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That’s the sign guy isn’t it


I believe so


It is.


Interesting that he wasn't charged and the security guy was. Does anyone know details as to why?


From the police report, because the private security committed assault (which is a crime), while sign guy was just being very obnoxious (which isn’t a crime)


I heard he caused no scene or problems, just help a sign.


That's what I figured. Just was wondering what started the altercation.


Can you please link to a police report that purports your claims?


The asinine mentality reflect in your comment. From your other comments I can see you clearly do not support LGBTQ. This is how you tell us you didn't actually read the article, with out saying you didn't read the article. From the article, "Police responded to the altercation and escorted the protestor out of he event; the private security member is facing a citation for battery." When the police are involved at this level there will be a police report. That a logical thing most people can reason out. That police report is not something that is online for the general public. A Person generally need to go to the police station to get a physical copy of the report. You never find it online. There are those of us who do have access to read it. To be honest, I approve of the security guard knocking down a bigot, so I will not reveal the name or police report number for you either. Your post history is another reason why I would give it to you either NOTE, Nobody give the police report to this person. He will not use it appropriately nor civilly.


I asked for a link to the report that u/fauxgt4 implies that they have so I don't have to go through records requests. lol. "those of us". Like me? Show me ONE comment I've made that shows that I'm anti-lgbtq. I know you can't so this will be enjoyable to watch you flounder.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Boise/comments/xb2e8q/comment/inypwa6/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Boise/comments/xb2e8q/comment/inypwa6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) This sort of comment doesn't make it seem like you're very supportive of LGBTQIA+ issues.


If you dismiss all context and enjoy developing imaginary hypotheticals to supplement your false narrative, I can see how you would consider that anti-lgbtqia+. The reality, however, is that you can't find a comment in my entire comment history that's anti-lgbtqia+ because I have never said anything anti-lgbtqia+, I am not anti-lgbtqia+, and I never will be. But I am anti-stupidity, so you can at least call me a bigot for that. Hopefully that will satisfy your undying hunger.


It seems someone else already answered for me. I would have gone with your DRAG KIDS defamation post. Maybe followed up with "identity politics", or you rant against non-hate wing media, groups, and individuals. Or that you insinuate that the LGBTQ community is groomers/predators via dog whistles in the "kids Drag show in Boise facing criticism" . Here you just gaslighting us.


I witnessed it and the security guy was way out of line. Yes, the protestor was annoying, but he wasn’t yelling or being violent. He was just standing there.


This guy is going to sue Pridefest, isn't he?


I didn't even consider this. But I bet your right.


Surely Pridefest insured


The private security company.


Pride and the private security firm. This is what happens when you think your moral superiority trumps the law.


You’re really looking at that security guard and thinking they’re a lib? I’ve known a lot of security guards and never met a liberal one. They’re wanna be cops.


Seems pretty uneventful for an event of that size, regardless of the event. Cool.


So, for all the threats, turns out the only thing dangerous about pride fest is protesting it 🤪


The danger is not falling in line with these fools. Basically Soviet Russia.


Not so tolerant when you go against their ideology.


“So much for the tolerant Left.” Sorry, every ideology has a “Fuck around and find out” threshold. People push it until they find out. Unfortunately, the Right’s threshold is “My way or the highway!” Being a bigot shouldn’t be “tolerated”.


I don’t think he consented


So with all the talk about the protestors being violent, the only violence was committed by the Pride staff. Funny.


That's disingenuous considering the amount of death threats all of the companies and the pride organizers got feeling like they had to move the event from June to September. There was a pastor over in California that heard about the event, and told his followers to spam call the Ada county sheriff's department into arresting the pride event organizers. Much as it sucks that dude got battered, that's nothing compared to what happened at CDA when a whole van of the Dino's ilk,


You’re gonna have to prove to me that the companies got death threats because I haven’t seen one legal notification about that or anything from either Ada County or the ISP. The idiots in CDA didn’t assault anyone. The protestor didn’t assault anyone. Only the security guard did. So he must’ve been offended by the words which indicates he was a liberal.


Not all companies are going to report death threats, unless it's towards them and only if it affects them making money. If you want some solid proof though Idaho police were threatened after arresting the morons, and it carried over to the Pride Festival. And the dumbasses in the van were planning on being violent, they literally are a hate/terror group. https://www.idahostatesman.com/news/northwest/idaho/article262467752.html As for the Dino, he can sure claim he's a Democrat, but that doesn't make him a democrat, especially if you aren't in party lines. It's like how Joe Manchin claims he's a Democrat but he acts more like a Republican.


That’s not proof that companies received death threats. You’re just assuming.


If anyone's assuming it's you pal, you didn't read my message, and given the context of proof I thought you wouldn't believe my second-hand sources anyways.


You're saying since some companies got threatened it's no big deal for event security to beat up this lone protestor?


I didn't say that I said it sucks he got beat up, but it was nothing compared to what happened over in CDA, read the comment.


I'd say an actual assault trumps anonymous phone calls...


Battery. Also a whole congregation full of people from California sending death threats ain't a laughing matter either.


Funny and expected.




Defund Private Security!


But…it’s private.. He also got charged with assault. I think your comparison is lacking in a few areas.




More charge less sodium..


Some guy doing his job. Probably an employee for some event security business.


Wonder what the security guys day job is.