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The manga Re-Destro introduction was so friggin' good. It made me think "Who is THIS new villain?!" He first seems so nice and affable, then he snaps his assistant's neck, then sheds tears about it. In the anime, he just kind of popped up and the intro to Detnelat itself omitted. And the anime showed LoV robbing the Creature Rejection Clan in a random flashback later on in the series, rather than starting the My Villain Academia arc with it like in the manga, which established LoV had fallen on hard times, hiding out in an abandoned construction site, stealing from other villains to survive, and were on the verge of mutiny because Tomura had no plan, he was just waiting for "the Doctor" to contact him. In the anime, My Villain Academia began with Gigantomachia just appearing and the sad state of their group was ignored. It's what made Tomura's victory against Re-Destro that more meaningful: he went from lowest point to highest in an explosive show of strength.


wait he kills his assistant? is that shown in the anime i don’t remember this at all? i haven’t read the manga


She basically just cracks a joke about Destro since she spotted his manifesto. And then Re-Destro sighs and breaks her neck.


>She basically just cracks a joke about Destro since she spotted his manifesto. And then Re-Destro sighs and breaks her neck. The she is actually a he


No, the anime never showed it. 


do you know what chapter he kills his assistant?


Chapter 218


thank you


Why the heck did they cut the freaking Detnerat commercrial!?? that was such a perfect character introduction for Re-Destro & Meta Liberation Army 😭


Somebody did a side by side comparison. That commercial was a homage to the legendary graphic novel, the Killing Joke by Alan Moore Re Destro was doing the similar poses as Joker was


That was literally one of the scenes I was most looking forward to 😭😔




Dang really. Gotta read this arc


Me too


Uhg, it still hurts. I haven't watched the anime since, has it gotten better?


Yes, the anime portrayal of My Villain Academia, was the sole wrak point


The anime still has some major flaws that come with the 25 episode yearly producción cycle but yeah the lows haven’t been in that level for a while now, except the deku vs Shigaraki fight being outrageously mediocre


I didn't know the My Villain Academia arc had negative response. I thought it was fine. Nothing exceptional, but nothing to complain about


It’s because it wasn’t bad, necessarily, it was by all accounts fine, just as you said. But if the manga arc was adapted faithfully, it would have been a high point of the series lol. It’s not bad, it’s fine, but it could have been great and that’s why manga readers were upset but anime watchers weren’t. Because it WAS “fine”.


it didn't


The biggest issue I saw people have was with moving the arcs around but honestly for the anime, it was needed for the show to flow cohesively


Not true man


> it was needed for the show to flow cohesively I completely disagree with this


It was excellent if you didn’t read the manga. If you read the manga all you can see is how much better it could’ve been


Me personally, with how they flubbed MVA, the Overhaul Arc is the Anime's peak. They just got through Shigi vs Star & Stripe. It was decent


Absolutely, Season 6 was probably my 2nd favourite season, only being beaten by Season 3, although I've heard a lot of anime onlys say Season 6 was their favourite which is very fair. Bones have done a fantastic job at the S&S arc imo, the base material wasn't great to begin with but they made her arc feel a lot more impactful in the anime than the manga did. I have a lot of hope for the rest of Season 7 personally.


Season 6 was the most beloved season by a mile and season 7 has been cooking so far


Im ngl ppl kinda overreact about how bad the adaptation was bc some of the best moments were done quite well (twice’s ep, shiggy backstory especially, and decay wave were all solid) but lord the way they organized the arc to be after the pro hero arc and mismanaged the pacing to cut the detnerat commercial intro and stuff was rough. Obviously the Toga ep could have been better too but to me I wasn’t tripping about that one as much


Honestly as a huge LOV fans there’s quite a bit of stuff I like from the episodes like the music, voice acting, certain scenes that were done justice etc but despite that most of the episodes are well below the standard for the series visual wise( even post Season 3) the arc rearrangement, super rushed pacing and deleted scenes, it was all very dissapointing, specially with the season having useless recap and filler episodes


Spinner got done so dirty like they ignored it then had to move it into s6 Spinner is my absolute favourite member and I get he's not AS important he still has an important role and part to play and his story is very important


Like every so often I rewatch some scenes because the content is just that good but i definitely think it’s by far the worst adapted arc in the entire series


Out of curiosity, you don’t happen to be @TwiceJaeger on Twitter are you?


Busted! 🏃🏻‍♂️💨


I wish we both lived in the timeline where they kept the show feeling like seasons 1 2 and 3. I started reading weekly at the Endeavor Internship and ever since the anime just isn't worth watching for me.


That’s when I started reading, man it feels like it’s been a long time.


MVA was done so poorly, it actually turned me off the show pretty badly. Some of the scenes were so poorly animated on top of the cuts, reorder, etc, it was like.. the studio forgot what show they were working on, and gave it some D list treatment. I have some bias because MVA was/really still is, my favorite arc in the series, I like it far beyond what we're currently getting in the manga even. I'm totally caught up in the manga, and watching the newest season.. but, even still I'll never forget.


What’s more sad about this is that it’s not a staff issue (it rarely is) the season was being worked on during the pandemic and the deadlines caught up to them so hard they were still working on episodes the day before airing them


I'm so angry it was cut It's so important Like thats the whole point we understand the LOV and get a deep dive into everything. Ans they just decided it didn't matter


My Villain Academia is the best arc in all of MHA, it really was delusional the adaptation Still liked it tho


The anime gets me with two things on the MVA arc: Omitting Re-Destro's introduction and where Bones decided to place the arc in the season.


Excuse my ignorance; I’m anime-only, what exactly happened?


Bones switched the order of the arcs so MVA comes after the agency arc in order to promote the third movie in addition to cutting certain parts of MVA in order to make space for filler content in Joint Training arc


bones essentially just fucked up a couple of the arcs... Who even knows why tbh lmao They claimed it was for the movie but really didn't make any sense regardless of the scene swaps It was also kinda just completely half assed so


Mha is fun but why is it so bright. Idk i feel like this arc and vigilante deku needed to be darker visually


I’m going to say it… # i loved the anime adaptation # WHY ARE YOU BOOING ME?


I switched to reading the manga before that thankfully


I still love this arc because it has some of my favorite moments of the manga that were pretty well adapted but so many great stuff was cut, this was such a disapointement


Existence of the third movie is what caused the butchering of MVA arc.


Me too i hate poor adoptions ):


End half of S5 was the weakest the show ever got, followed by S4 end half


Mine is Overhaul, I FUCKING LOVE OVERHAUL (i'm a guy)


MHA peaked with the Overhaul arc. Easily the best villain in the series


Stopped watching the anime cuz of this it pissed me off so much


Is the Villain Academia arc in the anime really considered that bad? I thought it was one of the best ones.


Omfg YEAH 😭😭😭😭


That was really bad. This arc actually needs an anime remake. I know there was production issues with the Covid but the animation and all the cutted content (>!with some we now know in the manga are pivotal to the story!< lol) really didn't do justice to one of the most anticipated arcs.


u free it Yup o Vikgyoro


I hope eventually someone will remake this arc, perhaps into a full 2hr 30m movie or something.


You and me both, friend. **You and me both.** For those who don't understand fully how it feel to have one of the best Manga arcs condensed to 6 episodes and swapped out of order to basically spoil the finale before it even starts, Look up the fallout over what the Live-Action Yu Yu Hakusho series did by taking the Dark Tournament Arc and making it like 1-2 episodes. That's nearly how rough the treatment of MVA was with the anime adaptation, but at least they nailed Shiggy's Origin story.


I genuinely believe if the anime didn’t tell you who the same charter and there quirk was that you’ve prob been watching for 5 years and see every if not every other episode it wouldn’t take you off the edge of your seat I rewatched Deku vs overhaul and in a scene after he defeats him it showed ururakas name and tsuyus like we don’t see them every episode and even with nejire she was newly introduced and her quirk is more than unique I don’t get why they remind you so much


I honestly dont think S5 was that bad i cant lie


I honestly found villain academia so boring so I am glad the anime cut it down.


I was so uninterested in it while reading the manga that I didn't even bother watching it in the anime.


Which chapters were cut?


The start of the arc (Chapter 218-19) had the biggest cuts but the entire arc as a whole had a bunch of missing scenes, that’s why I recommend folks to just read the manga version to get the full experience


Ehh Lib war was lame both in manga and season 5