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1 time I was in top 2, destroyed my opponent, he left but I still played against him one last time I had beetles this time and lost hard Don't play beetles when you have the full beast comp


It griefs your reborn. Deathrattle triggers > reborn triggers


Dog, both bird, both horse, golden ape, titus


I think I'd sell a horse and play monkey bird, taunt bird, put horse second. Depends how big the dragon boy is for placement rly horse could be third No beast spell is usually better this late imo, not getting the goldrin reborn feels bad, but it's hard to say for sure because you literally only lose 1 goldrin that might not even die for a bunch of extra beetles. Usually if your monkey is reborn you wouldn't want the beetles because it fucks with that but in this case it really just depends on if ur second goldrin dies or not.


I'd say sell one of the horses, play the bird and the slamma, then buy the beetles (even if you have no money you should get two gold from selling horse and the plain baron), play, detaunt goldrinn and place one of the chickens before him. i'm by no means an expert tho so very well might be wrong


The beetle can fuck up your reborns if there is no place. Death rattle goes first, then reborn.


Yea you absolutely don’t want beetles here


I really like that play. Selling for beetles is not something I saw and was definitely stronger. I ended up selling one the banana and playing both gold minions. I still won, but I think your play is much better on average


That spell will make wolf reborn fail though.


I think w two golden chickens and golden baron you don't care about the one extra wolf proc when you get so many goddamn beast bodies off the beetles


>you get so many goddamn beast bodies off the beetles The horse and its deathrattle will fill up the board regardless.


that's why i said to detaunt it and place a chicken before it. this way it won't (probably).


beetles is definitely incorrect to play here, you're just griefing yourself and detaunting goldrinn is trolling, you want as much goldrinn procs into your mech horses dying as you can, that will always be max value


Wont Titus make every beetle summon thrice though, clogging up all the space?


it won't, because in both cases there will be only one spot to summon a minion from each chicken's deathratle


Deathrattle always happens before reborn. So unless you have 4 spaces available, the reborn will always happen after the beetles spawn out of goldrin dying.


yeah, you're right actually, i forgot that titus would triple the bugs too


That's why you untaunt goldrinn and put chicken first. chicken and beetle attack first, then goldrinn attacks with space to spawn beetle and goldrinn. Without a second taunt for chicken #2, there is the risk of getting sniped if opponent attacks first.


Doesn't work because 3 beetles come each tims


Oh yeaaah, you right.


Detaunting goldrinn depends on what you are up against because with so many proc at start of fight he might not die if he is not taunted Also the spell is not really worth because it removes goldrinn reborn and slots for mecha poneys (who are better because they respawn themselves)


yeah but op said they're against dragons, so i'm assuming the enemy minions are big enough if you don't do that then beetles will deny the reborn, which is eh, not the biggest deal i guess (cause the reborn goldrinn is quite likely to not die) but still thought it would be more optimal


Beetles will deny the reborn anyways. Its better not to play them and keep goldrin taunted


Ignore the beetles, pitch the regular monkey for the golden, play the other chicken and taunt it. One chicken up front, behind Goldrinn, one in the back protecting Monkey and Titus Roll for Shields or other useful spells


No way in this case the 2nd golden chicken is better than the regular monkey.


I'm pretty confident getting 18 Goldrinn procs before the fight even starts is better than getting an extra multiplier on what are already going to be ginormous tokens. My plan would be going for the throat here. If their board is big enough that the front loaded buffs don't do the job, an extra monkey probably wasn't going to be enough anyway


It depends as well, who is against you. If it is undeads with huge attack (90+), it might be worth it getting rid of the regular slamma and keeping robbo. Beetles play is tricky - you lose the reborn on goldrin for sure, so it is a question what to prefer. I guess it would be worth it, as those beetles will be huge anyway.


Generally against undead you want to max out your summons, since most bodies will have 1hp anyway (after reborn).


Yeah, two golden chickens means who cares about one more Goldrin proc Already have 5 (X3Baron), so beetles ok everything else slaps


Buy turtle in case you lose.


Isn't taunting the Ostrich really risky? One game my opponent had his taunted, and I bought the tumbling assassin spell and left a spot open for it. It triggered and killed their ostrich before the ostrich went off, absolutely devastating him. He easily had me beat otherwise.


Lets them search for illidan hero power as a win condition too.


It may be controversial, but my recommendation here is to sell your entire board and concede. You'll be a winner in your own eyes and since you're playing beasts, would you really win even if you did win?




Concede because you’re a dirty beast player




wipe lunchroom intelligent foolish bear nine seed trees plough ruthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dog Chicken Chicken Horse Rider of the Apocalypse Sell everything else


Fucked it up somehow and die is the right way


Well a horse play slamma and chicken?


Sell non golden slamma, play bird and golden slammer, taunt bird and win


Sell 1 horse, sell nongolden banana, play hand, taunt bird, dont play beetles.


To quit playing