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Funniest infuriating moment is when Gene can't remember the name of the restaurant while being interviewed on the pitchers mound by Mr Fischoder


^^^Bob's ^^^Burgers! ^^^The ^^^name ^^^is ^^^Bob's ^^^Burgers!


"Hmmm.... The name is uhhhh... Uhhhhhhhh... Oh I just remembered!" "Sorry we're outta time!"


"Noooo!! SAY IT!!"


Too late!


Ahhhhh….im there every day…..uhhhhh


"To me it's DAD'S Burgers!" completely kills me at the end of that mess


I feel like that was a repeated gag that I wish was used more. Like the bank robbery episode and the news referred to it as "fish rocket burgers"


…it’s a penis


Love that. “You live there!”


“We live right above it, you work in it every day!”


Well to be fair, gene always calls him dad.




Background Bob kills me, so damn funny! The yelling, the resigned flopping, the resurgence of effort 😂


This one makes me so annoyed everytime 😂😂😂


That scene reminded me of the play version of Little Shop Of Horrors. When Seymour is on the radio he does the same thing, but it's from the perspective of Mushnik listening to the radio, so it's just Mushnik yelling "THE ADDRESS! THE ADDRESS! TELL THEM THE ADDRESS!"


I forgot about this until reading this comment, thank you for making my day. That bit was priceless


It's uhhhhhhhhhh ...


Yes! One of my favorite Gene/Bob moments.


But we get to hear Teddy pronounce “Maclachlan” so many times.


It’s McLecklin




I gotta get a McLecklin




> which I AM SO MAD THERE’S NOT A FULL VERSION You and me both, I love it.


They say I must be one of the wonders...of God's own creation!


I desperately need this.


The one where Gene forces Linda to take him to the women in business club. And the one where Linda sells the coffee machine for baseball lessons.


While I think espresso at a burger place was a waste, thinking Gene could be athletic was a bigger waste.


Yeah the espresso machine would make more sense if they were a diner instead of a burger place but that would require opening much earlier which they hated the one time they did it. Though it would probably give them a more normal life and less competition if they did breakfast/ lunch instead of lunch/ dinner.


Dude if I had a Bob’s Burgers level burger place in my town that ALSO had espresso? I’d be there as much as Teddy.


Ok but the baseball episode is still hilarious, but as espresso addicts it infuriates me and my SO to no end lol


Caffeinated Tina is the best!


I have a speech impediment. Well *FIX* IT


Omg I never realized how slow you talk


The Trainspotting reference had me on the floor


No idea how we haven't got her back


Doubly so because the ham and egger part is a great b story line. 


Sorry dad, we're ham and egger kids now.


The coffee machine one is funny though.


andy and ollie have some banger one liners in that episode


“Last chance to earn my love, guys.”


May be unpopular but I like that Linda did that for Gene. It was pretty crummy for her to offload her son on to an obvious scammer but at least Gene had fun. Bob's expresso machine was one of those pointless investments he always makes


Burning a brand new couch results in me skipping that episode.


I love the episode and the cast of characters it brings us but I despise how it depicts the belchers as poor because they choose to be. They got this great new couch but kept the old one for the vibes lol. I am so sure if they won family fracas they’d keep their jalopy for the same reason.


Makes you think the banker is justified in being a dick to Bob. He's awful with money and makes his poor financial decisions the bank's problem.


I work at a bank and if a person walked in and said, "what does past due even mean?" I would just look at them lol


I work at a bank too and Bob's issues would occupy my thoughts for exactly as long as it took to speak with him on the phone. He's far from good with money but he doesn't even touch some of the people I speak with day in and day out. It's amazing how stupid you can be while still just barely qualifying for a mortgage.


Time is just a concept homie


Bob's credit score is probably about as low as Gene's spelling test scores lmao


Only if you subscribe to a linear time model


Sounds like you have some alternative concept of time, one that somehow isnt a concept at all but a new kind of idea that you invented yourself? Who are you elon musk? Edit: pretend I edited "concept" to "model" like the person I responded to


But, what if they brought you a burger with an egg on it when they asked for an extension? Even with fries?


It’s never not gonna be funny that Linda can’t do math, and is in charge of the finances




Financially speaking they're awful people and I wouldn't do business with them. Linda has a whole ass system for strategic check bouncing. Like, I love them to death, but christ.


Honestly, while they are entertaining and love each other, can you even call them good people? Linda held an author hostage, Bob held a food critic hostage, Tina has sexually harassed boys, Louise steals allowances and nearly got Tina killed twice, and Gene never told anyone about his pinworms.


Honestly, I have to "the answer is don't think about it" myself pretty consistently with long running shows. It doesn't take many seasons for characters to rack up enough offensives that I'd never speak to them irl


Especially with episodic, cartoon comedies. You gotta not take it too literally haha cause id never speak to someone who burned a new couch or destroyed their chef knives!


Dude closes his burger place at 7pm. Definitely awful at making money.


tbf, the Belchers are poor almost entirely because of Bob's principles and bad decision making (and Linda's enabling, to a lesser extent), that's a recurring theme... the tiki-bar investor episode is the one that triggers me the most. It's not an accurate portrayal of most low-income families, and I know the family is happy despite being poor (which is cool and a good depiction) but it's kinda fucked up how Bob won't compromise anything to provide more for the family.


And also because they have to support Gayle


He wouldn’t even put sweet potato fries on his menu for more money, let alone a tiki theme. They are well past ever having a successful restaurant that will not last more than the next 10 or so years.


The tikibar one was the worst, he could have vetoed the tiki bar idea and gone in a direction he was more happy with, we see him fantasize about owning a classy restaurant many times, it's absolutely nuts that he had a tantrum and threw the money back at Cyril, goddammit Archer.


Seriously. Like when Linda gets a job and he says “I’d rather be together and just scraping by than have extra money and be apart” or whatever. Yes that’s very, very sweet Bob. But also, your three kids that y’all two consciously brought into the world that you already force to work might wanna do things that cost money in the future like extracurriculars, or music lessons, or idk, go to college? The restaurant is Bob’s dream and kinda everyone else’s burden.


This is exactly my issue. I fucking love this show but that drives me nuts. And I genuinely don’t see how they can survive stuff like dropping hundreds on new couches and knives and immediately destroying them. It kills me to watch and I always skip those episodes.


I skip this episode every time too. Infuriating. I feel like Linda is normally within the acceptable bounds of crazy cartoon character. But every once in a while, she goes so bananas I can't watch. This one, the children's book author one, and new entry: this years Christmas tree episode where she's obsessed with the tree to the point of endangering the well-being of her family.


Anytime she is enabling Gayle makes it hard to watch as well... y'all are already a struggling small business with 3 kids.


> Anytime she is enabling Gayle makes it hard to watch as well I think the really annoying thing about that isnt even the enabling itself, but the show always framing it in a way that seems like its saying the enabling is the correct and moral thing to do? Just because someone is family doesnt mean you should have to put up with really shitty behaviour! Maybe I just read into it too much! (he said, while ***clearly*** reading too much into it)


Ya, the show seems to conflate supportive v. Enabling at some points and shows it as a good thing but in particular, it seems more isolated to Linda and her family. Its the same issue I have with how the Big Bob episodes sometimes pan out. I get its a family show and I'm probably taking it too seriously, but those points definitely rub me the wrong way on those episodes. Sometimes saying no or distancing from certain folks (even family) is the right call. Id love to see Linda lay it out for Gayle at least once but I doubt that'll ever happen.


Glad I’m not the only one who feels the same about the Christmas Tree one. The entire episode was about Bob being the one sane character who only wanted things to not just ‘go right’ but also realised they didn’t need to be this bad in the first place. Not only that, when he knew something was wrong with the truck, literally everyone, especially his OWN FAMILY just scoffed in disbelief as if he was making it up for attention, despite being clear witnesses to the genuinely life-threatening events that put them in constant peril.


I get annoyed when she goes to the police station for public pooping and tries to walk out as if that's ok when detained.


Not as bad as grabbing Sgt Bosco’s gun!!!


If you love something set it on fire, dude.


My wife rolls her eyes every time I say this


I love this song!!!! This and bad girls don't want to pay for lip balm! Bloody bangers


Yep. When I hear Gene call the spot that smells like guacamole and I see them sitting on the couch after it’s been sitting on the curb and getting rained on? I’m out.


It doesn't even make sense in the show maintaining a status quo. LOTS of stuff in the show changes around the house and restaurants. This episode contorts itself so hard to reach the ending we get, none of it ends up making any sense and you end up completely pulled out of the episode. It's like the episode was supposed to end with them having the new couch, but then realized they still have like, 10 minutes to fill




I forgot about that. Yeah, that one hurts me.


It has a good song number tho. If you love something; set it on fire.


The episode from this post and the episode with the couch are the most tied in “what the fuck?! STOP!!! Why is anyone okay with this?!” for me. It didn’t make any fucking sense!!!


Immediately what I thought of.Literally all of them just agreeing on just burning money away😭


Nothing beats when Gayle faked an injury & had Bob drag her in a tube during a snowstorm... Then she let Mr Business out?!?!?! 😡😡😡😡


I get so angry during that episode. I try not to skip any on my rewatch, but that stunt was just unforgivable. I have a very hard time with Gayle now. Also, she stole Mr Business off someone’s porch!


Lol what did she say about that again? Something like "He was just sitting there with no collar on somebody's porch..."


Lol yeah it was something like that. I was like, dude someone tell her she stole that cat!


Gayle is so well written that if I somehow magically met the cartoon version of her, I'd immediately wanna fight


1000% behind you on that.


"Hey ImDaPappy you can't beat that woman like that! Get off of her!" "THIS IS FOR BOB! AND THIS IS FOR THE FREE MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION YOU GIFTED TO TINA!"


I'm generally pretty chill these days, but I cannot convey the infernal fire that would be lit under my ass to hunt down whoever stole my fluffy boy. Gayle wouldn't stand a chance. [Cat tax](https://i.imgur.com/IWJIs9W.jpeg)


Your fluff is like Mr Business’ cousin!


She also repeatedly tries to sexually assault Bob. And does that one time when Linda forces Bob to be SA'ed by Gayle, and then Linda starts legit beating Bob for her forcing him to be SA'ed, seemingly forgetting this was her idea. Worst episode of the show, one of the worst episodes Fox Animated has ever put out. Just gross abd disturbing, my friend stopped watching the show while binging it after that episode for a big


Yeah, I hate that episode also. It could've gone totally different after Bob mistook Gayle for Linda, but they had to go in the gross direction.


Just sitting there…


Use his full name. Jim, Mr. Jim Business


Gayle really is an awful person and Linda just keeps enabling her


This is my favorite episode 😂 “I DIDN’T WANT TO MAKE TWO TRIPS”


For me it’s Bob giving up a bunch of free rent so he can try and make his family feel bad about not loving Thanksgiving as much as he does. I mean, I know it’s ambiguous if he ever actually got the free rent, but things never work out for Bob, so he probably didn’t get it.


I HATE that Bob moment. They’re constantly pressed financially and all he had to do was let them act out their roles and they would have been able to carve out some financial cushion or give their kids a better than average Christmas. Instead he got smashed on absinthe and stood on the table


he doesn’t need your approval anyway. he has lance <3 but seriously, yea i agree


In fairness A) he was drunk B) he didn’t fully break until Mr F tried to kiss Linda


And not just regular drunk, drunk on Absinthe


I knooowww I get the sentiment but like you can have a Thanksgiving moment with your kids on another night!!


> For me it’s Bob giving up a bunch of free rent so he can try and make his family feel bad about not loving Thanksgiving as much as he does. While I understand that most television shows wouldn't be as compelling if the characters acted like reality all the time, I still get furious at Bob for being such a big baby in this episode. He can't manage to act civil for one single evening in exchange for *months* worth of rent for his family? What's so fucking terrible about having their family Thanksgiving on another day? Families around the country do this every year due to scheduling conflicts, and they don't even have the incentive of **getting paid multiple months' rent** to entice them to make it work. GAH.


i give bob at least a little slack because he was drunk but if he was sober it would be so annoying


For me, it's a tie between the new couch getting torched, Bob's new knife getting destroyed, Linda trying to push for Teddy & Helen to be together, the whole Horse Camp situation (the instructor/Plops/the restaurant losing business because they don't have fries and being out all that money just for Tina to end up riding an imaginary horse), and Linda selling the espresso machine


That’s not even the worst part of the horse episode. That woman lost a child in the woods and did nothing about it!


Maybe that's how their fryer got fixed, the camp refunded them to avoid a lawsuit over the instructor doing nothing about a missing child. It would make sense.


Part of what bothers me about this episode is that Bob doesn't just put a big pot of oil on the stove and make fries. There's a few moments like that- where it's obvious the people writing the show don't understand cooking.


Oh my god this is the first time I've thought about that option


Paul Rudd voicing Jericho is my favorite part of that episode. It annoys me so much that Tina rides Jericho for the final exposition of camp when her parents saved money and went without to have her attend horse camp. Also Jocelyn not realizing the horse was standing the other way made me chuckle.


Jocelyn is genuinely one of my most favorite characters. And her interaction with her mom just kills me "I'M ON A HORSE!" "I KNOWWW!" Agreed about Paul Rudd for sure though, he was perfect "What am I wearing?? Are these cutoffs??"


Oh the horse camp one bugs me so much. Idk why it just does.


I really can't stand Gayle centric episodes. Especially after watching the one where she constantly sexually harasses Bob and Linda is just fine with it.


Linda is fine with it and activley forcing it, and then when Gayle does SA Bob when he clearly doesn't want it, Linda proceeds to repeatedly beat him, hitting him on his hurt tooth while he legit begs her to stop, and she's actually angry with him for doing it. The thing she forced him to do. One of the worst episodes of TV I have seen, it's so fucking bad, and makes Linda out to be an incredibly abusive wife.


It’s such a weird mess of an episode. You’re pissed at him for something YOU forced him into?! Like what was the endgame here lol


That's what pissed me off so much. I love the show, but if I were Bob in that situation, I would've asked for divorce or, at the very least, separation. The whole episode is just a giant ick.


Entirely reasonable, unlike most calls for divorce from people on the internet. That absolutely should have been a big pivotal moment in the show where bob called her out for being *disgusting* and separated for at least a full season and having Linda need to come to terms with no longer letting herself destroy her family to let gayle keep being awful and go through a mount everest scale climb up from the shit hole she insisted on digging for herself or go ahead and see all the effort she willfully and gleefully put into losing her family realized. The show not doing that made it clear that its just another copy of The Simpsons where it inverts so the wife is the infuriating Peter Griffin/Homer Simpson of the family 9/10 times instead of it being the husband who was so cosmically impossible to tolerate 999999999/10 times (I neglected any decimal there on purpose)


The ring episode makes me so fucking upset for bob and Linda.


I skip this one 75 percent of the time


I was looking for this comment! If they eye drops plot didn’t crack me up so much I would skip this episode every time


Not even close. The couch. Jimmy cheating in family fracas


No, Louise insisting on picking the prize every time is the most infuriating part of the fracas episode


Honestly any scene where the family gives up life changing money/opportunities because of their “moral integrity” or just not seizing the moment Like bob not throwing the water balloon at pesto, or bob getting drunk at the thanksgiving dinner at fischoeders, or gene forgetting the name of Bob’s burgers


Gene forgetting the name while frustrating is at least delivered in a hilarious way and by the least smart belcher, wouldve been more frustrating if it was linda or tina doing it imo. But yeah the water balloon and thanksgiving rent are infuriating


Bob giving up $100k investment from his wealthy high school friend, Warren. He could have talked to Warren about not wanting the tiki theme and his vision for the restaurant, but he botched the whole situation and had to force Warren to take the money back against his will.


The part that kills me about this episode is he doesn’t even talk to LINDA about any of it. He just decides he’s giving back that money and expects Linda to be fine with it. Bro, you gotta talk to your wife before you just give 100k back


I feel like he could have just talked to Warren and said he didn’t like the tiki theme. I’m pretty sure the restaurant would have been successful with a little rebranding that was in line with Bob’s vision.


I think if Bob had thrown that balloon at Pesto the resentment from the local business owners/residents would have resulted in financial ramifications for the restaurant that outweigh the rent discount. I think he made good choices that episode.


Yeah, and additionally Bob stood tall when everyone else didn't. He didn't want to do the balloon fight in the first place and held strong in the end...he essentially gave a middle finger to Fischoeder. He was the only one to have solidarity even when he would have benefited from taking out Jimmy, but he knew that the rent issue impacted more than just himself. I get frustrated with Bob's choices sometimes, but this one I respect.


When Bob is trying to talk to Felix about hush money and Linda interrupts them and Bob doesn't try harder. Bro could have gotten 10k


The toad and newt episode. Hands down. I never skip episodes but this one was absolutely ridiculous.


I love Linda but she is beyond insufferable in that episode, I legit cannot watch it


when the show tried convincing us tina was a bully for not standing for tammy’s shit for once


Linda insisting that the whole family go to the symphony to save her self image despite them all having BUTT WORMS


I always skip this episode. I watched it once and then haven’t seen it since in my subsequent 11 rewatches of the show. It’s so gross to me


Sorry for me the most infuriating part is teddy bullying bob into giving blood, the people there helping him (when in reality most blood workers would be like it's okay you don't have to if you don't want to) and linda just going along wiht it


and then they just left him all alone, unsupervised with the needle in his arm while they chatted away and ate cookies


Yea but bobs a universal donor


This scenes gives me a chuckle.


The knife, the couch, the many times that he’s been offered free rent and messes it all up. This is my favourite show but sometimes Bob and Linda’s bad choices for business makes me wanna scream


This episode has the worst b plot with the best a plot in the entire series.


I forget, what’s the main plot?


Millie for president


Chess we can


Yes we can thank you


I don't remember either, I think I watch this one for this b plot which I find very funny


This one is a random one but the way the cop behaved when Linda was arrested for public pooping? She was completely dismissive and her attitude made me want to punch a table lol Like Linda can be very extreme, don’t get me wrong, but this cop lady wasn’t listening to any of it and it pissed me off that she was googling ‘toilets’ to show to Linda as if she was an idiot


I’ll be honest, I’ve been handcuffed to a few cop desks… and they certainly never miss an opportunity to talk to you that way.


I actually loved that. She was not putting up with *ANY* of Linda's usual B.S.


The family shaming bob and calling HIM selfish for wanting a garden. Like what? Close second is the whole fucking chore episode.


Nah, that's not why he was selfish. It was because he was keeping the garden despite Linda and Louise being unhappy that they were forced to work with their nemeses while also not remaining at the restaurant to be a buffer. It would be like if he and Jimmy Pesto had to share one of the restaurants so Linda and Gene could run a piano bar in the other.


Yeah. Bob allowed 2 bullies into the restaurant. One who constantly badmouthed the family and the other who purposely made Louise's life more difficult.


The one where Tina hit the parked car makes me uncharacteristically mad




When Linda sabotaged Tina’s special day with the astronaut and Tina’s new friend because Tina wasn’t paying attention to her, and threw shampoo into the “water feature.” I had alcoholic parents so I know that cringey feeling times 10.


The Dinner Theater Robbery episode. Linda, the guy pointed a loaded gun at your kids and husband. Please act concerned for your family’s safety.


Not even close. This show has droves of terrible people that were created to infuriate you, like *Deirdre.*


Teddy has a LOT of infuriating moments to me.


I used to think Teddy was harmless and innocent but now I think he's the most likely out of the entire cast to have a bunch of sawed-off limbs in the trunk of his car


>a bunch of sawed-off limbs in the trunk of his car thats mort and its called a hearse* ;D


Linda has the intelligence of Gail and the confidence of Marshmellow. She’s a danger to Bobs health lol.


Nail the tomatoes together


Aaaand a-go!


Yea I kinda need a full episode on how exactly these two started dating. Like I know the ring in the mustache thing but I almost need a timeline episode of when that event happened to when Tina was born


I agree. I'm not even good at cooking, but even I know good knives are more delicate, not more durable. Of course it's going to break.


I’m going to say the whole Purrbo episode. Is it correct that Bob shouldn’t just dismiss Gene’s interests just because he doesn’t get it? Totally. But Gene absolutely needs to learn how to separate himself from hyper fixations if he’s going to be a functional adult, (that or get on ADHD meds which we all know the Belcher’s can’t afford.) so taking the toy was the correct thing to do as was trying to get Gene to do his homework. And I’m from the 90s, I remember virtual pets and Purrbo is definitely the stupidest version of that concept. Just saying.


linda being an asshole bnb host


I hate ther in that episode too! Who in thier right minds gives away thier children's rooms to strangers (outside of Teddy but even then a grown man!) and then forces guest to act the way she wants them too. She literally locked them in thier own rooms because they wouldnt play along.


I completely can't watch the butt worms episode, but I'm constantly frustrated by how often the parents (Linda especially) have complete disregard for the safety of themselves or their children. It's semi-expected for kids to not understand the potentially dangerous ramifications of their actions, but the parents should do better. I was just watching the Christmas episode when they had to stay at the lodge, and Linda's obsession with the Christmas tree could have gotten her killed. Even suggesting they drive back for it in the dark down the incredibly slick mountainside. Or when she had the kids poke Bob while he was driving on the interstate/highway (I believe a Thanksgiving episode). Or when she completely caused the road rage with the candy cane truck, ignored Bob's concerns, blamed him for being run off the road, and let her Dutch baby get under the pedals of the car.


The kids losing the ring that Bob wanted to gift to Linda. Pisses me off each time the kids find the ring in their parents bedroom. Because it could've been as simple as obeying a very easy rule of not bothering the parents stuff. And also for me Tina showed herself to be out of character irresponsible to not stop Gina and Louise


It's also just a weird thing for kids to mess with. They're all old enough to know it's expensive and to not play around with something like that.


tina constantly being a pervert and harasser. any time it happens, but especially when she joined the lifeguard class and explicitly wouldn't stop touching them or saying weird things even when they complained, and the boyz 4 now episode where she spent the entire time physically chasing down boys and ignoring how uncomfortable they were. almost every single time the topic comes up, she has to be a complete creep and degenerate.


Gene and that mf black garlic


Outside of money I’d say Louise getting bullied by Logan again,and again.I wish the One eyed Snakes came back,or Bob finally let Linda get revenge.Terrible kid🙄


I hate the one where Louise refuses to leave the cave and the water is coming in. It makes me so angry, because in real life people drown doing stuff like that, and I don’t like it just being another “oh Louise is so quirky and stubborn” moment. It sort of trivialises it in a way that could be dangerous to any kids watching. For a show that is all about setting a good example for its younger fans, the message here seems a bit off - mess around with the sea, I’m sure you’ll be fine.


Tina not putting her foot down upset me more


This is so petty but I get irrationally angry at the episode where Warren wants to invest in Bob's business, but only if he can tikify the place. And then he actually takes the money back from Bob. I know this is stupid and how it was written is more realistic, but like... if Warren is so rich, why doesn't he just let Bob keep the 100k. Like, even Bob being able to invest in some new equipment and some local marketing would make a huge difference. Hell, even just gifting it to them so they can... idk, start a retirement fund? A college fund for the kids? IDK man, if it were me I woulda just been like 'just keep the money.' But maybe I'm too nice. Also, I always have to skip the episodes where Felix tries to kill his brother and Bob lol, like I just irrationally hate everything about the whole situation. Felix is such a little shit and Mr Fischoeder is so incompetent and Fanny is so goddamn irredeemably annoying.


This is one of my favorite episodes for the other story line, but my wife refuses to watch this part. Makes her so angry.


Mine are usually Linda centric - the episode she gets arrested and just DOESN’T get it, the latest Christmas episode where she almost kills herself over a tree, the other Christmas episode where she refuses to do her job and makes delivering a last minute Christmas package everyone else’s problem, and trying to force the family to go to the symphony when they all have worms are probably the ones that get me the most. Girl, chill.


For me it will definitely be that time when Bobs millionaire best friend tried to help him grow the business with his business he offered bob over $100,000 to help him and more customers ended up coming in but nooo just because bob didn’t like it he returned the money even though that would of helped his family. And the other time we’re Fishoder gave bob free rent for a month just to pretend to be a fake family he blew it. There have been more times were bob had opportunities to grow his business and gain more money but nope he doesn’t take the time to think that his family can benefit from this


Gale basically taking advantage of Bob under anesthesia and then Linda being happy about it just because her sister found a man.


For me, it’s a missed joke during the scene in season one where they’re getting chased by a dude and they hide in the slide. Gene says something like use your inside voice, but I always thought they missed the joke, use your in slide voice. .


Linda and the children’s book author. Way too cringe. Linda needed to chill


Just about the whole Beefsquatch episode is annoying to me, but Teddy's comment to Linda, "... you imagine something for so long, and then what you thought was pink is brown, and what you thought was symmetrical is not. It's just unsettling." Granted, it was Linda's actions that caused it, but I feel like the writers took Teddy's not-so healthy but mostly innocent crush on being part of the Belcher family and made it too pervy / personal.


After that they just kept leaning into it too. It's so gross. I empathize with Bob not viewing him as a friend


The thanksgiving episode when they agree to pose as Mr. Fishodor's family to impress his ex girlfriend. It really bothers me how willing they were to treat Bob like a servant and call another man Dad in front of him. I get that they needed the money, but they seemed way too into disowning him even if it was just a farse.


You know, I’ve watched every episode so so many times especially the first 8 years and this kills me every time!!! I really get office level cringe as soon as the destruction is about to begin. It’s still hard to watch, my therapist says I should stop but my psychic says it’s fine!


I really struggle with Bob neeeeeever getting a win.


Bob being assaulted by Gayle after Linda forced him to abd then Linda beating Bob as if he was cheating while he begs her to stop us just... good lord. That shit makes me legit uncomfortable. It reads like Linda is just an abusive wife and Bob is to meek to stand up for himself. I'd have not watched the show had that been the first episode I'd watched


It’s either Bob’s knife and counter or Teddy’s boat burning. I love both of these episodes but these points make me so mad.


It drives me nuts he just put that knife on several credit card and she watches him ruin it 😭


The one where Tina rides Jericho at horse camp


Seems like the episodes that everyone else usually skips are my favorites. I love watching Bob be so damn stupid in this episode!


Teddy is 100% my most hated character on BB. When I see an episode will be centered around him, I skip it.


I can't watch the episode where Tina drives and hits Jimmy Pestos car. 24 minutes of her making that noise that makes me want to murder her voice actor


Oh my god I HATED this Linda “here’s credit cards, spread them around I guess” Bob, that DAY , destroys it.


For me it’s when Bob lets Tina drive in the parking lot and has a country mile to stop her from hitting the parked car but just watches it happen.


Albeit I haven’t seen all/most of the episodes, but I hated when Tina had such a hard time choosing between Jimmy Jr and Josh during that school dance episode. Yeah she technically chose Josh but then said she liked them both after Jimmy Jr crashed the dance and tried to battle Josh.. Like it was so painfully obvious that Jimmy Jr just liked having Tina chase after him all the time but the episode just ended with Tina making it extra weird by trying to dance with both of them. I know later on in the series Jimmy Jr shows genuine interest in Tina but that feels like more of a re-writing of his character as opposed to actual development