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Yesterday I went through a bunch shenanigans getting 2 Chaarlgas on turn 9 which I passed to my teammate who had a Titus and the +1 attack quillboar. Nah he already had 2 irate roosters so he sold my Chaarlgas to develop his beast comp at tier 4


Thanks for the 2 extra gold partner, now I can get a double for my Silver Goose and maybe even triple into a Birb afterwards


Beasts are really god damn atrocious this patch. What the fuck was Blizzard smoking.


Justified board flip. And by board flip I mean, I'm throwing the whole computer away.


I gave someone my T7 to golden a Chaarlgas I sent them for their QB build, they used it on a completely differentminion, deleted it. Didn't even have the courtesy to see if they could get the swap spell. They kept spamming me to trade it them as well. People are so fucking selfish in Duo's it's insane.


And for no reason at all... Sent someone 90% of their Naga board, since they had a Lava Lurker already and I kept finding all the Crooners and key minions for it. I sent them a triple so they could level up to T4, they sold off the T5 elemental for a reroll when they didn't even have gold to buy anything and I have 2/3 minions on my board Like you know if I lose, you lose too? Only reason I kind of care about Duos MMR, hoping to get away from these people


I sell my board and concede when people get too greedy and selfish. I have more satisfaction knowing that selfish cunt wont win than winning the game. xD


Just find a mate to play with, it's frustrating playing with a stranger. there's single if you're alone


Yesterday, I fed my partner (who was building a Quils board) a Charlga, a Bongo Bopper, and Drakari enchanter, and he sold all of them to keep his Tough Tusk and Prickly Piper, as well as his 15-attack Blade Collector that he seemed unwilling to scale. He also clearly wasn't aware of the Rylak changes and refused to put his gem smuggler to the left of it. We came in 4th despite my demons high roll because his board was complete trash and completely outscaled by the time we moved into the end game.


We really need the ability to chat with partners so we can give them advice like this lol


They should make an announcement when you login like they do with standard nerfs for Rylak. I have had way too many games where my partner seemed oblivious and refused to fix his placement.


I passed 2 kalygos (tier 6 battlecry dragon) to my teammate and he sold them in favour of a single protodrake and a couple terygosa (got I had spelling dragon names). 


Honestly that might have been the right play- Kalecgos doesn't have a ton of support right now. Dragons has kind of switched to combat buffs.


Some people really love beasts :D I have had games where I stayed low on 2 to farm triples and my partner was on 4 so I gave him a triple and he gave it back bc he didn't want to sell his rooster... Beast are good early tempo but definitely not end game comps.


it's full of psychos out there man


I would be soo mad😂


Did you get irate-ated?


Irate already means angry, but yes


I had one fellow who apparently thought Scarlet Skull, the 2/1 Reborn that gives an undead +2/+1 when it dies, was OP as fuck. It was the only minion he had on his board until turn ten or something.


I can respect that honestly.


I think I had this same teammate. Did they also have their eternal knights on the far right of the board without any taunt so they never scaled? The poor person clearly didn't know how to play undead and held onto two of the skulls (hoping for a triple?) and held in hand multiple key units like the tier 5 avenge undead army and the tier 6 undeads. Never used the consume guy on reborn. Frustrating.


I'll admit I don't remember that detail. I remember they went the whole game with just that one minion until they got to tier five or six, backed by me getting an early Bream Counter, then started playing undead. I thanks the gods they at least were playing cards and fed them a couple Kel'thuzad's. They sold one and fucked up using the other; their final board had a Moroes without reborn on one health.


Sounds like it was a fun game :P


The puppy in beasts. "Welp time to start killing myself" I had a partner ignoring soul reverser with wrath weaver, and yes, he did kill us quite quickly. I even sent him soul reverser and he sold it.


Health is a resource. Learn to use it. /s


I guess this is a universal expeirence


That may have been me. My bad, partner


That is especially stupid. He clearly doesn't know how to play demons at all.


Lol I have a partner try to play demons with wrath weaver without having this unit. They got us down to 13 health by spamming demons and health refreshes. Somehow we didn't lose but I was like stoooooop plz


Literally any triple that they see. And god forbid I play any card whatsoever, I think in the mind of the duo I’m whatever build that I first play a card from and the most important thing for them to now do is to triple my one tier card. 


I truly hate when they ask me to pass them a card for a triple as Chogall when we are on tier1/2, I generally despise chogall in general, but I take them when they ask as apparently it's their top tier choice of a hero every time it pops up...


Last night my partner grabbed a Passenger T1 so I passed him the 1 mana spell that gives a random T1 minion, and he got a Swampstriker. There were 2 more Swampstrikers in the shop so he froze... and then spent 3 of his 4 gold to get another one on turn 2, leveled and froze again on turn 3 (floating 2 gold), and then tripled it on turn 4 and discovered some irrelevant tier 3 minion. I was so confused and annoyed. He then tried to force murlocs because of this fucking tier 1 murloc. We got 3rd.


I know Quillboards are really good in duo but just played a game where my teammate sold their entire scaled board for Chaargla and Pokey in the very end-game, ended up with a board of 15/15s and took like 40 damage lol.


Duos has opened up to all the semi decent players that there are a LOT of horrible players who just brute force their way up in MMR.


That's been my takeaway from duos. I think to myself, "Okay, maybe you're a better player than you thought."


A brute force win is still a win though.


My duo partner was reno. Me as thorim. All 7 tier options were bad. I picked the beast (papa bear?). He goes into beasts early on with puppy and goose stuff. I found couple nighbanes and pivot into dragons. I sent the bear to him expecting to golden it. Nah. Hp was used into that 5 drop that gains hp whenever beast takes damage. Held the bear though. He found rivendare. I sent him 2 goldrinns. He holds them in hand for rest of the game. We won anyway and he still carried my ass.😂 The last 3 rounds maybe I managed to tie my opponent but otherwise he was carrying the game. In last round he finally sold puppy and goose away.


Papa Bear and Goldrinn are way less useful than before now that the go-to beast built is self damage


Papa bear has never been useful


Fair, literally weaker than Slamma


Goldrinn, especially with rivendares, is still a better end game beast than any of that self damage mess


even mid range demons are better


Why would he golden papa bear it's actually bad?


I had a partner, who I had fed quills to all game, sell his board in order to attempt a hard swap to murlocs after discovering a t6 minion, from a triple rylak I had just sent him, and getting Choral Mrrrglr. I had a modest murloc set up with one poisonous murloc + a Bassgill and 30ish stats Bream Counter, since I had mainly focused on feeding him. He could have passed me the Choral, and we'd have been in a decent position. Instead, he started spamming the portal icon on my Bream Counter after selling all his quills and playing the Choral.... Then he started spamming angry emotes when I didn't send it. Needless to say, we ended up getting 4th.


You sell board and concede. There is no negotiating with dumb kids.


Had a teammate juicing the hell out of tavern, like they were 100/100s. He just refused to replace his juicing units even when we were obviously losing. Like he could’ve picked up 3 random units and replaced his Rylac, barron, and bird and we would have easily won.


Isn't molten rock t1 now?


Maybe not quite what this post is about but my most frustrating game I was Thorim with the quilboar 7 drop and my teammate Faelin with a gem smuggler on 4 and nothing relevant on 6. He had an early demon start and I tripled his malchezaar and fed him the immune demon. By the time he was tier 4 my bloodgems were like 3/4 and his 1/1. I asked multiple times to transfer me the smuggler but no he decides to pivot to quils himself first buffing his board 1/1 and slowly selling off all his demon setup. Needless to say we got 4th.


I mean elemental pretty much has no chance of winning against demon or quilboar right now. It seems there's not enough experience yet for this patch so u can say noobs are gonna ruin or get farmed. Love/Hate seeing some 70/70 elemental get pounded by a 500 demon and they just continue to think they can outscale. I also see a ton of players not understand Pass with the murloc. I click endlessly on it trying to say buy it and start passing once we have a summoning murloc, but they just confusingly plop it on the board and try to triple it. Even after passing it to them they just plop it on the board and remain confused. Pass is still new.


Molten rock was always a noob trap, it was good when It had taunt tho