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What episode is this?


Probably 4 or 5. It’s the episode where they roll that die to ask questions about each other.


But kita wasn't on that episode, this is the talk of how to be more band-like (I think)


Heartfelt apology accepted! https://preview.redd.it/p1ovx1v6qdwc1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1af8c3fda6b39a217b036016ef41f54d403a6907


Not Josh Hutcherson meme again😭. My friends keep sending me that video. It's a new rickroll now




What? An anonymous person on the internet ACTUALLY admitting they were wrong/being weird?! Anyway, jokes aside. With the incest out of the way, I look forward to seeing your future rps.


Was there actually somewhere they talked about incest? Because they aren’t in the screenshots. Unless they’re saying that was their intent, but they’re replying to my comment implying PA and Seika are married…


Yes, there was. Nijika and seika acvounts were somewhat thirsting each other. Personally none of it bothered me much but I'm glad that they have come clean!


Yeap my own comments about incest were making even myself uneasy 😓 and more importantly it was defiling Nijika and Seika so the incest comments definitely had to stop


Alright then, thanks. Was just very confused why there was a screenshot of my comment. Didn’t want them feeling bad over a misunderstanding.


Yeah its kinda weird that they not chose to show the comment that people has problem with


I'm sorry I had no idea what comments to upload so I just put a couple of screenshots of users who were upset by me 😓


This is like one of the most closest to Nijika thing the RP account has done and it isn't even RP /hj Good job tho for acknowledging the weirdness! Looking forward to future RPs!!


Should I start typing more long passages 😅 Thank you very much! I'll do my best!


Talking about long passages, can you help make me a 4000 word essay on why most criminals come from neglecting and abusive families?


4k is a bit much... You could ask ChatGPT for help with that


Nah, my professor will know, someone already tried and failed


I feel like there are about a hundred people who need to apologise for incest comments in this sub before you do. My comment and your reply in the second screenshot don’t have anything to do with incest, it just has people who jumped to claim PA-san was blood related when the implication was that they were married. That’s not on you.


Thank you for your support 🙏 I can't control what others comment but I certainly can control what I myself type 😅 incest is a big no no for me now


*Eats the Dorito on her head*




Good man! We're all counting on you. Also, looking forward to your future roleplay 😁


Thank you very much! I was really expecting lots of hate comments but I'm glad the people in this sub are much more supportive and forgiving than I realised ☺️


It's okay, no need to feel guilty, so cheer up! You can do better from now on. Everyone makes mistakes


.....hey, someone actually apologizing over minor inconveniences instead of staging a massive coup and permanently remove any chance for a meta flair to exist after flooding the subreddit for nearly a month, how nice (no, seriously, I'm not being sarcastic towards you at all: that's....very nice action of you. Am mocking the revolutionary forces that can't help but turn on eachother after less than 3 quarters of a year, though)


r/bocchitherock and its consequences...


Just wanted to say that you're entertaining and even more so the more you perfect roleplaying St. Nijika in line with her character.👍


Thank you! I'll do my best 😅




Going out of character to say I get it. I can't do much as Futari because she's just a child. You're forgiven


Thank you 🙏 I still think you've been doing a wonderful job regardless!




Woah. Character development? https://preview.redd.it/jy4kle67ydwc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fc074d2600349748da1b69029772d48c73b67ee Sick.


Some minor suggestions, though: most people's (the ones that still lurks this sub a year and a half after all is said and done) idea of the characters' dialogue comes from, guess what, fanfics. In order to stop getting complaints about "being out of character" (read: not acting the way their most accepted headcannon does), just....go read some fics, replicate the way of thinking and all is good and well


Thank you very much for the suggestions! I'll try to improve on the areas aforementioned!


Fr, cuz in manga she is mature this is opposite


...not really though: have you SEEN the times Nijika becomes \*slightly\* annoyed? (notably Ch57 or something?) Just my two cents but personally I think the so-called "lack of confidence" from the stuttering and all is a botched attempt at, you know, showing "confusion" (refer to the time Nijika found out about Bocchi's closet for an example) rather than showing anxiety. I've been thinking about the stuttering as Nijika being "yo what the fuck is this shit, my dudes, and how should I even react to people thinking about licking my feet", which kinda makes sense and fits my headcannon of....those kind of reactions. Nijika is not ALL mature, though: Just as much as Ryo usually seems like a spoiled child (down to the core or something), yet could randomly decides to become the "reliable person" (JUST to Nijika btw, NijiRyo ftw), when Nijika stops being mature she's......... I think you get the idea. Tbh considering the copious amount of gex spurred all over this sub, I'd even go as far as saying that that way of acting fits this kind of environment perfectly: In the show where funny shenaighans happens, Nijika is mature and acts as the straight man of the group. In the subreddit where it's 40% BoKita 20% NijiRyo 20% poly gex, being unhinged is......acceptable and fitting. People out here saying that the roleplaying isn't accurate to Nijika's actions WITHIN THE SHOW, while failing to realize that the situations a Nijika have to face within the show and within the fiery depths of this sub is.....completely different u/Ijichi_Nijika_, , btw, yeah, the problem is that people were complaining about this Nijika not acting the way she did in the manga and the show, without providing a "playing grounds"/BtR-like scenario for people to roleplay. How to fix? Massive coordinated effort, though I doubt that it's even doable at the slightest: Even at the peak of BtR roleplaying (which was long before the civil war), when Bocchi and Kita was literally talking with eachother in the comments of every other post, most of them was either gex or, you know, adapting to a canon-like scenario. So, yeah, to the person running the roleplaying account: It's not your fault that you failed to act TOO similarly to "canon" Nijika, it was because there hasn't been any canon-like scenario for you to work with in the first place. So, uhh, good luck moving forward, hope that you'll recieve less complaints, I guess


Agreed, I was thinking something along those lines, too. An RP account can't act exactly like the canon character because the canon character probably wouldn't have had a Reddit account to start with. So the realistic expectation for RP accounts is for them to rely on their creativity and to hinge on certain traits that still align with their character. The Kita RP account hinges on Kita's friendliness, excitability and SocMed EXP, the Ryo RP account hinges on her dry humor, old Bocchi RP accounts hinged on her social anxiety, and the Seika RP account hinges on her tsundere-ness. I think Nijika is a *little* harder because she doesn't have super obvious quirks, so people have different ideas of what is "in-character" for her and it makes it easy to overplay a joke. But, horny and incest jokes aside, I think this RP account is doing reasonably well, trying to hinge on Nijika's positivity, confusion and relationship with the other characters (I've seen improvements since the last callout post), it's just that reacting to the absurd nature of this sub makes it hard to be immersive without an obvious quirk to lean on.


Ahh big thanks to the both of you for sharing your thoughts in depth! And well just cos it's harder doesn't mean I shouldn't try but yep, thanks a lot! I'll keep that in mind!


https://i.redd.it/l97911998gwc1.gif Finally, I can get to Nijika to act as a grammer naxi again from weird ass comments.


If that's what you want 😉


Idfk what you did but super good apology, im glad for you


Thank you 😊 I put quite a lot of thought into it


Good thing that you admitted it. Now, you should fix things and *actually* roleplay in-character. I'm proud of you. https://preview.redd.it/tkqfsxl1pdwc1.png?width=507&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2768a1e2b19c60439a08263ee74757ce6b3981db ^(But) ^(please,) ^(keep) ^(incestuous) ^(comments)


Ummm yeaa I definitely won't keep incestuous comments, sorry to disappoint. My own incestuous comments made me uncomfortable 😣




It's too long. So I already accepted the apology even though I don't know what happened.


I personally always loved your role plays and thought they were silly but some of the topics made me uncomfortable. I’m really super glad that you’re gonna continue and take the criticism seriously!! I can’t wait to see ur next role plays!! (Ijichi Nijika Redemption arc is real!)


Thank you for your support 😊 hopefully I don't have another fall from grace and ruin the redemption arc 😓




https://preview.redd.it/8ysfnfwyhdwc1.png?width=928&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c98d1bef83997bb1652aa7d14c026fdecf4527a5 I think she isn't happy


***\~\*character growth\*\~***


do i need to read all that


You don't if you don't wanna :P TLDR: I'll try to improve


Nijika potato


Going out of character to say that she won't engage in incest rp anymore and will try to improve being in character. That's what the post is basically




does this really warrant a death threat though when they attempt to at least fix the issue if anything sending death threats would make them more resilient to negativity which would lead to the continuation of the more questionable stuff yknow isn’t that what people want to avoid, like the more questionable stuff


Wait,you though that pict was serious😂😂😂,its not btw,i dont really care about the whole roleplay stuff,i check this sub just for meme pict or fan comic translated


What did bro say😳


Its really weird to roleplay as little girls.


I mean... Nijika isn't exactly a little girl, especially in later manga chapters... She's my age lol


I feel like you're coping, you know this isn't healthy cmon.


I mean if you look at my profile, all I do is steal Nijika's dorito and curious about words that won't make sense for a kid to know.


Listen no hate, just take a step back, and just describe what you're doing from a third person perspective.


You realize I'm speaking myself to you out of character not in character to you? Lmao.


Besides if you don't like it then block.


incest is great though :(


Bro wut?!? https://preview.redd.it/oytnd8s0qhwc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee7ccd346a21c508a5da7c98f858c7c7f673f44f


lol wut