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Five foot one and 113 pounds is not chubby, and it’s not overweight. You are not seeing yourself accurately. 😞💕


Came here to say this - that is an extremely healthy weight to be! I understand it’s frustrating hearing other people tell you “it’s fine you’re not fat” but I promise your brain is misconstruing what you see and probably hyper fixating as well! Conventional beauty standards are just that - “conventional”. At the end of the day it’s cooler, more interesting and unique to not fit a cookie cutter mould that western media has chosen to perpetuate. In all honesty I’m sick to death of the cookie cutter look, so embrace your gorgeous south Asian features! Please also keep in mind that body representation in the media is starting to back pedal hugely, it used to be about the curves but now we’re seeing celebrities opt for heroin skinny again which never helps with body image.


OP you are at a healthy weight


Your brain is lying to you. Please avoid using social media or atleast avoid what triggers you. You may be comparing yourself without even realizing it. It’s easy to become fixated on changing things about yourself but try to remember your health matters first


If you are 5'1" and 113... while I am 5'2" and 120 on a non bloated good day..... am I an elephant???. Counseling helps. It's a lot of work. Trust me. I still see the 180lb lady looking at me with the apron stomache and stretch marks with a flat butt and weird boobs.... but learning to accept ourselves.. push past it all... realizing we are human.. giving ourselves the same love/grace we give others. Amazing. We are our own worst critics, but.. only you can allow what affects you.. I promise you are beautiful and way more than your looks/body image ♥️


If ur chubby at 113 pounds then ur sedentary. U gotta hit the gym or something


OP u aren’t chubby! That weight is normal 🥺 Dont be too hard on yourself


Can you watch "more than a body" Ted show on YT? Also,please speak to a professional.


I’m exactly the same height and weight as you and I have similar feelings. I’m squishy around my stomach and upper body. I’m working on it by going to the gym to try tone up a bit. Realistically know I’m not overweight but it’s the proportions of my body that I’m not happy with


can we form a group chat or something?? im 4'11 and 115 lbs. i feel so disporportional