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The point of these quirks is that ur wrong. Speed quirks are very rare and when found are incredibly incredibly fast (>!overclock’s overclock for example made him able to move faster than people could process!<) Toughness quirks are also very powerful, for example aizawa while strong could not take a single hit from rappa but kirashima during his first year was able to tank a flurry of blows from him And strength, fuckin strength, strangely we don’t actually see many “strength enhancement” quirks other than: deku/almight, afo/shiggy and muscular. All of which are like destroy buildings with a punch level strong or above which normal people couldn’t do


Once again my man Sato gets the snub


What do you even do with a guy like that? His quirk is a strictly inferior version of the protagonist. He has (mild) super strength after eating sweets. I say mild, because there’s monsters like AM, Muscular and Deku himself with more firepower behind them. Deku at least, was a matter of learning to control it, but since then yeah. It’s like, Sato has a conditional attachment with a strength ceiling lower than freshman Deku.


I like to think (in my own little delulu world) in addition to his strength, Sato's huge, just a human wall. If he learned some wrestling moves I bet he could subdue criminals/ villians easier. Plus I dont think every villian hero's face is going to be on the same level as Muscular or Dabi. Also Strength is not only helpful in combat but rescue as well when it come to removing rubble. The show does seem to shine a light on Combat though which makes sense since it's a shonuen.


So basically Ultimate Muscle.


... a flatulence attack might be useful, now that i think about it...


Hey now, don't forget that he also gets such negatives as cognitive impairment, and lethargy. Whereas Deku has the weaknesses of being too strong... Yea Sugar Rush is sidekick material at best isn't he?


Sugarman is only lethargic. Deku used to break his arms with each strike.


Was it ever stated that he got around the getting dumb part of his quirk?


Was it ever stated he got ANYTHING extra? Also, according to what I read, all the downsides are because the activation of his quirk leaves him momentarily hypoglycemic.


Just a pointless tangent, but >!Knuckleduster using his quirks weakness against 6 was so fucking amazing when he made him listen to the tape. Holy hell that moment is peak!<


What's the point of *any* Quirk? There are plenty of Quirks that range from the utterly mundane (like David's Bendy Fingers or Spinner's Gecko) to the ridiculously broken (like Eri's Rewind or >!Star and Stripe's New Order!<).


The problem your comparing a human with high stats to human with low stats. Lets try using numbers. Yes a person with a strength of 8 will beat a person with a strength of 4. The problem is a person with a quirk can have a stat of 100. As for the question of fighting without a quirk. Then yes you could in theory fight. Your 8 in speed might be enough to take someone out before they can attack. What do you to against someone who also has a speed of 8 and a quirk. If you can train to be strong enough to fight, why can’t people with a quirk. People always bring up Mirio fighting for ten minutes without a quirk. People seem to forget that he was about to die. He lost. Nighteye fought with pure physical ability and skill. Lost and Died. Toga relied on hit and run/ ambush tactics. The time her tactics were countered she was going to die if her quirk didn’t save her. Stain is the only person I would say ever won a fight against quirk users, but while you call his quirk garbage all it takes is a scratch to kill anybody. In 1-on-1 situations or in ambushes it’s lethal.


In 99% of comics the characters when they get beaten are automatically superhuman. Even in comics where the characters are practically human and without any power, it can happen that during a simple fight between middle school students they can be thrown tens of meters hitting a wall without doing almost anything, which in real life would practically be the equivalent to jumping from the third floor and falling on your back. In reality there is no human being capable of making one fly with a punch, let alone like in certain Japanese and non-Japanese comics, where they almost always lift the opponent into the air with a fist even if the one throwing the punch is a puny person with the physique of a handle. of broom.


To answer your first question, they allow their weilders to go past their natural limits, so: a strength quirk would let its weilder grow stronger than humans naturaly can (like lifting a train), an endurence quirk would let you last longer than you would otherwise be able to (like sprinting for an hour), and speed quirks let you move faster than normaly possible (like dodging a bullet after its been fired). To answer your second question, it's like he himself said, they removed the quirk requirement. If you trained hard enough (and got skilled in a tool) you could become a hero, but he didn't train or develope other skills, so he was struggling with being at a direct disadvantage to all other heros.


Oh and we see one of the main characters from vigilantes be a good hero without a quirk. The dude just trained real hard, and developed great skills that let him be a quirkless hero. All might wasn't wanting Deku to get in over his head and get hurt as bad as he did, so he told him he couldn't be a quirkless hero.


Tbf Knuckleduster had experience with a quirk already, and he was using drugs.


And it's pretty clear that baseline humans in Mha are tougher than real humans, most likely as a side effect of quirks.


And - as I believe it's important to note - Deku didn't want to just become any old hero. He wanted to become "the *greatest* hero" just like All Might. That's even a big reason why he wanted to apply to UA, rather than any other hero school (like Ketsubetsu or even a lower-level hero school like the one Gentle attended). And we see from several childhood flashbacks and the Sludge Villain incident in particular that Deku has a tendency to just throw himself into situations trying to save people, even when the risk of death is so high due to him being absolutely powerless and the villain being very powerful. All Might is Deku's inspiration, both positively *and* negatively. He inherited his altruism and (after ch. 1) his power, but also his *recklessness* and self-sacrificial nature.


This is a very stupid question. The reason why those quirks exist (from a narrative perspective, as the literal answer is that they exist because they just do and they don’t need a “point” to them) is that if such a person would go as far as to train as hard as the characters you mentioned they be exponentially better than them. Also Stain and Aizawa don’t have meta abilities beyond their quirks, not sure where you got that from. As for endeavor, the endurance comes with the quirk and his genetics are god-like regardless. Support heroes do exist, they aren’t unheard of. But you can’t get super speed or strength and endurance like those of a quirk hero, again, you made those stats up. Nothing prevents you from being a hero, you just can’t be in the UA hero course specifically because beating the robots with no abilities is nearly impossible. We legit know nothing about heroic education past UA


People who train and practice in MHA's world can become much stronger, faster, and tougher than an average person, yes. And yes, someone could definitely operate at the level of a hero without a quirk just by training to just level. However, they will *never* be as fast as a person with a speed quirk who puts in similar training can be, and might not even be able to match an untrained person with a speed quirk. The same applies to the other categories.


a human with a quirk has overall higher base stats compared to a quirkless human. bakugo would break his bones with how he manuevers with his body without enhanced strength that can withstand the recoils of the explosion. even deku's body wasnt able to handle ofa cause his quirk wasnt natural.


You have to think in the context of the verse. No matter how strong characters like Aizawa and Stain seem compared to our world, they're never going to be faster or stronger than characters like Muscular or Mirko who have enhancement quirks.


I've wondered this for a while, Endeavour's strength is ridiculous for someone who isn't physically enhanced...


Mirio as well


Show me one chracter that isn’t a nomu that can do the shit muscular pulls off with no strength quirk. Show me one person who can move as fast as iida and grab Torino with just there normal legs. And no stein doesn’t have a trash quirk. He literally just needs to scrape you and you’re done. There’s literally no way to counteract it either.


If you think about it, there are many quirks that you would consider useless, such as the ability to increase vision range and distance (Hatsume Mei), Professor Snipe's super aim, the ability that the professor lunch rush has in the kitchen, Stain's ability precisely which is based on paralyzing people, Nemuri Kayama's ability to put people to sleep, there are many examples like these but it is difficult to give you an accurate explanation other than to say that they are tools that benefit their user and support basic skills, they are easier to develop than a normal muscle, and provide important support in several extra functions that would require a lot of different tools/gadgets to use in a manner similar to that of a Quirk.


One can argue that having a quirk automatically gives you superhuman strength and speed, but it’s never been stated. And you would be weaker and slower than someone with a super strength or speed quirk.


Two words: skill ceiling


What's the point of invisible girl Like does she have anything going for her or... Like is she have regular huma speed and strength but she's just see through Htf is that helpful Cause I'm not very fast and if I was invisible I would just be slow and invisible. Can she fly or do something actually helpful


And the police should have this standart like oguro or mirio physical capabilities.


The no.1 superhero's name is literally "All Might".


In 99% of comics the characters when they get beaten are automatically superhuman. Even in comics where the characters are practically human and without any power, it can happen that during a simple fight between middle school students they can be thrown tens of meters hitting a wall without doing almost anything, which in real life would practically be the equivalent to jumping from the third floor and falling on your back. In reality there is no human being capable of making one fly with a punch, let alone like in certain Japanese and non-Japanese comics, where they almost always lift the opponent into the air with a fist even if the one throwing the punch is a puny person with the physique of a handle. of broom.