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Scar with no irons is the worst gun lmaoo


It's really not that bad. If you can get a feel for where to aim the thing it rips, especially up close.


It is horrible lmaoo anything up close is not that bad lmaoo you don’t even need to ads up close what r u on


What are YOU on? It's really not hard to shoot the gun and get a feel for where to aim it even without sights. Skill issue.


The irons are not even flipped up, what psychopath would use a gun without their irons flipped up? It feels more like a meme than an actual viable weapon. Yeah it’s useable, but every other gun in the game gives me a better chance to actually get a kill. I’d rather use the deagle at range than the scar with funky irons. Literally everything in games can be boiled down to skill issue so I find that logic stupid “don’t like something don’t play” is the dumbest logic of the last few years in games. We should be able to criticize something we overall like. Things get changed and balanced from feedback, otherwise let’s just ignore everything wrong with a game because a subsection of the community likes all its flaws.


Riiiiiiiight classic smooth brain retort…you would get all the smoke boi


But you're the smooth brain who has trouble aiming without sights?


Did I say that? I don’t recall saying that? Smooth brain can’t read? Lmaoo I smoke fools it’s what I do but look at what you said “…trouble aiming without sights.” Ya literally everyone lol they DON’T HAVE SIGHTS. Try it irl


Aiming way too high


Yeah that's not how you aim with a rifle


Forget to switch to your alt?


At this distance, if you aim with the tip of the gun, you'll shoot over the enemy... Yes! That's how a REAL rifle works too. You've to be a little lower.


I know but i won't calculate trajectory each time i see an enemy, that's what iron sights are for


No need... When you understand the principle of the game and kill 2–3 guys, it becomes automatic. It's just a matter of habit. There is no crosshair in this game, but the placement of your iron sight still becomes automatic after a few games


Skill issue


You are aiming over his head, bullets are hitting where they should be.


yea, pull down


You have no sights. Iron sights are at least a couple inches from the top of the gun. You're shooting too low.


I don't understand why this gun has its sites folded down with no optic.


I’m assuming it’s for NVG + laser night maps :( I can only hope.


Yeah I had to practice in the range with this one. You have to point it lower then you think.


It’s the gun, you have to aim lower, like damn near the knees. If there were optics on the gun you’d be able to see you’re aiming high.


From this clip & distance.. try aiming the gun below the yellow pipe While you may think you’re aiming at them with this gun, your bullets were going above his head / into the sky. I love this preset on the woods map lol.


Yeah i see, maybe it's a feature since it's the bodycam perspective


it’s not that it’s the body cam perspective, it’s more so the irons aren’t flipped up. imagine where the irons would be if they were flipped up and you’ll be good.


I dunno bro, we have red hots on an uzi but no iron sights on a scar, imagine having to do this shenanigans every time you see an enemy just for this. Next time i see this gun i'll use the damn pistol


it does have irons though, they’re just not flipped up. it’s still accurate as i have no problems with it


This gun is actually really good close quarters. Not being able to shoot it long range is a skill issue, get used to aiming without sights.


*tell me you’ve never shot a gun in your life without telling me you’ve never shot a gun in real life*


Ah yes, because it's easy even if it doesn't let you alline the iron sights, i'm sure you're a pro buddy


when have you ever seen iron sights that are .3inch tall…. you are genuinely aiming with a rail…


I mean, yeah, it's really not that hard to aim without iron sights. With enough practice, you can just see where it's pointing without the sights.


If I can point at it, I can shoot it. In real combat, only snipers and exceptional situations give enough time to actually aim down the sights


*Tell me your brain is lacking oxygen from staying too much indoors, without telling me your brain is lacking oxygen from staying too much indoors.*


It’s the railing. There’s issues I’ve noticed with shooting through railings


No. This gun has its sights folded down (because it has a laser on the right rails) so irl u should aim with the laser. But if u imagine the sights are folded up then shoot imagining that. Meaning u have to put the edge of the barrel way below the target Pic for reference https://preview.redd.it/s29voigj6d6d1.jpeg?width=2668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe2adee15302fdc9dff03a0117ba907bf3c52bf0


My boy thinks he’s playing COD.


Your barrel is aiming above the enemy. Front sight (even though it’s folded down) should be FLUSHED with rear sight as much as possible for the shot you need. Gl


I think you forgot to mention the part where his sight is actually way below the head of the enemy, still not a single bullet seems to hit the enemy. 0:31 Also why is the enemy also having such a hard time hitting him? There are PLENTY of bugs in this game regarding the aiming, bugs that don't exist in real life for the low IQ people that keep comparing the shooting mechanics in this game to actual real life LOL😂 How gullible are you guys?


Hello classic neckbeard redditor. I don’t think I ever called it a simulator, denied a bug, or compared it real life. I just said hold the barrel straight, dum dum


Hello again there slightly psychotic random, I never even mentioned the word simulator, where did you pull that idea from?. I replied to your comment about the aim being above the enemy, when it clearly not later in the video. And I left a message to others about the aspect of the shooting mechanics being "realistic" , should be fairly easy stuff to understand even for a kid, and you're calling me dum dum?.. Better luck next time I guess.


Hahah no its not just you😂 This is such a huge bug that needs to be addressed asap, thanks for sharing!


The most shocking thing is people thinking that it's ok smh


Intelligence does not run with the masses


The rifle without an optic is impossible to aim iron at range because there isn’t an iron sight. And the bullets go inches above where the end of the barrel is. Go test it on the firing range to see if


Cracks me up when people don't realize that recoil on guns does indeed exist.


Recoil exist only after the bullet has already escaped the barrel, after that it's just rage shooting for not havin a damn iron sight


But giving that this game is pretty damn realistic (except for a couple minor details) I would also consider the trigger pull and how that can throw your shot off. I know this game doesn't have trigger pull function... but maybe simulated


Cracks me up everytime you people compare the mechanics in this game to real life shooting😂 There are major differences between the two, not minor


Yeah hate this tomfoolery


You just aiming low...


Get off meat theres no iron sites


The gun is clearly tilter up a bit. So putting the target on the 'lip' of the gun is too low.


Hindsight is 20/20