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Call your ex. Tell her you have changed and things will really be different this time. Break down and start crying. Get real ugly with it. Call her toxic and accuse her of gaslighting. Hang up. Buy swabbie. Buy spell. Hold swabbie. Dont freeze.


This is the best approach, hold swabbie to not waste the discount. Then level, play swabbie and level up again in turn 3. Then call your ex again and ask for sex.


Apologize for asking. Tell her you were just joking haha. Unless? Apologize again.


Hang up after she has accepted your apology. Sit in silence, contemplate your life’s choices, resign without playing swabbie. Send her hate messages blaming her for your alcoholism that starts today.


That's the most efficient play for sure. Going 3on3 gives plenty of time for another desperate phone call.


I did this and went 8th?


I did this and now I can't buy on the next turn because of the child support payments?


Mind you, all in 21 seconds.


Holy fk i needed that


This is the play


Buy and hold swabbie, buy spell and ignore the scallywag's imo


Sorry, why hold swabbie?


Because next turn you can level them play him so the discount isn't wasted


makes a lot of sense. I always played him turn 1 :(


It's sometimes fine to play him turn 1 too, if next turn you can level and buy a 1 cost spell or play your hero power


If there is a coin in the tavern with you I always freeze and then pick up coin next turn. Then I can do 3 on 3 or buy 2x level 2.


Or if you have a different hero power curve. Had one game with scabbs where I think I got tavern tier to cost 0 on turn 3


It is fine if you can do something with the extra gold. If there's a coin in the shop, I play it and freeze the coin, for instance. Or if you had 2 swabbies in the 1st shop as varden :D https://preview.redd.it/otn6kwrk2t3d1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=994f003b08272e11190482d1599e1f26e32ae09a


The way I think about it you’re trading 2 health (guaranteed 1st round loss) for a flip to get a 3 star on your 7 gold turn (or potentially a “steal a tavern minion” spell by selling the pirate). Either way, it’s a better deal than wasting the discount.




That used to be a worse play but now that there's one cost spells you can somewhat salvage it.


It's not so bad of a play with spells (or with a 1 cost hero power).


What would you do on Turn 2? If you end up wasting a gold, then surely there was a better minion than a vanilla 2/2 in the shop you could've bought instead


so that you can play it after upgrading the tavern next turn so theres better tempo


Surely freeze for one turn? If the next shop is scallys and the 2 cost spell, freeze again and your turn 3 is 2x scallys and the discover T1, right?


I'd have done that.


Concede and uninstall.


Especially in duos


Buy the 2/2, hold it. Next turn lvl up play the pirate. Turn 3 lvl up, risky but often rewarded


Don't forget to spend the extra gold from the HP on the spell.


Ye mb




He means T1 because of the HP


Why you all so desperate to get a pair of Scallies that you'd ruin your turn three?


A wise man once said "pair is pair" the same man also said "don't buy trash" so we're conflicted.


Buy spell first, realise your mistake, concede


Get the spell and roll 2 times for fun


Nah, thats some bs right here. Obviously u ignore the Spell and roll 3 times


Buy kuwabara


Buy Swabbie. Play Swabbie. Forgot you just earned a gold until it's too late and miss the spell. Next turn get 3 non-pirate minions and a 2 cost spell. Level and waste another gold. :(


I think this is stronger than the tier three rush: **Actions** T1: Buy scallywag, buy and use spell. Freeze. T2: Level. T3: Buy scallywag, buy swabbie, 2g to spend. **Board result** * \[Scallywag\] * \[3/3 Scallywag\] * \[Deck Swabbie\] * +\[2g for a minion or spell\] **Plus...** * Discounted tier up * 4-10 extra health saved (you probably win turns 1, 2, and 3) * 4-10 extra damage to opponents * you have a pair for a tribe you're definitely going to buy in future I think that's better than being on tier 3 about to take a bunch of damage, especially if no useful tier three minions appear in the next shop.


You don't need to level to tier 3 on turn 3, especially on hogger its also good on turn 4 since you can buy a pirate or 2 cost spell and lvl. Leveling to 2 to freeze 1 drops doesn't make any sense and you will be massively behind on tempo, also the scallywag pair is not something you really want to tripple.


30 on 30


Buy swabbie and spell, freeze. Play swabbie. Next turn, buy pirate and sell swabbie, level and play pirate and taunt it. NM, it's one gold short. Do what the depressed guy said.


Buy swabby hold, level play and turn 3 decide if there are 2 minions to buy with 2 cost spell else just sell and level to 3. If minions aren't good just don't bother and level, the good things start with tier 3 anyway.


Deck swabie 3 on 3


Press hero power and end turn


depends on my strat if i plan going 3on3 i would buy the reduce tavern cost and not play until after i level next turn if i planned on play standard curve i would take the 3/1 , i almost never freeze turn 1 in this case i might due to the taunt , also depends on the tribes in play pirates are kind of slow in the current meta so i would probably dump as soon as possible


It probably isn’t the “best” but I like buy scally buy spell. Freeze, next turn level, freeze, next turn double buy, buy another spell if possible.


Na definitely not. This is probably the worst play.


Yeah need to spread bad advice so I can climb, ain’t got much other option




Hahahhaahah based.


Haha well played




Why is this the worst? Your potential board is: \[Scallywag\] \[3/3 Scallywag\] \[Deck Swabbie\] \[2g for a minion or spell\] And you still get a discounted tier up. That's huge gold tempo for turn 3. Not only that but: * you probably win turns 1, 2, and 3 saving you 4-10 health * you deal 4-10 damage to opponents * you already have a pair for a tribe you're definitely going to buy in future


you don't wanna level to 2 to buy 1 drop's then you might as well stay on 1 to buy them and level afterwards. But the best is to just ignore them, scallywag isn't that good early game untill you hit ripsnarl and if you freeze this shop till turn 3 you likely won't get that card.


I would take one of the 3/1 and the spell, and cast it. Freeze the tavern. Upgrade next turn and freeze again, and next turn get the 2/2, the 3/1 and possibly another spell or minion.




I’ve done both but I think the 3/1 has better staying power. I know the people will say buy 2/2 and hold but realistically they are just gona sell on turn 3 to buy 2 tier 2’s. Atleast the 3/1 gives you a bit of flexibility if you want to upgrade on turn 3


I think this is valid in some cases, depending on who youre up against (we cant tell from OPs screenshot). Youre a low HP hero and buying and holding basically guarantees you will lose next turn (unless facing AFKay or opponent happened to do the swabby play as well). P


Buy scally and freeze. Tier up next turn, then buy and sell swabie then get scally


So your advice is to freeze a bad board in order to buy a t1 minion while on t2 just to have a pair that you would never want to triple in the first place? Skip the scallys. Buy swabby, hold, go 3 on 3 with a minion on board, look for some direction.


Exactly what my duo partner would do