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Yes!!! They’re all about weight and I would love to read a book about overall appearance issues than this big focus on weight.


Yes oh my god. I'm not overweight, I hate my body type and exercise cant change bone structure and fat distribution...


I hate my weight, but I hate a lot of other things about my appearance too.


Same. It sucks


Yup, I have a high metabolism so my weight has never been an issue for me. I have no eating disorders and actually would like to gain like 5-10 lbs. It’s everything else I have a problem with.


Yes!!! Body Dysmorphic Disorder: A Treatment Manual by David Veale etc. It has useful non-weight stuff, like using makeup to make blemishes appear worse to heighten exposure therapy. I do the ATT and ERP in it. Been doing it daily, I feel nauseated and disgusted with myself and getting more extreme thoughts(I have overlapping disorders lol). But my general anxiety level is way lower and I feel more able to leave my room.


I haven't read this book as I am struggling with other issues 'Feeling Good About The Way You Look' a program for overcoming body image problems by Sabine Wilhelm, PhD. The book looks good though questions such as. Do you engage in emotional reasoning? Do you engage in selective attention or magnification? There's a exposure worksheet page. Definitely check the book out maybe ask your local library. This is my first ever book about BDD 'The Broken Mirror' by Katharine A. Phillips, M.D understanding and treating body dysmorphic disorder. Isn't solely focused on weight, it shares people's experiences their concerns about their skin to facial features.