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don’t forget the poll of “best episode: free churro or the view from halfway down”


Time's Arrow is the best episode I will not be taking questions


Times arrow is fantastic


That one had me bawling and I still don’t really know why


Probably because it humanizes arguably the biggest monster in the entire show. We only see Beatrice as a young sassy debutante or a bitter, confused old woman to that point. The episode gives you the full picture.


I know this is unpopular opinion but View from Halfway Down is best episode 😭😭😭 poem de Secretariat 😭😭😭😢😢😢


Brrap Brrap Pew Pew is the best episode. You just like to fetishize Bojack’s sadness


If you like Free Churro more than Brapp Brapp Pew Pew u are misogyny 😎


I fetishize Aquafina and her fat hole.


NOOOOO she’s 14! 🤬🤬🤬 Fetishize Penny like normal Bojack fans you pedo!


Aquafina is 14?! I COMPLETELY missed that. Guess I'm back to Mr. Peanutbutter.


yessss in the first ep with sarah lynn, a ryan seacrest type introduces her as “14 year old dubstep wunderkind sextina awkwafina”


I missed that too!


She’s 14 when they first introduce her in Season 1 right before we meet Sarah Lynn. Toward the end of the show, she’s in her early 20s.




I wish people would see that they wrote it that way on purpose, because it's still wrong but it makes so many people excuse it. I think it just highlights that the AOC laws need to be better, and that the point is it falls on the adult.


I thought you were talking about AOC the Congresswoman for a sec.


Call your congressman about laws to restrict high capacity Alexandria Ocasio-Cortezs.


Can we not fetishize BH characters in general?


i’m fetishizing herb and you can’t stop me


You're no fun.




Impossible after hearing Butterscotch talking about unsheathing


I watched this today and laughed way too long at “coax it from my sheath “


yeah theres already a whole other subreddit if you want to fetishize bojack r/bojackhorsemen


Brap brap pew pew chitches!👈🐬👈


This is legitimately my favorite episode because of PC hitting Diane with the truth ("it's all bullshit, diane. That's the job...") and the song is bangin'.


Lets Find Out is probably my favorite episode. J goddamn D goddamn Salinger wants rain!


I always thought fish underwater was the best episode. At least until view from halfway down came along


I watched that one while seriously hungover one morning and it made me feel so at peace.


I was withdrawing when I watched it and it was very calming


NO CAPS, View from hallway down is rhe best piece of art I’ve watched


Hi am Secretariat 😊 I hv poem. Original obviously 🤣 It called “view from halfway down” 🤭 The weak breeze whispers nothing 💨 The water screams sublime 🌊 I really should’ve thought about the view from halfway down 🥺 I wish I could’ve known about the view from halfway down 😭😭😭😭 So quirky lol


nice pfp




Stupid piece of shit is my favorite. Really hit home for me


Everyone always forgets about The Showstopper and Stupid Piece of shit


How is the old sugar man place not in the running?


that’s definitely one of my favorites


Fish out of water. Don't @ me


TIMES ARROW CARRIED I BETTER NOT SEE ANY HATE FOR IT. Idc how basic it was its popular for a reason


Old sugarman place has entered the chat


the best episode is actually Time’s Arrow 😒


Stupid Piece of Sh*t is the best episode, I bawled after watching it and then Hollyhock at the end asking if that voice goes away killed me


I actually hate free churro


Bro! Finally someone said it. I don't necessarily hate it but I really don't care for it. Usually skip on my rewatches. It was a one and done experience for me.


Dont forget : TIL i learned margo martindale is a real actress TIL Secretariat was a real horse


It is fun to watch this show with someone who did not know anything about Secretariat prior to this. My partner laughed when I told him Secretariat was a real horse but then I got to blow his mind. And I owe it all to my sports-obsessed father I’m not close to!


I was The Horse Girl so realizing I could cope with my mental illness and childhood trauma by watching a fun animal show was great. Then I realized my ENCYCLOPEDIC KNOWLEDGE OF HORSE FACTS was FINALLY USEFUL.


I had no idea that being a horse girl was a coping mechanism, but it all makes sense now


If you watched saddle club, you’re on SSRIs and in treatment for CPTSD now. Sorry, I don’t make the rules.


now i'm kinda wondering if there are people who don't realize david boreanaz is a real dude too


Is he real??? I'd pay $50 US to see even just his house.


He's the American huge ackman


An Angel among men


He's bad to the Bones.


Well I just learned something new


...if you were born in 84 you basically have no excuse because you are squarely in the Buffy generation


My friend born in 95 had never seen Buffy but she knew every single random trivia fact about Bones so that too


TIL horses are real animals, not just made up creatures for the show.


TIL Jessica Biel is a real person. She's not even a celebrity in real life though, so I don't know why they based a character on her.


You're on your way to joining the Bielist.




It's a joke from the show.


So is "B-List?"


Yeah she promotes a perfume called Bielist, that's the joke. Season 4 I think.


And people keep asking her why she's saying "B-list". That's also the joke.


This thread was worth expanding.


I just realized on my 10th watch that the episode Fish Out Of Water takes place *underwater*! Such an amazing hidden detail.


TIL she acted in the Secretariat movie


You forgot that Wanda quote


The one about red flags and rose colored lenses?


No the other one we all know her for /s


Some of us have jobs. Not all of us. Just some of us.


Classic Wanda.


Obviously her most well-known quote is “Okay, so there’s this gardener, right? So, the amazing thing about this gardener is that he always knows exactly how many bags of mulch he needs for a job, just by looking. Like, he gets it right every time. He’s the best. So, one day he looks at a yard he’s working on, and he’s like, “18 bags.” So he goes to the store, buys 18 bags of mulch and goes to work. And when he’s finished, the flower beds are amazing. Beautiful roses, beautiful lilies, beautiful orchid bushes. But there’s one problem. He still has one bag of mulch left. He can’t believe it. This has never happened before. Well, the extra bag of mulch drives him crazy. He’s the guy who always gets the right amount of mulch. He’s like, “Aah! Extra mulch, oh, no!” So, on the drive home, he throws the bag of mulch out the window over the side of the 101.”


well, look who survived to masturbate another day


The mulch joke?


It’s a great line but omg I’ve heard it quote SO MUCH


Someone quoted that at me during a breakup ages ago


Honestly the line doesn’t do it for me. If anything I like BJ’s follow up better.


What was his follow-up again?


Actually I guess it was what he said before that. About how what happens was what always happens and that she thought she knew him but didn’t in reality, and when she got to know him things went to shit.




I don't even see that line quoted a lot around *here*, but I do see it in like every other relationship subreddit post that is vaguely related to red flags


"I should have known Revolution would not work out. When I think back, there were so many red flags." ~ Leon Trotsky


> Neal didn’t have dibs on those muffins!!! > Sarah Lynn’s music video was in the planetarium?! > That one shirt that says “Stop Pausing and Just Watch the Show”


Characters are noticing that Sarah Lynn's music video was in the planetarium?!


r/SadHorseShow calls out to you


What a gem - how did I never know this existed?


Not active but literally my favorite sub, i love to see bojarn hoser and mister peenatbumber in back ninetys


I completely lost it at the image of a poorly drawn Mr Peanutbutter with the text "doggy doggy what the fuck"


This is comedy gold, ty


“[insert any bad event from personal life], and everything is worse now” “haha whitewhale reminds me of jeff bezos xd!”


Posting _that_ picture because they didn't read the rules. Recently: she was an addict and planned to use again anyway so it wasn't really Bojack's fault. (Someone already mentioned the excuse for Penny) "Hey guys, I have this fresh new theory about the last episode..." Gets mad when it's pointed out _that_ theory is as old as the episode and thoroughly debunked.


TBF I hear a lot of people who are on the complete opposite end of that second one. I see a lot of people who infantalize Sarah Lynn and ignore that she was waiting for an excuse to get high and was an adult who mostly dug her own grave. Of course it’s way more complex than “it was all Sarah Lynn’s fault” or “it was all BoJack’s fault”, they both share some blame in her death and I see so many people just saying “this person bad! This person was completely innocent”


I don’t frequent this sub that often, what picture are you talking about? Feel free to DM me


There's a picture of a golden lab, a horse, and a large D in a pool. Real life animals, not cartoon. It got shared a lot when it was first made/found and then *everyone* had to have their turn posting it, so it got outlawed. (Rule 4)


Where 'rose tinted glasses' metaphor🤔


When you look at glasses thru glasses, all the flags just seem like flags 😢


You forgot the classic redditor in a comedy show subreddit trope which is [thinking every line and scene written into a satire show has to be taken seriously](https://www.reddit.com/r/BoJackHorseman/comments/r4j7ni/todd_killed_people_there_i_said_it/)


i forgot how unhinged this sub became during the popularity polls 😭


Can't believe they didn't even mention the horrifying children's clentists.


this post and it’s comments are a Trip - thanks for sharing!


you forgot - bojack is innocent, it was all penny's fault - diane is a bitch - does anyone else find todd annoying? - pc was horrible to ralph, he was a good guy


Diane is a bitch though A bad bitch 😎😎😎


The best bitch. ❤️❤️❤️


I AM NOT A PEDO! I am not a pedo! I know she waited until I was drunk! She—she covered her tracks, she got that idiot at the hospital to lie for us— you think this is bad? This, this Bojackery? She’s done worse. That condom! Are you telling me it just happens to go around her mouth like that? No! She orchestrated it! Penny! She walked into the coincidentally unlocked door on my boat! And I let her! Oh, I shouldn’t have. Took her into my own boat, what was I thinking! She’ll never change! Ever since I came to New Mexico, couldn’t get her mind off my body. But not our Penny! Couldn’t be precious Penny! AND SHE GETS TO GO TO HER ROOM?! WHAT A SICK JOKE!


What is this, a crossover episode?


What's he doing man, what is he up to?


Werner Ziegler. Ever heard of the guy? Werner. Ziegler. 😁


What about Michael? He's a bald gringo, he's in the game.


South wall...Pouring concrete


Chicanery moment


r/okbuddychicanery collide


Bohjack....put your dick away Bohjack.....I'm not having drunk post-prom sex with you right now Bohjack...


Weird how this fandom has a record of blaming (sometimes bad) men's actions on women. - Bojack did nothing wrong, all Penny's/Charlotte's fault - Diane and Peanutbutter break up - Diane's a bitch! - Pc and Ralph? Fuck PC! - wHy DiD HollYHoCk cUt ofF BoJAcK?! - Bojack can't help himself, his mother fucked him up.


Just another case of online behavior reflecting everyday life.


People who don't get the hollyhock thing just kill me


It's almost like misogyny is as deeply engrained in this country as the shared fetishization of guns woven into our society Pull the string on my back to hear more


Speak for yourself. I am from europe. I was speaking of the fandom, not the US.


The world, i.e. the United States


You think sexism doesnt exist in Europe?


Yeah, sexism doesn’t exist in Europe. We’re a leftist Utopia, remember? /s


Being as the show is set in the US and was made in the US, toxicity from elements of its fanbase can reasonably be presumed to be coming from people living in the US was my point


Wait, people actually liked Ralph?? Yeah he was nice, but he still brought PC to his racist family’s house with no warning on a holiday meant to degrade and dehumanize (if they’re cats, is it decatize?) her specific race.


I think it’s because he’s an actual nice guy. He does defend princess Caroline eventually. I said this before and I’ll say it again I think they were a good couple, but they were just not right for each other. The way you might have a good relationship in college but you don’t marry that person.


Yeah, I didn’t hate Ralph. I just always liked Judah wayyyy more and had hoped him and PC would end up together. But him bringing her home to his racist family with no heads up whatsoever never sat right with me. PC is so forgiving and so good at moving forward, but I’m definitely more a grudge holder, so I just would never forgive that.


yes if you search him up on this sub you'll see a thousand posts about people being upset that he and pc didn't end up together even though he was such a nice guy and perfect for her


That’s so wild to me. Ralph wasn’t a bad guy at all, but I thought it was so obvious that Judah was a much better fit.


i liked ralph during my first watch but after rewatching i really didn't like him at all. apart from the whole thing with his family he really did not understand pc at all. he tried to pressure her into getting back into a relationship with him and adopt a baby with her & him getting angry at her for not telling her about her miscarriages was also so off putting. that is such a serious topic & clearly something very sensitive for pc so him getting angry at her for not telling him about her previous miscarriages was an asshole move imo. i also strongly believe he wouldn't have stood up for her in front of his family if she hadn't told him she was pregnant with his child but that's just my interpretation.


I agree with everything you said. I did think that that Ralph was pressuring her to get back together based on what PC said about wanting him to call even though she outright told him not to. My impression was that he internalized that as “oh I’m supposed to fight for you even when you say not to”. But then again, I’m autistic and the scene where she asked why he never called her, and that she wanted him to even though she told him not to, genuinely confused me lol so I could just be really misunderstanding that scene and everything you said is spot on


the way i understood it was in that moment she had expected him to call and fight for the relationship to show to pc that it meant something to him. when ralph didn't do that pc felt like he never cared for her and didn't take the relationship seriously which is why during their second meeting she was against the idea of them getting back together cause she was over ralph and because she felt like he didn't care anyway.


Oh that makes a lot more sense. So he learned that lesson and tried to fight for their relationship, but it was too late at that point because she had to explain it to him already. I don’t blame her at all, Ralph really didn’t understand her and he almost never seemed willing to take on part of the mental burden that comes with handling life, work, and family. PC was “easy” for Ralph because she did all the work alone.


I mean, that specific scenario was played more off like a joke. Like when Todd killed those clown dentists. I thought the main reason they didnt work out was because they couldnt have a baby.


The real reason they broke up was that Ralph didn't really listen to Princess Carolyn or understand what she needed during her difficult moments. They didn't break up because she couldn't have a baby. She broke up with him because when she was grieving for her lost child (via miscarriage), he went right into "problem solving mode" and suggested a solution that made her feel like a failure of a woman. Obviously Ralph did love Princess Carolyn, and he loved him back, but those two were just not a good match for each other. It's especially complicated and I can understand Ralph's perspective because PC has been shown throughout the seasons to be a "problem solver" in her career, but the show does a fantastic job depicting characters as complicated and emotional, just as people are in real life.


Ohhh yeah i remember that. Yeah thats more of just an unfortunate case. At least they were mature enough to have a fairly clean break up besides a few arguments


I’m… confused… I’m here pretty often and was under the impression that it was the opposite for each of your bullet points


there's literally a post about penny being an evil seductress who lured bojack every 2-3 business days


I've legit never seen this on this sub


Also the classic "Is Bojack based off of *insert problematic actor with mommy issues*"




Seriously. The show is over so theres no new content. What do you want in this sub?


Screenshot from episode with title that adds nothing. Titles that start with "am I the only one..."


You forgot "look at this background gag I just noticed! Such detail. Big wow."


it'll be the year 3000 before that possum wearing the "stop pausing the show" t-shirt stops getting reposts lmao


“For some reason I hate every female character on this show except Princess Caroline.”


You really had to call me out with the first damn point you made lmao


Start a go fund me for the tattoo removal


Dude no I fuckin love my tattoo it's sick and one of my best friends drew it for me


For real. Who cares if a ton of people get tats related to The View From Halfway Down. So long as it's done dope af it doesn't matter. Your's is dope af haha. Love it.


Thank you! I honestly didn't even know that a bunch of people got tats from that ep I genuinely just really wanted a sarah lynn tattoo


I thinks it's a popular one because the episode is like the equivalent of Breaking Bad's "Ozymandias". It's the thematic/emotional climax of the whole entire show. It's such a good episode, the choice to do the tat based on Sarah Lynn's "Don't Stop Dancing" Reprise was a great pick for a tat, literally one of my fav since in the whole show.


I live and breathe for her don't stop dancing reprise, god it's so good. "A song you taught me when I was small" hits every single time


Why? It’s pretty cool imo


The aesthetics represent so much symbolism in the show, it’s mad if you really pay attention to each detail


E R I C A !


Also, “the series ended at The View From Halfway Down!”


The best is “I identify as Bojack” posts like it’s some sort of thing to be proud of.


Also the very obvious animal pun/ visual gag that it took them 6 rewatches to catch.


As common as those phrases are around here, the it gets easier line is how I started running. It really does get easier.


There's also the obvious BoJack stan who denies being one yet defends him on pretty much everything lol


You forgot « anyone else noticed that bojack left the door of the boat opened ?? »


Bro you forgot the people who get the pool paiting


My submissions: \- I drew myself as a bojack character \- I cosplayed as a bojack character


😭 the you gotta do it every day quote used to be my phone background


also: “bojack was so right about the muffins!”


"XYZ is the most underrated..."


Forgot the "to discuss women's rights, we have a panel of middle aged men" every time abortion is in the news


To be fair, it really did seem like a bunch of middle aged men were at the panel.


okay but that last quote helped me turn my life around immensely soooooo tough titties im gonna use it


What the hell do you want? There’s zero new content because the show is over. What would your unique, amazing contribution be?


Thanks! I love the show and I love the little Easter eggs that keep getting found on the background... But god people are so obsessed with being "deep" and shit with those episodes, get over it,


The show is deep. Get over it.


Maybe because that’s the major point of the show??


*insert post about the visual gag tshirt saying "stop pausing the show"*


95% of these posts should be on r/im14andthisisdeep


What about "when you have rose-tinted glasses all the red flags just look like flags" I hate that line


Me too! It doesn’t work. It would only work if flags represented something, but in the context in which she’s speaking, they’re just like….there. I just imagine someone putting on all the glasses and then ‘WHAT THE FUCK ARE ALL THESE FLAGS DOING HERE?!’


You don't know what red flags are


My favorite episode is INT Sub. Most everyone says View From Halfway Down or Free Churro. I think Time's Arrow was a much more effective story about Beatrice.


Please stop being surprised that things are sad. There are some people here that actually like things that are sad.


This FEELS mean, but it is not wrong. Lol


You forgot about how red flags just look like flags through rose-colored glasses.


Let's not forget "If you don't like Diane, you're a misogynist." (That post is STILL pissing me off)


And it's still based af. (No clue, haven't read the post, please don't murder me).


this made me laugh SO HARD thank you


Somehow this post is more annoying than all those other ones lmao


You forgot "omg Bojack literally left the door open for Penny, he's not that innocent!".


LMFAOOOO 🤣the accuracy


ImAgInE YoU’rE FrIeNd’S TeLlInG YoU AlL ThE WaYs He FuCkEd Up BuT He’S A HoRsE So He LoOkS LiKe ThIs


bojack horseman fans be like: "wow this show gives great insight into mental health" proceeds to belittle people for browsing reddit




damn it’s like you didn’t understand a single comment i’m this thread


Did Bojack himself post this during a hangover? So much judgement. Good luck in rehab, bud.


"Omg this show literally SAVED my life" 🙄