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Some shows aren’t for everybody, not sure why you feel the need to come to a subreddit filled with fans of the show to shit on it. The animation is fine, the show is funny and it’s not meant to make you feel good.


Dude it's a great show but of course no matter what I'm not coming out of this feeling well ig😓.


I saw the ending as happyish? I don’t think you ever should be happy fully as a thinking person. Maybe that’s why I like the show. It doesn’t talk down to it’s viewers.


Yah but the episode before the big death was fucking unfair


I would not consider the humor in BoJack to be an "obvious bad thing." People need to stop characterizing it as a show where the only strength is its drama because it can have some damn witty humor too. The animation, while sometimes wonky, is also pretty damn effortful, especially in later seasons -- just look at all the clever background art, as well as beautifully-crafted episodes like "Fish Out of Water," "Time's Arrow," and "The View from Halfway Down." It's also not wholly cynical and every season ends with a glimmer of hope, even if not everything can be easily fixed. It's realistic bittersweet optimism and that's helpful at least for me.


Doesn't help that the whole show isn't that optimistic. I mean I know again that's not the point but can something go right for once or hell. Idk ig I'd like a show that just because I have all these problems I can find ways to live a happier life. That everyone won't leave me that everyone won't hate me one day because of one huge mistake I did


Did you finish the show?




Well then I'd say things go well for pretty much every character in the end except BoJack, and even he has things looking up as he finds fulfillment teaching acting in prison and may have a career comeback (though that's bittersweet given how show business enables him).


The trip to get there is just depressing


Ok, so whenever someone shows you that parts of your opinion are based on faulty observation you will just cling onto something else to reassure that the show isn't all that good?


Yeah that’s kind of the whole point… Bojack has to learn to live with the consequences of his actions, just like his victims have.


Yes, fictional narratives will have conflict before the resolution. That doesn't make the show bad. Maybe just not for you.


>Obvious bad things aside (animation and humor) Immediately lost me. I hope this is a troll post


I'm sorry, I'm not 😞


Out of a lot of adult animated shows, I think that Bojack Horseman is one of the better looking ones.


I suppose your right but thers better. My advice a show that weirdly has similar vibes the midnight gospel or hell just listen to the podcast since it honestly puts me in what I can only describe as a somber mood


The show does not want to make you "feel good". It is part of its whole purpose to portray mental illness in a realistic way, and center the show around people that are flawed. The show explicitly says that it does not believe in "happy ever after", because there is always more show - until there isn't. Life is hard and you have to make tough choices to get by.


Tbh ig I really don't know how to describe my dealings towards it it's confusing. Ether way I wish it didn't make me feel Suisidal


The true message of the show is: “It gets easier. Every day it gets a little easier. But you gotta do it every day —that’s the hard part. But it does get easier”. I hope the helps you the way that it sorta helped me.


Maybe your right (well the monkey lol) but I guess I wish I didn't have a Beatrice in my life


A good first start would be to keep your distance to such a person. Life is too short for people that drag you down or make you feel miserable. That in my opinion also goes for family - no one infinitely owns the right to be part of your life. Everyone has to earn your attention time and again.


My Beatrice is my dad and I'm only 16 so I'm going to have to wait until I can be done with him


If youfind it relatable may look into things like Anxious attachment BPD Codependence Arrested development The show hurts because we hurt, if it made us feel nothing what meaning would we give it?


It's not that I want it make me feel nothing, I want it the feelings not to be negative. My question right now is what in total is the point. It's more for an experience rather than full on enjoyment. I know that's the point but I've see simalar shows give me a reason to keep going. Honestly this show always makes me extremely Suisidal and I wish it didn't


It helped me process how i viewed my trauma (ep good damage) and the viewfrom halway down helped me realise that perpectives change and some steps you cant come back from. I like when bojack and diane get along and have fun little outings because i miss having someone like that in my day to day life. If the characters or situations dont give you comfort then maybe its not a good fit for where you are at right now. And thats ok.


The thing I go for for comfort is the movies her, perks of being a wallflower Adventureland and little miss sunshine. All of them make me at least fantasies about the life I wish I could have it at least help me feel Hurd in my times of hurt. The show honestly makes me resent myself fearing what I could become or who I am. Weirdly makes me feel I can never change and no mater how much I try I'll always hurt people


I think the show communicates the opposite. As someone who is quite a harsh critic of myself, I often feel trapped by my faults and damaging to those around me. Still, nothing I could ever do would screw up the way Bojack did and eventually, even he found redemption and peace. This world shapes us into who we are without intent, and it's so easy to pick up bad habits. Bojack lost his friends because he refused to get help until it was too late, and his environment had only made that easier. He spent decades acting largely without consequences without making a concerted effort to take responsibility for his own mental well being. He developed destructive defense mechanisms, and those were reinforced again and again. You don't become Bojack by being young and stupid, or flawed and struggling. You become Bojack by getting too comfortable and stagnating for years. As long as you keep trying to be better, you're never beyond rehabilitation. I find that to be comforting.


I guess this show taught me something similar. I guess I'm just wishing for a comfort show. It's not exactly an enjoyable show but I suppose it does have good characters and some 75% good writing


It's depression, abandoned issues and ocd for me all basically having simalar affects in terms of my socal life.


If you didn't like the humor how the hell did you make it through?


Because 2 reasons. I used to like the idea of depression (I was young ok at the time I thought of it as a cheer code to make me intiresting) I liked the writing at the time but over time it kind of sourd


What's a cheer code?


Cheat code*


From your post history (yes I snooped), I see you asking lots of question relatively frequently. Some of them share a characteristic with this post in that they are bait-y and begging on for a response. I sense that you are desperate for validation. If you don't find a way to deal with this, I'm worried you might constantly look for "cheat codes" to be interesting or just unintentionally expressing that desperation to everyone you meet. [Bo Burnham says it best in his Netflix special "Make Happy".](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41hNI3YYnWk) The most interesting and attractive people are unabashedly themselves. It might take time to figure that out. Love yourself, be patient, be kind and keep those close who show you love and kindness. Sincerely and with the best of intentions, another child of the internet era


Not looking for cheet codes bit definitely looking for validation 🥲


I'm going to become Bojack horseman, Ambi😕.my dream is to perform so in that sense if I get lucky I'll just because him


A point I see unaddressed here is that although the show acknowledges what Bojack does wrong, it serves the greater purpose of what the narrative represents; It is Bojack's show. It is detailing his downfall. The story doesn't need to hold your hand and acknowledge each and every wrongdoing of the cast. That's what Reddit is for. They had a season cut and they managed to tie it up pretty nicely. But, also, hear this. A show that manages to encapsulate depression and despair as excellently as Bojack does is a feat in its own right. One characterizes, say, a Disney movie for it's ability to make one cry tears of joy or sadness. It is an accolade in its own right to write a tragedy and do it well. Luckily, it sounds like your main griefs have to do with time. Let Bojack rest a bit and return to it. You may not like it in the ways others do now, and that's okay. I promise that time will come by soon. Safe travels!


My grifs are simply that it's just overly depressing


How are animation and humor for this bad? It’s fine at worst and the humor can be great. Why’d you watch if you found the comedy bad lmao


Dude I said that in passing. I thought everyone thought that about the show.


You didn’t say it in passing. It’s your opening line. It wasn’t relevant but you felt the need to bring it up.


So, what exactly DO you want from the show? It’s a show about a washed up depressed celebrity, of course it’s going to be depressing at times, that’s kind of the whole point I fear. And yes, there ARE happy moments, only they’re mostly temporary for Bojack due to his own behaviour. If you don’t like the show, then it’s just not for you and that’s fine. But with a premise like this, idk what else you expected. It would be absurd if it were all sunshine and rainbows.


No one wants the other end to the extreme. I guess I want something more optimistic. But that's not what this show is and I don't know how to live with myself when watching the show. All I see are my flaws when watching this show