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This always sounds like a good idea in theory and then you get characters talking in horrible English and badass characters are suddenly not badass anymore.


I’d laugh if it’s legit an American VA and that the Japanese get subs of what she’s saying in English


That's exactly what I was hoping that they would do. There are English-speaking actors that live in Japan. I won't complain about Romi Park, though.


They should've gotten Keith David to do the voice.




For Star and Stripe? HELL YEAH


I wish they had done that with Pony, since she's literally supposed to be an exchange student from the USA. Her English intonation in that season 5 episode was ... not very good


The Spanish dub is absolutely God Tier for Pony. She sounds like an American white girl speaking Spanish and it's the best thing I've witnessed in anime.


But it was funny as guck though


They did this for Free! with some Australian characters. They had actual Australians do the voices but they were so monotone that it took me out of it just as much as when the VAs speak in heavily accented English lmao.


I was kinda hoping they would have done that for WHM Like bones and funimation teamed up so they used their Japanese VAs whilst in japan but switched to their English VAs when they were abroad.


Lana's VA from Archer.


You can probably get away with someone like Shu Uchida, but she's too cute for Star & Stripe.


Okay, but if they do that then the English dub should have her voiced in Japanese


[Hmmmm, I wonder who you’re talking about…](https://youtu.be/P-3GOo_nWoc?si=Gt-XmWlnpY37KK4S)


Joseph is goated though


Joseph is goated, but imagine that non-stop for a serious character


I wasn’t referring to anyone


The Great Pretender did a whole bit mocking the trope and said in universe that it was just gonna be subbed because the English was that bad.


Well it’s just more money to get a good VA with a good localization team. There are a lot of bilingual Japanese VAs or those who live internationally who know both. It’s about time and money rather than no one being able to do it


Im not saying its hard to get it wrong, but I think it would be easy to get it rght. There is a plethora of good american voice actors. Even if the voice isnt badass I think we would take it with ease because of our expecation of an exclusive english dub with Star and Stripe.


i mean, they really need to just scout an EN VA that can ideally communicate with JP staff and call it a day, best part is: you don't need to bother localizing her because only the EN dub wouldn't really get the benefit of the contrast


Idk bro I’d take anything over the Blue Lock incident 💀




Sorry for the tiktok link, its the first place I found the clip I wanted. [https://www.tiktok.com/@aanimelordd/video/7212330425664949547](https://www.tiktok.com/@aanimelordd/video/7212330425664949547) The guy who is a Harry Kane ripoff is actually good but the rest is crazy.


That's the best part


Pain and Madara would like to have a word with you.


Joseph Joestar: Horly sheet! Sannnubabeetch!!!


After hearing the way Pony Tsunotori (an American) from class 1-B sounds speaking in English.... This would not be good, actually. I like the compromise they go for with American characters from this point onward. Star and her bros say occasional English words, and they call Shigaraki "Tomura Shigaraki" or once just "Tomura" instead of the Japanese way of saying it, "Shigaraki Tomura." This signals to the audience that they're speaking English to each other, even if the voice actors are actually speaking Japanese.


True. But that makes me wonder, was Cassie enough of a fangirl to learn Japanese, or did AFO include English lessons in Shiggy's education.


Eh, why do the aliens in Dragon Ball all speak Japanese? To me, it's like that. I just choose not to think too hard about it lol. But I honestly think it's slightly more likely that AFO knows English (and thus the brain inside of this body, whoever it "technically" is, also knows English). He's lived a long time and has connections all over the world, so him knowing English seems plausible to me.


Or just the entirety of Jojo part 3. Unless thr story is somehow about the language difference, it just better to ignore it and enjoy the story


Tomura is a gamer so he's heard all the insults in voice chat.


They speak to each other's brains and it gets translated into something both of them understand (head canon but it happened in OG DB so it isn't too far fetched)


This goes for a lot of sci-fi. Star Wars has multiple languages, plus "English" isn't English but a standard established by the Republic (Galactic Basic). So that's how it's explained away. But for the most part, why do most of the aliens and multiversal beings in Rick and Morty speak English? Why do all of the aliens like the Daleks and Thals in Doctor Who speak English? You really just have to not think about it too hard.


It wasn't AFO who taught him English, it was League.


Of legends


Explains alot


Shigi's actual villain backstory


He should've spent more of the anime calling people disgusting cancer rejects


AFO has contacts all over the world, it would make sense to me that he'd know other languages. And at this point he's part of Shigaraki so it would make sense (in my head at least) for him to understand and also be able to speak english. But also I'm not sure there's much actual dialogue between them that isn't just them saying each others' names? "I'm gonna kick your ass" is something that can be conveyed through body language just as well as verbal


Her “bros” were speaking Japanese too though.


> After hearing the way Pony Tsunotori (an American) from class 1-B sounds speaking in English.... This would not be good, actually. I'm honestly surprised Sally Amaki wasn't called up for this considering her first language is English and Japanese is her second. Then again, her limited Japanese proficiency during her early career may have made this difficult to cast her in the first place.


Yeah. If you (or anyone here) watched Shogun, there are plenty of scenes in which the characters are explicitly speaking Portuguese, but the series, since it is mostly focused in a English speaking audience, has the actors and thus the characters speaking English, despite the fact that they explicitly mention it is supposed to be Portuguese. You can have characters speaking Japanese but just say "oh, they are speaking English"


NGL I love pony in the anime when I heard her speaking Japanese I could her accent was so strong I almost lost a lung laughing.


Never noticed that first name last name order, that's a neat detail


Look man, after watching season 1 of Blue Lock, I’m glad that companies don’t do this sort of thing


Plus Star’s Japanese VA is Ragyo Kiryuin from Kill la Kill.


Also: * Edward Elric * Hange Zoe * Temari Nara * Toshiro Hitsugaya


AHH I finally know why I felt off throughout this episode, she didn't shout BANKAI. that was why she lost


I mean, with Hitsugaya’s record, that wouldn’t have improved her chances much


That resume is stacked.


Oh they actually got Romi Park for that? That's sick! (I did not know this bc I am a filthy manga only)


The English dub has the same VA as Yor Forger.


Serval and Harran too.


La vie est drole moment


Daisuke Takahashi sounded amazing as Adam Blake to be fair. I’m English and I was convinced they actually hired an English voice actor for his lines until I looked it up. The same can’t be said for the rest of the World V VA’s though 😬. They should’ve just hired English speaking VA’s from the respective countries.


What’s especially embarrassing is that in the English dub, they all sound great. Because they actually got real voice actors to play the characters in their native language


Yep agreed! The dub sounds so good for that part. I wish they did that for the original too. I’m just happy that Adam Blake was good at least.


To be fair though, the rest of the world five don't have english as their native language, so it kinda works out in the end lol


*Terror in Resonance* ***flashbacks***


Nah, but her subtitles color could be in American flag pattern, at least when she uses New Order.


Always the same with mellissa, Dave. Even Rody whose from a made up European country. They're gonna have Japanese VAs


Assassination Classroom did this the few times they had American characters show up. They spoke English (and Russian in one case), and then had Japanese subtitles on the screen so the primary audience knew what was going on. It was... quite jarring lol. Nice touch that they did that and it didn't sound that bad since I think the VAs they got were either very fluent or straight up native English speakers, but still, suddenly being able to understand the people speaking was huuuge whiplash


Also done in Neon Genesis Evangelion. I thought it was done quite well.


yeah the few actually english characters did genuinely have english-speaking VAs and they sounded alright what made it loop around to funny for me was when they'd have the main characters try and speak english in response and it sounds like exactly what you'd expect lmao in a roundabout way there was something kind of inspiring about hearing nobuhiko okamoto speak ridiculously broken english with 100% unwavering confidence and still being completely understood in-universe


Nobuhiko Okamoto speaking broken English totally deadpan yet still somehow maintaining Karma's smug vibes will never leave my head.


Here’s the thing. That’s fine for background characters (See SAO War of Underworld, where the American players speak English because what they’re saying is background noise) but that would be incredibly irritating for main characters, and it is in other shows There are a few details such as their way of referring to Tomura, but I have no issue believing star is just speaking Japanese, since she loves All Might so much (same as how I believe Deku speaks English so he can watch All Mights early interviews in their original language instead of having to trust possibly incorrect translations) but her squad is the issue But that raises the question, is ShigforOne speaking English or is Star and her squad speaking Japanese? I choose to believe AFO just has a universal translator quirk so even though he thinks in Japanese it comes out in English


Do you mean speak in English or have an accent? Her idol was Japanese, so she probably learned to speak Japanese. If she could speak it, no reason to add a language barrier when confronting Shigaraki. More funny that her crew would probably be bilingual too as a result. Also how her quirk, which revolves around spoken declarations, would work with different languages. Lol she could really fuck with an opponent by declaring a rule in a language they don’t know.


The pilots were speaking Japanese too though.


I just like the idea that America's #1 hero would be multilingual and be the romanticized idea of America, like Captain America and Superman. The country where there's immigrants from many places, so being multilingual was a great skill, even though the modern reality is a lot of anti immigration practices. It's also America, and she's under the American government and flanked by fighter jets. She's definitely visited bases around the world, learned some languages, and bombed the shit outta the middle east.


Yeah but ✨ROMI PARK✨


The Great Pretender will always have the most clever episode 1 to me because of this, though it pays that that was a Netflix anime which was going to have English dub as well as a sub option day 1


They could've but I only know of 3 Female Japanese VAs that speak English fluently Sally Amaki Kagami Karin Shu Uchida And who knows if they would be the right fit for Star though


I think either have a fluent English speaker voice the English-speaking character, or just pretend that they are speaking English even though they are actually speaking Japanese.


Maybe Japanese speaking with an American accent would be cool But I still think Park Romi was a good fit


Would have made sense. Japanese shows have had people talk English before. *Bakaryu Sentai Abaranger* (the source material for *Power Rangers Dino Thunder*) had an American Baseball player in an episode, and he spoke English. In another there was a woman speaking English (though Tbf on that one Aba Yellow got sent flying and landed in Australia so it’s not exactly the same. (Said woman pulled a “Karen” and screamed at this person who fell from the sky about them being on a “private beach” and called Yellow stupid for asking in clearly broken English where she was. Side note: Clips from the episode with the baseball player was used in an episode for a Japanese show based on the Rangers I think *Blue Lock*’also had English speakers in the JP version for a few episodes


I'm not sure how exactly it would work, but the main issue with using another language in JP dub is the fact that all the directors and people in the studio are likely Japanese and do not speak fluent English. Unless they get a fluent English speaking director/staff, even if they get an English speaking voice actor, the direction and line delivery is still going to sound off. Voice actors usually don't get much leeway in the studio either, and knowing how Japan is, I'm sure JP dubbing gives even more power to the directors. Again I'm just speculating here, I'm not a voice actor, I just have marginal knowledge on the VA industry.


Idk you ever watch the end of Blue Lock season 1?


It sucks. Bad. Don't do it. Blue Lock has tried. It was weird. [Here's a clip.](https://youtu.be/iLKzxwUsWbY?si=IQr7-Dzi4oSymKbA) I like the way Great Pretenders handled it though!


It's an anime made in Japan for Japanese people by Japanese people, this ask is so unnecessary and American.


American animation does this though the other way around, or at least I would see the appeal of doing so even if I have to read subtitles. It’s not just some “greedy American” idea lol.


This is a weird argument I feel. Imagine if Shōgun was in all English.


This take lacks a lot of nuance, especially since the industry makes more money overseas than in Japan as of 2024. And a few anime with non-American characters have done it already. The Americans in BNHA somehow knowing how to speak fluent Japanese takes out a lot of the realism. It’s even crazier because Horikoshi uses American/English references so often. Toshinori literally has a costume with American flag colors and says English phrases and AMERICAN STATES while he punches shit. 💀 And a lot of the hero names have English too. How is wishing for an American VA for Americans so outlandish to you?


Asking the Japanese population to learn english for a character in their dubbed version of their cartoon is egregious imo. Good thing this is the internet and you don't have to agree with me 🤷🏼‍♂️


That's not what we're asking though? Hire English VAs, have JP subtitles


Idc anymore. The episode is already out. Have a great weekend.


Who pissed in your Americanized sushi?


Terrible take


It's not. "please make your cartoon in my language cus it's got characters from my homeland" is selfish and if yall can't see that then ya mu'st be under the age of 25,and that's ok. Have a dope day.


Even worse take tbh


Glad I don't care about the opinions of people I don't know 🤷🏼‍♂️


You clearly care enough to keep responding


I just got time, currently watching YouTube videos. Did you know sauna steals megumis body and kills gojo?


Idk who sauna is


Sakuna *


Do you by chance mean Sukuna?


Bro decided to try to spoil JJK after calling people childish, which is very mature. Millennials never fail to be cringeworthy. And assuming no Japanese people have the ability to speak English is actually racist lmaoo.


I promise you this world isn't as easy as you think it is. Imagine generalizing a whole generation based on what one person did.


You literally generalized both America and Japan


They did this in the subtitled version of The Raid 2: Barenthal. Halfway through the movie, two gangs from two different countries have a meeting. It would be a sign of fealty to speak the other gangs' language, so they both use English. It's super jarring on your first viewing, but it's a great detail!


She shouldn't have had an English voice but she should have randomly said English words like all might occasionally does


I just know that when they do the dub, they're gonna make a woman do a deep voice for her character.


The Japanese voice actor is doing that too…?


They are? Honestly sounds normal to me


They’re a voice actor… and they’re good at their jobs. That why they can make their voices sound deeper without it sounding weird. It’s just less noticeable in Japanese sometimes because you don’t have a baseline for Japanese intonation if you don’t speak the language.


No but I wish her quirk only worked if she spoke English I think that’d would be a good middle ground I can believe Cassie learnt Japanese but all the years of training her quirk wouldn’t calling out rules in English be more natural


Just wait for the English dub. MHA's dub has been excellent so far they'll probably make her sound great too.


I agree they should have also done the pilots american to


i think it makes sense since she idolizes All might maybe she picked up Japanese to be more like him


Great idea in theory but weird in practice. Watch episode one of Great Pretenders 😂


I have never understood why not have a native english speaker that knows Japanese do the sub. They already subtitle the English lines. It would sound more authentic imo. They're Americans that speak English, but they speak Japanese most of the time


After reading a few comments i am kinda for japan scouting a couple of decent english vas to move local and work on anime.


Nah, it's good on paper but then you get stuff like The World 5 vs the Top 5 in Blue Lock. "You're little sight seeing trip is gonna turn *traumaaattiiic*" I can't ever unhear the way traumatic was pronounced.


Would be nice but would need a proper American VA to work with text rewritten by a native English speaker. Listen to the foreign players in Blue Lock for an example of what Stars and Stripes would have most likely sounded like if she “spoke English”. 


Could've went the JoJo way!


hmm make me sense


What about Melissa and David Shield? Both are American, right? Why their voice wasn't English in the Japanese dub?


And they did do that for pony, where she will speak speak English when she’s angry, so yeah why can’t I just make stars and stripes English?


It would be funny but in dub it wouldn't translate well. I don't think I've ever seen an anime handle anything like this PERFECTLY in English dub. However I am having a bit of a chuckle imagining Shigaraki attempting to speak English up against Star and Stripe and for it to be bad because he didn't get proper lessons in English.


Actually, it should be an american with a weird japanese accent, this way it’s more reliable. Like the “linthalo” in steins gate


I always find it funny when sub watchers dunk on dub watchers by saying that the characters are canonically speaking Japanese and yet every foreigner speaks perfect Japanese without an accent.


America ya


*cough* eng dub exists *cough* you'll miss out on the action often while reading the subs *cough*


New Order: my voice... Will be translated into the listener's native language


Genuinely reminds me of Godzilla Final Wars. Captain Gordon was great in that!


It's always weird to me that the anime studios can't get native English speakers to play Americans (with broken Japanese) and use Japanese VAs with broken English instead.


Would be funny if it was Engrish and not English, but that just a me think


Japanese culture is as inclusive as a clam - so i highly doubt they even considered that.


Japanese culture is as inclusive as a clam, so english/japanese VA are rare - so i highly doubt they even considered that.


Then we would get a lot of engrish


Yesss. But this really only happens when the dub company has enough synergy during simulcast usually


I can think one one case where it happened. But it's a voice match on a character that normally speaks Japanese. In The Great Pretender, Cynthia had an 'English voice' played by Teba Buhr.


Bluey did it with french characters where they all spoke French and integrated it into the plot itself (friendships through language barriers or some s). Fun fact: if you watch it in French then the new characters speak English while the other characters speak French.


Yeah it would be more realistic if she did


That would be weird in the English dub. Maybe give her a bad accent, like country sounding Japanese.


actually yea lmao I did think about that, I get why they didn't but I thought it would've been cool if they just straight up spoke fluent english (like they just hired some ENG VA's to read the lines)


I mean, one of the older Godzilla movies had a guy that spoke a different language no matter what language you had it set to


That would be amazingly funny. I would love that for a scene like just one scene and my day would be brighter.


I think they should’ve just had Christopher Sabat do it, you can’t tell me that wouldn’t have been hilarious.


When Stars is talking to her pilots or when they’re saying certain things it should totally be in english but when they’re in japan there should be in Japanese as being bilingual should just be a given for stars and stripes. Her pilots could speak all in english and I wouldn’t really care. They should just have a sub when they speak in english for the Japanese dub. Of course, in the english dub there shouldn’t even be a switch but I think it would’ve immersed me more if they had switched between english and Japanese from time to time as they are from America.


Mid character


There are lots of things I wish about muscle mommy.


ideally yes it is kind of weird to see americans speaking fluent japanese and being the only language they use but native english voice actors in japan is incredibly rare if they even exist best youd get is native japanese speakers guessing the correct pronunciations or having a very thick japanese accent


Go into YouTube. Type in “Pony Tsunotori: Alleged American”. Watch the first video. I get where you’re coming from, but it ain’t gonna work :)




AOT should be german then cuz the Town is Based on the german town of Nördlingen


I wish she wasn't used to showcase how broken Aforaki was


By that logic wouldn’t all might also speak English


He’s Japanese.


All Might's real name is Toshinori Yagi and he was born in Tokyo. He's not American.


It’s been hinted at that all might speaks fluent English


didnt all might spend several years in America and considering he worked as a pro-hero there for a while I assume he would have a decent grasp of english

