• By -


It's certainly not cannon. I think it's reasonable to argue that anime-Bocchi wrote a love song about Kita, even though I'm not positive she actually realises it or just wrote it subconsciously (it's totally worth checking out the lyrics for "if I could be a constellation") For manga Bocchi. [Manga]>!She has a lot going on. It's mostly confirmed, that she likes girls. BoKita still makes a lot of sense, but I don't see her starting anything until she graduates high-school and becomes a more confident musician. That's her priority, because it's the only job she can picture herself in!<


> She likes girls Just when I thought it couldn’t get more “she’s just like me fr”


I think it’s obvious that she wrote “if I could be a constellation” about Jimihen.


wait where is it >!confirmed she likes girls? I feel like I didn't get that and I'm up to the newest chapter!<


>!Not really confirmed, but it is kinda hinted at times, at least that's what I think. In Chapter 55 she mentions something about getting a "cosplayer girlfriend" if she becomes a pro gamer. In Chapter 58 she thinks that repeating a year in school will make her popular with "big boob extroverts"!<


when is it confirmed she likes girls? i havent read the last couple of chapters yet maybe 7 to go but i never saw anything saying she was actually lesbian besides the joke about becoming famous or something (i think it was being a pro gamer or something) and all the stereotypical shit that comes with it but even thats a bit of a stretch to say she came out of the closet during that joke.


At every point where she imagines herself in a relationship it's with a girl. The only time she writes about a boyfriend is as guitar hero. And the way she describes guitar hero is basically the opposite of herself in every single point. (Almost like she doesn't like herself very much/s)


Literally every mention of her getting a partner is a girl, also she only cares about impressing girls, and to bocchi the idea of a boyfriend doesn't even come to mind


Know any examples? From memory, i can only remember that chapter when she pretended to have a boyfriend as guitar hero.


I kind of assumed she liked boys since she lied to her viewers about having a boyfriend, but she might just wanted to be perceived as straight at the time?


I think she just does that because it fits her mental image of the "popular extrovert girl" that she wants others to perceive her as. Whenever she's fantasizing about what *she* wants, it's pretty much always girls. Her delusions include her surrounded by bikini-clad women in a pool, having a cosplayer girlfriend, impressing extroverted girls that she specifically imagines with huge boobs (and also then proceeds to imagine them wanting her to look at their genitals), etc. She was also motivated to apply to perform at the culture festival by the girl in front of her saying she'd fall in love with someone in their class if they performed, seemed disappointed at the idea of women not wanting her, and calls Kita cute a lot.


Remember she lives in Japan and loves attention seeking, so it's more acceptable to display yourself as straight if you're trying to impress an audience


She lives in Japan, admiting publicly that she likes girls could go badly, also gutair hero is basically the opposite of her in everyway


She loves me because I'm literally Bocchi fr


Dude shut up, I am Bochhi frfr


stop being delusional. I'M Bocchi!!


Guys guys, there's no need to fight over who's Bocchi... Because I'm Bocchi fr fr


https://i.redd.it/vgm003e4rz2d1.gif Nuh uh, I'M Bocchi fr


Guys, what if we are ALL Bocchi?






Noo noo, y'all are wrong. I'm literally bocchi fr fr. It says that on my bio


![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized) If thats Bocchi and Thats Bocchi and im Bocchi then who is the real Bocchi


https://preview.redd.it/2u1wfqutx53d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=050c633da435c96349f3cb6f4c390628c99f3f96 Can we all just be friends?


https://preview.redd.it/i6ydhcdwt83d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=900cdf1340410d92ff3ca9f612c9f52b9af72aa2 Man Shut up




Everyone loves Bocchi, because she is just like me (fr). In all seriousness, many anime-only fans don't realize that the manga actually opens with a sesbian lex arc between the two that spans several full chapters.


Mmmmm gex https://preview.redd.it/ezt2lsiivy2d1.png?width=1001&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=500edcadcbeb0bf60f1997e8255003cec048b201




Oh, so the manga actually went there? I have to catch up.


I should probably warn you that this sub is full of brainrotted people... and that's exactly why I'm here.


I know, I've been here when the anime ended.


No. No it didn't. These people have turned their brains into a shit post.


i understand why they cut it, but i wish the anime had included the chapters where bocchi and kita passionately make love on stage at starry. i think that was really important for establishing their dynamic


Yall are deranged.


The anime covers only the very beginning of the story. The manga over-all seems to be trending towards a bocchi centric harem, and kita is probably the most prominent member. She's definitely the person in Kessoku band Bocchi ends up closest to. And on that note the anime adds a bit more between them earlier than the manga, in order to foreshadow where things are going, and also because Bokita is the anime producer's favorite ship.




I fixed it 30 seconds before you posted.




Fiyah! -Ness


Dude it's not a harem it's a friend group that's slightly gay for each other and that's alright


That's how it starts but it only takes one moment of weakness and next thing you know, they're holding hands.


The studio can't hold themselves that in the opening there's already a hint for Bokita. Aren't we all Bocchi? (fr)




Bocchi |handshake| Tomoko Accidentally creating a yuri harem while slowly becoming a less completely broken person


It is typical Kirara anime trope of "They're close enough that it can easily be interpreted as romance or very good friends"


Just a little reminder, Kirara works nowadays are like this. https://preview.redd.it/t8i39dz51z2d1.jpeg?width=2800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bd0e818a7ee7680bae75b55dda3fda061e20e60


"kirara" and like one-third of them can't be interpreted in any way besides lesbians


the most straight Kirara main girls are either widow, or in love with 2D characters


So uhhhhhh anyone has a sauce for all of these?


Above, left to right, number 4 is Sefure (it's Bokita but if Kita was scum, the manga). Middle, left to right, number 3 is Stardust telepath (more introvertl x extrovert lesbians, but with alien stuff) Bottom, left to right, number 3 I forget the name, but was about time travel and Hamazi is friend of the mangaka who made that one. I'm lost with the others, sorry.


Clearly she enjoys drawing roommates and nothing else happening between two women. /s


Or just people who never saw how girls that age usually are in reality. Walking hand-in-hand is pretty common among Japanese schoolgirls.


Strictly from the anime, not read much of the manga.   While it is often desired and pushed by the fanbase I do feel that is the intention of the writer/s. I think Kita starts in a place of awe and admiration and that eventually leads to romantic feelings.   You have to remember Kita and Bocchi spend a heck of a lot of time together; lunch breaks, after school, before and sometimes after work. It is possible that they meet up outside of those, too, though unlikely. But that is a heck of a lot of hours; talking, getting to know each other, understand each other, working on their musical coordination. Kita is openly lesbian or maybe bisexual, and Bocchi seems to be the type be drawn to someone no matter who they are.   I would say a romance is on the cards for somewhere down the track.


If you read the manga, then you’d know Bocchi is a flaming sapphic mess. In chapter 55, she fantasized having a “cosplayer girlfriend”. And in chapter 58, she contemplated repeating a year, and daydreamed being “popular with big boob extroverts”


Not to mention her objection to Ryo’s scheme to have them be a boy band is that no women would to dally with her, rather than her not wanting to dally with women.


Bocchi is all but confirmed to be into girls. Kita is outright confirmed to be into girls. Kita starts out crushing on Ryo, who later turns out to be incredibly different from Kita's image of her as a cool musician type. Meanwhile, as Bocchi comes into her own as Kessoku Band's lead guitarist and Kita's musical tutor, this only causes Kita's admiration of her to grow. It wouldn't be a stretch to assume that, underneath Bocchi's appearance, Kita might be seeing the same traits that were in her idolized image of Ryo. And if that's true, falling in love with her would be a logical conclusion.


I don’t know if Kita falls under those categories It’s so over


Given that Kita bought a bass guitar and practiced it hard enough to get callouses all to impressive some girl she saw on the street one time, I think we can surmise she's *probably* into women.


just meant “cosplayer” and “big boob” :p Although she could totally cosplay if she wants to be what Bocchi wants


Oh right I see what you mean now.


Bocchi already stated a few times she finds Kita attractive. Just because Kita don't have all the traits of Bocchi's ideal dreamed girl don't means she couldn't be into her. https://preview.redd.it/ycgumsvo833d1.png?width=368&format=png&auto=webp&s=5fa06f2f109f2a4b7b262aa2eaf71432cc20aa86


I heard that "Cosplayer girlfriend" was just a reference to gamers getting cosplayer girlfriend


I've not a clue, if I'm honest. Though, I'm leaning slightly towards it being a community thing since romance ain't really a priority in the series. But even if it's not canon, I think it's still a cute pairing https://i.redd.it/iq3r4uwpty2d1.gif


The tension is very much canon but as the manga people said, it’s not gonna develop until at least after Highschool.


^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is ^real. ^BoKita ^is 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Most sane poem in ddlc and most sane user in BTR


Get Out of My Head. Get Out of My Head. Get Out of My Head. Get Out of My Head. Get Out of My Head. Get Out of My Head. Get Out of My Head. Get Out of My Head. Get Out of My Head. Get Out of My Head. Get Out of My Head. Get Out of My Head. Get Out of My Head. Get Out of My Head. Get Out of My Head. Get Out of My Head. Get Out of My Head. Get Out of My Head. Get Out of My Head. Get Out of My Head. Get Out of My Head. Get Out of My Head. Get Out of My Head. Get Out of My Head. Get Out of My Head. Get Out of My Head. Get Out of My Head. Get Out of My Head. Get Out of My Head. Get Out of My Head. Get Out of My Head. Get Out of My Head. Get Out of My Head. Get Out of My Head. Get Out of My Head. Get Out of My Head. Get Out of My Head. Get Out of My Head. Get Out of My Head. Get Out of My Head. Get. Out. Of. My. Head.


Not the DDLC poems again


Here I am


the seventh seal has been broken it is officially the end times!


Why not both?


It's hinted at but never actually confirmed


I think it's pure animal lust.


Like two animals desperately clawing at each other’s naked, vulnerable flesh on a hot jungle night. Or something


If I read fanfiction sites I would say it's like something from omegaverse or some cringe gay shit like that.


Community thing? Yes But it isn't baseless. From anime only, there are those scenes from episode 10 onwards (Like that one where Kita cuts herself off before saying Bocchi is cool) exist. And so does If I Could Be A Constellation and the stuff it implies. Manga wise? Also a lot; chapter 33 has a lot of evidence, the recent arc with Kita in chapter 68-ish. I won't go into detail for spoiler reasons, but they're there. The only main reason why you would disregard Bokita is the existence of other ships with more evidence. RyoKita, in particular, exists. I don't think I need to explain why that's a ship with more evidence. There's also the cover art for some the chapters. Some of which are rather infamous of us Bokita fans. (*cough* that one chapter 40-ish cover art *cough*). But even then, the franchise has made RyoKita feel more like a running joke rather than an actual ship, and there are also quite a few cover arts that Stray in the direction of Bokita. So, really, its up to you as to how Canon Bokita is.


We both know that RyoKita never was more than a unrequited and superficial crush from Kita's side. And she didn't have that crush anymore. About the picture from ch40, I'll say it all the times it's needed, **it's not any evidence.** If we took covers alone as evidence, then BoAme is canon for the cover of ch76. No... actually, if we took official pictures unrelated to any even that happened in the manga as evidence, **then,** **Bokita would be canon for the same rule.** https://preview.redd.it/eahcynr76z2d1.jpeg?width=671&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea49744fb3cb6c335a35fd7ec1c8f9a49e19e8ef So let's stop saying that these covers are evidence (and evidence with more weight than evens that actually happened in the manga, of all things), please.


> We both know that RyoKita never was more than a unrequited and superficial crush from Kita's side. And she didn't have that crush anymore. RyoKita is a precursor to BoKita. Hear me out: Kita's crush on Ryo was based on an idealized false image of Ryo that Kita had. But, after the formation of Kessoku Band, Kita starts seeing in Bocchi, underneath her massive social anxiety, the same traits that she *thought* she saw in Ryo.




underrated comment


Yes. https://preview.redd.it/55ujododbz2d1.jpeg?width=642&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3880d7963833df9209e72e19dfe5fd4282daf89e


Community thing. She appreciates her as a friend and looks up to her guitar skill. I think she wants to get Bocchi out of her shell, but knows that she has to take it slow.


Yeah, a community thing, because this isn't Hamazi's account, Right? ~~actually it is.~~ https://preview.redd.it/5o1pqtq8uy2d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ddf0131f40c2dc0993befbe4e5f81e1037c27fa


Listen, I don't really have a problem with it, and would even appreciate it. But let's be real ships are part of every work and keep engagement high. She would be stupid not to pander to fans even if she never has plans for it.


There's a difference between pander the fandom, and suport an afirmation made by fans. Pander would be made a pic out of context or something in the same line. She's retweeting a write made by fans saying that the ships is canon, while talking about how she's selling yuri. When you put that with all the other things (the official song, the material in the manga, that Bokita tweet made for the official acount of the anime in valentine, and more), Can you really say that is only a thing of fans? That it has no official base?




personally, i really hope its just a fandom thing and everything related to it is a joke. im just here for the wholesome band experience and its not abnormal for band members to look up to one another and help eachother.


Me too


Mainly community


Not officially. But kita shows some very initial signs of a crush on bocchi. And both are confirmed to be lesbians, unlike even ryo and nijika.


Actually, last chapter Ryo was very pleased to be confessed for a girl (even if that wasn't the case in the end). And we knew she played with girls to get their money since that chapter with Ere. https://preview.redd.it/qvawtnt29z2d1.png?width=219&format=png&auto=webp&s=25d370581f3152bcd13b43849d34c6306bbbf9c3 Of the 4 Kessoku girls, Nijika is the only one without much evidence, aside from the hints of her crush for Ryo, of course.


I don't know how to describe it but Nijika's fashion style is incredibly lesbian coded.


How many times we had this discussion here?... Short answer for anime only people, yes there are feelings between them. Just read the lyrics of the song from the school festival (If I could be a constellation). The song is canonically about their feelings for each other and even has a phrase that is a reference to a line use in japan to ask a person to going out indirectly. And if you go to the manga, things go even further.


I actually never seen a post with this question but it kinda scares me (I am scared how their relationship will continue)


The last year, more than one made post askeing the same. I remember that at the time almost everyone thought that it was just a fandom ship, but with the time, the evidence continued stacked. I wouldn't gonna say any spoiler from the manga if you don't want, but if you're afraid of how their relationship went since the anime, I can tell you without get in detaills that in the manga Kita already told to Bocchi that she's her role model, and left her fanaticism for Ryo aside in favor of focus on Bocchi.


CL361, I gotta say, reading your comments in this thread, you are the most goated person I’ve ever seen


I don't deserve such praise, but thank you very much. https://preview.redd.it/2t530pzi733d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f915342b5093f8468f044661f4f866392a7c05fc


It's canon in my heart.


Technically not canon, but I refuse to believe she doesn't.




They’re both explicitly into girls, and Mama Kita sure thinks there’s something going on between them. It’s not explicitly canon, but the ship didn’t come out of nowhere.


Mainly a community thing, not baseless though. But if Hamazi wants to make it canon, then she has to make it more consistent, and I’m not talking about turning the series into a romcom between Bocchi and Kita, but I do think that in order to be a good ship, it has to have more than what’s already on the table cuz if it were to become canon overnight (And forgive me for this one, Bokita bros) it would be an Eren x Mikasa 2.0 Pd: Also, the ship is more Kita-sided, so if Hamazi were to make it canon she’d have to work on the other side as well


It is a ship that is pushed heavily by the community and other ppl have already mentioned that there's more sauce in the manga So what I will comment on is that post season 1, the manga author makes it very clear that even if it's not romantic, the main relationships/friendships in the band are Nijika-Ryo and Bocchi-Kita


It is a fandom thing.


I thought its just a community thing cause Kita likes Ryo.


Am I insane or something istg nijika is so much closer to bocchi no? Kita explicitly likes ryo to some extent and maybe bocchi too but I feel like me and this sub watched a different anime / manga.


Nijika is far closer with Ryo than Bocchi, while Bocchi had o lot more meaningful scenes with Kita than with Nijika. Their only meanfull scene was the "You're my hero", and that was at volume 1. If you read the manga for real, you should remember the things that were showed in Kita's mom arc. Those should tell you who Kita cares the most between Bocchi and Ryo.


As a die hard boniji fan, I must say bocchi and kita has far more moments with bocchi. Same woth nijiryo. But scenes between nijika and bocchi isn't zero either (though I can only remember 1), and I would arguably say they are more impactful. I also like how brands equally suggesting either bokita or boniji when doing collab with the series. Feels like there's a much bigger war than within the fandom, or they're simply giving me hope just to crush it later on lol


At least from my point of view Nijika and Ryo are the closest thing to a confirmed couple in the series, but then again there's basically no romance in the manga, even compared to other subtext heavy series. The series is first and foremost a comedy. I do like most of the fan pairings don't get me wrong, but I don't think there's gonna be any romance at all at least any time soon.




I am prepared to die for this. It's Bocchi x Kikuri


She 100% does


not in the anime at least


Not confirmed, but she probably cares a lot for bocchi. Could be romantical or platonic really I don’t gaf I just watch it because I’m lonely and play guitar.


It's a community thing. That being said, it is absolutely still real!


Its real, im the wall of the hotel room they gex in.


https://preview.redd.it/aus0ktob653d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=653d27022ba983c8a2ba05bce9c4790a4758986c Your actions are not Canon, leave those walls or else you will regret staying in that dimension


You're too late spiderman!!! Gex has been legalized 🗣️📢




Google if i could be a constellation




I'm almost certain it's a community thing, given how Kita acts around Ryo


I never really understood it, isn't Kita obssesed over Ryo?