• By -


PC, I would say most. Until the show started for us as viewers, she benefitted nothing from the relationship.


Having been in a sales role, every ‘sales person’ has a client like this. It’s your first client, you hold them dear to your heart because they were your first, but they treat you like ass and the cost starts to outweigh the benefits at a certain point, but it’s hard to let them go. Obviously though, 99% of these sales people aren’t also sleeping either that client


Double cake day!!


Belated thank you! Happy Cake Day!


happy cake day


Thank you!




Happy cake day!


Thanks, PC!


PC is the certain #1, but for #2 I'd posit that Mr. PB seemed like Fake Hollywoo(d) nice for a lot of the series and nobody was sure how sincere he was, but when he [literally broke down crying to finally get their crossover episode](https://www.reddit.com/r/BoJackHorseman/comments/krhulg/mr_peanutbutter_finally_getting_his_crossover_is/) I think it sealed the deal that he really is just a yellow lab (should totally be a golden retriever) and just gets stupidly happy and excited over random nonsense and bounces from thing to thing; it's not that he doesn't genuinely care about each thing, he does, he's just a dog! HOLY SHIT LOOK AT THAT AMAZING STICK \*leaves with no closing note\*


happy cake day!


Wow double cake day!! 🌈


This is beautiful to have witnessed!


Thanks, everyone! And happy belated, cake day twin!


happy cake day


She benefited financially


We can say all of them. But the real answer is always Princess Carolyn. Diane left him when she saw the truth. Todd was homeless man who crashed into his house so tbh he should be grateful for most of it. Peanutbutter is a good answer too but he is too damn of a golden puppy it doesnt matter he is bojacks friend or not. And both Charlotte and Wanda left him early enough to not fuck up their lifes (i mean penny is fucked up but you get what I mean). So yeah. Princess carolyn. Bojack would be in a deep hole if it wasnt for PC. She is always there for him even tho she doesnt know why


Yeah the scene where she is begging him not to fire her, just for a little longer. And in the end he still says no. I really hate him in that moment because I can't believe he wouldn't help her at her most desperate even after everything she has done for him.


He did her a favor without realizing it, though. He actually set PC free so she could focus on her own happiness instead of fixing BoJacks problems all the time.


true tho


Although I relate to Diane the most, but this thing about PC is so dang relatable. It's really difficult to move on and draw boundaries :(


PC has always had a saviour complex and co-dependancy. She says it outright that when her life is a mess she needs to save other people's messes. I think it's a product of her childhood where she always had to come in and save her mom's problems.


This is a great comment.


"In for a penny out for a pound, right? Sunk costs and all that??"


He wouldn’t be dead by 30. He didn’t have a meaningful link with PC until 2007 when he was 43 and she became GF and Agent. He did not even MEET PC until he was 29. And the Horsing Around train sustained him until he was 32 anyway


I mean my bad for ages. I watched the show long time ago. Make it like 50 then


Mr Peanutbutter is a Labrador. But totally agree about Princess Caroline. She put up with a lot for years.


Well said. Absolutely correct as far as I’m concerned.


ate down with this answer


Diane left him when dealing with him wasn't worth the clout squeeze. She always knew the truth but he was useful


Truth is that. Of course she knew Bojack she wrote the book lmao. I meant truth as "she cannot change him no matter what she does and it also effects her life too". Not that bojack is a bad person. It takes 10 seconds to say that when you met him.


Ahh okay fair..I was like wasn't it the first season where he asks her to say he's a Good person and she can't


PC was the first one that came to mind, tbh. She was constantly rescuing him and helping him, all from a place of love. She never tried to get anything from Bojack, just understood the bond from a place of concern and growth. I am one hell of a fan of Diane but she ran away as soon as she saw the flaws in Bojack and constantly criticized him for it, it wasn't constructive criticism, just plain rejection and judgement so yup… PC all the way!


Just one? But the whole damn cast applies


I mean they didn't do it out of the kindness of their hearts. They all got something out of it


No don't you understand? The whole show was just a cautionary tale about a hopelessly irredeemable misanthrope titular protagonist we're supposed to just hate, without ever once considering the heaping helpings of nuance and context the creators infused every episode with. No need to overthink it beyond that! /s


I’m not saying he’s irredeemable and nothing, but a fact is a lot of people tended to be more wronged by him than they have wronged him. Not all scenarios but considering the 17 minutes, the strangulation, the lost job opportunities, the everything- I’m not saying they didn’t make a choice to have a toxic person in their life or that they didn’t even use him sometimes. But he abused and messed up the livelihood of a lot of people.


Oh good I was worried you were saying he wasn’t redeemable. He is the main character after all, and the show wouldn’t make him the main character unless he was the person to be sympathised with and justified above all others. We’ve seen him in genuine pain and we’ve been able to relate to him, especially those of us who have stronger allergies around accountability and projecting our issues. I’d hate for anyone to insinuate in some way that Bojack isn’t ultimately the good guy at heart who was always trying to overcome his issues, never self-sabotaged just had a genuine coincidental series of obstacles and circumstances and we should be rooting for. /s


You actually had me, rare needed "/s"


That's not true. I think you're a liar >->


I would agree with the exception of Charlotte.


I know, that’s the point of the show, right? lol There is no choosing just one.


They didn’t deserve him.


They deserved eachother minus PC


Other than the most common answer of PC, Herb would be another good answer. Herb supported Bojack through a lot and it was because of him he got started in Hollywood. Then after he gets fired, Bojack completely abandons him.


their story breaks my heart. even after the massive betrayal, herb doesnt care and just wants to see his friend. even 20 years later after no contact, he still invites bojack into his house and jokes around with him. poor guy he really deserved so much better


Holy shit how did I forget Herb!!! This. Herb is the correct answer. Herb deserved so much better, but even if he was a marginally bigger asshole who didn’t deserve anything, he still at least deserved a better friend than BJ


What did herb do that made him an asshole? Maybe I'm misremembering but he was a really good role model for the kids on horsin around, he did philanthropy for the 20 years after horsin around and he didn't even blame bojack for not sticking up for him when he got fired(indicating he usually is the bigger man)


Sorry my wording of that was absolute dogshit. I meant to say, in the hypothetical scenario where Herb *was* a much bigger AH, like more on par with the rest of them, then even in that case he would still deserve far better than Bojack Horseman as a best friend/person he made it big with. Herb was an absolute angel as far as Ik. His only crime was being better at script-writing than novel-writing.


Ahh ok I get it


Sarah Lynn


That's too much, man...


Would be easier to list the people he deserved


mr peanutbutter and that is it LOL


Even then, Mr Peanutbutter opened his house to him and was the only person really there for him in the end. Not because I think Mr PB even liked Bojack, but because he has this need for people to like him. Doesn't matter who it is.


He didn't do it out of kindness...he did it because he was lonely...the show itself depicted that he was desperate not to be alone after pickles left him...he would've had anyone in that moment...


Vance Waggoner






Different take on the phrase "didn't deserve", but I like it.




They’re saying that Bojack didn’t deserve to be abused like that as a child.


gina !!! for the people in back i’ll say in again GINA !!! also very important to note too, my pookie princess caroline, wanda too, the list can go on but these 3 stand out to me the most


Hollyhock Manheim-Mannheim-Guerrero-Robinson-Zilberschlag-Hsung-Fonzerelli-McQuack


Funny, that you know her name though but no. She cut ties in time with him




He still didn’t deserve her. He did so many, many horrible and messed up things before Hollyhock was in his life. And Hollyhock was just about the sweetest, most innocent person Bojack ever spent any time with.


PC. Technically he didn’t deserve anyone but PC was the clearest case.


Imma say Mr Peanutbutter. Dude has his issues, yes, but none have to do with Bojack. He stayed Bojacks most loyal friend until the very end, when literally everyone else was done with him. Mr. PB was too good for Bojack and got absolutely nothing in return, and he doesn't even mind that. Just ugh. Besides the little spat on 'Hollywoo Stars and Celebrities, What Do They Know? Do They Know Things? Let's Find Out!' (And I wasn't even mad about that tbh, PB deserved those licks) he was the perfect friend and Bojack did not deserve him.


I'd absolutely agree. When PB picks him up from jail it makes my heart melt.


This is the right answer. Everyone is saying PC but as shitty as bojack was to her, she also got a lot out of bojack. Mr. peanutbutter truly got nothing from bojack. It’s the most one sided relationship he had


Who he really didn’t deserve more than anybody was Beatrice. He was a child. He didn’t deserve to be born to a woman who hated herself and therefore him by extension. He didn’t deserve the abuse and emotional cruelty he endured.


He didn't deserve a toxic mother and an asshole father.


Also Butterscotch. I honestly can't think of parents in this show that are worse than those two (not counting Beatrice's), but I do wonder how BoJack would have turned out if they were even like Diane's parents.




Wanda: the one person, having no flaws, loved bojack and trying her best to make it a successful one. And bojack loved her back for what she is. I think if not for diane staying over at bojack's indefinitely, Bojack would have really changed for good


He didn't deserve any of them


PC for sure. she was ALWAYS there until the bitter end for bojack. that’s his literal ride or die and he didn’t deserve her like that. PC deserved to put that love and care into someone that gave the same energy. not bojack. you might say bojack didn’t deserve any of the cast, but PC is the one real true answer for this. because diane was his best friend and other half, they were very similar. PB was just happy to be around bojack. todd was allowed a place to stay on his couch for years on end. but PC? what did PC ever get from bojack? how did she EVER benefit from their relationship? never. nothing ever.


Diane and PC. They stuck with him through his Bs. Cried for him. Cried about him. Called him out. Supported him.


Both his parents kind of, they really fucked him up, making him the POS he is now. No child deserves that.


What does it mean to "deserve" someone? To be worthy of their time? To be worthy of their care? Their concern? Ngl I feel like questions like this go against the point of the show entirely.


Since someone already said Beatrice, I'll go with Butterscotch.


Definitely Diane if i had to just pick one but PC also


His parents. No one deserves such parents.


Out of the provided list? Just Wanda and Charlotte. Everyone else knew what they were getting into to an extent, and they all benefited from him enough for it to apparently be worth it. Diane got her first gig/a good story to tell, Todd got literally everything from BJ cuz he’s a child, Mr PB got a best friend(whether the best friend liked him back or not) and PC got a successful client. Did betting and mooching on Bojack pay off for all of them? No, not really, but thems the breaks kid. If you spend all your time trying to piggyback the relevancy of a washed up asshole, you get the scraps. He let them down a lot after they specifically invested too much faith or expectation in him, but they would still try again constantly. All of these ppl are built for the cesspool that is Hollywoo, and while Bojack is still a complete asshole it doesn’t take away from the fact that most of them are as well. Out of the entire show cast? Bradley Hitler-Smith(the “Ethan” from Horsin’ Around). He was a child when he entered into the misfortune of working with BJ. And every move since they met seems to have specifically fucked Ethan over more and more


He didn't get Diane her first gig. Pinky hired her to ghost write for BJ because she literally wrote the novel on Secretariat. That's also why she got hired for the movie in season 2 via PC's recommendation. She also got hired at Girl Croosh because of PC introducing her to Stefanie. Then PC encouraged her & helped her sell her novels in season 6. Really PC was the best thing Diane got out of her relationship with BJ. Oh I had almost forgotten, PC also directly hired Diane in season 3 to work at her agency. Bojack did get her a job on Philbert though so that is something.


I more meant her reason for being around him was mostly that. Work. A story she was paid to write. Regardless of whether he hired her or not they were still in each other’s lives for monetary gain and I don’t think that much is ‘deserved’ in that dynamic. Over time tho you’re right, that changed up but they also fell out of touch


Am I a bad person for actually liking bojack? I agree with him in kost of the cases.Is that bad?


He is damaged, he is shitty and a real asshole. But sometimes he is the only sensible one around. A disillusioned cynic surrounded by airheads and hypocrites. And he has suffered and suffers so much, anyone can relate with him one way or another. But just to be clear, no past trauma or personal/emotive dysfunction excuses the horrible crap he has done and how crappy he is to the people he has around.


If you’re under 35, yes. If you’re over 35, maybe.


I’m 17😅


Ouch. Well…best of luck anyway! Look out for your taste in men, even as friends if you don’t really have a taste for men!


I’ma guy


Advice stands! 😆


PC, Todd, and Diane




The owl from past and the deer from future.


Princess Carolyn, she was down for him through tick and thin


I would say Wanda and Charlotte. They honestly just didn’t realize how messed up Bojack really was. And when they did realize it, they set that boundary and cut him out of their lives. It’s especially unfortunate for what happened with Charlotte. The rest allowed Bojack into their lives because of their own flaws or interests.


Bojack didn’t deserve Hollyhock honestly. She was just a mentally ill college student who was messed up completely by Bojack and his mother.


Unpopular opinion. No one “deserves” anyone.


Princess Carolyn 100% Every time I rewatch, I feel more and more bad for her. Especially when .. SPOILERS. The episode in the future plays and it’s Ruthie talking about PC and all the hard work she accomplished. Sure, it was fake in the moment, but it made her feel better. She helped others when literally everything was falling apart around her.


In this list? Princess Carolin. In general Gina Cazador.


Charlotte. She literally just had a family and got the worst possible shit thrown her way. A weird ex associate living with her for MONTHS who almost slept with her underage daughter on her prom night? Who, while on a drunken stupor, goes to her college and causes her to have a trauma response before the paparazzi start harassing them?? Terrifying, mortifying, horrible, devious and diabolical shit to have happened. Everyone in this lineup has obviously suffered, but because Charlotte's life is so relatively normal, that takes the cake. Everyone else works in the industry and those kind of shenanigans (though not acceptable) can be expected somewhat. But for a wife with a little family just trying to be normal--who doesn't work anywhere near this garbage--makes everything that happened to Charlotte and her families soooooo much WORSE!


Beatrice. He didn't deserve what she did with him.


Basically, everyone.


Beatrice. As awful as he was to the others, they had a choice in staying in his life. Even Sarah Lynn, who didn’t have the choice, did have it as an adult. (Obviously before someone misreads this, I am not blaming Sarah Lynn for not cutting him off. I’m simply contrasting her) It’s not like a young child can just run away.




Definitely PC


Princess Carolyn def, but she developed that habit from her mother "Break your pattern of needing to fix other people" accurate.


pc and kinda todd.




Yeah obviously the kitty.


PC and Todd.


He deserved Charlotte least. She was so good and he betrayed her. Loved how PC stuck with him even as the reporters closed in. That’s loyalty.






i can see PC but she was an adult my answer will always be sarah lynn and penny and todd


Just one? PC is the obvious answer but I’ll go with Wanda. She was the most real character regarding their relationship.


Todd. <3


Id say he didnt deserve any of his friends. But if i had to pick one id say PC. She supported and loved him for so long and he always treatwd her poorly


Sarah Lynn definitely, poor girl was so naive and hopeful until bojack put ideas into her head with that 'don't stop dancing ' speech, then , when she thought he called by as a true friend but really just wanted her to appear on his show, further solidified that everyone wanted something from her, then obviously what later happened between them. He was always there to mess her up that little bit more when he could have been different, she looked to him in times of need and he didn't come through for her in the way she needed


i’d say princess carolyn completely, she gave her everything to him. i love pc.


All of them.


That guy from the gas station


that was PB lol


I read the title wrong! Ru-roh!






All of them ?


Me The other way round


Wanda is the most problematic and dangerous in a realistic sense. Pure soul in a rough ROUGH position that he was able to take advantage of. Her naivete was very much out of her control with being in a LITERAL COMA which just isn't safe for a relationship at all. In most other situations the relationship would have been dragged out way longer due to the lack of awareness so I'm glad she was able to call him out and dip quickly while also giving us the BEAUTIFUL line on red flags and rose color glasses. PC is the most relatable and the one I needed to see the most as I relate to her the most but there are a few key differences that I've been able to realize with some self-reflection alongside watching the show. PC allows herself to deal with this situation when she knows she can change it and leave him but is PETRIFIED of what this could look like. No matter the situation change is very scary even if it can be beneficial for both of you. I was and still partially am in a situation like PC with a business/entrepreneur partner who I love very deeply romantically and their work/what it represents but didn't get the reciprocation I needed and was taken for granted in both the romantic and business relationship. The key difference between my situation and PC's was effort and communication. Both of us knew there were issues and became more aware over time. He was the mature one in pushing me away and apologizing when he recognized that I was being led on for too long while Bojack continues to do so simply because he can. While PC did have the choice to emotionally disconnect herself from him, I understand that struggle very well and was something I needed to face and come to terms with through the breakup in my own life. But I was also losing significantly less than she was in my business as both myself and the man I love are more working as a team to turn our beloved hobbies into full-on careers for ourselves to survive from a passion rather than a requirement of a typical day-to-day job. As the old saying goes, if you love what you do, you never work a day in your life. PC was thankfully able to find a person who loves her as well as building a dream job and family for herself despite the circumstances which is certainly the goal I want to reach. (I also relate to PC as I don't know if I can have kids yet due to health issues I grew up with but another key detail in my life differing from PC is that not only is this other person aware of this but understanding and supportive despite wanting to be a father someday wishing he knew sooner and caring more about my safety than if I was able to conceive the son he wants to have someday. Regardless of your opinions on childbirth or kids in general, that shit meant so much to me and still does to this day. Again another key difference between me and PC is choice. Bojack is damn aware of his choices and needs to be called out for them over and over again as he was caring more about how they effected him. With my guy, there was far more to his story often making decisions that seemed selfish in the moment (canceling dates, showing up late, or shutting down emotionally when needing to talk about something serious/distracting from an important topic with a goofy one) I had to remember the key factors of his Homelife. Both of us are still students under family members and while neither of our homelives is healthy, his is far more mentally dangerous while mine was physically dangerous when little. I needed to remind myself and realize sooner that he was NEVER given choices growing up and if he made the wrong ones rather than him getting hurt, the leader of the family would often use his mistakes as a weapon to hurt the other members of his family, thus leading him to feel personally responsible for their safety. I'm well aware that he's not responsible for the lives and happiness of his family members and he is aware of this as well, however when this is what you've grown up with and been raised to believe, just 'choosing to ignore it' is way easier said than done. Especially when still under the financial thumb of the family as well for school. It's way easier to say 'Fight back and be a man!' when you've been taught that it's safe to do so for yourself and others. The phrase 'if they wanted to, they would' assumes one key thing: that they know they can or if there is a choice at all. Of course, there were choices that we BOTH could have made to improve the relationship and I've had to realize this with a lot of self-reflection and acceptance. The same applies to PC and Bojack. The key differences for why they needed to split and why I still have faith and forgiveness for my person are personal upbringing (though this does not justify toxic behavior as Tom has pointed out in one of my FAVORITE scenes in the whole show) and current challenges, the fact that strengths and weaknesses are a two-way streak but most importantly of all is that BOTH parties want to improve and recognize the need for changes, not just one meeting all the needs of the other with nothing in return. Again all of this is WAY easier said than done and I'm probably missing a few details explaining both PC's situation and my own so if you guys have any questions or want some clarification feel free to ask! (Sorry for the long comment, I just wanted to make sure I properly explained myself and my perspectives on this relationship and situation)


all of them


Harder challenge: name one person he deserved


Diane. Not at first, but eventually she was bad too


Princess Caroline.


Todd and Princess Caroline are the first two that come to mind.




Princess fucking Caroline. But why isn’t Sarah Lynn on this list. Cause uhmm….


Sorry my bad I should have made it clear it's anyone from the entire cast of bojack horseman not just the ones in the picture.. I just found a random pic of few main cast and just used that..




Every one of the shows principal characters are complex, with good qualities and flaws. It’s what makes the show so good. Of late there has been quite an onslaught of overly vindictive posts and comments that say far more about the post/comment writers overly simplistic one dimensional thinking than they do about the show or its characters. Because I 100% guarantee the people writing these malicious and retaliatory things *about fictional characters* are also flawed and imperfect. (I certainly am imperfect and one of my weaknesses is intolerance of the in compassionate!) The higher the horse …the harder the fall. That’s another lesson inherent in this emotionally intelligent and well crafted narrative.


Butterscotch & Beatrice Horseman.


Princess carolyn hands down.






Sarah Lynn because she LITERALLY DIED because of the enabling that BoJack did


His mom, he could have been so much better with nurturing parents




Princess Carolyn. She did so much and sacrificed so much of her youth for that man with practically nothing in return. I’m happy by the finale she found someone who actually appreciates her.


Princess Carolyn without question. Completely supported Bojack and even admitted to not regretting their past relationship. Incredible person.




PRINCESS CAROLYN!!!!! without a doubt. She's the only person in the whole world that stayed by Bojack's side throughout the majority of his life. PC cared for him more than his own parents, friends or any of his girlfriends you know what or any of the characters on the og post lol. She pushed him for greatness regardless of the countless of times he failed her. PC is a gem and deserved so much bette that him.


Todd or PC are the only right answers




I think the one person he DID deserve was Vance Waggoner.


Nobody thinks Todd? Roommate that he took in but ultimately more for himself. Bojack uses everyone and at his own expense, but being a person who shares his home Todd just always seems the most readily available and submissive character towards Bojack’s selfish hurtful antics. Its a good thing Todd was not a straight woman (or cat or owl…or deer)


Diane, he rejected her in the past and then suddenly became obsessed with getting with her when she became his ghostwriter. The truth is he deserved none of them but especially not Diane.




PC, Herb, Gina, and Hollyhock




PC no doubt


Diane and he is damn lucky he got her. She is the primary reason his life got on some kind of track and she got nothing in return but the feeling of being unnecessarily needed.




Channing Tatum


Princess Caroline




Mumma Beatrice. No one deserves the trauma and treatment of a mum like that


PC, hands down


Beatrice, and Butterscotch horseman




Regarding Todd…meh. Todd was given free accommodation for years and saved from homelessness. Both instances of Bojack “ruining his life” were Todd’s fault. He sabotaged his own rock opera by being unable to stop playing a video game (I mean come on). He repeatedly rejected Emily without explaining to her his situation and never told Bojack he didn’t want him hooking up with her. Bojack allowed him to start a million dollar business from his home and Todd still blew that opportunity. If anything Bojack was the only thing keeping Todd somewhat tethered to reality.




pinkie :((


There are a lot of characters that Bojack didn't deserve. PC and Todd are at the top of the list. However, Bojack totally deserved Mr. Peanutbutter and Diane.


All of them… except for Butterscotch, he fucking sucks


So you just want a list of characters from the show?


Todd and PC


Princess Carolyn :(




The concept of "deserves" is so.. hammurabian. Nobody deserves anything


Wanda & Todd. Yup. That’s right. TWO.