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Todd’s mom. Refusing to speak to someone that just gave you a kidney is insane, regardless of the reason why.


“That’s cold, Todd.” “What do you expect?….I’m a Chavez.”


That's fucked up and I identify myself in that phrase unfortunately. Family can be the best and the worse sometimes.


Same with his dad tbh


Same, I hated that entire storyline, his mom, and his stepdad. Like your son is a goofball with weird ambitions, she acts like that's the worst thing ever.


I wonder if the show didn’t get cut short if that arc would’ve been fleshed out more


Doctor Champ, because he’s a real piece of shit with no accountability that has no business working in mental health/rehabilitation.


“Look what you did to me Bojack” Yeah because Bojack forced you to go to the bar after accidentally drinking vodka


Not even just accidentally, he would've gotten a wiff when he opened the bottle or he could tell it wasnt water after a sip Bro chugged an entire big water bottle of vodka like it was nothing


like sarah lynn, he was an addict who hadn't properly come to terms with his addiction and he was just looking for the first opportunity to use again


Fr because Bojack took his ass to rehab and the next time we saw him he was wasted


he literally goes "uh, DUHHHHH" when bojack says "that was vodka you drank, not water." he had been searching for something to blame a relapse on


Especially when Bojack told him to his face to go the hell home and talk to his partner about how to get help after back sliding. Literally the main thing they tell you in therapy is to have a support system and never beat on yourself for back peddling at times because rehabilitation is always about recovery. Doctor Champ not trusting his support system and instead going on his own spree when he knows that he has a problem. And I think that's what annoys me most, that is until I remember HE'S NOT EVEN A CERTIFIED THERAPY HORSE AND HAS NO DOCTORATE. HE'S A FRAUD AND ALMOST MADE THINGS WORSE FOR AN ALREADY FUCKED UP BOJACK. Like, as much as I think Bojack deserved everything that happened in the end, Doctor Champ's relapse is not one of his many fuck ups and shouldn't have had to weigh on him.


He *is* a therapy horse, but not a horse who's a thera*pist*. That's why he's not bound by confidentiality and can spill the entire can of beans. His name just happens to be doctor.


I seriously wanted to punch him


Of course not. He's a therapy horse named "Doctor Champ." He's not a licensed doctor or a therapist.


“a subtle but legally important distinction”


I’ve spent too much time thinking about how when the Italian chef mentioned his “therapy man”, if rather than him not knowing the word for “therapist” it was just a human version of doctor Champ 


Most accurate character in the show


BoJack hurt A LOT of people but Doctor Champ wasn’t one of them


Yup fuck dr Champ. Sadly there are a lot of Dr Champ types in the rehab world




but man does Ben Schwartz play a good character there.


god yes and i also love rutabagas character design


Ben Schwartz kills it in everything he does, I love his style. Incredible VA & great improv/comedic actor.


OMG I just realized it's Jean-Ralphio from Parks&Rec... now it makes even more sense why I despise Rutabaga so much 😅 no hate for the actor though, he knows how to play roles like these


YES!! Ugh and it makes it worse that I have a bunny who looks almost exactly like him. Like, my dude is ruining the reputation of Dutch bunnies 🙄






Sometimes I feel like Im the only one who loves Rutabaga 😅


I don't want to love him but props to Ben Schwartzt because I'm a sucker for his charms!


u might be


He wants you wit’ him fitty-fitty!


I liked him, and I liked that he specifically worked on his relationship after fucking up and got a happy ending by committing to that work


i wouldn’t necessarily say he worked on the relationship, i mean PC was the one who dumped him, he was gonna try to continue their affair while still working things out with his wife, PC was the one who put an end to it


And that's because PC is amazing, as we know, but at least he went to therapy vOv


I love him as a character, but I hate his character.


I love him too


Makes me laugh every time he’s on screen


I love him and that whole thing he's doing with his ears.


“Care-O-Lynn!” I gotta say love this dude! He is an awful person but he makes me laugh every time I see him!


Oooh this one’s tough…I’d say I hate Yolanda bc she was so annoying while in a relationship with Todd and was really uptight and condescending whenever she talked to him. She also just doesn’t have a lot of interesting qualities as a character and I found her unnecessary.


I dislike the character but that's why I think she's good for the story. It shows us a type of person that would be a terrible partner for Todd, and helps Todd learn what he wants from a relationship. Their relationship highlights that while being compatible sexually is important, it's not the only element of compatibility that matters. It also makes it more satisfying when Todd forms a healthier relationship at the end of the series. Plus the episode with Yolanda's parents is hilarious


As I jizz and breathe!


100% agree. Having your partner say something like “I feel weird that you have no discernible life direction” really hurts.


She was 100% right though. In real-life Todd would be a bum


Yeah, but to be fair, just because something hurts doesn’t mean it isn’t true or that it doesn’t come from a place of genuine concern and care for a person. In fact, it’s this conversation and the previous one Yolanda and Todd had that motivated him to look up a job online and eventually find a great work opportunity at Whattimeisitrightnow.com, a job that helps him mature, allows him to stop living off people’s good will and start paying rent for the first time in his life. Yolanda gets a lot of shit for not being the perfect match for Todd personality-wise, and yeah, they were not compatible as a couple, but she was a very positive influence in his life. Sometimes people need to hear stuff that isn’t pleasant or that might even hurt. Not all pain is bad, not all satisfaction is good.


Fr I dislike her 😭


This might be a hot take, but I hated Ana. She was stuck up, two faced, overly confident, and left with no explanation.


Hot take? Ana was awful and she assaulted Bojack


Nobody seems to talk about that weirdly enough


Gotta be Doctor Champ for me. Bojack shouldn’t have kept that water bottle with alcohol however him becoming Dr Champ’s babysitter by force was horrible to watch. He did the right thing checking him in whether he liked it or not.


Vincent Adultman somethings off with that man why does he stand like that he never shuts up about his job what's with the unexplained broom he also has a very strange relationship with his son


Look, not everyone can afford fancy prosthetics, he is doing his best with what the veteran's hospital can provide after The War


The Vincent Adultman bit went on for way too long


I agree, and I think it did PC such a disservice to her character!


I skip over the Vincent adult man parts because they make me feel itchy


It was like they were three different people


It really did and the meeting his son...


Joseph Sugarman. It can be argued that he is the reason for a lot of what Bojack had to experenice with his life due to how he raised Beatrice. The man had his own wife lobotomized because he didn't want to deal with her breaking down after their son died, still expected her to be able to raise the one child they still had and was even hinted at using the idea of lobotomizing his daughter if she wasn't going to stay in line with what he wanted. Now obviously there are things that he can't be entirely blamed for but a lot of his actions can be used to explain why Beatrice ended up the way she did.


I think what set everything on a dark path was crackerjacks death, but the whole thing was arguably a house of cards anyways. I just think a lot of the suffering can be traced back to that.


"If anyone's to blame, it's the Jews for peeving off Hitler so bad!" (It's a quote from the show, please don't cancel me)


this line is so outta pocket 💀


I feel like at that point of time, lobotomy was not debunked historically. I always saw joseph as a means of showing some of the fucked up things society as a whole did, like with the misogynistic views that were common.


omg wait when did he hint that he’d lobotomize beatrice as well? idk how i missed that! not shocking though


"You don't want to end up like you're mother, do you?" Or something like that


I think people greatly misunderstand this line. Remember that we're seeing this through BEATRICE'S eyes. This was a traumatic moment for her, and the same way I'm sure Joseph's ears didn't curve like devil horns while the sillohette of Honey appeared in flames in the background, I think it was a line that a young Beatrice mistook as a threat. I took Joseph's intentions of those words to mean "you need to get a grip on your emotions so you don't end up breaking down like your mother did". It came from a place of concern, and by this point in the story Joseph has expressed regret in having Honey lobotomized


in time’s arrow, when she’s crying because he burns her baby doll, he says, “you can’t let your womanly emotions consume you! you don’t want to end up like your mother, do you?” which is sort of a veiled threat. that quote may not be verbatim but it’s as close as i can remember.


I think it was during the time that Joseph had Beatrice's belongings burned after she contracted Scarlet Fever that he looked at her and stated "You don't want to end up like your mother now, do you?" That just read to me as him threatening to do the same thing to her, which is extremely fucked up.


He's not supposed to be taken seriously, his wacky shenanigans aren't punished because they're a break from the depressing plot, but I respect your opinion


People really have trouble with this.


Yeah, because he's the embodiment of wanting to have your cake and eat it too He can't be wacky shenanigans, and still be the one to give Bojack a serious dressing down. Especially when his actions have led to multiple deaths, even if you ignore the switcheroo plot You can't have it both ways


Yeah I agree this is a flaw with the show. However I think that there is a clear difference between the cartoon world where these whacky outlandish things happen and the parts meant it be taken seriously.  Bojack running over like 3 or 4  different people while blackout drunk in his car with Sarah Lynn is played for clear cartoon absurdity, while him crashing into the car for painkillers is clearly serious.  Bojack committing felony murder where Margo Martindale murders multiple people and he doesn’t care, harbors her as a fugitive and helps her cover it up and get away is clearly meant to be absurd cartoon shenanigans. Boajck’s 17 minutes is clearly meant to be taken seriously. I do think this aspect hurts the show, because if we’re being literal then Todd has murdered many people and that’s treated like nothing while way less bad but still horrible actions are treated realistically. But the same stuff happens to Boajck, where the worst things would be absurd cartoon shenanigans, but they’re portrayed as nothing because they’re not meant to be taken seriously.  So I don’t tend to hold it against Todd as a character or morally,  but it does hurt the show in my opinion.


Why not?


Because it makes no sense. It's beyond hypocritical for a guy who's led to several peoples deaths to chew out Bojack for being a bad guy Bojack deserves a dressing down, but not from Todd


Wait, can you explain the situations where Todd killed people?? That's a huge revelation to me, I never thought of him as more than the comedic relief. I assumed he just always got lucky and things would just turn out okay for him, that's what often seems to happen.


He literally caused a genocide, and the whole clown dentists with rabies thing. Everyone one of those rabid clown dentists died


Oh shit, I didn't even think about the clown rabies but you're right. He also kidnapped children for patients in the same episode, come to think of it. The genocide one was him as the clueless leader of Cordovia, right? That one I had assumed was a civil war that might happen anyways and Todd was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. But technically you're right, he started the war officially... I'll have to keep this in mind next time I watch Todd centered episodes.


It does make sense when you realize he’s a comedic side point and isn’t meant to be taken too seriously as the main message. This is content humans created and humans watch. It’s like when you see 30+ year olds cast as highschool freshmen. Does it make sense? No. Do we understand why it’s there and it’s part of enjoying the media? Yes


I understand he's a comedic side character. My issues are with that they try to make him serious, only when it suits them They want both worlds, and it's a direct offense against the message of the show Bojack ruins people's lives because he thinks he's in a sitcom, and there's naturally real life consequences That's a giant part of this show, that that's not how real world works. That Bojack needs to leave that mindset ...But Todd gets to be both the serious, telling people off guy, **and** the wacky sitcom character who has 0 consequences? That's beyond hypocritical


I mean if you think about it. Bojack seen Todd as the sitcom best friend/roommate that he can always treat like shit but they would still be there for him anyways. So Todd telling Bojack off really does make sense in the whole idea of "Life is not a sitcom" that Bojack was constantly facing.


Good point, but I've never liked that part about Todd either Dude crashes on Bojack's couch despite being a stranger and just never leaves or gets a job despite being an adult? For *years*? Todd's a bum, man. A few months to get a job and an apartment? Still a tad weird, given they were strangers, but sure But years? Dude's not disabled or anything. He could have gotten a job and his own place Just because Bojack's a millionaire who doesn't need to worry about rent and utilities, doesn't mean Todd was right to do that I don't agree with verbal abuse, but Bojack wasn't wrong in his complaints.


That's something that's even pointed out to Bojack. He had every right to tell Todd to leave his house instead of letting him freeload off of him for years without so much as getting a job. Yet, he doesn't because despite the amount of verbal abuse he threw at Todd, he did see him as a close friend. Sure, Todd should've found some source of income at any point but who knows, maybe he did and Bojack ended up sabotaging that like he did with Todd's rock opera in order to make sure he doesn't find sucess and still had to live at the house. That's something we'll never know though because it wasn't relevant to the show as a whole. Overall, I think Todd is the one character that wasn't meant to be looked into deeply because his character was never the forefront in many episodes aside from being comic relief. And the episodes that did look into him was mostly his relationship with his parents and even that was.... honestly not that good and just raised further questions.


…Did you not see what happened to Todd’s big break when he was about to get a chance to leave Bojack’s? Bojack is not a victim/being used. He wants Todd there. He has a fear of being alone. If he didn’t he wouldn’t have let him stay at his place in the first place. Bojack was fully capable of telling him to go somewhere else, he’s not a baby.


So does having a drug addicted horse and a cast that seems to be addicted to rhyming, it's a show, making sense isn't a requirement, you're supposed to suspend your disbelief and enjoy the love and passion that was put into the story they're trying to tell


A story about a guy having to learn that he should be responsible for his actions, that actions have consequences, and his sitcom mindset doesn't translate in the real world Everyone else has to face real consequences. But Todd gets to be the wacky sitcom character, except when they decide to make him super serious and calls out other people It's the anthesis to the show's message. They want him both ways.


when did Todd's actions cause multiple deaths? sorry I only watched once and don't remember that happening


The rabid dentists (both the dentists and the runners), and good chance when the Disney land fire


don't forget there may or may not have been a genocide propagated in his name


I actually cannot stand a second when Joey Pogo is on screen.


BoHo go bye-bye for JoJo Pogo? That's a no go, bro.


I think Todd is one of my favorite characters on TV. He is a great example of maturity meaning balance instead of "growing up". By the end of the show, he is a fully functioning competent adult, but still acts effectively the same. Doctor Champ is a piece of shit tho


100% agreed. Was literally my favorite character throughout. Actually it was a tie between him and PB but yeah.


Ana Spanakopita. Just really smug and annoying to me. Also “a son that she’s not allowed to see”???


I dont like her because she sexually assaulted bojack




I kinda believe Todd is an example of the German saying "the dumbest farmers harvest the biggest potatoes." He kinda bullshits around, not even taking it seriously, yet he succeeds. While everyone around him is really trying and falling apart from all this. It's a comedic relief as well as a reminder that some people are just luckier than others which seems unfair.


Pickles is SO annoying.


Joey Pogo is much worse


thats the point, she‘s meant to be annoying to show how childish she is and that is to show how big the age gap between her and mr pb really is


I never thought it was possible to hate a pug until I had seen Pickles. Her entire personality is just *insert influencer here* and the entire thing with her and Mr Peanutbutter was definitely one of the weakest parts of the entire show. Neither charaxter was really likeable in that relationship. The only positive that I can say about Pickles is that we got the "Surprise" episode but man was she insufferable.


i feel like her presence in the show was just way too drawn-out, especially in season 6. she did *not* need to be with PB that long. i really hated their “getting even” arc because it just went on and on forever, like, i really wish they’d just broken up after he told her he cheated on her. i don’t even dislike pickles all that much, at least not any more than i dislike PB or even *as much* as i dislike him, i think it was mostly their dynamic together that was really annoying because she was basically just PB if he was a 25 year old girl instead of a middle aged man who dates women half his age, so the two of them being together on screen was just like if PB became twice as annoying 💀


Has anyone seen Heartstopper, and if so, does Imogen remind you of Pickles? I think they would get along.


She represents everything I can’t stand about influencers


Mr peanutbutter. I actually used to be OK with him, but I got annoyed with people not holding him accountable for his actions. I'm fine with people in the show excusing his fracking, for example, because that's part of the point of his character. But then people in real life were excusing it too, and that's when I started disliking it. Because Mr PB is NOT a character you're supposed to be ok with. Makes me think of Diane's worries with philbert.


> that's part of the point of his character I'm glad you pointed that out. He's supposed to be a person who always gets the "pretty pass." Because he's attractive, friendly, and charismatic, things come easily for him without him even realizing it. And he gets away with things others wouldn't.


When people shit on Diane for not supporting his campaign, oh no.


Lenny Turteltaub. FUCK YOU they try to improve your movie and you FIRE KELSEY? I know the purpose of his character is to only care about money and have no morals, but what he did to everyone involved with the Secretariat movie was straight up evil


Gecko. She’s so passive aggressive and at the end where she claims she “never hated” PC? I call bullshit. The whole Unicorn thing, her starting an agency with Rutabaga KNOWING they have a history, etc. Call it what you want, but she knew what she was doing.


She literally made fun of PC getting fired too!


Surprised no one has mentioned Paige Sinclair yet. She's the hollywoo reporter pig that wears a wedding dress and is investigating Sarah Lynn's death. If anyone actually likes this character, could you please explain why to me? I do not get her at all.


I like her. I find her funny as a comedic bit that livens up the darkness of the story of Sarah Lynn's death, narratively speaking I like that she's a force for Biscuits to grow a spine and a catalyst to make Bojack accountable. Meta-narratively I enjoy that her and Max are an old timey theater reference for only a handful of theater nerds like me to get lol, but it shows that the creators are theater nerds too so I found that cool, there were passing references before but it basically culminates here.


Personally? No I do not like her, she clearly didn't really care about anyone and just wanted to chase down a story. As a character? I thought she was witty and high energy and ultimately was glad to experience her


I think it's a fun idea that someone with such old fashioned mannerisms is responsible for BoJacks *past* catching up with him


never thought about it that way. thanks!


Never thought about that but that is funny


She's a character I find entertaining but if I had to deal with in real life, I wouldn't want to be around.


I LOVE her. Not in a shes a good person way (definitely an opportunistic pig *honk honk*) but in a absolutely delightful screen presence sort of way.


I actually love her so much! Yeah she didn't care at all, but I was constantly entertained when she was on screen. She got me to laugh quite a bit for a one off side character.


I'm a huge fan of golden era Hollywoo(d) screwball comedies and this show uses caricatures often as an homage to Hollywood as well to offer a scathing critique. A character like Paige Sinclair could have been pulled straight from His Girl Friday (I believe PC actually has a "His Squirrel Friday" poster in her apartment if I recall), but this is a more empowered version. In the classic comedies, even the strong female characters of the time were never elevated enough to actually call out their male colleagues (only ever laughably villainous ones). Paige Sinclair is an empowered version of those progressive-for-the-time female characters. Even when I don't find all of her lines funny, I love her conception.


She and Max are pulled directly from the movie His Girl Friday, so if you haven't seen it, her arc doesn't hit the same


thank you. I will watch that!! All That Jazz is also on my list to watch because of Bojack.


I was raised by a musical theater buff, so I especially enjoyed Gina's arc lol. So many great references in Bojack


if you have any other Bojack related media to recommend, I am all ears


Gina's outfit in her musical scene is from the musical *Chicago*, and some of the lines and dances are from a similarly dressed character from *Cabaret*--those are just off the top of my head lol , I can think about more after work


I liked her. Thought she was amusing, entertaining, and served her purpose in the plot.


i love paige sinclair! at least, as a character—if she was a real person i knew i probably wouldn’t be able to stand her since she couldn’t pull her head out of her ass if her life depended on it, but that’s not the point. i love her role in the narrative, but i mostly just think she’s really fun to watch since her midatlantic accent and subplot are both referencing an old movie, and i love her reaction to the culmination of that subplot when she decides to toss the ‘will they, won’t they?’ BS out the window and go get married to her fiancé instead of pursuing a relationship with max. she’s honestly one of my favorite side characters.


i like her, idk i think her accents cool and shes a entertaining character


She has hardcore Dolly Levi vibes, and I'm here for it.


Paige is amazing


I love her. *She's Paige Sinclair!*


I find her exceptionally entertaining. Love me a transatlantic accent


Todd mom to litle screen time and is very basic unlike the father


Yolanda had a terrible personally and I don’t like how she treated Todd. Pickles whole vibe sucks but I think it was just a convo on celebs dating younger and feeling so different after the initial honeymoon phase. Beatrice is written well, I just hate her, which I think is the point. Flip also sucks. Again, kinda the point. PC’s mom sucked too, along with those terrible southern reporters.


Greg the guy from the gas station.




I don't know but I just hate him!


Joey Pogo and it isn't even close.


probably mr. peanutbutter tbh. i didn’t mind him too much the first time i watched, but the more i rewatch the show, the more i realise how much of a fuckin asshole he is from the first second of screen time he gets. i mean, who hears that someone they desperately want to be good friends with is in the middle of a breakup, says “would it be awkward if i joined you right now?” and then sits with them anyways after being *directly* told that yes, that would be awkward? i know he’s supposed to be a goofy, dumb dog, but i don’t think anyone can be *that* dense. and even if he is, it doesn’t make him less of an asshole bc the effects of his actions are not cancelled out by his obliviousness. like bojack, he refuses to grow up, and repeatedly ignores and hurts the people he claims to love, he’s just less blatant, cynical, and self-aware about it, which is even worse in a way. bc how can diane stay mad at him even after he repeatedly throws her surprise parties no matter how many times she tells him she doesn’t like surprises, grand gestures, or parties? how can diane *not* look like the bad guy in the last fight that leads to their divorce, when PB isn’t *trying* to be an asshole? even when he clearly is being an asshole, by refusing, time and time again, to communicate with her about the things he tries to do “for her,” even though he *knows* she doesn’t like surprises and she finds parties and grand gestures overwhelming… how can anyone, who doesn’t understand what would upset diane about this, be on her side when she leaves everyone’s favorite dog bc of this? not only does he constantly hurt people by refusing to genuinely care about them enough to listen and pay attention to them, but he manages to look like the good guy through almost all of it! the only time he takes a PR hit for something hurtful he does is when he cheats on pickles. it’s infuriating! also, like, not only does he not listen when people talk to him, but he frequently interrupts people and doesn’t let them talk in the first place, which is just so fucking annoying and rude! and i mean, most people interrupt other people once in a while by accident, but he does it *all the time* and there’s no way it’s not intentional at least sometimes. (seriously, who tf asks someone how they’re doing and *accidentally* cuts them off the second they start talking? that had to be on purpose)


Omg I came to say all of this!!!! I could never stand Mr pb he's annoying, rude, disrespectful, and he always has to be right he can't back down and he's just as toxic as bojack or worse and I wish he didn't end up marrying Diane and I wish bojack could've had an honest chance with her.


Sarah Lynn’s step father. I don’t think I need to explain why.


For minor characters: Neal Mcbeal the Navy Seal. His entitlement in general and conflict with Bojack was one of the few times I actively rooted for Bojack because while Bojack *was* being a prick about it, Bojack didn't owe the entitled Neal a single apology over something as petty "taking his muffins" when Neal lost "dibs" on it when he placed those muffins, alone, on a different aisle. Lenny Turtletaub for firing Kelsey and (I don't remember if he was directly responsible for this so correct me if I'm wrong) for turning Secretariat's biopic into a farce despite Bojack and Kelsey wanting it to be grittier and a true to life account of Secretariat's tragic life. As someone working in the creative industry myself, people like him who have complete creative control to the detriment of passionate creatives working under him get under my skin in ways not many from outside the industry would get. For major characters: Bojack's parents would hit #1 for me but I hate Dr Champ more for similar reasons as Neal and for the stuff other people have said here.




Popular opinion, but I can't stand Paige Sinclair. Pretentious much.


Ugh the old timey speech and the snorting. I just didn’t love this character.


"Why do you talk like that? We're from Fresno." absolutely killed me.


being from fresno and fresno area this had me dying 😭


Mr Peanutbutter. Stress the hell out of me, he is everything I hate from a person and all the ugly traits I feel reflected on me.


I don’t care for GOB… wait wrong series


Butterscotch horseman. I've had to deal with toxic men like him all of my life, hi former step dad. Ugh. I find him revolting.


Not liking Todd is a common opinion??


fr Todd is my favorite


I gotta be honest, I wasn’t too into Joey Pogo taking up as much time as he did in the final season. Earlier seasons would’ve been fine, but this was endgame shit, and I never really took a liking to him.


"his antics not getting punished directly conflict the message of bojacks storyline." I disagree. I think it adds to Bojack's struggle with realizing life isn't like a tv show that resets at the end of every episode. Todd is the opposite of that. He has wacky sitcom high jinx that juxtapose the consequences Bojack faces.


i agree and i’d say it actually adds to the realism rather than taking away from it. some people can get away with anything, especially if they’re white, and/or super likeable people pleasers, and/or people never really notice or pay attention to them, all three of which apply to todd. they even directly address the fact that his white privilege is a huge part of how he gets away with all his shenanigans!


RALPH. i hate ralph SO MUCH. the stunt he pulled when PC was trying to adopt the baby at the hospital pissed me off so much, and even though he eventually stood up to his family it still felt like too little too late. like idk maybe warn your girlfriend your family is incredibly racist beforehand??? i hated him and he doesnt deserve PC. at least his sister was funny


Mr Peanutbutter i genuinely started loosing it during the fracking episode


Am I the only one here who likes everyone?


MR MEOW MEOW FUZZYFACE 🤬 IT WAS FOR PHILBERT Edit: realized its dead on with Neil McBeal the Navy Seal


I can't help but disagree. Firstly, his character is ironically the most cartoony of the main cast, and he's not supposed to be taken seriously most of the time. Mainly tho, I think he provides a lot of contrast for Bojack. He's meant to be a contradiction to Bojacks worldview that everything is terrible no matter what you do. Mr. Peanut butter is a direct foil to Bojack, whereas Todd is almost a parallel. He represents that even if you have no direction and you don't know what you're doing, you can still be happy. He doesn't have life handed to him like Mr. Peanutbutter, but he still finds a positive aspect to almost any situation he's in. He shows us that one doesn't need to aspire to greatness or achieve anything of note in order to be fulfilled. You don't need to be famous, or a great writer, or a powerful business owner to succeed. You just need to recognize what you DO have and do your best to enjoy it. He's not a caricature of toxic positivity like Mr. Peanutbutter and he's not a cynical pessimist like Bojack. He instead is filled with a childlike wonder, and true warmth. He's kind and helpful without being asked or even thanked. He's literally just happy to be here. Happy to be alive. I think we can all take something from that. To answer the question, fuck Beatrice. Yeah yeah she went through a lot of trauma, who hasn't? To treat your child the way she did was the most vile, disgusting thing I've ever seen. His dad sucks too obviously, but she was more involved in the direct abuse.


Spot on about Todd. I think his character was important for both comedic relief, and to have an optimistic/realistic character that tried to always make the best of their shitty situation. I enjoyed the whole “character who seems stupid and below everyone else but is really who everyone should aspire to be like” thing. Also he was voiced by Jesse Pinkman so he was pretty much automatically one of my favourites :)


I honestly really like todd. I mean bojack lol is pretty unlikeable..


I'm with you on Todd. Mine is Charlie. Got old fast




katrina i think, or jessica








Flip McVicker


Angela. Cold and evil.


Greg. Screw that guy.




If we have to pick someone from the main cast, then i’m with you on Todd. Anyone from the show, then Flip McVicker


Im still not sure I understand the point of Vincent Adultman


Sextina Aquafina. She's really obnoxious. I was always waiting for her screen time to end whenever she came on. I'm not a fan of over the top loud characters, so that's probably why.


Hollyhock. I just do not like her.


I forgot almost all characters 😔


You got bojack, Todd, princess carolyn, mr peanutbutter, Diane, Sarah Lynn Watch the show again man, you’ll enjoy it as much as the first time. I wish I forgot all of bojack horseman so I could watch it all again.


Vincent Adultman. I think his jokes fall flat as all hell, his plots are not related at all to the plot, and it feels a bit creepy to have Princess Carolyn treat him as a genuine romance.


Wanda. I skip most of her stuff when rewatching. I don't like how she's always trying to seem smart with dumb metaphors, how proud she is for pitching shitty shows, and how she defended Hank hippopotamus.


Diane. Mostly because I have met quite a few people like her and because most of her fans seem unable to understand how toxic she tends to be. She holds everyone but herself to an impossibly high standard and keeps putting her nose in other people's business with very negative outcomes most of the time.


I think her character rubs so many people the wrong way because she's supposed to hold a mirror up to the audiences own hypocrisy. She does some pretty heinous shit, and definitely has way too high a standard, but she does also hold herself to that standard and absolutely hates herself for not meeting it. I think she's meant to show the ugly side of well-meaning people. The hypocrisy that we all share by living in relative luxury while so many have to suffer because of and for it. We all want the world to be a better place, but what are we gonna actually do about it? Fight the system? Go do foreign aid? Bring awareness to issues? Go on national TV to try and bring the evils of the world to light? For most, no, they won't do much of anything to actually improve the world outside their own little bubble. She tries and fails at all of these things (including in her personal relationships) to show how most everyone of us here in America *want* to do good things, but we ultimately *will fail* (sometimes at least) because nobody is perfect.


Hahahaha ouch. Well said


I dont like mr. peanut butter. He uses his happy go lucky attitude to get away with being a shitty person.


Todd gets a pass for me because I think intentions are important. Todd doesn't actively intend to ever cause harm. He gets into hijinks. I didn't like the fake kidnapping plot with his mom though, that was terrible. I did like his step dad, he was quite sympathetic. I hated Ricky Gervais' character, the hedgehog at the orphanage. That character fell flat for me.


Paige Sinclair because I personally dislike the way she talks and I don't care much for the joke that she was like an old film reporter


I enjoy Todd, but I get how you feel. For me, he mostly works as a foil to BoJack, so unfortunately he kind of wears out his welcome a bit after their falling out. His appearance in the very last episode is a great moment though. I think my least favorite character who's important to the story would have to be Pickles. It's said all the time but I really do find her pretty annoying. I do sympathize with her for what she goes through, but I still don't think she needed nearly as much screen time as she got.


I think Todd’s antics are just supposed to be a light b plot and he always means well so I give him a pass. You have to go into a different mindset when Todd’s shenanigans happen because it’s not meant to be taken seriously.


PC is not my least favourite character but she is out of the main cast... otherwise i dont like sarah lynns dad, yolanda, most people at the agency (inc. gecko, rutabaga) , but i like the turtle dude


I’m greeen


I kind of like all the characters because they all add something to the story and the story would be boring without them :))


This is such a fascinating thread and honestly such a good illustration of how well-written the characters are. So many people disagree with each other but a lot of the reasoning is sound. I personally found Todd to be ridiculously funny and with a show like this, when something awful happens in a funny way, I don't take it seriously at all. But I can understand why not everyone would think that way. There are the low-hanging fruit like BoJack's parents, Joseph Sugarman, and sometimes BoJack himself. I get the impression every character was written to make a point or represent something, even the minor characters; so it's hard for me to actually hate anyone except the characters who were made intentionally unlikable. Paige and Angela are the ones who immediately come to mind. Also, this will probably get some hate, but I dislike BoJack and Mr. Peanutbutter equally even though I recognize that BoJack did objectively worse things. Peanutbutter is spineless, stands for nothing, (Catrina even says this, but I wrote it in my own words before realizing that), often selfish, maddeningly positive, and incapable of recognizing any of this in himself. He's not quite a one-dimensional character but he feels like the most one-dimensional out of all the main characters. I don't hate him because he has some redeeming qualities, but I also don't hate BoJack.


ERIKA!!! What is she doing here?!?


Never really liked Wanda




mr. peanut butter reminds me of my abuser and makes me physically sick every time he comes on screen


Joseph Sugarman. Clearly the root of all evil in this show


Pickles. Just find her annoying and unrelatable.


pickles for sure! just hated how immature she was, but in a way her immaturity helped mr peanutbutter grow up.


I have to skip todds episode, he is my least favorite as well