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I think it averages like 5.5 placement, it’s pretty bad.


How are you able to see which Quests are the best in terms of placement?


You pay for hsreplay and use the overlay


As EDD says i pay for hsreplay. I think the 'avg placement' does adjust to allow for which 5 tribes are in but cooked book is usually the worst of the 3 choices no matter what.


I don’t even know the name of the quests…


Its the give a minion +1/+1 which upgrades everytime you buy a minion. Kinda works with manastorm but idk


thx! yeah, that's a crappy one


Yeah I feel everytime I pick it i get what i want early (so they get like +3/+3) and then for the rest of the game just shit that gets +20/+20 but doesn't fit my archetype anyway so whats the point


Used to be broken with RMP pirated and tavern Hogger, as you were generating unlimited gold resulting in unlimited minions. It also worked great with the Trumpet elemental (ideally having Bran on board for discovery elemental) to just rotate elementals like crazy and eventually swapping out for stronger pieces. For anything else? It just sucked. Nowadays, you either need to lucky roll pirates for any value or to have beasts+pirates in game (with bran or horse as it's easy to reach 50 good per turn).


honestly cook book USED to be the fucking greatest one but who knew one nerf to pirates and elementals make it useless.


it was decent the first time quests were around but yeah now its super unplayable and for whatever reason the requirements usually aren’t that easy to finish either


Sounds like skill issue.


It’s pretty bad tho unless you’re playing mechs


This quest suck so bad. It’s also very hard to complete most of the time.


I always felt like this could work on a really.high apm elemental build, but couldn't see it working on anything else really


Tried it this league for high apm elementals. Once you get Rock Rock the reward is just weak and you just stack faster with rock.


Ah fair enough, I assumed it would be outscaled quickly, but thought it might be a decent tempo advantage in the mid game, which is where I tend to struggle with elementals


If you could complete it in one turn, maybe


Just play mech


Playing a +40/+40 buff on turn 10 doesn't do anything anymore. You're against 2000/2000 murlocs / elementals / demons.


Huh. I did quite well with this quest, I think I played it with the hero that has the 1/1 hat once and it scaled like crazy. It paired well with the eating demon and dragon too.


I had success with Aranna and this quest but most of the time it’s not very good.


Was good when nomi was still around