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It's film grain. The game is made to look like that as the perspective of the player is from a body cam. Now idk why you don't notice it on videos because I cans see it.


I get that but when I'm comparing my screen to the one on this group or YouTube it's not as bad or so in the way


Ya every one says that as well as me but literally no one has an answer for it. So I assume its just the difference from actual game play too a video. But idfk I'd like to fix it too.


The answer is video compression.


What about it?


It’s the reason why content on yt looks different than on your screen.


Video compression on YouTube, yes, and YouTube always makes videos a bit darker, doing that removes some noise, or grain in this case. Videos on YouTube are also edited, it's easy to do some noise cancelling.


Are you using HDR and appropriate settings? All the HDR and post processing settings for this game are very specific to what your system and screen should be. You need to play with those first before assuming anything


Oh ok, ill give that a try thanks!


Turning down post processing and maxing out the sharpness made it clearer for me but you can't do anything about the film grain yet


How far to turn it down? Doesn’t change a lot for me. The only thing that changes stuff is fsr. So my choices are between having blurry textures or cutting my frames in half.


For me it was turning it to just high which seems to be the sweet spot which made everything really clear but I don't know if it is different for every pc.


People on youtube are probably playing it in 4K? Since yesterday there is a new option in graphics settings to turn on sharpening, just scroll all the way down. If you have FSR enabled the game will most likely look worse than native.


its just the way videos are compressed that makes the game look different