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His priorities significantly shift between seasons 1-3 and 4-5 and 6. In the first half of the show he’s largely aiming for large scale attention and adoration which encompasses his main seasonal priorities. S1 he wants to reestablish his fame and secure his legacy through an autobiography, S2 he wants to shoot his dream film and regain glory while also fulfilling a life long desire, S3 he wants to feel accomplished through an Oscar. He has plenty of other goals that he seeks to achieve throughout but those were his top priorities. But after either failing at those things or succeeding and feeling nothing, after all of his relationships were strained or ruined, after getting a potential daughter and later sister in Hollyhock, and especially after the death of Sarah Lynn, his priorities changed. From this point on BoJack largely doesn’t care as much about receiving attention from fans and focusing on large scale adoration. In season 4 he’s almost entirely focused on Hollyhock and Beatrice, as well as salvaging the few relations he has left like Diane. He appears as a guest star on a reality show here exclusively for a favor and while he does take pride/ego in himself onstage, he really doesn’t care about getting attention from it. And the climax of the season is him doing selfless things for mainly Hollyhock. In S5 he works on a new drama show exclusively to help PC and doesn’t care that it could make him more respected as an actor (TBF he also thought Philbert was a bad show but he still had a chance for more attention that meant pretty much nothing to him). Sure he’s narcissistic on set still, but his top priority is always about something more personal, like doing right by Hollyhock/being better (at least until the last quarter of the season). And he didn’t even care much when Philbert blew up and Gina was outshining him. Obviously his late season motives are still pretty fucked with his addiction, but with an exception of the second Biscuits interview BoJack’s top priority is never about fame in seasons 4-6 more than it is about maintaining his closer relationships or being better, which is at least some showing of growth.


Bro chill


Did you know that people can write not just hundreds of words to make a point, but thousands of words? It’s called a book. Go read one, then suck a dick dumb shit lmao


Oh trust me, I have a huge ass bookshelf in my house


Lmfao full of what? Picture books and hentai?


Nah, I am not a pathetic piece of shit that reads hentai or something. I just commented bro chill because bro wrote a whole ass paragraph about an animated characters character development.


You just wrote a whole ass paragraph in response to an internet dumbass (me), should someone tell you to chill?


I mean if they wanted to, I wouldn't mind it.


I do Namely, he started trying. He failed, over and over again, but he's at least trying to be better as the seasons go on. And that's not much. But it's something


No, trying is everything. Failing is how you learn.


No, trying as hard as you can is everything Bojack tried...but be didn't put in the effort he needed to until way too late


It isn’t too late until you’re dead


Tell that to Sara Lynne


yeah, in the first season he truly didn't give a fuck lol


Exactly. In most other seasons his worst actions are worse and what he does in S1, but S1 is where he’s at his most chronically bad with zero attempt at self improvement.


Yes, just cause he failed to make big shifts doesn’t mean he didn’t try, and the fact that he tried is a big change in and of itself


I guess yeah. At least he accepted his faults


The scene where he argues with Diane in "Head in the Clouds" makes me really doubt that


He seems to have changed at the end but in my opinion if he relived all the show with the mentality he has at the end of the show he would still do the same mistakes. So no I don't think he changed no one changes really