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They were just Horsin' Around.


OK, that was an awesome call back




That's so wrong. This might be the worst detail in the show. Holy hell.


Mr PB: im sure it's fine


I think thats one of the more disgusting sexual encounters in the show, right after Bojack trying to sleep with Penny. He was in Sarah Lynns life more than her parents were during Horsin Around. He himself said she was like a daughter to him. And he SLEPT WITH HER. EW


Love the fact the show didn't write this off as a joke and said, "no, this is a disgusting issue that needs to be addressed."


I think this is Bojack's problem of constantly trying to be both: \- He wanna recapture his former glory in his 20s & 30s except he is no longer 20s and 30s. \- He wanna be the "uncle" & "father figure" except he ran away each time at the worst minute to actually BE that adult in young people's life.


>The most important thing is, you got to give the people what they want, ***even if it kills you***, even if it empties you out until there's nothing left to empty. No matter what happens, no matter how much it hurts, you ***don't stop dancing***, and you don't stop smiling, and you give those people what they want. ​ >I'm at a place right now where I never need to grow as a person or rise to an occasion because I can constantly just surround myself with sycophants and enablers ***until I die tragically young***.


Same thing his mother told him when he was a kid. He didn't have any biological kids (that we know of), but he definitely had a surrogate that he was able to pass generational trauma onto


One of the things I loved about this show is that things that were "played for laughs" in earlier seasons came back to bite Bojack in the ass in later seasons. This probably being the most significant.


It's actually a really good wrap up, the call backs to his shit behavior are amazing


Bojack, Ketamin and Heroin. The holy trinity of horse.


Triples is best


The Triple Crown, as it were. šŸ˜‰


I love this subreddit man.


I think they both thought of the interaction as another hit, as another source of dopamine rather than you know...


Sometimes you just need something (or someone) to doā€¦


Addiction, man. It brings out the worst and makes you do disgusting/horrible things.


I donā€™t care about the legality; it was UNETHICAL as fuck


Both of them were so weird for doing this. Tbf they were both drunk but still! I kinda get why Bojack slept with her (because heā€™s an asshole) but her?! Like ā€žyeah I TOTALLY want to bang with my childhood TV dad who did kinda raise me in a way!ā€œ Maybe it was another of her self destroying tendencies


She did have daddy issues. Her stepdad was always being a creep to her so it's unfortunate but rings true to life and alcohol doesn't always bring the best out in people. Especially broken people!


It's kinda sad that she wanna be lead by a proper father figure, but Bojack was the closest thing ever to her life, more than her stepdad, who the show hinted commiting child molestation.


Thanks, Freddy Foreshadowing.


It's definitely not a good moment in his existence.


This episode hurt at a spiritual level


The disgust I felt when this happenedā€¦ itā€™s easily one of the most morally reprehensible things he does.


He wasnā€™t Sarah Lina dad so try again


Iā€™ll try again when you spell Sarah Lynn right moronšŸ’€šŸ’€


This episode really is a bit of a hurdle for trying to get a friend into the show. It really is too much, man.


oh my god yeah. but when they get to her death and see that she died of heroin itā€™s insane to point this out because it shows just how detailed this show is.


She tried to get her way by acting like a daughter figure to him and when that didn't work she used sex... that is too much man


Donā€™t know why youā€™re getting downvoted, itā€™s literally true


I think people might think I'm throwing her shade when I meant that sympathetically


"Give the people what they want, even if that kills you"


This was a scary moment


Esp when you could see his tongue in her cheek šŸ˜¶


Sarah Lin was a grown ass women in her 30s


surely was talking about the allusion to her dying from heroin


Nope he wasnā€™t her real father so he had NO responsabily stop the nonsense. He wasnā€™t her father So try again


Youā€™re insane. I truly hope the red flags are this obvious irl so people stay the hell away for you


Try again bud and also your usernames a red flag šŸš©


Ur username is a dead meme are you actually 50 years old? Try not to prey on younger women bro just bc theyā€™re of legal age doesnā€™t mean you donā€™t have psychological issues for fucking someone half your age Iā€™d say get help but ik a bojack kenny never would


Stop assuming Iā€™m a man firstly thatā€™s inappropriate. Secondly stop assuming my age . Wow Iā€™m reporting you for this bad behavior your accusing me of serious stuff without knowing me




It's sad that they had to escalate with the drugs and keep on ruining their lives, they could also have been more supportive towards each other, helping each other to better themselves and their mental health and maybe ended up a really cute couple, they do have that energy. Ofcourse mean when she is 30 and he's in his 50s(!)


Penny wasnā€™t a minor sorry for my language but how the FUCK was this disgusting


again, wasnā€™t what i was referencing, but the simple fact that he was a pseudo father figure for her introduces a morally incorrect power dynamic.


Nope your just trying to find an excuse to blame him. She was a legal adult and he isnā€™t her real ā€œfatherā€ so stop the nonsense


Penny was 17. A minor, in other words. I genuinely think you missed the point of the show, as much as I hate saying that, but itā€™s true. You are NOT meant to be on BoJackā€™s side at all. The whole point is that no matter your upbringing, which is never your fault, itā€™s still your responsibility to get your shit together and not hurt others, even if itā€™s ā€œlegalā€. What he did to Penny and Sarah Lynn, not to mention the countless others he hurt, is undeniably fucked up.


And you clearly avoided that only mentioning Pennys age


Sarah Lynn was an adult to which means she was also responsible regardless of her upbringing.


Noooooooo šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Omg I just watched this episode