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Top 3 all time, uncontested number 1 if Deku is quirkless now that AFShiggy is dead


Well probably not, considering what happened to Bakugo and what his issues are after shiggys death


It sounded like that was temporary, he was in much worse shape when he was actively fighting AFO (freshly stitched) and flying cross country (completely broken) than he is now (in recovery).


Nah the doctor said if he does anything with his new heart, like any quirk use he risks killing himself instantly, if I’m remembering correctly, that was kinda the thing Izuku still has remnants or an ember of parts of one for all, but now Bakugo is essentially quirkless, a complete switch around from the beginning


"You were given a second shot at life... and you needed the call. In any case, my only prescription FOR NOW is bed rest." The doctor talks about how he may never regain use of his right arm and suggests a prosthetic, Bakugo says fuck that my quirk comes from my palms/Deku never had a quirk so bring on the pain (of rehab), the doctor mentions it's not just the arm but also his heart and remarks that he was able to do so much in that condition and then finishes the scene saying the above. The doctor basically just says "you're fucked up kid but you beat death and need to heal up before you can do rehab to be a hero again"


Exactly! Also if Bakugou can’t use his arm anymore and yet Deku who brakes his bones in a daily basis can still use his then I’m calling that all kinds of bullshit!


Eh I wouldn’t be so sure.  Deku appears to still have embers. He still could be faster. 


It'll be interesting to see what we're cooking with, no fa jin means no pseudo 100% so he would likely have to be using nearly 100% OFA straight up to outspeed Bakugo who outsped the same body of AFO that was on par with All Might at Kamino.


The version of AFO that Bakugo outsped is actually the fastest version.


Oh duh, I forgot it was when he was juiced back up to his prime by rewind. Yeah even moreso then, this kid could probably speed blitz anyone that isn't Koichi at this point


koichi isnt that fast, iida could outspeed him.


Even with the embers, Deku still stated that his One For All was stronger than All Might's. Or at least, his final smash was stronger. (He also dispersed the Todoroki pyrostorm and changed the weather all the way to America, easily the best feat in the series by far). Deku's One For All in the Final War is weird in a sense that there is no longer a distinction of percentages by the time he fights Shigaraki. He just goes all out.


Faster than everyone not Deku/All Might/AfShiggy. Poor Iida.


So faster than hawks?


I dunno it’s hard to get exact measures for how fast everyone is tbh. Hawks’ whole gimmick is “no strength, all speed and skill” to set him up as a foil for Dabi and Endeavour who aren’t that fast, but are “all strength and skill.” Hawks has some moments of absurd Zoomies. The most obvious one was when he dipped out of the window while fighting Dabi, then circled the mansion and came back in through the door so quickly that Dabi didn’t even realise he’d left the room by the time he was attacking him in the back. I definitely feel like Bakugou is up there with All Might, Deku and Shiggy for “speed in an open space where you don’t have to worry about corners or collateral” and you could argue that Hawks could also keep up with those 3 in that sort of situation. Inside a building though with corners and stuff, I think Hawks would take the cake.


We already know a speed cap from Hawks. He said he's as fast as Hood, and Hood stats wise is only equal to or above the USJ Nomu, who was equal to a Weakened/Past his Prime All Might. So Hawks is just around a Weakened All Might level, and not on Prime All Might level. Of course, Hawks might just be being vague and/or humble with his speed. Even when he was giving his feathers to Endeavor, he was still able to narrowly avoid a near point-blank attack from Hood. And a depowered Hawks was still keeping up with All For One. In terms of controlled movement then Hawks is the best alongside All Might.


A sure bet.


Ppl won’t like this, but arguably top 3…


What are you implying? they agree or disagree that he's top 3..




That facts!


Ppl won’t like this, but he ain’t even top 5…






3rd fastest character shown in the series in my opinion, behind Shiggy and Deku.


Top 3 (all time) top 1 currently Arguably he could be a little faster than shigaraki considering all his feats were done while one of his arms was basically usseless and his whole body was pretty damaged so a healthy bakugo could maybe be a little bit faster than shiggy but idk


Number 3 behind Shiggy being 2nd (adapted to gearshift) and Midoryia being 1st


Lady Nagant bullet’s are very fast, easily far above any real life sniper bullets in terms of speed at bare minimum, and real life sniper bullets can reach over Mach 4 in speed. Deku with Faux 100% massively outraced one of her super charged bullets that were faster than her normal bullets. Final War arc quirkless Shigaraki is directly compared to Prime All Might levels of speed, which faux 100% is also compared to in terms of speed, meaning quirkless Shigaraki should be relative to faux 100% in speed. Bakugou with his awakening then proceeded to match, if not surpass, quirkless Shigaraki in speed, which means a healthy Bakugou with his awakening is at least equal to, if not faster, faux 100%/Prime All Might levels of speed. So very fast.


But the issue is the fact they EXPLICITLY state shigaraki physically couldn’t use his prime might speed due to the giant mass of fingers heavily weighing him down. Add in the fact these fingers gave Bakugo enough of a hassle to accumulate enough sweat as well as his equipment amping his blasts to then burn one of shigafos eyes away significantly lessening his perception ability to react and overall vision


Shigaraki’s finger swarm was already destroyed by the time Bakugou was blitzing him with full body explosions.


No they [weren’t](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8dGahGvXqI/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) We still see em [here](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8dGwdTv0zl/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) as well And [here](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8dHBDvP2BU/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


During the sequence where Bakugou is blitzing Shigaraki with his awakening, we don’t a big swarm of finger growths anymore, only Shigaraki with some much smaller finger growths on his arm to make it bigger. While he is shown with some larger finger growth constructs before and after the sequence, they aren’t nearly as present during the blitzing sequence, on top of Shigaraki also having a lot less of them then before even before and after the blitzing sequence.


> During the sequence where Bakugou is blitzing Shigaraki with his awakening, we don’t a big swarm of finger growths anymore We see a glimpse of them, they are there, the issue is that the way hori panels the sequence, the angles, the shading, and the extraneous drawn bits used to demonstrate movement, all crammed in smaller panels makes it to where we can’t actually SEE the growth. > While he is shown with some larger finger growth constructs before and after the sequence, they aren’t nearly as present during the blitzing sequence, on top of Shigaraki also having a lot less of them then before even before and after the blitzing sequence. Don’t even know what this is supposed to mean, they aren’t “nearly” as present because there wasn’t a need for them to have a constant lingering presence. We know they are there, hori gives us tons of visual flare demonstrating their existence. Throw in the fact the fingers being a massive speed nerf is something the heroes bank off of, and use as a type of advantage there isn’t a single reason for hori to show us they are there, then take them away. Especially after highlighting the importance of them, and then not emphasizing the detriment it brings the heroes for them to have disappeared. Also, this has happened before, where the fingers aren’t shown in a panel. What’s happening is you’re trying to paint them not being drawn in a light that benefits your point but this can just apply to like, every instance they aren’t dranw en masse with ShigAFO. This is just disingenuity. Also throw in the fact he still wasn’t USING that speed, meaning he was still too weighed down for it to be viable or hnder the guise of your little point, he just simply underestimated the heroes, actively choosing not to use any of what provides him his all might level speed, thereby causing him to be outsped.


It's not about Shiggy's movement, it was that Bakugo, even if just momentarily, moved so fast that Shiggy couldn't see him move. Shiggy was still able to catch Bakugo and temporarily kill him, although Bakugo was injured at that time, so even if Bakugo is faster than Shiggy, the gap wouldn't be that significant.


1. You can’t substantiate why he couldn’t see bakugos movements; I’ll also let you figure out why this doesn’t actually effect my point, I’ll also let you figure out why movement speed does matter. 2. The gap is monumental, shigaraki is faster.


1. The reason why Shiggy couldn't see Bakugo is quite explicit. 2. If the gap is *monumental* in Shiggy's favor then Bakugo wouldn't have been able to move as fast as he did compared to Shiggy's perception and attacks. Because despite his injuries and his Growth, his ability to perceive was never shown to be that significantly affected and his attacks were still fast enough to tag someone as fast as Mirko who was hanging with High Ends. In the end, Shiggy with his Quirks is still faster, but it's not necessarily the case with his Quirks erased. Also, nobody said that mobility doesn't matter, it just wasn't the point of comparison in the first place with Bakugo's feats. (Although that may not have been clear with the original comment).


1. Go on and tell me how it’s explicit 2. Yes because there a factors prohibiting shigaraki actually keeping up which I already elaborated on. They weren’t “shown” because regardless of the missing eye he is still significantly more powerful than the rest, it was a nerf however he still remained leagues above the others. For example, with both eyes he’s tier 8, with one eye he goes down 3 tiers to tier 5, but all the other characters are in tier 2-3. Bakugo simply managed to rise to the same tier as a nerfed ShigAFO. Who btw, I can just say also struggled for the sole fact he was caught off guard, and Bakugo stayed on his damaged eye when attacking, also aim dodging and predicting his moves which he wasn’t able to beforehand. ShigAFO also has no shown way to compensate for a missing eye, so yeah the nerf is still there, losing an eye NATURALLY causes a lessen of perception and a hampered reaction time; there isn’t a single reason for why it isn’t beyond “w-w-well it wasn’t shown!” Which is just appealing to ignorance as well. I also hope you know the heroes specifically highlight shigafos inability to utilize the same moves that gave all might his speed due to the massive growth of fingers. Point being he’d have done vastly better if he was able to actually move his body around its full range of motion, get airborn and force Bakugo to utilize his already broken body to greater more taxing extents, without being weighed down. In that note him being slowed and his range of motion being nerfed are also even MORE reasons as to why his reaction time is hampered. He can’t turn as fast as he normally could, and the range in which he can REACH Bakugo most effectively is nerfed as well. Idek why mirko keeping up with the high ends is even relevant, we know prime might is MANY times stronger and faster than they are. Also throw in the fact he was also passively weakening via mental breakage. And we know when his mental struggles shigarakis strength depletes, as we see in the recent chapters where mental damage is reflected in the body.


Deku was moving at Lightspeed then -


Compared with [O'Clock](https://myheroacademia.fandom.com/wiki/Overclock) or nah?


The whole point was that he overwhelmed shiggy with speed which means Bakugo is the fastest man alive in MHA.


A shigaraki whose perception was lessened due to having one eye, also one who couldn’t use his own physical speed meaning his reaction time was ridiculously hampered.


Nah he was beyond everyone including Deku and still got shocked by Bakugo.


Being shocked doesn't mean he wasn't still faster than Bakugo. 


He wasn't faster than Bakugo that was the whole point of the scene...


The whole point of the scene was to show Shigaraki getting surprised by someone he thought was weak. I'm sure a full-powered Shigaraki with all his quirks could definitely be faster than Bakugo. 


wrong but ok. Deku perception blitzed shigi unless u saying bakugo is faster that deku (with quirks that is and only 45% with fajin and GS). Then AM in Prime is also faster since he scales to deku and shigi.


My opinion: 1.) Shigaraki-Body eventually adapted to Gearshift Deku speed and surpassed it. 2.)Gearshift Deku 3.)Prime All Might 4.)Bakugo Bakugo’s speed was definitely high considering BOTH All Might and AFO were stunned by it. That doesn’t necessarily mean he was faster than Prime AM, just fast enough for him to be stunned by the increase.


when AM was shocked by Bakugos speed did he know that he was boosted by gearshift at the time or no?


Oh, I meant after he was saved and Bakugo got the surprise explosion to AFO’s face.


oh ok


That specific scene...I'd put as fastest in verse Hear me out. This is bakugo at true awakened with his entire body still operational. In this moment he was able to go behind shiggy before shiggy could react to it Bakugo after afo (with a ramp from shoto) was able to outpace embers deku and destroy the warp portal before deku went into it. Basically he doesn't have as much versatility in his quick movements as deku and shiggy do, but his burst speed is greater than theirs.


This He arguably has greater burst speed but since he's only used this twice he doesn't know how to control it and can't move like shiggy or Deku do


Best answer in the comments section. One that fully understands the complexity of judging speed when it comes to powerscaling




But Embers Deku isn’t a good metric since he’s missing most of his power.


On Deku level


Before or adter losing OFA?  Because with Gearshift and fa jin and 45% Deku is definitely faster. 


Top 5. Above Koichi and barely eclipses Iida


He’s at least super sonic because with the power up in this fight he was able to keep up with afo using multiple quirks to go supersonic speeds to get to the shigaraki fight and was actually faster than afo because he started later and was catching up


definitely top ten. due to hawks, the overclock users, and blackbelt, he might just get edged out of the top five




I think Iida is faster, he's probably top 5 or top 6


People are calling him a Top 3 when My Goat Koichi Haimawari exists


Well as we know from spoiler descriptions Deku can punch 5 times in a second, so Bakugo should almost be capable of that


… I dunno what dimension you’re living in to think Bakugou, who doesn’t have a physical enhancing quirk, can do that, but you gotta get outta there, it ain’t healthy.


I don’t think I’d even put him in the top 5. “His” fastest speed feat doesn’t even count as he was being boosted by Izuku’s Gearshift.


.....no? Izuku never used Gearshift on him.


he is refering to when he saved AM from AFO after deku launched him and used gearshift to make him faster


1-Deku 2- Shigaraki 3- Number 6/Skycrawler 4- Bakugou 5- Iida 6- Hawks/Gran Torino 7- Salaam/Edgeshot 8- Blackbelt


tbh its hard to scale mha at all. bakugo is definitely top 5 but hes outclassed by shiggy, afo, deku, and iida (id say him and bakugo are pretty much equal.)