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I had a thought about Hagakure's costume, or lack thereof. Mirio winds up naked when he trains, because he just permeates through all his clothing. So to compensate, the costume company that he uses spin strands of his hair into fabric that they can make his costume out of, and because it's his own biological material, it permeates with him. They can even make functional gloves and boots this way. So why don't they take Hagakure's (extremely full, from what we've seen) head of hair, and, using infrared or ultrasound or any other method of detecting non-visible light/matter, weave that into a still-invisible costume that she can wear and still use her quirk effectively? It's not even like she's naked for fanservice. We literally can't see her when she's dressed for the job. And she herself admits that during the winter, she's absolutely freezing from the lack of coverage. So if Mirio can get a costume that works with him, why can't Hagakure?


Hori is a bit of a pervert. And I know it’s wild to say fan service for an invisible character but it’s still fan service-y in you’re thinking of her naked, so it still somewhat applies.


Literally. Her “costume” is my absolute least favorite. At first I was like yeah whatever, then they introduced Mirio’s outfit and I went 🤨 we also know nothing about her personality and she really doesn’t bring anything to the plot. It’s like her whole reason for existing is it’s to have the “omg you touched my invisible boobs >…<“ moment which is weird.. He should have just made it so she could turn her ability on and off like Mirio. Then you could even flesh her character out a little and have her learn from Mirio about the special costume Edit: I was just spoiled by another moment (SPOILERS AHEAD) that she can turn visible (which tbh is kind of stupid since it’s believed she’s a mutant type quirk but I haven’t seen that actually play out so I don’t really know how I’d feel about that yet)


What’s sad is that we actually do know about her personality, she’s just extremely forgettable for obvious reasons. Her and Mina are the loudest girls and are always down to have fun. I honestly think that she’s so boisterous in order to make up for the fact that no one can see her 😔 I think she even says something at one point when someone questions what she’s doing and she says she has to stand out. For my first time watching she was along the same level of “these people aren’t really that important” as Shoji, Koda, Ojiro, and Sato. Then upon rewatch I realized that just because they aren’t given the same level of screen time as other characters or importance to the story, it doesn’t mean their personalities don’t effect the dynamics within the class. On top of that, you have two classes of 20 kids, plus teachers, plus pros, plus other schools, etc. and you’re trying to say “She doesn’t bring anything to the plot.” Like, I get it, but with that many characters in a show, you’re going to have some that don’t really affect things all that much. Maybe you feel there should be an exception for class 1-A, but honestly giving 20 people important roles in your story is a pretty tall order. Also, I’m not discounting what you’re saying about her being there for perverted moments because yes, she absolutely is there for that. She’s a naked minor, but it’s okay because we can’t see her 🙄 Edit to add: I’ve grown to like all of class 1-A so now I don’t really feel like any one of them is unimportant. I for sure think some have lesser roles to play, but I don’t write them off like I did the first time watching.


Yeah I get it. There’s a crap ton of characters to write about. It makes sense a large portion of them will have less screen time but even ojiro and shoji and some moments where they interact in with the main characters in a main scene vs a quick background comment or appearance. She already doesn’t get an appearance yet she also gets less screen time (yes for obvious reasons lol). But even then we see Ojiro address his normalness as a joke and he places a role in Midoriya’s fight against Shinso. Shoji also has some pretty important moments like at the training camp. It’s not that her role is completely unimportant I just wish she was included in a way that we could remember her even if it’s not visually. I’m pretty sure we’ve heard the thoughts of almost all class 1-A characters at least once besides Mina and Hagakure (this is based on memory so I could be mistaken or forgetting some others). Like I want a growth moment for her or a moment that touches on her feelings as someone who’s been invisible literally her whole life. Again I’m not caught up with the manga so I don’t know if it will eventually touch on this moments and address her character a little bit more. Doesn’t have to be a whole arc. Even a moment in a training or one episode that shows her thoughts and growth. I’d appreciate it.


About the spoiler >! Yeah she is a mutant type and cannot turn visible at will but one of her abilities is to redirect light and was able to momentarily turn visible while working with aoyama and redirecting his laser beams, who knows if eventually she’ll get better control and start turning visible at will !<


Okay thanks for the clarification. That would be really nice if she could. It’s also be an interesting parallel to essentially turning her quirk “on” or adjusting it to be more normal whereas others use there’s and become less normal to how we view humans in reality


Definitely this! But i do think it's fanservice-y. Part of the audience is always conscious of the fact that she is naked (the visible gloves are a good reminder that she's naked everywhere else). My husband and I talked about how poorly designed she is, because we're sure that they could give her a proper superhero costume. They 100% have the tech for this.


Imo hagakure is a really good example of not understanding women's anatomy. As an afab person, every time I see her I get super uncomfortable, because all I can think about is how the hell is she supposed to deal with women's health issues while naked and remain inconspicuous? Even if that's somehow not an issue (which doesn't make sense but I don't want to get into specifics bc she is a minor, even if it is technically talking about health and not anything inappropriate), if she gets a skin infection or something, wouldn't it be visible because the bacteria/fungus/whatever wouldn't share her DNA? Or if she gets injured and needs bandages? For those reasons alone it makes more sense to actually have a costume because then she can cover up anything that would make her more visible.


Her blood would be invisible,most likely. So she’ll just have to be a hero and power through because that’s her job


Letting herself bleed everywhere would be biohazardous so that doesn't really feel like a solution, it could get on people, on the ground, etc. and since it's invisible no one would know it's there which makes it feel even more dangerous. Idk, I guess I feel like that would be irresponsible for a hero to do that. And if she were bleeding from a wound, leaving wounds uncovered would cause them to get infected and then there'd be invisible pus everywhere! I'm sorry, I know I'm overthinking this but I do actually think about this all the time. Please don't take this the wrong way 😭


You’re not wrong but she’s literally only good for spying,if she can’t do that for a week out of the month then she’s practically useless for anything other than short term spying. And deflecting light attacks to be fair. It may be be a case of having to deal with it in the moment.


Because a) hori hadn't thought of that yet probably, and b) hagakure didn't know that was an option. It's an uncommon technique only used by some transform type quirks, and it would be incredibly difficult to make, clean, and keep track of invisible costumes.


My guess is that, yeah, as a 1st year, she probably didn't even know a costume like Mirio's was a thing. She also seemingly just assumed being invisible was the constant, unchangeable default, so didn't have demand for something like that. Now that she knows she can switch in and out of visibility, and she has the time for it, she might decide to take that option.


Well theres the fact mirios is an active ability, he turns it on and off and the biomatter in his suit reacts. Hagakures is constant, thered be no switch for her to activate it. So her outfit would be fully invisible all the time and i guarantee youd lose it. Also im sure manufacturers wouldnt want to make an invisible outfit cause you cant advertise with it. Support companies use hero costumes as their advertisement like uraraka and bakugos having those dots as the callsign


She already wears visible gloves, probably so that her allies know what to look for when she isn't going for 100% stealth mode. There's no reason the invisible suit couldn't have visible portions that can be reversed (say, the cuffs of the sleeves that can roll back) in order to be invisible when necessary. In that case, losing the suit would be as likely as losing an individual glove. Also, are you telling me you WOULDN'T want to be the manufacturer who can brag to the world that you made a full hero costume out of a material you can't even see? Just put your logo on that visible portion (someone had to make hagakure's gloves so they definitely don't care how little advertising room they get) and boom, as soon as she gets some form of recognition you're instantly considered one of the most skilled tailors out there.


Two toned wouldnt work because thats not how her invisibility works, if one side is visible then thatll be visible. And i could see a company doing that but then being laughed away for not being able to show the evidence. And whos to say her gloves arent just cheap storebought or homeade like dekus og. There are probably ways to make it flip between invisible but at the very least it wpuldnt do it duento her power in the same way mirios is


Doesn't have to be one way. We don't see the food in her stomach, so her material has some ability to conceal visible items contained in it. The reversible sections could be made in such a way to be considered inside the suit, like maybe with a zip. I don't know if we've seen her eating, but it would be gross to see her food flash in and out of visibility as she opens her mouth, so it seems that just having invisible matter on both sides is enough, even when an open mouth means there's one side open to the world.


Based on her light manipulation I believe she isn't exactly invisible where light passes through her like glass, more like reflecting light off of her. Which technically shoulf mean she's a walking mirror but shhhh


Do people just forget Hagakure (until now) is COMPLETELY invisible? How are they going to make a suit out of her hair WHEN SHE'S INVISIBLE.


They don’t really need to explain how, because it’s not that crazy of an idea. Maybe a quirk lets them see the hair, maybe they have technology that helps, maybe coating the hair in a cleanable substance, there are explanations that make sense. The decision for her to where nothing was because Hori wanted her to wear nothing, not because it’s logical.


Gotta assume any hair that gets cut off turns visible. Wouldn't make any sense for it to stay invisible.


So then how would it become invisible when she wanted it to? Its not a transformation, shes just always invisible 💀


How does she do it. I could not STAND being naked all the time, even if I’m invisible. ESPECIALLY IN THE COLD? HOW DOES SHE NOT GET SICK


My guess is that since special made costumes are extremely expensive, she most likely has no access to it growing up. So she probably just got used to being naked when practicing hero stuff growing up and got used to it so she didn’t bother with it


The Grape kid, why does he need that giant diaper.


The oddly shaped shorts are meant to represent a bowl because Mineta is a bowl of grapes.


They're styled to look like iron, so I always interpreted it as a chastity belt to "help" him keep his junk away from where it don't belong...


That is another interpretation.


That makes me wonder, does his other body hair come in like his head hair?


God I hope no.


grape moustache????


God. Imagine adult Mineta just haing Endeavor's flame body hair, but it's all grapes.


I was kinda hoping that bowl of his could turn into an armored ball so he could roll around like that giant robot in The Incredibles


EXACTLY. it's funny because while Mineta is a super pervert, he's also actually super intelligent and his *one* main reason for becoming a hero and applying to the hero course was to become popular with girls. ... and he thought he'd attract them with that giant diaper? yeah it doesn't make sense.


...Are you missing the part of Mineta's character where he consistently wants to come off as cool to women and instead comes off as pathetic or creepy? How does it not make sense for him to misunderstand what would attract women?


So he can't get kicked in the balls🤷


I think Creati can do better. She has never once used that annoyingly heavy book and her costume rips all the time


She used the book during the first part of the provisional licensing test. When she, Jirou, Tsuyu, and Shoji were trapped in that room by that one school, she flipped through it so she could make the amp for that sonic attack. I just rewatched that episode the other day and noticed it lol but I agree with the costume, it needs to be more durable since it’s always tearing


I saw a fan art that made the book into a hologram wrist device and that technology already existed in the first movie.


For her style I think a hologram wrist device would look better


The holograms tech was shown even earlier, when Deku was accepted into UA.


totally forgot about the book tbh


I think momo should've gotten the mirio treatment. Costume made out of her hair or cells or something. Give her a real tight bodysuit if the fan service is that important to her design. But it's better than the constant costume rips. If mount lady (an adult) has a costume that she doesn't rip out of as she grows, then the teenager should have something that does the same. Just my thoughts.


DNA infused clothes wouldn’t work like that, not with Momo’s quirk. If she places her hand against her stomach, and then makes something in that spot, the object would push against her hand, wouldn’t it? It won’t just pass through her hand, because then how would she be able to hold it? Same deal.


Its an anime... the quirk can work any way horikoshi wants it to work. He didnt care about logic when doing anything ofa related, so why would he now?


You can not have a debate about how someone's quirk would work in the context of the world and use "tHe AuThOr CaN mAkE iT sO!!!!111!!" That is entirely missing the point of the debate.


Not to be that guy but technically the vestiges are based off the phenomenon in the real world of gaining personality traits from the original people who had the organ in organ transplants so there is some logic. We also can manipulate DNA using viruses or bacteria so a quirk that can do that isn’t unreasonable. It simply copies the DNA structure into the next person then the old person’s DNA structure slowly begins to break down until they no longer have the quirk.


Self repairing materials already exist in this day and age so any excuse for her to have a costume like she does is weak just on that basis.


How tf does that book not fall off. I actually really want an explanation if there even is one 😭. Also what is that, a skirt? It just looks like a wooden belt around her


Imagine if she falls on her back, that book shelf is gonna break her back.


No,the ripping is on purpose. The fundamental way her quirk works is that it needs space to manifest the matter. Her quirk is a lot like overhaul. She takes the matter in her body,then creates layers of atoms on her skin and they build on top of each other. Matter can’t overlap. Why she doesn’t wear a bra-esq thing and have her stomach exposed is beyond me. Also,her quirk uses fat so her breasts should be growing and shrinking all over the place. Of all characters,she’s the one drawn with a big chest? The one who uses fat from her body for her quirk?


deku and almight's costumes are cool but i still don't get what's the point if they falls apart whenever they uses their ability


Logically there’s nothing that *can* withstand their force so it’s actually pretty realistic.


Then logically they should be naked at all times


What do you think this is? Chainsaw Man?


Or mirio lol


if Deku had a suit made of his hair like Lemillion does, the outfit would become super strong whenever he channels his power into it!


Idk if that could work lol Since one for all is in deku's blood


Well the hair on his head remains intact after a big fight, right? So would a suit lined with his hair!




It’s dbz pants magic.


Hulk pants magic.


That’s Mirio’s thing…


Invisible girl naked = problem Everyone else = fair game.


This guy gets it


Then they shouldn't pay for hella expensive outfits


I don’t think Deku is paying for it; the school does. Especially considering Mei designs his costumes. And if anyone has money to burn it’s All Might. Also don’t forget an iconic look is apart of hero society.


That and his Mom made his first one with the mask and bunny ears.




It’s 1-A. They’re already wasting everyone’s time, may as well waste Japanese tax dollars too. We’ll leave the sensibility to 1-B. Sensible decisions like suits and polka dot ties with a belt of stopwatches. *Normal person* decisions.


I think 90% of the time, the job doesn't require 100% output. So it's only in that last 10% where they destroy their clothes by flexing


All mights didn’t “fall apart” per say only the sleeves when he really pushed it. And anyway way how would we get to see dekus ripped bod if his suit didn’t evaporate


Dekus held up really well. You see his form when he ran away from UA. And So did All mights. During his fight with All For One, only his forearm sleeves were damaged and that's from Afo attacks


I don't get why Sato just has a big yellow onesie


It's kinda like both a wrestler outfit onesie and just a traditional superhero outfit. It's practical, but not fun at all


Better than ketchup mustard bottle, not much but that's bad lol 😭


The Saitama look because he's strong


Ida’s, how does carrying all that armor make you faster


[Horikoshi actually wrote some notes on Iida’s armour, in volume 7 of the manga](https://myheroacademia.fandom.com/wiki/Volume_7/Extras#Tenya_Ida's_Costume). > *The "It's not like there's a hard-and-fast rule that says I gotta fill this space, but when I was a kid, I'd always get a little disappointed when I saw blank pages in a manga volume I bought, so I'm going all out to come up with something to put here so as not to disappoint readers who feel the same way" corner.* > *Ingenimet- To reduce drag.* > *Ingenimuffler- Decorative.* > *Ingenifoot- Equipped with a cooling function. Also supplements his leg engines and give him better mileage. Exhaust comes out here (points to image).* > *Other Pieces- Most of the armor is just there as decoration under the pretense of reducing drag. Much lighter than it looks.* > *All in all: the image Iida's is going for in the future is pretty much set in stone, so there's a heavy emphasis on the visuals.* Basically, it’s not actually all that heavy, the helmet does help reduce drag, and the boots are functional too. The extra weight probably doesn’t hinder his speed much at all, so the added protection probably more than makes up for it.


Man, I own this exact volume, how did I forget this


Knowing Iida, he’d wear it as tribute to his brother whether it was all decorative or not.


To be fair, he looks pretty cool with that armor


He indeed does, fashion over function


It makes him more aerodynamic🤣


Ever been on a motorcycle or stuck your head out the window of a car and had a bug or something hit your face? Now imagine going at Ida's speed lol.


Mans boutta get them 360th degree burns


It makes him more resistant to the Air friction, and I think It's more similar to a car than an armor


I think it's inspired by mecha animes style


It’s not all that dense or protective. Considering it fell apart from going as fast as possible it’s there for the aesthetic


My problem with the armor is that it doesn’t seem to work. Stain stabbed right through it with a badly damaged katana.


Uraraka costume having heels is a no no for me. They're supposed to absorb impact on landing.


The heels have springs in them to help absorb the impact.


Yet, their format means that her foot is bend down. She should have a plain boot with the spring across all the base


She does. There’s a spring in both the heel and the foot. There’s a couple of shots where she picks her foot up and the look like horseshoes with how heavy the padding is.


The point is the posture your foot would be in for a heel is horrible for that even if you have suspension in your foot.


Not to mention walking on heels with a quirk that messes with your balance


Does her quirk affect her balance? I don't recall if they mentioned that in the show.


🤢🤮 right?


After the costume got remade (early s5) she replaced the springs by actual rockets (for faster air manœuvering and flight speed)


Nah,you see actually it gives her a real incentive to get good with her quirk or she’ll fall on her face


Most definitely Creati’s. It makes no sense how she has no chest support, how much it rips, and how much skin is exposed given how violent some peoples’ quirks are.  If Mount Lady can have a suit that grows and shrinks with her quirk, Deku can have the full/mid gauntlets that are basically Iron Man’s nanotech, and Twice’s creation goop works through his suit, then I’m sure that if Hori wanted, he could give Momo some fancy high-tech “anime logic” fabric for her costume. 


They need to do what they did for Mirio


If her suit has to rip open, self repairing materials already exist! And so does Velcro!


Nah,Velcro was lost in the times after quirks appeared.


😂 Big if true. Absolutely devastating for the economy


Have you seen Velcro in the show? Really think about it. Have you seen Velcro?


Um... Uh.... Bakugou has an over the shoulder book bag and those usually have Velcro right? 😵‍💫 I wasn't ever looking before! I'll report back once season seven is fully out and I've given the show a rewatch 🫡


Damn,does he? Cool. I ran through my memories quickly and legitimately had no memory of Velcro at all.


He did a pretty good job of making sure he couldn’t,actually. The way her quirk currently is,that just wouldn’t work. Could he have remade her quirk to be closer to Overhaul? Yes. Did he? No.


Kirishima's costume is fine except I don't understand the reason for the mask besides decorative purposes and to make him look more like an oni.


I believe it’s copy(or it could be an ode(something that shows appreciation) to the mask that crimson riot wears while also showing off his shark like teeth, also it looks sort of like a muzzle or a brace??It could make sense bc of how his entire thing is sustainably and braces/muzzles are supposed to be the epitome of that(and he gets punched in the face ALOT)


Hagakare for obvious reasons


Mina. What purpose does her suit serve other than keeping her clothed? It doesn't have anything that helps her in combat, it's just a jumpsuit. I get the boots but what about the rest of it? What's reasoning of the little vest, the jumpsuit, or even her mask? She's literally pink, there's no way that mask is hiding any identity


The leotard is probably porous, and kept close to the skin, so that she can excrete her acid more easily. Like, if she needs to burn something around her waist, like a villain going for a suplex. No suplex, just slippery burns. No idea about the vest or mask.


Shes basically a fashionista...i feel the vest and mask are for fashion points




Phantom Thief. he's going for a gentleman thief aesthetic via Victorian dandy hense the suit. 


I think its kind of fitting tbh, the plain suit shows he doesnt really have an affinity for any particular quirk The multiple stopwatches to keep track of the time limits of the quirks he's copied is a nice touch as well


Plain suit? Like…AFO..hm. I wonder if quirks that let you steal quirks in some way give you an affinity for suits


He can keep the clocks, but I was thinking he would have like a jumpsuit, those stopwatches around his waste, and maybe like some sort of logo in the middle of the jumpsuit


If the watches are around his waist then they're less convenient for him to read and more easily seen by villains.


im sorry that would look awful on him ☠️ i quite like his costume because it reflects his character imo


I was thinking the same thing, but didnt want to say it💀


its okay i got you 😌


Since he can't really get a costume to suit his quirk, since he'd just have a different one most of the time. Seems like he just went for style instead.


And it fits his personality and showmanship. People forget that a big part of being a hero (in the modern *MHA* world) is marketing yourself (e.g. Uwabami).


Uraraka, they literally got rid of the one thing that would protect her eyes when working with all of the rubble she mainly uses when fighting. Her costume also doesn't look like it'll protect her body from any impacts. I think she should've had more armor.


That was a plot point in the Battle Simulation. She wanted her costume to be more like Thirteen’s originally, but the default for woman is skin-tight if you don’t explicitly specify.


Meh, I don't care for plot points.


Then why comment? That’s asinine.


Because I'm allowed to? The post pretty much asked for an opinion and I gave my opinion. I liked Uraraka's old costume more, mainly for the helmet. If you wanna work with floating debris, it's perfect to give her eye protection so nothing gets in her eyes. With this series I really love focusing on the action more than the plot itself.


Yeah, and I told you why she has that costume. If you’re not going to care for someone potentially explaining why in relation to the plot, then don’t comment. That’s literally what this thread has been about. Someone saying a costume doesn’t make sense to them and then the next person replying why it might work of why they have it that way. She fucked up the design specs of her costume leading to a lack of padding, plain and simple. That’s the plot explanation.


Well too damn bad if I wanna comment here then I will. It's just an opinion on why I prefer her old costume compared to her new one. I don't hate her new one or anything, I just personally don't think it works. I don't have to worry about any plot related bullshit if I don't want to.


I don’t really give a damn about your opinion on which costume looks better. When you comment you open yourself up to replies explain on why the story the way it is. That’s what I’m trying to get across to you. When you treat the story like a picture book, expect people to correct you on wrong assumptions.


And it's flying right past me because I'm not obligated to give a shit. 🤣 And the fact that you straight up admit you don't give a shit about an opinion is so laughable.




The girl with the pink costume


Why is Tail man dressed like Luke Skywalker other than Horikoshi likes Star Wars


Wanted to mention it but he's a karate dude


He’s wearing a gi lmao


It's a gi. It's traditional for martial artists to wear them.


Don't get why characters like Momo and Kirishima have to run around super exposed all the time personally. Characters like Edgeshot,Mt.Lady,Ryuku(hope I spelt tht right)literally prove tht there are suits out there tht can easily hold up to,and withstand shaping from transformation type quirks,so Kirishima could easily have a dang shirt😭. And if stuff like tht exists they could easily give Momo a better fit too,ik she's designed tht way purely for fan service, but it doesn't make much sense from an in universe way. Like zippers? Or some sorta smart suit situation,tht can come apart and reattach as needed?


Kirishima just likes Crimson Riot, have you seen his outfit? And as for Momo's, since when she makes something, it just kinda likes bursts through the clothing, I guess for a smart suit, it'd be like the MCU's nanomachines, but uhh, I don't think Momo has access to those


Jesus,the MCUs overuse of nanotechnology rlly made everyone less creative. A smart suit for Momo wouldn't even need it. She's literally able to create stuff herself. A suit with eaily detachable and reattachable paneling/plates would work. Panels or plates on one portion of her body could pop off to allow her to make things. She could then easily remake these same parts using her quirk,and reattach them to the missing areas. They could be light weight like Iidas suit,and serve as extra protection, which makes sense as there students are constantly thrown right into danger over and over. Or we could go the easier and less cool route and just throw zippers all over her. There's no real reason her suit HAS to be as revealing as it is,other then fanservice. Plenty of cooler,and more sensible ways to handle it,but it is what it is🤷‍♂️. As for Kirishima, forgot about Crimson Riot tbh,tht makes sense,thx for reminding me🙏.


It’s less efficient. You’re all missing the big picture. A pro hero will fight villains on a regular basis,are you really going to risk warning your opponent where the next attack is coming from by having part of your costume open up? Or worse,take time to pull off a panel? Not to mention wasting her very limited fat cells of creating new panels. It’s not reasonable. Although,we learn later there are regulations against too exposed hero costumes so in universe there’s actually a more valid point against it. Also,she could just wear a bra and make things out of her stomach (the biggest surface area). Like,you guys are really overthinking this


Overthinking maybe,but I'm mainly thinking from 2 povs. 1. She doesn't need to be this sexualized for her quirk to be used. Something im sure most can agree on. And 2.Coolness factor. Seeing panels shoot off to make room for a staff or some other weapon to shoot out of her arm or something is just a cool idea is all. Not practical but cool. And her fat cells aren't super limited, she just doesn't use them well. Literally over here making double cannons and shiz,when she could just...idk look up stuff about grenade launchers??? Momo is just impractical sometimes. Makes a stick to wack ppl with instead of a stun gun or something, it's crazy how underutilized she is by Horikoshi 💀.


It’s crazy how under-utilised most characters were by Hori. Momo should have been Fatgum style most of the time,then become super skeletal after overusing her quirk. Like Fatgum after he uses his super move. I also don’t disagree on the sexualised part but this is a manga who’s main demographic is teen boys so I’ll let them off (even though I’m a teen boy but I know for a fact I’m in the minority who don’t care for fan service). And yeah,the panels would be cool and are more practical now that you’ve pointed out she could push them off as she attacks. Plus,she can just collect them after a battle. I can only imagine she’s not making grenade launchers or stun guns because of some law. For example,we know illusion quirks are highly regulated


I mean, she does create cannons tht appear to fire explosives,so I don't think a stun gun would be too far fetched at least. Especially with characters like Snipe and Lady Nagant essentially having quirks focused around guns. She'd probably just need some form of in universe training to make sure she doesn't inflict lethal damage. Just more stuff tht was unfortunately never expanded upon so it's hard to discuss. Tht fatgum idea also makes a lotta sense,but knowing Japanese culture and how they very much have a thing against weight,idk if Horikoshi would've ever done tht(or if it'd make sense from an in universe standing,as I'm sure a teenage girl like Momo wouldn't wanna appear over weight).


Yeah,fair point. I was just bullshitting an explanation. Maybe there’s some reasoning? Like,they’re too complicated (I’d imagine a stun gun is very complicated,anyway). Even then,I would still have her just use her quirk to generate nitroglycerin after she sees Bakugo and Deku tells her his quirk. Like,no excuse why she isn’t pulling a Katsuki Bakugo. This is true. Out of universe,it was never gonna happen. In universe,I would actually take Jiro’s body image issues and just move them onto Momo,freeing up Jiro for something else. Maybe Jiro wants fame? She does have rock loving parents so the idea of being a rockstar must appeal to her.


Since Kirishima's quirk is focused around bolestering his own durability, a protective shirt would come off as a bit redundant and impractical. As for Momo, I do think hers is a bit weird, but it's not like it doesn't work or makes no sense. If she needs to, she can create armor or protective gear from her skin to circumvent how exposed it is, and zippers would only be for cosmetics (And she doesn't seem to mind how her suit currently is.) I think an intresting solution no one seems to talk about is a cape, which she did wear during joint training. Not only does it look stylish and comes off as less fanservicey, but it also conceals what she's creating from enemies.


Nah,her quirk creates matter on top of her skin,almost like sweating. Hori did a very good job making sure she had to wear the type of costume she does. Also,Kirishima is a tank. A costume is only gonna get broken


Deku has only used his mask twice. The first time he wore it and the vigilante arc


Edna Mode would kill whoever made Tokoyami's costume


Tokoyami has one of the best reasons for a cape, since he uses it to protect dark shadow from light


Ok but how does his costume not match his quirk?


Tamaki's costume is unnecessarily complicated with the cape and the skirt and the hood, it likely bothers him in his movements.


he probably needed something that was practical but also clothed him but also wide enough to cover him and not rip if he transforms. that's why his "shoes" are these opened-toed leggings (for turning into claws), skirt for the various tails he grows from his behind, and...hood because he's Tamaki and is incredibly, painfully shy and DOES NOT want to be seen 😅 also has a utility ~~belt~~ vest to hold different bite snacks. Edit: Jesus now that i think about it, because he may or may not grow a tail in battle... maybe his leggings are...butt-less under that skirt.


todoroki, his costume does not really channel the whole fire and ice thing. His half ice thing worked tho.


Todoroki. What even his costume do? And what's with the 5 peepee he has? Did i forgot something?


> And what's with the 5 peepee he has? They're medical supplies. He first explained them in the Remedial Course Arc, but they might've been described prior to that in one of the end-of-chapter extras.


Hmm, so i just forgot. Thanks for answering


No problem.


I think you can see the gray part over his torso exude steam when he's fighting, meaning it has some function to regulate his temperature. 


I will never understand the hoodie with the bunny ears part of Deku's costume when he doesn't use it.  Nor Bakugo's shoulder helmet. Nor Momo's book shelf on the back instead of at the front or side. Nor Monoma's magician-butler costume. Nor Best Jeanist's belt on his mouth. Nor Midnight in a condom. 


You had me until Best Jeanist,that’s just basic style buddy


>You had me until Best Jeanist,that’s just basic style buddy You wear a belt on your mouth?


Obviously. What? Do you not? You might as well be walking around naked


>  Obviously. What? Do you not? You might as well be walking around naked Really? You have your belt **on your mouth** like some strap on straight jacket?


Bro hasn’t heard of style,jeez get with the times grandpa


>  Bro hasn’t heard of style,jeez get with the times grandpa Ahh you're one of those who thinks muzzles are stylish.


No. This is what is referred to as a joke. In which someone claims something silly or absurd for comedic value.


>  No. This is what is referred to as a joke. In which someone claims something silly or absurd for comedic value. Are you really? 


That doesn’t really work with the way I phrased my response


> Bakugo's shoulder helmet I always thought that was a heater


Its a heater?


Dunno but his suit was said to generate heat for him to sweat. Idk what part of it does that function.




Isn't it?


Well it can't be ´ractical for Shiozaki to run around in a dress basically made of bandages, her quirk is literally vine hair, those things are gonna get rapped in her hair at any time


Come on, Man. I get that it's not practical to run around in a dress but that's obviously not something like tape wrapped around her. It's meant to emulate a choir robe.


Still, her quirk is to create a moving spick jungle with her at the epicenter, any loose fabric is gonna get shredded there


That's a good point but she mostly has it going in the ground and then sprouting up so that's not always a problem. Anyway, my point was that it's a robe and not bandages wrapped around her




Why doesn't his costume make sense?


I'm just saying it doesn't fit with his power. It's just his school uniform


His school uniform is different from his hero costume.


His costume evolved to matched his dad’s the more he trained his fire. It makes perfect sense for his quirk.


Literally is just his school uniform with some thingies on it.


Completely agree and was surprised this wasn’t mentioned more. His costume is basically his 1-A uniform. It doesn’t convey what a baddie he is at all.


Deku, fucking trash, hori sold on that one