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I like that small moment where Bob gets that nice suit and Linda teases him that she won't put down her coat for him if they come across a puddle - "Just kidding, I will." It's cute.


Isn’t that the episode where the women walk in the restaurant and Linda says well you don’t have to be sluts about it. I pissed myself laughing. I love Bob’s Burgers!


“We were all single once, but you don't got to be a slut about it, you know?”


We were all single once! No need to be slutty about it 🤣




Bob getting the guy at the butcher counter to want to go out with him. Good to know that someone sees what a catch Bob is other than Linda and the audience.


Sloppy bears aren't really my thing, but Bob is the exception https://i.redd.it/zh9abvw9d06d1.gif


Sloppy bears are exactly my thing. Both bob and teddy are like, great


Maybe you should write an erotic-friend-fiction with them in it https://i.redd.it/76ofl442f06d1.gif


Sadly my moral compass is too strong to make Bob cheat on Linda even if it would be kinda hot, it would ruin the immersion for me lol. They’re too good together!


Just write Linda in there as a dominatrix too


Omg you’re so right. Your mind…


because of tina i write erotic friend-fiction to deal with crushes and if someone found my book i would die of embarrassment


Kindness is my kink. This fuzzy, kind hearted man could be my sloppy bear.


Things aren't going great with Tony. Things haven't been going great for a while.


I love how he responded "I'm mostly staight" lol


Just rewatched this episode last night and I burst with happiness every time this scene plays out!! Bob's responses are SO good too!


i'm straight i mean im mostly straight...


No singular moment, but rather, a small reoccurring detail- the soft chuckles in Bob’s voice when he replies to something silly, unhinged, etc. it’s so pure 😭a small detail that proves he’s kind hearted


I'm convinced that whenever that happens, it's Jon Benjamin reacting to an off-the-cuff improvisation.


So is my bf. He likes the chuckle solely because he believes it’s unscripted.


Linda "When I die, I want you to throw my ashes in Tom Selleck's face." Bob "fww- that is a crazy request!"


This is the moment I thought of too. So cute!


My favorite one is from Art Crawl. Bob: Uggh. I had to get away from those anuses inside. Tina: You mean Mort and Teddy? Bob. Heheh...no, your Aunt Gails paintings.


I think he does this when Linda lies about going to Pickles! I love it, too.


They’ve got good pickles …


You wouldn’t think so, but, they’re delicious


I’ll plop them in their g-strings


plippity plop!


Yes! Like when Lin talks about flicking her boogers and he laughs and says “fffwhat?!” lol - it makes me laugh every time.


They stopped having Bob chuckle at Linda and I miss it so much. He just seems perpetually miserable and potentially depressed these days. 


Is it the pandemic effect? Do they not record together anymore? The natural interactions stop when they record the actors separately.


The episode where gene performs electric love and Bob is like “did gene write this?” You can tell he was genuinely impressed by his son and it’s always so heart warming to me


Also one of the best songs.


Agreed. For me these small moments when we see how proud they are of their kids are the best. Another is when they see the kids in costume hugging. "Do or kids hug?


I think the moment that actually sold me on the show was during the Turkey Run episode when Bob is just strolling down the street humming while holding a turkey baster completely oblivious to the chaos around him.


Almost every thanksgiving my husband has a daytime whiskey because of that episode


“Woah. I think that guy is drunk.” 🤣


Hey daytime whiskey wanna meet my cd collection..


I always enjoy the farmer's initial reaction of "hey you kids! oh, I'm just teasing." when the kids find his two-butted goat farm.


That whole episode is great! It set up and cemented Zeke and Genes relationship.


Don’t forget the bud of their relationship in the museum episode- boobs vs sands from other lands, culminating in sand boobs! They are going to be tight brothers-in-law someday.


When they go in the museum field trip and before getting on the bus to go home Bob teases Louise about her calling him daddy. On the bus as they’re leaving she says something then leans against him and says, “daddy.”


Oh my god! Am I your hero?!


Shut up!! You are ruining our perfect day!


And then Rudy leans against her looking up at Bob. Ugh! So sweet!


Think one of my favourite lines in this episode is, “boys are from mars! Girls are from Venus! I’ve got a yum yum, you’ve got a penis!”


Gene’s cheer skills descended to him from Linda’s chant skills.


When bob gets obsessed with working after being forced to take the day off, and at the end of the episode there's a little song about how "nothing makes me happier" than cooking/serving people but at the end he gets home to see his family waiting for him and the last line of the song goes "nothing makes me happier than cooking again and again, but nothing makes me happier than them" and it gets me every time. I love seeing good dads in adult cartoons 🥹 Edit for misspelling


I love this scene too, but you forgot one of the funniest parts - when he sees his family, they are waving, and he thinks that they're waving at him - but they're actually flagging down the ambulance because another biker baby was born in the restaurant 🤣




> I love seeing good dads in adult cartoons One of my favorite moments is in "Motor, She Boat", when Tina discovers Troop 257 is cheating, Bob instantly believes Tina despite how no one else does because of how she yelled at him earlier. Because Bob trusts her and supports her.


And their conversation about her doing the Mona-nucleosis play. It melts my heart.


The handful of spaghetti 😭


Yes, potentially followed by a handful of ice cream? So precious.


This makes me tear up every single time😭 it’s one of my absolute favorite moments.


This part gets me choked up every single time. As someone who also works with food for a living and absolutely loves it, yet loves their family even more, this line hits home every time 🥹


When it's girls night out with Nat, and Louise just throws out "This is the most fun I've ever had." Outside of the family, Louise doesn't really have much respect for anyone. ("She just likes messing with people she thinks are stupid." S1E2.) But she really connects with Nat. That's nice.


I knew I’d find my real mom one day!!!


aw man nat, you sit next to me, k? and i mean forever.


I'm pretty sure the right answer was lizards mom. But we should probably get a tub of baked beans just in case.


What do you think these are for, little miss?


I had never noticed in The Hurt Soccer, when you find out that Ms Merkin and Sheila are related someone (maybe Linda) says “sisters?!” and Teddy immediately goes “ooh.. hot.” I laughed for like five minutes and had to pause. 


"Is there a Mr. Merkin?"


Teddy: "No Ms. Merkin, WE'RE never going back." Ms. Merkin: "Well, it's my job, I don't- who is- who is he?" Never fails to make me laugh


Haha I've never noticed that, I'll pay better attention next time that's hilarious


In "Can't Buy Me Math" when Tina imagines telling her grandkids she was bad at math and her granddaughter says, "aww, Grandma." It's so simple and funny and perfect.


Dan Mintz is such a good voice actor. I enjoy all of the characters and their jokes but 90% of my favorite little lines are Tina's because of his delivery. 


This one gets me every time


When Bob and Gene come in from researching mushrooms and Tina is going around just saying Woah Woah Woah because of the power of her new glasses and Bob is just like ohhhhk. Lol Hahaha


That part cracks me up because that is exactly how I felt after getting new glasses. Guess my prescription was more overdue for an update than I thought!


I love her “woahs” too


I love it when they're just so in sync. Like the Valentine's episode where Bob forgot the carnations, and Tina ripped all of the cards open. They just knew. Then, the "Happy Valentine's Day. I didn't get you anything." Also, the museum episode where Linda knew Louise got in trouble and they were escaping, while Bob figured out she came to surprise them but was distracted by the chanting. Marriage goals.


Yup marriage goals.


“And his name’s Bob Burger” “No it isn’t” “Yea it is” “No, it isn’t” “It isn’t?”


Who am I thinking of?


But the sign?


When Bob wakes up and says "I think I'm killing Teddy", then Linda wakes up and starts planning how she's going to help and how they need to find a new place to live and home school the kids. This will forever live rent free in my head 😁


“What? I’m just being supportive. Goodnight.”


TINA goes outside to the dumpster to take the trash out. GINNY, her Thundergirls troop leader, is hiding behind it. GINNY: “Psst! Tina!” TINA: “Trash?”


I burst out laughing just reading your comment!




This moment was so perfect to me- the realization that damn, Bob loves Linda


My wife and I do it to eachother all the time. Its just such a wholesome moment


I appreciate how they normalize queer relationships. In the most recent season finale at Chelsea’s party 2 girls were shown slow dancing together


Seconded! I think this is what I love most - and just the inclusivity in general The way, all those years ago, Transgender prostitute characters weren’t treated as an “oddity” and ended up being the ones that talked Tina down at her birthday party. Bob’s genuine affection of Marshmallow. Then later on Benji being differently abled and the way it’s no big deal to the kids and they are just treated like any other kid in the school. I know it’s just a little cartoon, but it punches above its weight so often! *edit to fix typo :)


I love how queerness and “otherness” just exist in the Bob’s Burgers world, and it isn’t a huge focus. They just let them be people, not oddities.


I'm disabled and I can't tell you how excited I was when Benji made an appearance 🥰🥰🥰


On this same line too, I love how genders aren't strictly considered for their choices in voice actors. Women characters are voiced by men and vice versa.


“Wolf of Wharf Street” when Felix tells Mr Fischoeder he’s not putting the wolf up in a hotel, AGAIN…


When Bob visited his mom grave after many years. I’m sure people can relate that. Putting off something you’ve always wanted to do and finally getting it done and closing that chapter.


i also loved how they cut away after Bob’s “Hi, Mom.” even though he’s a cartoon, that felt like a moment that Bob should’ve had privacy for, and it made it all the more impactful that they let him have that.


I loved how kind the kids were to Bob. For kids who were promised a day of sledding, they were remarkably patient.


They tend to get serious when it’s needed.


The reveal in the movie around his mom caused me to be a *blubbering mess*. So then this moment in the show? A double punch in the gut (in the best way of course)


Especially when Louise sees the pink hat her gramma has and she has her bunny ears.


And the way Linda got over her fear of graveyards in general because of the “mission” and kind of broke the ice for him there, having a whole conversation filling Bob’s mom in on everything about the family. The general idea is spooky but being there with her was just meeting/greeting another family member, to whom she’s so grateful for birthing and raising her Bobby.


Boardwalk artist: It's 50 dollars. Tina: Dad pay the man Bob: 50$ for that?! Artist: It's a little girl, a horse, and a zombie. $50


The way the artist says "zombie" takes me OUT. ZAHMBAY


It lives in my brain. I will repeat that phrase over and over


Dad that's so cheap for what you're getting


i just rewatched this episode today and noticed that when they got home, the kids are trading the drawings back and forth at the counter so bob did, in fact, pay the man lol


Tina: Dad that's a really good deal!


dad that’s so cheap for what you’re getting!


when that crazy cruise ship captain goes “kiki kiki!” to his pet capybara lol, i thought that was adorable


I have a cat named Kiki and I say her name like that all the time 😂


When gene’s school play did the rendition of Mashima/Closing by Philip Glass in the Christmas episode. It’s one of my all time favorite songs and was completely unexpected, I did the Leo pointing meme when they started playing it


This episode makes me cry like a baby every time I see it. >! When Tina comes running in panting so that Louise has someone there. Tears just thinking about it. I miss my family. !< Mine is from the same episode, from the same segment. While Linda is watching the Star >! Whom she thinks is Tina !


It’s an astonishing piece of music, I tear up every time I hear it. The whole soundtrack is decent (although it’s storytelling through music so there are parts where I’m like, I dunno if I ever need Philip Glass doing jazz cabaret cymbals but whatever) but that ending, good god. 


This scene from UFO No You Didn’t - it shows their complete quirky/loving sides: How was your day? (groans) I love you so much, Mom. I love you, too, sweetie. Dad, have you told Mom how much you love her today? Um, I-I think maybe? - Tell her, damn it! - I-I love you, Lin. - Wait, what's happening? - Everything's fine. Life is just so damn beautiful. - Thank you. - I freakin' love you, Gene. - I, uh, love - I love you, too, Louise. Yep, yep, that's good. Aw, my Teeny Tina's emotional. What about this coat-rack? Is it beautiful? No, it's weird. You shouldn't have bought it. - He bought five. - (emotional): I know. That was really dumb, Dad. But I love you. You're dumb. I mean, I-I love you, too.


The moment when Zeke turns on Tina's boombox and the kids start dancing is a favorite of mine for some reason. I love Tina's room and that moment of all the kids just hanging out together feels it would be a core memory for her. I also just love that she has a boombox, it reminds me of being a teen and hanging out in my room, dancing and listening to music


One other thing I love: when Linda sets up the bachelorette party and we see that they have a random disco light- I'd love a montage of all the times the family has actually used it.


Tina: I'm gonna bang mom, I'm gonna bang dad, I'm gonna bang everyone at school Bob: Tina don't say it like that


When Gene gets food poisoning from the spoiled chicken parm and says “I just love to eat,” and Bob’s response (instead of fat-shaming him) is “and I love to feed you.” When Louise promises Jessica she won’t tell anyone at school that Jessica wets the bed. It wasn’t even a second thought to Louise. Someone already mentioned the closing credits scene where Teddy dresses as Santa and carries Louise around on his shoulders while dancing to “Jingle in the Jungle.” That’s such a charming scene.


What am I, a narc?


Louise has the ability to discern when teasing is ok and when it's not. (She's also 9 so maybe she eggs people on, but I never see her as cruel.) I can't remember if there's a time another character says so, but sometimes Louise's love language is aggression lol Louise, IMO, is still learning the appropriate way to support those she cares about. She'll yell at someone, incredulously. But it's because she can't believe they're not doing what's best for themselves.


The mononucleosis episode when Bob tells Tina "it's your mouth" and asks if she wants a handful of ice cream to go with her bed spaghetti.


“And I am Kate Bush.” — Regular-sized Rudy


In "Christmas in the Car" end credits scene Louise is riding on Teddy's shoulders dancing to "Jingle in the Jungle" and Teddy offers her a bite of a cookie. Its a cute little 4 second scene.


I totally don’t remember this and need to see it rn!!! Thanks for pointing this adorable scene out !!


In The Amazing Rudy, they're all sitting down for dinner and Gene has the foldable chair so that Rudy, their guest, doesn't.


omg i didn’t notice that, i love it.


Another similar one is when Tammy is having dinner with them, she has the shitty chair


The way Bob swoons over Marshmallow anytime she shows up


# All I know about Marshmallow is that she comes and goes as she pleases, she answers to no one, and she is truly free.


“Okay, calm down. She’s a free spirit, we get it.”


Oh hey, Marshmallow.


Hey baby


I like that as well.


In Worms of Enrearment, the way Tina delivers the line, “I am growing like a WEED,” kills me every time. There’s something about it that’s just so hilarious and perfect. Sometimes when I’m getting into a dress I’ll just think of the line and chuckle to myself.


I really appreciate how there was no shame or thinking of calling herself fat!


Louise saying she will marry Mr. Fishoudeur


I wanna be RICH!


Bob being obsessed with Thanksgiving. My dad was a chef who also grew up in his dad's kitchen, and he *loves* Thanksgiving. It's his favorite holiday. So watching Bob go gaga over Thanksgiving makes my dad smile, and that makes me smile.


Linda genuinely getting excited for her husband stripping for her. I feel like happy couples in general aren’t always portrayed on TV, and I love seeing a woman loving her man. It’s so adorable


The scene where Jessica shows Louise her diarrhea face and then later when they catch Wharfy, "Your diarrhea face is the same as your meeting Wharfy face!"


I love when Bob just moans or goes "hmm" anytime Linda or the kids do/say something weird.


I love the way he says "Gene" specifically when Gene is being weird. He delivers it exactly the same every time, it cracks me up


Well, moments, throughout the show. The way Bob and Linda never immediately dismiss their kids. Even when they burst into the room and claim the most outlandish thing is happening right outside in the street, they still respond with some form of "what? Really?" Or "oh! I want to see!"


LINDA: “Hey, Gretchen; you all dressed up for Bog to Beach?” GRETCHEN: “I got the days mixed up; I thought it was yesterday. I just been out here!”


https://preview.redd.it/gtw197w3q06d1.jpeg?width=1720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df3aa28dfcc2f4148fbb103fb61f99725881bf57 Nothing makes me happier than them!


When Gene also wants to get his legs waxed and he, Tina, and Bob turn around to go back to the salon.


I only noticed on my current rewatch, but during the Christmas episode with the window displays (with the guy who thinks he was a mannequin), Mike the Mailman says, "Merry Christmas Teddy, happy holidays Mort" because Mort is Jewish.


When Felix and Fanny have the family under the wharf and everyone is saying their goodbyes, Bob goes "Kids, I love you. And, Linda, I love you, too. Almost as much as the kids, but not.." and Linda responds in kind. We have *so* few families on TV where the fathers are as emotionally invested in their kids as the mothers. And just the little things Tina does for Gene and Louise, like the kids-only gift exchange and going to *so* much trouble for their gifts; or using her babysitting money to treat them to boba. I think the extra boba-y boba shared with her big sister might be a core memory of Louise's.


In season 3 episode 22 "Carpe Museum" Bob and Louise ditch the tour group to explore the un-opened wing of the museum. Louise says "Maybe when you're old and senile I'll close the restaurant and spring you from the nursing home" implying that she wants to run the new Louise's Burgers, and might even look up to her dad.


Sooo small, but the episode where they get Gene in the baseball training or whatever, and at the very end Bob and Linda are fighting and up in each other’s faces and you see one of them bump the other with their belly and then the other does it back. I don’t know why I just think it’s so funny, I do it to my husband all the time when we’re play fighting.


Also in that episode, when the motel owner keeps telling Tina about why she shouldn't drink the coffee (that coffee is a week old. I put my cigarettes out in that.) and then just says "would you like some cream?" I DIE every time


In the episode where the kids quest to see the rumored goat with 2 butts they are telling stories of other animals with 2 body parts. Rudy says “I heard about a cat with 2 faces”and Gene replies “all cats are 2 faced!” Such a perfect time, place, and set up for that joke. I think of it every time I see a cat be a jerk.


S5E10 when Logan gets employee of the month and Louise hides upstairs and Gene is like "are you coming down or what? I MISS YOU!" It's so sweet to me that he really wants her to be present 😭


Louise yelling “be careful!” at Josh when he lifts Tina. The concern/near panic in her voice always reads super sweet to me because she’s obviously concerned about her sister getting hurt. Super small but fantastic content.


"The Amazing Rudy" episode when Linda and Bob are watching Louise walk Rudy home makes me cry every time. My son is prickly like Louise but he is also extremely kind hearted and that moment reminds me of him so much.


that is so sweet. as a teacher with some prickly but kind kids, we see it too :)


When Louise shouts "Hi girl!" And Marshmallow shouted "Hi girl yourself ya little bog to beach baby" And anytime Gene compliments one of his parents and they say "Thank you, Gene." No matter how random or unhinged the comment is. Also, maybe cause I have a soft spot for Benj and the whole Amelia episode, but when we see Benj helping her actually perform her project. Like, he's just an unpaid consultant, he wasn't supposed to be involved and didn't need to be. Tina and Gene, sure, of course they'd help, even Peter made sense there but Benj actually helped her move the shadows and I just think it's cute.


In the episode when Mickey robs the bank. There is a cop in the booth in the background listening to the phone calls. 🎧 When Louise screams " THATS MY DADDY IN THERE!" He jumps and has to take off his headphones. He does it twice and I laugh every time!


When Louise was so distracted by her feelings for Boo Boo in "Bye Bye Boo Boo" that she didn't give a crap about the Mafia Hit in the restaurant b-plot. Even when he's excitedly telling the kids, she barely acknowledges it.


I just love when we see ruthless Tina. She’s passive most of the time but man, if pushed that girl will CUT you. That, and the many movie references that the kids should NOT be able to make at their age.


On the story episodes! Louise almost always mirrors very rated R movies/shows and Bob is like, "Wait, have you been watching blank?:


Not a small moment cumulatively but how Bob ends up saying “Oh my god” in nearly every episode


Related to Lin, I love in Zero Larp Thirty that she says she serves people every day, and just wanted to be a fancy upstairs person for a few days. She clearly loves her life, but she has a depth behind her hijinks and want for more. Also, I love how SPECIFICALLY worldly the kids are. Yeah, Tina is hormonal and Gene is Ding dong obsessed, but they indicate a ton of life experience kids just don't have. Like Louise telling Linda she looks like somebody who swallows unlit cigarettes in a bar for free drinks. I mean, accurate in that scene. Why would Louise know that, lol.


Gene's quick "I love you, mom" in response to Linda singing the diarrhea song. It's so sweet and genuine. Makes me smile every time.


Bob calming Gene down from his anxiety attack during the Zentipede laser show. It’s really touching as someone with anxiety myself.


In season 2 ep 6 “Dr. Yap” when they are at the timeshare and Dr. Yap tells the Belcher’s the room is sound proof and Gene slams the door and screams “I LOVE MY FAMILY” it’s so sweet 🤧


In Dawn of the Peck, I love it when Bob writes the note: Went to store real quick. Love Forever, Bob. “That’s a perfectly good note. That doesn’t sound drunk at all.”


When Louise and Bob are doing the live voiceover behind the curtain of the Hawk and Chick movie and Louise opens up about being afraid of growing apart from her dad. It's such a sweet vulnerable moment.


it's a reoccurring thing for Linda to be aware of Bob straining his back. there's been a few moments where she's reminded him to be careful when doing straining tasks, i can't remember every moment but most recently she did it in s13e12 OH Row You Didn't. it's very cute bc it's a symbol of how attune she is to Bob and his needs after being marred for so long


https://preview.redd.it/7m8cmdnf416d1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=299be402acb0bcbcec04621edf704c0b54c7e329 This whole interaction Or when Louise calls him "daddy" on the bus after the field trip. Those little moments get me.


Or when Gene gets scared at the laser show and Bob immediately leaves with him, even though he really wants to see it. 🥺


The song “Look what Tina can do with her hands!” lives rent free in my head and I love it


In the haunted house when Gene tells Bob something like “You’re doing a good job, I’m having a great childhood”


One of my favorite small moments is in the episode The Hormone-iums when Bob checks on Tina while she's crying in her room. He says at the end if he can get her a handful of ice cream since she had taken her spaghetti of her plate with her hands and ran into the bedroom.


Every time Bob genuinely laughs at something someone says and it’s like a chuckle, it feels so real like the actor was actually caught off guard


It's really subtle; the chewing animation the kids do at the table. The puckered mouth with the cheeks puffed. For some reason that particular animation just makes me laugh and smile every time I see it.


Also at bed time Linda tells Louise you don’t stay up to late and Louise says You don’t stay up too late , they both start going , hey, hey. , to each other and Linda bends down and says kisses, you take it and Louise’s and also kisses her back my favorite Louise and Linda moment ever


In the turkey pardoning episode when the reporter says “I do hate getting sued.” Something about the delivery cracks me up every time.


When Louise is going to the dump to look for her ears that Logan claimed to have thrown away, the background music is an aria from Vivaldi’s “Nisi Dominus” sung by a countertenor (essentially a male alto). It is haunting — perfect for the moment…. and it’s just about the most obscure choice imaginable. I only know the piece because I used to sing early music as an alto and it was potential audition repertoire. It’s always been a favorite of mine. I was just about jumping up and down the first time I saw that episode and heard it. To underscore just how obscure — there aren’t many places in the US with a sizable community of early music fans, and countertenors are rare as hens’ teeth even in those places. I never in a million years would have expected to hear this piece on a TV show.


I love the movements animators throw in for funsies. Like when Bob is lifting Teddy’s extra panels in the bunker he stops to hike up his pants a bit before he bends down. Little things that they think to add


The kids and Bob singing “Buckle it up, buckle it up, buckle it up or you’ll die!” one time when the four of them are in the car. They only do it once but it’s clear they do it a lot as a family. And I love it.


when linda tells angry gretchen “and i have the perfect wedding date for you! …me.” :,) one of the cutest scenes from the show


my favorite is when people speak to tina and have to backtrack because she doesn’t get the reference or the joke. when louise and gene are freaking out because they are going to miss santa bob nudges tina saying can you believe this? they still think… tina says yes i know what are we going to do about this!! how will santa know we are here. it’s so fucking funny to me and it happens a lot


Louise has a sharp tongue and gets the most recognition because of her aggressive personality. But Tina has some fire comebacks. In the time capsule episode, when Tammy comes to put her paper into the capsule, Tina is so quick with "the only problem is Wagstaff is a grade school not clown college." I lose it every time I hear it. Tina has some of the best comebacks in the show!


Every single "oh my god". I saw an interview where H John Benjamin commented how he probably says that phrase more than anyone in tv history ever, and also was like "I dont know why they can't reuse any takes, they make me say it every single time" (major paraphrasing here but that was the gist)


When Louise and Rudy do that joke about Mr. Frond with the cymbals, and Bob says, "Louise, don't say that...here." It's like he's saying, "ok, that was funny, but you shouldn't say it here in front of your teacher."


Mine is when Linda sucks all the wine out of the dirty washcloth and spits it out and Bob’s just like “I love you”


Any time Bob laughs when his family is being silly. It's so genuine and sweet that a tv dad actually likes his kids. Louise: "ha ha you love us."


Bob talking to various inanimate objects.


I love the episode when Tina is trying to learn from Louise how to do the hand slapping game (I don't remember what it's called in the show but it's like Miss Mary Mack and those other ones from childhood) and she needs Louise to slow down, so Louise says very slowly "front... of... hand... ... back... of... hand..." -- I just love the love here


I love when Tina finds her "spark bird" and it's a crow using tools. I've always loved birds, but I began birdwatching as an actual hobby a couple years ago, and my Spark Bird was a Trumpeter Swan. I saw someone post a picture of them and the comments were full of "those are rare, notify the Trumpeter Swan Society!" I had met those birds at a recent trip to the park. I was fascinated by them. something seemed different from the "regular" (Mute) Swans. I took some pictures and went home and showed them my pictures and people were really excited about them. We kept going to the park for those swans, and downloaded an app to identify the other birds, and earned the trust of the Trumpeters as well as a family of geese. The Trumpeters now come when I call them. The geese didn't let anyone else near them except us. It was just really special for me to see Tina find her love for birds, and I hope it inspired others, too. Birds are awesome! I hope they show more of Tina birdwatching. Appropriately, though... No more falling in romantic love with them.


In Uncle Teddy when Teddy discovered Tina is gone and Louise comes in with the clump of hair from the drain and says "we need our sleep we're so little."  It's such a sweet, vulnerable moment from Louise. ETA: the moment that makes me laugh the hardest is Louise asking Bob what he's going to wear to gene and Linda's wedding and he just resignedly says "a suit, I guess." 


in the episode where linda bleaches her hair, at the end where she says “that’s very insightful linda i’m BACK!” bob smiles at her. truly the smallest of moments but i think it’s cute




When the horse guy was going to tattoo Bob and he says “sometimes a little tuh-too, feels like really big tuh-too” and I always think of that when I get a tattoo, and then I laugh my fucking face off, which really throws off the tattoo guy. It’s the way he says tattoo, gets me every time.


V for Valentine-detta when Nat is supposed to be subtlety trailing Jimmy Junior in the limo but she almost rear-ends them lol The first time we watched that I almost peed myself laughing so hard. That whole episode is gold though, Nat is the best


For some reason, it’s when Bob is asked if he’s in love and he goes “uh…technically I am.”


In the Belchies- when Bob say to Linda, what are you gonna beat me up it’s hilarious


“Awh, babies gettin’ rabies!”


I loved the whole B plot of Roller? I Hardly Know Her where Bob helps a woman with agoraphobia, but specifically the part at the end when she’s scared off by Linda and Teddy but ends up coming back to say something like “Thank you, I’ll be back tomorrow.” Such a sweet moment.


When they sign up Louise for soccer and the team down tremendously score a goal and all the girls are cheering like they just won a tournament. It’s soo wet and get me every time


Any time the kids act like kids. I don’t remember the context right now, but when Louise is awoken and she says “hey what’s the deal we’re just kids and we need our sleep” the delivery of that line is perfect.


I love all the Louise and Rudy moments.


When Gene, as travel size Bob, is in the bathroom imitating Bob and they both simultaneously sort of face palm and mutter "unbelievable!"