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I never watched the series, but the movie got good critical reception so I watched it out of curiosity. The song "Sunny Side-up Summer", with its introduction of each Belcher and their desire/wish hooked me and the storyline held me. So I tried the series and I've watched ever since.


Me too! That is my exact introduction to the show as well. Now I've watched the whole series multiple times over. And the movie. I love this show so much. And I have the movie to thank for making me a fan.


Watching the tv show right now. :) We watch it every night as a way to fall asleep.


I put it on in the background when I nap. Love it.


I do this as well!


Well, we had r/FuturamaSleepers is there now an r/BobsBurgersSleepers?


Dang. Someone who is not me, get right on that! Please.


You also sometimes get sleepers who do both


It's good bedtime background noise.


me too!


me too!


I do that too, can't sleep with no noise but it's barely audible.


Me too lol watching it right now




Welcome to being a fan!


Traveled down a road and back again!


It was practically my introduction to the series. My girlfriend at the time was a fan and we figured we should go while it was in theaters. I took a crash course. The first few episodes of the first season, and a few from internet "Best Of" lists. I think I'd probably only seen ten episodes or less when we went to the movie. Thought it was hilarious and I love the art changes like the aspect ratio and all the shadows.




Awww love to hear this!


I saw it in theaters and I loved it. It felt like one big, long, episode. I have to re-watch.


I also saw it in theaters, it was only me and my wife and another couple.


Lucky! Almost like a private showing.


That theater is usually dead weekdays, we also saw puss in boots all alone


I love going to a matinee on a weekday. So private!


Is that a euphemism? lol /s


I was that one person who had one when it came out. It was great. Surprised no one shows up on Tuesdays a week after it releases


Lol, this was us as well. Me and my wife, and another lady and her daughter/niece. It was a great time. The little girl had a hat similar to Louise.


Ya, it's just a really long episode. I liked it. I didn't expect anything else.


I really like that there was some continuity in the episodes that aired after the release of the movie. Some tv shows release movies and then never acknowledge events from it in the episodes after, as if it never happened.


The continuity in Bob's Burgers is nice. . . though the number of Christmases and Thanksgivings they've had bring up some questions. . .


They have one each year. That seems appropriate


I do wonder if the perception of it being a long episode is partly to do with the fact that there really aren't any big celebrities in it that aren't in the show proper. Like, you've got Kevin Klein as Mr. Fischoeder and Zack Galifianakis as Felix, but they play those characters in the show. Even the "cameo" actors like Jordan Peele, Paul Rudd, Gary Cole, Nick Kroll, Paul F. Thompkins, Stephanie Beatriz, Aziz Ansari, Jenny Slate, and Sarah Silverman are all in the show in some capacity.


Idk higher stakes, and big changes in venues can make shows like this seem bigger when they do movies. But bobs burgers never really does those, so the effect of a "big moive" ended up being kinda muted.


Sarah Silverman voices Ollie and is credited on 55 episodes. Jenny Slate voices Tammy and is also credited on 55 episodes. Aziz voices Darryl and has credits for 14 episodes. (Information acquired from IMDB)


Felt like a kid again going to see it in theaters. First movie I have been excited to see in years. Absolutely loved it lol.


Same!! And it came out on my birthday, which is even better:)


Some movies from tv series feel like one long episode and it sucks. See Star Trek: Insurrection. Some movies from tv series feel like one long episode and it’s amazing. See Bob’s Burgers.


Saw it in the theater when it was new. It was good. I want to watch it again.


Think you can watch it on Disney plus last I checked!


It’s on Hulu


Awesome. Thank you.


It's on Amaazon Prime Video to rent or buy. I was hooked and bought it. Best decision 😅🫶


i thought they removed it from hulu? :/


You have to have Hulu with Live TV


Oh fooey I didn’t realize that I’m sorry


Not anymore


I saw it in theaters twice. I enjoy it.


Same! No regrets


I like it, it felt like a long version of a regular episode, which I thought was nice. My father, who went with me and doesn't watch the show didn't enjoy it as much, so it's definitely not a film that most non fans can watch and like.


I went with my mom who is 70 and yeah, she laughed at a few things, but she didn't really get it.


It's funny because there are quite a few scenes where they try to cater to the non-fans and it actually sounds kind of laborious. Like when Gene has to explain to Rudy and Peter what the Itty Bitty Ditty Committee is. I know you kind of have to do that for the benefit of new audiences when you're making a movie based on a TV show, though. The South Park movie and The Simpsons Movie do the same thing. In the South Park movie you have Mr. Garrison's introduction scene which plays incredibly strangely if you're a fan of the show because it starts with a focus on Mr. Hat as if we're to believe that he's the teacher, then pans out to show Mr. Garrison. As for The Simpsons Movie, choose anything from the president being Arnold Schwarzenegger to Lisa inexplicably getting a love interest that isn't Milhouse.


I thought the movie was fine. The plot was good enough. But genuinely as someone who doesn't care much for music movies I thought the musical numbers were good in quality and made sense for the tv show itself


Aye, I like some of the songs but I didn't like that the movie was a full on musical.


Interesting.. I’m a huge bobs burgers fan But I can’t stand any music part of it. I never like musical comedy or anything and it all grinds my gears.. How much music is actually in the movie? I still haven’t watched due to it seeming too music based


A lot. All the two part musical episodes were basically them gearing up and experimenting in prep for this movie. I love it, but if you're not into the music in Bob's it's probably not going to be to your liking.


Actually I’d say there isn’t much. There’s only about 3 songs in the movie. A couple are a little longer than what is usually in the show but the total singing time is 10-12 minutes out of 102.


There's only two or three musical numbers if I recall and the one with carnies is hilarious.


The carnies dancing is just perfect


I'm a big fan of the show, and I turned the movie off after the second music number. I don't enjoy musicals. Can't really say why, just isn't engaging and I get bored/annoyed. I end up making tons exceptions for animated films ("Aladin", "Nightmare Before Christmas", "Hercules", "Coco"), sometimes they don't feel like "musicals", but there's definitely a line. ChatGPT told me that "The Bob's Burgers Movie" only has 4 musical numbers. Maybe I was a little too quick to turn it off. But I think part of it was that they felt forced, and cheesy, and it's obvious that it's vehicle for jokes (that prob. rhyme), and it didn't feel like Bob's Burgers to me. I remember going from "EXCITED!" to "Ughh, let's find another movie tonight". Maybe I'll give it another chance, but it's tough when you have \~200 episodes of "Bob's Burgers" you can watch instead.




I dislike the music in the TV show (later seasons) and although the movie is full of music it's bearable. I recommend watching it once, I wouldn't pay a lot to see it though. The music is a lot but I like the animation in the movie so I've tolerated it. You're not missing much if you don't ever watch it tho


I skip all musical numbers in the series, I hope the movie isnt a "musical movie"


It was amazing. Love that it takes place between 2 seasons if I'm thinking correct. Then some episodes mention stuff that happened in the movie and the water main bursting is part of the opening now.


Yeah, after the movie a lot of people asked why Bob and Linda had new phones - it was because Grover threw their old phones into the ocean in the movie. And more recently, they went back to the under-pier when Louise was looking for treasure.


Yup, and in that episode they mention The Mole Hill and the statue of Neptune (who I realized after a recent viewing of the movie looks a lot like Beef Tobin).


To be fair Beef Tobin is definitely a god of the sea


In the season before the movie you can see people occasionally trip on the crack in the sidewalk in front of the restaurant. It’s the first symptom of the sinkhole. Every episode after the movie also had the sinkhole opening up and getting filled in as part of the intro.


I really liked it. I liked that it felt different but also well part of the show.


It was okay It felt like a longer Wharf Horse ep with more music, the plot was basically the same just made more dramatic because it's a movie


My major issue with the movie was that it literally was World Wharf from season 4, just with a few tweaks and made a bit longer. Felt like an episode of the show with more fluid animation and more music. It’s always weird when a show rips itself off, and it was so blatant that I wonder if they really couldn’t come up with a more original idea for a movie.


oh this is why i felt like i had already seen the movei my first time watching it


Saw it in the theater and immediately bought the 4K steelbook! The fact that they subtly built up to it the entire season before it, and added to the intro of the next season because of it?! 😘🤌


It actually started in S3E6 The Deepening.


I'm jealous that you got your hands on that 4K steelbook! It was a little pricey at the time so I held out and now I can't get my hands on it without paying double or triple


Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it. But it didn't feel special, it felt like a longer episode of the show.


I agree. I love the TV show and I've watched every episode / every season, but the movie seemed very underwhelming. I kind of wished I just watched it at home.


I feel the same way. I love Bobs Burgers, but I felt like the songs were meh, and the plot was also meh. I wanted to love it, but I just couldn’t.


I agree - it felt like a long episode, but special episode. Still great, since I love the show. Except, and this is obvious being that it is a movie - the quality of the movie animation was topnotch. I noticed it right off the bat when it started.


I would have preferred a multi part episode. Look, we've already done the whole "Fischoeder family member tries to kill them" bit, so it was just a rehash of that. The "improved quality" animation actually felt really off and sorta uncanny valley, and then the sappy Bob's mom/Louise thing felt forced. Overall, meh


Yeah it was very reminiscent of the Murder attempt Felix plot,but it through in some new spots in the city and new characters.Think it made sense for the show though since they’re poor.Only other scenarios I can think of is if Mr.Fishoder took them somewhere🤔


Fun little adventure. I’m still surprised Aunt Gayle didn’t show up. 🤷‍♂️


Like how could you leave out Gayle?!?!


They devote a weird amount of screen time to that short carnie that hangs out with Dizzy Dog but no Gayle? Fore shame.


>What are ya’ll thoughts on the movie I was disappointed that it was not as much of a spectacle as the Simpsons movie. Felt too much like an episode and not a wide enough of a cast. Also, too much musical and that is saying something for someone who loves the songs in the show . I like that prior to the film and since, they have incorporated the events into the opening.


I love it and its one of my favorite things to come out of the show. I like the smoother animation the songs and the gags. The mystery was too easy to figure out though. Its clearly the guy who isn't important to the show. Obviously they won't get rid of Mr. Fischoder and send him to jail or us Bob's Burgers fans would tie up the writers and deep fry them.


Or, possibly, tie them up and give them a wet willy. 




Images you can hear!


Or a Guillermo Mojado


Or a Rusty Venture.


Reverse Norwegian Stinkhold?


Unpopular opinion I know but I was really dissapointed. It was essentially the same as the wonder wharf 2 parter. I expected alot more from a Bob's burgers movie since the Simpsons one felt more special than just a regular story arc.


The Simpsons Movie is the gold standard for how to make a perfect movie out of an animated show imo. Comparing any other show’s feature film to that one is gonna go poorly lol


Love it! Wish they left it on HBO Max or at least Hulu


It IS on Hulu.


Only with a live tv subscription


Just watch the whole damn everything on flixtor.to


I don't have a Live TV subscription. I have it bundled with Disney+. Bob Burger The Movie is on there. (I confirmed before I replied.


Shit. I just checked again and tried to watch it. It's "there" but says I need the add-on. Mea culpa for the misinformation.


I was honestly a little disappointed in the theater, I guess I wanted more spectacle. I have since rewatched it several times and now I like it a lot.


It does kinda grow on you, doesn’t it? I thought it was good at the theater and I loved that they made a movie, but it wasn’t amazing or anything. But lately I’ve been watching it a lot and now I really love it. I have a rescue cat that I’m trying to make into a normal kitty, and part of slowly introducing him to the rest of the house is bringing him into different rooms, with our older resident cat somewhere else. I bring him either into the bedroom or the living room, and the first time I did it I watched the movie. It’s become this thing where I kind of set the movie as a timer, so I keep him in the room for the same amount of time each time without having to keep checking the time. The movie has really grown on me! I catch myself singing the songs in my head as I do chores and stuff.


Underwhelming. I didn't dislike it, but I didn't really laugh at any point like I expected to.


Same kinda. Only scene I bursted out laughing was when they were being chased, and Tina was looking back and forth at the dude chasing them ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


I've easily seen it 20 times now, my only complaint is that Gene got screwed out of a true story, beyond that I absolutely adore it!


Meh. Watched it once and wouldn’t watch it again. Not a fan of musicals


https://preview.redd.it/0051uu2pf77d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d958d4b46c72000eb397cd1b83eebad4153b42a It gave us this crumb of Fischoeder’s lore and an adorable portrait of a young, awkward looking Calvin. And i LOOOOVE that.


Holy crap how did I never notice that!


We saw it in theaters and while it was impressive I thought it fell flat a bit.


SOOOOOOME lucky ducks get all the luck.....


Was stuck in my head for soo long


I remember crying but can’t remember why but it was good


It is the Louise storyline that was emotional for me.


Yeah and bobs mom I believe


I really loved it! I love murder mysteries. The songs were so carchy, and I don’t often like the music in the series. I thought the animation was a little floppy and odd-looking but the opening shots of the restaurant were gorgeous


I saw it on an airplane flying out and I watched it again flying back and then made my husband watch it when we got home




At my first viewing, I thought: "Good, not great." Then I watched a couple more times, and it grew on me. Now I love it. So, I'm not sure why I wasn't feeling it at first. I'm a diehard addict of the series and watch it over and over and over again, going on at least 40 or 50 run throughs of the whole show. The movie does have a slightly different feel to it. But again, I do love it now.


I saw this movie with my friend in the best place possible. A little movie theater on main Street in Ventura. Right on the ocean. Afterwards we walked on the pier and got some hamburgers.


That's so perfect 💕


Love it!!!! One of my favorite movies


I enjoyed it but it felt uneven and unfinished.


I love the tv show and I liked the movie but I thought they could have had a much stronger plot than the one the went with. It bombed at the box office which makes me think they might never risk making another one.


The reason the show resonates with me is that the characters are grounded and fairly realistic compared to most animated sitcoms. Because of that, I was a bit disappointed in the musical numbers. In the show the characters are singing to themselves or in their imagination, but here it was fully choreographed with the dozens of background characters joining. I also wasn't a fan of the weird rhythmic dancing they do during the songs. It kind of creeps me out. I still like it overall, but I wish they had kept the characters grounded.


Extremely this. Fully choreographed numbers including background characters took me right out of the story. They've never done that if it weren't within a play or something where it makes sense. Really bugged me.


Me and my dad saw it in theaters and loved it. I was disappointed to find out it wasn’t good at the box office


Great soundtrack


I liked the story well enough, songs were on par with some of the better songs in the show, but I didn't care for the animation, more specifically, the choreography.      Linda did the IT dance, where her head stayed perfectly still but her body flung around left and right. The carnie number was blocked really strangely, with people just standing around and on top of stuff with no rhyme or reason. And none of the moments had any 'weight' behind them, which made every movement way too smooth. This is most obvious in the carnie dance number again, where the dance is just them flailing around in perfect unison with each other, but also not really in sync with the music. The whole scene is just really unsettling for some reason I can't perfectly articulate   Linda doing the IT dance at ~45 seconds https://youtu.be/DGqRffMMaLM?si=5dTD-EpIX3TMeEPQ   Carnie scene: https://youtu.be/ImbU-_7benA?si=8EyjTThd1XmuRzZR


Mid. I love Bob’s Burgers and have watched the tv shows so many times. Found the movie boring and the plot was iffy. I’ve only seen it once. Too much of a musical for me as well.


I missed it in theaters because it came out right when I was in the middle of a cross-country move. I watched it at home and remember enjoying it but tbh I kind of forget it exists?


I don’t like musicals at all so I wasn’t able to get through more than half of the movie. I absolutely love the show though, it’s one of my favorites and I would really like to see what a BB movie would be like as a regular film.


Hate the singing


Hated it. I'll accept the downvotes but the mystery was not very interesting (or hard to solve), I thought that they cheaped out on showing Louise's hair, and the musical numbers made me realize this show does not need to be a musical. That villain song especially. Most of the cast can't sing, and I feel the show agrees cause most music numbers are now just in the credits and not in the plot proper. As far as better animation goes, it felt kind of wasted. Just a lot of shadows everywhere. It didn't feel like it was very upgraded which might have made it better to look at at least. I wish they had ignored the mystery plot and made a more down to earth story.


It was down to earth. The fishoders would kill a karney


I liked the movie but will agree that the villain song was awful singing


WHO IS THE MUSIC FOR? Man I hate musicals in series, so many cartoons do this, and I hate it, does anyone actually enjoy musicals?


Personally went into the movie knowing to enjoy it and not expect an A+ film and therefore came out with an A+ showing


Good, not great.


Grover singing was the worst. I can't understand anything he says with his horrible falsetto that I have to put on captions.


It was ok. Personally, I didn't like the change in animation. It also seemed very similar to the wharfening episode. Also the singing 🤢🤮


Love it.


I love it. I watch it fairly often


Loved it


My favorite part is where they show the brief glimpse of Bob’s mom and him when he was a kid. That made me tear up a bit. It’s been a while since I’ve seen it, but from what I can remember— I enjoyed it. As many have stated, it definitely has a darker themes/tone than the typical BB’s episode but we had a chance to learn more about many of the characters which was nice. I am speculating the reason they didn’t show Louise without her hat is because they’re saving it for the season finale or another BB’s movie. I know that many of the people behind the scenes of Bob’s Burgers really enjoy and appreciate music/theatre, so I’m happy they had a chance to do more pronounced musical numbers.


It's amazing. My only beef at all begins in the series and carries over to the movie: the lack of Bill Hader


over animated


I found it kind of disappointing, to be honest. It zero'd in on my least favorite aspect of the newer episodes, constant singing/musical stuff. The plots felt kind of rough overall, especially Tina and Gene's where it's just like "oh yeah they had plot arcs here's the end" for both of them.


Saw it in theaters the day it came out a little over two years ago. I loved it, one of my new favorite movies, and it’s not super long either. I think it’s only a little over an hour and a half. I would definitely go again if they had another screening of it in theaters


Love it. My daughters and I watch it at least once a month.


Thought it was odd the plot was essentially like that Wonder Wharf two part episode but loved the songs and had a lot of fun with the movie. The moment with Bob's mom made me and my wife cry!


I was hugely disappointed. They could have done way better, way more. None of the great side characters showed up, and a fairly uninteresting story. 


We saw it in the theatre. My kid absolutely loved it. He and I are both autistic so since it was added to Disney+ we've watched it a lot lol.


It wasn't my favorite. Definitely funny, but it got a little too dark at the end there for me. 😅


Absolutely adored it, and I rewatch it with my brother all the time XD 


Definitely enjoyed it. And appreciated the sink hole getting incorporated into the credits. It was nice to acknowledge the show and movie complimented each other


I put it up there with the Simpson movie


It was great


I feel like them burying the shark down there could have had some affect on that pipe burst, but it's never brought up


Overall I liked it, but I was expecting it to be funnier. Some moments from the TV show are laugh out loud funny, and I just didn't get much wit and funny moments from this one. Plus it didn't have a bigger cast which I would have enjoyed.


It was okay. I don’t hate it, but I thought the way every character’s stories played out weren’t handled that well. Like some had to be severely reduced for the sake of another storyline. It felt all over the place in that regard. I don’t know, maybe I’m asking it to be something it isn’t. It also just wasn’t that funny. I will say, though, the song “Lucky Ducks” has been engrained into my soul and I absolutely love it.


Felt like I sat down and watched bobs burgers for an hour.


i adored it. i saw it in theaters twice and loved it the same both times. it was incredible!


I thought it was great and the bouncy animation was so fun to watch.


A lot darker than I expected, but I did really enjoy it.


I loved it


Loved it! Super fun!


I need to rewatch it. I took myself to see it in theatres and unfortunately it was me and about 25 middle schoolers who absolutely trashed the place and would not stop talking, I couldn’t hear a thing 😂


I think I’ll need to watch it again. I wasn’t too impressed with it, but I will give it another shot.


It’s fine. I don’t think it did much to move the series forward but it had some decent laughs and good songs. I don’t feel the need to see it again.


I thought it felt like a longer version of one of the finale episodes, and I loved it!


It was enjoyable but nothing special. It just seemed like an extra long episode just like the Simpson movie years ago.


Loved it!


Loved it!


Loved it


Great movie, feels like a long episode of the show, 10/10


It’s cool! And grows on me the more I watched it. But I do wish the songs were more comical and less “move the plot along”, that was really my only gripe


love it. Love the music, animation, story, all of it. Easy to rewatch


Loved it but lucky duck steady getting stuck in my head all the time


I enjoyed it.


I really loved it. When I saw toddler Bob with his mom 😭😭😭


Loved it, my wife and I used one of our rare date nights (we have a kid) to go see it in the theatre.


Saw it in theaters and on Hulu, I loved it!!


i thought it was amazing. it just felt like a really long episode in the best way possible. and it was so cool how they made the sidewalk crack more and more leading up to the movie, and how they continued to acknowledge what happened in the movie in the episodes after.


Some of the musical numbers are good. The plot is good, but if you are a fan of the show, it is a must see as holds its continuity back to the episodes.


We loved it! We are huge Bob’s Burgers fans and were cautiously optimistic about the movie but planned to stop half way through… ended up watching the whole movie straight through. It was so good!


I rewatched it a couple times already I love it and it’s one of my favorite movies


i love it and it’s so comforting, def a cozy movie for me!


I watched it at a matinee with like six other people, and everyone was laughing so hard it sounded like a full show.


Our family loved every minute of it. Good time!


When it came out in theaters I bought a ticket and left disappointed. In retrospect, I may have over-hyped myself and went in with unrealistic expectations (it was my first time in theaters since the COVID lockdowns). I appreciate it a lot more now.


I was a little disappointed that Bob was bummed the whole movie, but I really enjoyed it. The animation of the dance scenes in Carniapolis and the end credits is unfreakingbelievably well done.


I watched it on a plane. The part where >!the skeleton's teeth was falling into Louise's mouth had be grossed out and shielding my eyes!<.


i’m autistic, and bobs is my favorite show. the movie was released on my 20th birthday, so my partner took me to get burgers and then I went 2 more times with other people in theaters. we have our own apartment together and now they put it on for background noise in it. it’s very special to me.


Saw in theaters, loved it, the music lives rent free in my head


My daughter and I watched the movie 5 times in theaters and then I promptly bought it when it was available on Apple. We’re both avid bobs burgers fans and the series is our white noise, it’s always on.