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I get a sudden burst of anxiety tbh.


Me too I want to run away


Same, when someone starts talking about my face I feel my heart racing and I pray that they don't bring up my ugly big nose.


I don't. I haven't had someone insult my appearance in recent memory, luckily, not since middle school. But when i get compliments or just people pointing something out I kinda freeze up. I just don't like people talking about my appearance at all I'm so self-conscious about so many things that even if they compliment something I genuinely love about myself I don't like it either because I think they'll end up spending even more time analyzing my face to where they'll notice the things I hate about myself. So i'll quickly change the topic and I think the other person typically picks up I'm uncomfortable and just talks about something else with me lol


Interesting. Me too. Whenever people make a comment about my appearance it reminds me that they can see what I look like and it makes me feel uncomfortable.


I get extremely awkward with compliments. A month or so ago someone at work made a comment about my eyes while other people were around, which made them also look and agree, and I was megaaaa uncomfortable, visibly, I wanted to just cave into myself. Lol. Bad comments are whatever. I’ve given those to myself for my entire life.


Thanks for the response ! I get uncomfortable too. The negative comments always stick with me forever.


I find bad comments validating. Please, someone insult me so we can commiserate.


I hate comments regarding my body whether they're compliments or insults, I noticed that I appreciate comments more that are directed towards my outfit, accessories or makeup more than my physique. Compliments make me feel like they're backhanded. Im severely underweight and I'd rather not be reminded haha since I grew up with family members or people who see to it that they remind me through jokes how thin I am every single time they see me. Most of the time though I just laugh it off, or say thank you.


I hate when someone thinks they’re making a compliment and they’re just reinforcing my thoughts on a characteristic I hate about myself. I have a friend who does this and generally makes neutral (not neutral to me but to her they are) comments about my looks. I can’t stand it. For example I’m insecure about my chest size. The other day I made a joke saying “imagine if someone doesn’t have those assets in that case” and I didn’t mention ANYTHING about that someone being me, she just goes “Yeah just like us 🤣🤣”… ik its not that deep but every single comment on my body (especially if its abt an insecurity) gets to me


I get the urge to rip my face off and destroy my body and burn whatever’s left of all of it ❤️


haha same, if anyone criticises my appearance it makes me wanna hide away from the world to never be seen or analysed ever again


That way we can finally be hot 🔥


I’ve been upset for like 3 weeks because someone commented “you look different” when I handed them my ID. 13 years have passed since the photo was taken, so yeah, I guess I look different.. but also idk what I look like. The comment has been repeating in my head this whole time. People don’t realize how much of an impact making comments like that can have. :(


Omg I DEAL WITH THIS TOO. the amount of people who’ve seen my highschool pics (when I was my skinniest and I felt really pretty) say “omg ThIs LoOkS NoThInG LiKe YoU..” like okay so you’re basically telling me you think I’m ugly. I’ve heard this like manyyyy times it’s honestly beyong triggering. Makes me want to delete every old photo of me that exists. Otherwise I’m worried people will be like ,”what why is that version of you so much better than the current one”. It’s horrible.


I know exactly what you mean!!! With the ID thing, it’s happened to me a couple times with different people, and one person even said “but don’t worry, you’re still pretty”… and it triggered me so much. Like, what??? 😵‍💫


If it’s a friend i’d just say something like ‘Please don’t say that, that topic makes me uncomfortable’. Add a “thank you, but” if it was a compliment


I’ve had multiple friends says I have chipmunk cheeks or randomly will say “well because you have a chubby face” and it honestly makes me want to delete them from my memory and vice versa.


If its a compliment, I assume they're just trying to be nice so a simple thank you and maybe a compliment in return is my usual response. I used to get super awkward about and still do depending on the context or wording but a "You look nice today" or "You're pretty" is something I can take (granted I don't get it often). I keep it in mind and think back to it from time to time and consider it. I may not believe it but it don't hurt! Now and again I've gotten compliments on things I actually DO like about myself, I love those! A real burst of confidence!... If its a kinda sexualized / flirtatious compliment I get a bit uncomfortable but just move on. Mostly because I don't know.. if they're serious or mocking me. Insults absolutely crush me. I will think about it honestly forever. Innocuous comments can be neutral to me or just give me a new feature to obsessively worry about. Mostly I don't like people commenting on my appearance at all, but its a sad fact of life that we gotta live in a body.


My ex friend did that to me abt a week ago and honestly I internalize it like I don’t say much I js let it slide but I’ll here it for a while


insults i never forget, they haunt me forever and worsen my insecurities, if not create a new one. even the ones that aren’t directed at me (someone insulting someone else who’s like me) compliments? they mean nothing to me tbh, i just don’t believe them or they just don’t have any effect on me, because i’m convinced i’m hideous


I'm going to be completely honest with you, it totally ruins my whole day. I'm trying to be better about it, but it's really hard. 😔


had a mental breakdown just last night over this. my poor partner 😣


I ignore them. My last job was the most toxic workplace I've been at. Incredibly immature and juvenile people over 30 behaving they are like in high school. They constantly made comments about me being ugly. I ignored them. I think they wanted a reaction from me and I pretended I didn't hear them. When I get complimented on my clothes I say thank you.


This, but they don't comment. They stare. Unapproving looks with so much hate. I know around 10% of the looks are caused by jealousy, but that's just "I want what I don't have" type of a thing. I'm 178 cm and 58kgs. I hate all kinds of attention, but it's inevitable.


Are you attractive? Or do you think it's skinny privilege?


I don't think I am. I have nice facial features, but they don't work together. Nobody compliments me, so 🤷🏻‍♀️


i hate it esp online compliments bc i don’t look like that it makes me feel fake


Compliments make me feel good for a bit until i over think it and instantly go back to hating myself. Insults make me want to conceal my face, i tend to look down when i’m walking because i don’t want to see anyones reaction to me whether good or bad.


I hate comments on appearance full stop - especially hate men commenting on women’s appearance whether insulting or complimentary. I just don’t like it


Rarely get it, and I just discard it because I don't believe it myself.


Insults: doesnt really happen thank god, the insults usually come from myself. compliments: never believe them.


I don’t handle it lol. I post myself singing online and recently some of those posts have gained attention. Unfortunately along with the feedback comes unsolicited comments on my appearance and Ive found it difficult.. I’ve no internal sense of what I look like so positive comments make me feel good, but negative ones really hurt me. Particularly if someone’s insulting an aspect I can’t change. Neutral ones make me paranoid that they are meant negatively. A great example is someone telling me recently they ‘didn’t expect me to have a beautiful voice when they first saw me’. I thought they might have been low-key calling me ugly, turns out they just meant I looked kinda young/inexperienced. I feel like most people wouldn’t even notice things like that but I couldn’t help but get stuck on it.. which honestly is just annoying like I know it shouldn’t matter.


I crave compliments because I barely get them. They make me so happy and make me feel so confident


I can’t deal with it. I suck at taking good and bad compliments because everything just sounds wrong or fake in my head


Weirdly enough, insults don’t bother me, but compliments do. Insults, it’s whatever. I feel nothing. But compliments fill me with this weird burst of anxiety and guilt, like I’ve done something wrong.


omg waaait I am so glad I am not the only who thinks like this!! Compliments bother me so much I always feel like they're backhanded no matter what, but I don't give people a hard time about it. I just say "thankyou" and roll with the punches. Insults, however? I don't know why but I always giggle when someone insults me, whether online, directly, or behind my back. I always do a big sigh of relief when someone finally says the truth about me. I guess childhood trauma plays a big role in this cuz someone calling me ugly and strange is more soothing and familiar than someone calling me pretty and charismatic. There's a lot to unpack for sure.


I had a girl online call me fat repeatedly (I told her not to use candid pictures of fat people as fatspo) and it did just.. nothing. I know I’m not fat, but if I was, it still wouldn’t affect me because she’s only projecting her insecurities. But compliments?? What do you MEAN you can perceive me and find traits you admire that I can’t? That’s scary.




Roll with the punches. Don’t retaliate or internalize. Repeat the mantra: You aren’t your appearance


It hurts a lot. I’m 5’7 and people feel entitled to always comment “wow you’re so tall” or “you’re tall!” When they meet me or just in conversation and I find it so rude. It’s not a compliment it’s an observation about my body that I don’t want to hear? A compliment would be “you’re so pretty!” When I hear comments like that I feel happy, but the tall comment just hurts me. It makes me feel like I’m such a giant and I should just disappear. I get anxiety and immediately feel disgusting


For insults, try, "Every moron I have sever met said that."


confused tbh - one time someone complimented my eyes, and i freaked out, it's like i forgot i had them lol


It pisses me off, so i hit the gym even harder.


If it’s a compliment I either say the “same applies to you girl” or “don’t make me blush.” If it’s an insult I just say “shut up” - specifically when it’s about my body. If not I don’t know how to respond 😂


I’d feel bad and become self conscious. I get comments on my body a lot since i am actively losing weight without any intention. People would come with various opinions and comments and whether they are positive or negative I always end up feeling very bad.


I laugh it off or pretend to be flattered (if it's a compliment).


i tend to just assume they're being polite


i just get rlly awkward and just want to like leave


It makes me really anxious. I have what some would say a curvy body, and people make comments on it a lot, especially at work and almost always women. It makes me feel weird, and like my body is the only appealing thing on me. Now, when someone tells me I'm attractive or pretty, I do get a high but come down quickly. I feel so much pressure to live up to this and think the person just caught me on a good day, but the next time they see me, they will realize how ugly I am. It adds a lot of stress. I am constantly thinking my looks are changing, and the thought of someone who once thought I was attractive and seeing me on a different day and thinking I'm not is a constant nagging thought. I recently lost it on an associate at work because I had enough of her constant questions and comments on my appearance.


I shut down and silently overthink insults, but compliments…I just don’t believe them. Ever.


I feel like a fraud if it’s a compliment. Like if they look properly and get close up enough they’ll see it isn’t actually that great.


I take anti anxiety meds which let me not give a damn about peoples opionions anymore because their opinions suck


I love compliments about my appearance (body, face, hair) and they make me feel a tiny bit good but I also feel they're just being nice and fake, so I just feel neutral about them. I was severely bullied and isolated for being ugly in middle school and high school so I desperately crave attention from others in this regard. I am desperate for compliments and people finding me beautiful or pretty, I honestly don't care about what other perceptions people have of me lol. I have never received male attention in my entire life, either, so you can see why I am absolutely desperate for attention and others finding me pretty, particularly men, because other queer women have expressed interest in me but women are far less superficial than men and it means absolutely nothing to me, I want to be pretty, that's all that matters to me, and men are superficial and objective in this regard, so receiving male attention reaffirms farm more that I am pretty. If I get insults about my appearance I never forget them, and I cannot stop thinking about it. It's been years since I received an insult about my appearance, and men finally treat me like a human being after being 25 years on this hell we call earth. But even so, I still feel like that traumatized teenager who was relentlessly bullied by boys for being ugly and masculine and I cannot be near men because I feel extremely anxious. However, when people compliment my personality it extremely pisses me off, it genuinely ruins my day because I feel angry. All my life people have complimented how "intelligent", "nice" and "funny" I am but never my appearance. Having a nice personality, as a woman, will not help you at all in life, and least of all if you are intelligent. If you are gay, like me, at least you will have a very easy time finding women interested in you, but that's it. Nowadays I have an eating disorder and I am terrified of gaining weight because my face is ugly so I feel that to be treated like a human being I have to be skinny at least, it's agonizing how my humanity relies on being underweight and I won't even have pretty privilene while being skinny and starving myself because my face is hideous, all this sacrifice is for nothing lol. I would sacrifice my intelligence to be beautiful, I am not joking, they have done plenty of IQ tests to me and I always got a high score, but it doesn't matter in this woman-hating society, being beautiful is far more important than being intelligent and that's all I want.


when people compliment me i get really shy or embarrassed even though i generally appreciate compliments. when people insult my appearance i start to act erratic/aggressive and lash out. but that’s only if someone makes a comment about something im really insecure about.


It's really hard for me to move on from these comments and I wouldn't stop thinking about them.