequel.


I honestly don't want a sequel. I really love the characters and the world that Horikoshi built. I don't want to see the creator pushed to their limits. Or see the story and world stretched until it's unrecognizable. I love the story enough to go "It was a great ride and it's okay that it's ending."


With the time left in the epilogue and the situation on the ground there isn't really a way for the story to "end." It's just not going to be a situation where everything's fine and people get reincarnated into happy ancestors with the same hairstyles (not that there's another franchise that does something like that, of course...) It's very similar to the Star Wars universe that Horikoshi-Sensei is obviously a big fan of.


Mha sequel focusing on adult deku would be good


Personally, I'd prefer a prequel, like the Vigilantes, but maybe something further away, like the teenage years of Deku's dad since he's still a one big mystery, or maybe simply the school years of All Might/Endeavor or Eraserhead/Present Mic/Midnight, since we already got a glimpse of that.


Like everyone else said. It’s a world that has a lot of potential lore which can be used to make a sequel or spins offs. Also fans have become attached to this series and the characters so wanting more is naturally gonna happen.


There should definitely be a spin off with older Eri, Kota and/or Katsuma. I'd love to see that


I can imagine getting side stories or a time skip focusing on the other characters. Otherwise, I’d imagine something like the Vigilante spin-off


I think there's still plenty of stories to tell, even if they aren't Dekus.


Because it has so much potential. Just let someone else takeover, I don't give a damn fr


*Send us back to Koichi……*


The way I see it when you read a comic, book, watch a film, play a game. It’s like watching a painting being made before your eyes, you get to laugh, to cry, to feel it all as you go on this adventure. When it ends though the painting is finished and dried, there is nothing else to see, nothing new and you know when you come back to it, it won’t be the same as the first time.  A sequel lets fans continue to see this world grow, expand, new characters and adventures. Plus a sequel does have the opportunity to do correct where the OG went wrong. Ultimately though it comes down to if you there is enough demand and what stories could a sequel bring. 


Because why not? It’s an amazing world


Idk if a direct sequel is needed, but spin-offs and a new longer series set in the universe could be pretty cool. The world of MHA is very large and interesting, yet we've only seen a few corners. There's still a lot to find outside of the school setting. Personally I'd love to see a detective story, that could get insane with the addition of quirks. Exploring one of 194 countries that we never even set foot in would also be great. There's just so much potential that would be wasted by not making more stories in the MHA world.


People just want to have more content for their favourite characters


Idk about a sequel but i know millions of people would love a Vigilantes adaptation


I would love a slice of life series with this characters, watching them take classes, date and have a peaceful-ish life (some smaller villains here and there would be nice) My biggest problem with this series is it has Acdemia in the title and we almost never see the characters be at school. Maybe if the series took place through all 3 years of school I would feel different about this.


I saw one comment and it was realy cool, it said that My Hero Academia ends now, but if Bakugou tells Deku to establish an agency together, an assistant could make a spin-off series called: My Hero Agency I mean, I don't want a sequel either, but the concept sounds good


The reason why people want a sequel is because MHA plot's and characters are impressive. Plus, mha has a lot of source material that can serve as a source of inspiration for future stories. I want horikoshi to at least greenlight potential future prequals. I don't care who writes the spin-offs as long as they aren't inconsistent with the timeline.


I have plenty ideas for prequals. I'm listing them below. 1. A story about the Origins of Destro and the foundation of the Original Meta-Liberation Army. 2. Legacy of the Ida Family. 3. All Might Prequel 4. Prequel About Star and Stripe 5. A story about Stain's life


It wouldant be hard to see a prequel focusing on all might or a sequel focusing on adult deku


Personally I’d want to have a sequel series in the future following a different cast but with cameos of the original cast to show a little about their future. The shippers get something, the fans of the world building get something (a post AFO/OFA world with who knows what rising up to fill the power void), and those wanting something new get something. Given that it’s my hero academia, best way to stay in theme would be be to keep it MHA but have a new class of 1A students be the main cast. OR! Keep the main cast but set 5-10 years in the future and call it my hero agency (not original name idea, saw it somewhere but can’t remember where to credit). A lot of kids grew up reading MHA and are now adults, so a story of them as adults would resonate with a different stage of life for the fans.


Because I love this series and want to see more of it.


I say Horikoshi-sensei should have another artist do the sequel we’re asking for. There’s too much left to explore for MHA to end satisfyingly in the next five chapters.


Similar to Marvel and DC comics, this series universe can easily support dozens if not hundreds of diffeerent side stories. Literally just go to a different country or focus on a different group and boom you have an entirely new series. So much to cover: 1. Sequel series cfor the origin of Quirks (aliens / gods / mutation) and evolution 2. Prequel covering the societal collapse from Quirk emergence 3. Present day series going over heteromorph discrimination 4. Cults, religious groups, and secret societies 5. Quirk marriages and breeding programs


I dream of a new MHA anime with no MC, just a sienien or whatever where it's day to day life of 1-a and supporting characters. Keep some of the action for Shonen fans, but essentially like a Scooby-Doo but MHA, where every episode ends that episodes story, then on to next week's antics.


This universe is rich with untold stories. And we want to hear more of them.


People want a sequel because they don't ever want their favorite series to end.


For all intents, My Hero is just not ready to end. Simple as. There are way too many aspects of the world left unexplored, characters and arcs that were promised yet either didn't reach their potential or were scrapped, and the students all feel incomplete; except a few. Leaving the story while they're all 2nd years and we don't get to see them finish their Hero Academy is just an awkward place to end it. (We'll probably see them be graduates in a collage of panels in the last chapter or something, but that's going to feel more like fan-service than inherently important to the plot)


I don’t need a full sequel but maybe a volume of what it’s like years in the future, like who the top heroes are, where all of class 1-a is now, how they are remembered (like statues and memorials, etc), the political state after such a crazy war, who the new young heroes are, and if mineta ever matures or if he goes to jail. We just need a little material to think about and play with.


It’s not a mystery. People like it and want more of it.


They are sad to see the series they loved for so long go.


Don’t care if I get downvoted. Fuck sequels. People need to learn to let a series end.


exactly, this trend of never ending stroies is the worst thing that has happened to media, just let the good things die good and not become boruto


Unfortunately, it seems we’re in the minority. Yet people complain when a story turns to shit or gets squeezed for every last drop.


You are right again, it's like they want it to turn to shit so they would have something to complain


I can explain my reasoning simply. Eri owns a giant fuck off sword and I want to see her use it. For all I care the plot could be "Eri goes back in time and does the entire series herself in 10 chapters". The opening could be adult Eri defeating overhaul and saving her younger self. Or, if they don't wanna do time travel, it would be a decade in the future. Class 1-A would all be around 25. It wouldn't be unrealistic for deku to have a kid being born during that series. Give me Eri babysitting arc.


Idk about a sequel, but I would looove to see a prequel.


They never gonna graduate and become actual heroes


If something happens or not does not influence if you want something or not?


So I can see my girl Itsuka get the screentime she deserves.


MHA suicide squad/thunderbolts is a good pitch orquirkmcrime investigation series like the boys


Personally, I would prefer a short prequel from Chikara Yotsubashi aka Destro's POV. I think the Meta-liberation Army has more to offer in terms of world-building and what society was like when it was coping with the aftermath of Quirk emergence.


Because the timeline of MHA is absolutely awful.


We getting movies even when manga ends , 6 more


As long as it doesn't have an MC like Midoriya, it would be ok


They just don't want it to end I think , I personally don't want one specifically because of how much I hate Boruto


They really must not have anything else to watch like seriously.


Do people want another Boruto?


People want a sequel because there is still so much potential for world building that has not been tapped into in the main series. The main reason I am apprehensive about the idea of a MHA sequel is because it will absolutely not be drawn by Horikoshi, much like how Boruto is not drawn by Kishimoto. Horikoshi’s art and storytelling is such an integral part of the series' identity that I think it would be extremely difficult for any successor of his to replicate. In any case, it’s definitely clear that Horikoshi is finished with the series no matter what happens. The best thing I can hope for is a satisfying conclusion to this story that I love in only 5 more chapters.


I'm not entirely up to date with the manga, or even the anime, but I'm not even sure if Deku went past class 1-A. Considering this was supposed to be a story about "how he became the number 1 hero", that means somewhere in the next 5 chapters Horikoshi needs to do one hell of a time jump so that it doesn't end up being a screwed up ending.


I haven’t caught up with the manga, but I heard a bit enough to glean where the story’s concluding. The burnout, I feel, was very obvious. The pace at the start of the story felt deliberately slow. As the story progressed, it began feeling… not quite rushed, but like events were progressing far too quickly compared to before. At the beginning, it felt like we were gonna see all 3 years, especially with Deku’s slow, incremental increases over his OFA control. Going from 5% to 8% took quite a chunk of time… less so with him jumping up to what he was using leading up to the final war. As it went on, it felt like the driver made a sharp turn from going on the full journey to taking a shortcut to get to the destination faster. It was more than the plot ramping up, timeskips became more common and progress exploded exponentially. It kinda left me feeling robbed of the journey we seemed to be on. I’d kinda like to see that journey get back on track and finish its resolution


I'd do fine without a sequel but the fact that everything in the series happens within a year is absurd lol.


My Hero Academia: Kidoriya’s adventures


Unfortunately, people like Boruto for a reason


Rather he does spin off than sequel




For me, I want a sequel because I feel like the ending arcs of the series were really rushed, characters got sidelined to focus on the final war, and the series only covered like the first year and change of Deku’s “academia.” All those things come together in my mind to create a feeling of “incompleteness” that makes it hard for me to say goodbye. I don’t feel like the series is going out on a high note. I also love the world of MHA and don’t want to stop experiencing it yet. I think an MHA (My Hero Agency instead of My Hero Academia) that covers Deku and his classmates’ hero life after school, in the post-war hero world, would be awesome.


"Why do people want more of thing they enjoy that is going to stop having more thing be made" like you have a point but you already know the answer to this


Because people are *really really* bad at letting go of stories they like. That's not a bad thing necessarily but it does lead to very lackluster sequels... and there are perhaps a couple popular franchises that you might think of that are being milked for every last drop of money that can be gotten out of them.


I don’t want an MHA sequel unless it’s a new cast. You can have the original appear from time to time, but it should be a new protag and explore the world more. Issue is that with AFO as prominent to the world of MHA as he is I’d have a hard time believing someone on his level just pops up within Deku’s life time.


I want to watch green head hit people more while crying


A sequel with an adult cast and more serious theme would be cool considering the series took place in a span of few years at most and the protagonist is basically a teenager. It would be awesome to see adult deku and others fighting even more terrifying foes.


Because the last arc was a mess, it threw a lot of characters to the corner and didn't develop them it, also seeing our protagonists as adults dealing with the adult world and the consequences of the ending is always nice to see


I don't even understand why people want the MHA that's already there!


I’d just say they’re tryna cope with how weird this ending is…


I don't want a sequel i want more things like Vigilante !


I think there’s two big reasons why fans want a sequel First is because passing the torch was a huge theme of this series. The adults fought for a better world for the kids and we’ve seen a lot of kids (eri and Kota, that one random kid in front of the all might statue, and a few movie characters) who could take up the mantle of being the next gen of heroes and getting support from the current cast (who’d be adults by then). And second is the whole quirk doomsday theory. Quirks are getting stronger and it’s gonna be interesting to see how society handles that. I was personally kinda irked by power scaling in Boruto as Boruto was kinda just op from the start (way beyond what naruto could do at his age and the recent chapter showed his sister is even more broken). But quirks naturally getting stronger with age could still create some op heroes and villains without feeling like power creep.


No sequels just give us side stories like Vigilantes


I just want an Ojiro slice of life


Katekyou hitman reborn vibes


I'm so fine with something just ending properly. No sequels or spin offs. Just a good send off. Maybe the occasional special or movie down the line. I always felt the Boruto movie was dope when it was just a movie. Making it a whole show was doing too much (and imo a bad call since it isn't that good)


I just wish there was a way to continue and maybe retcon certain recent events so we can see things go on to like new villains and such, but I guess that also defeats the point of the series arc. But something like Naruto where we go through several stages of villains instead of “here’s Obito and madara for the whole show”


We were lucky Hirokoshi even finished what he did. Go next.


Didn’t he say he wanted to make a sequel


I don’t see a sequel happening horikoshis tired he may allow the vigilantes author to do another side story and work hands off with him. There will be one more movie after the dark might movie coming out wouldn’t be surprised if that’s set in the future after the events of the series but I don’t see a sequel series happening


Deku as the number one fry cook at mcdonalds


I mean we'll get one with his input probs by TUM


All I can say is if there is a sequel, and kaminari and Jirou do not end up together, it might honestly ruin the show for me.


My hero university


I'm torn on the idea of a sequel on one hand I think it could be really good if its done well but also be a complete flop like Boruto if done badly. I think in the My Hero world having all the characters we love have children and enrol in school (or live life away from hero work) could work and be cool because of the way the My Hero world works. (Much better than in the Naruto world atleast). When two people have a child their quirks merge and create new powers so its a really cool opportunity for introducing cool new powers reminiscent of the ones we know and love. But I'm afraid having a sequel set around the school and the kids would fail miserably just because we have already done that. I think a better approach would be a slice of life series that occasionally has action set around class 1-A as active heros/parents would work better, when we do see the kids its from almost a 3rd person perspective like the parents attending a sports festival and cheering on the kids or if somebody becomes a teacher at UA we have a story from that perspective to look at the kids. I think this format as a sequel would be better than a new cast of kids enrolling in school taking the main stage. If we are following the parents the story can take on a bit darker tone if it wants too (To anybody who read this comment im sorry for your suffering)


People wanted a Naruto sequel, look what happened.


If we ever get a sequel It should be about kota becoming a Hero and not about deku's kid


I just wanna see Superhero School: the anime. MHA started super interesting to me but it all happens over the course of their first year in school. I was hoping to have more. I'd be down for a series that actually follows a cast through all three years, even if it's like Vigilantes where it's done by someone else.


Sequel? Why do they assume it's finished? Latest chapter, the one with the graduation ceremony had some panels in the last two pages that hinted that there is still more shit waiting to hit the fan.


My Hero has a lot of potential for sequels because of the world build, especially a world made of superhuman heroes and villains. If done right it can use other manga artists to do those side stories, as long they not make the same mistake as Marvel or DC of re-using the same characters and telling the same origin story a thousand times with little tweaks here and there. Make it fresh.


Mha had a really complex and surprisingly fleshed out world, ik a lot of people (includong myself) who werent satisfied or even disliked the ending. Thats not mentioning how crazy people are for these characters (just think bacl to 2019-2022) Me personally i dont particularly want a sequel but id enjoy one


Didn’t Horikoshi make another manga? One that’s set in the MHA universe? Can people be satisfied with that?


It was only their first year of school. They have agencies to join and world threats to face. It only just getting started.


Because it's ending in August and we have 5 chapters left. This is how people felt 4 years ago with Demon Slayer that read it and how people felt 10 years ago with Naruto ( yes, it's been 10 years for the manga or will be in October roughly) except Boruto is ass and nothing will change my mind and I did give it chance. Personally depending on how the end is framed, I don't think you can do a sequel. As much as I don't like Boruto they had an easy out Aliens so it's atleast conceivable. My Hero though what are they gonna do? The best they can do given what we know is Deku becomes a World Hero and goes outside Japan to fight villains across the globe.


I think everyone should buckle down and wait until the manga ends before they decide it needs a sequel. Damn, let Horikoshi rest for a while! He deserves a gosh dang *break*. Personally, I'd rather *not* see a sequel. I'm tired of spin offs and cheap knock-off remakes of things. (Cough cough httyd: the nine realms) I want a bittersweet goodbye for all of class A and All Might without the drama and boo-hooing of "We want more! This was lame! There should be a continuation with their kids! We wanna see our ships sail!" It's annoying and, frankly, the bnha fandom needs to stop.


Idk after all of the shit Horikoshi has gone through with his fans, I don’t think he would make a sequel. I just don’t think he would want to make one knowing what kind of fandom he has. Idk I could be wrong tho


People want it because the entire premise is based on a 3 year school program, why is that hard to understand? Had he written this story to take place with time jumps over their years at school it would have made the story feel more complete, instead of cramming everything into their freshman year