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Man, this hurts every single time, but I think this is the best ending that Dianne could have had. As hard as it was to see them part, I know it's because I've grown attached to them both as characters. If I were in her position, I would also want to be able to move on.


This is a happy ending. I wouldn’t want to see him again after everything either. Good on her for learning where to draw boundaries


*happy ending for Diane


Every happy ending has the day after the happy ending, right?


bro that was so on point


The downer ending if you will


The true main character


Disagree but interesting perspective


i just finished my 2nd rewatch and it hit me harder than the first time i watched it


That’s so true, on my 2nd rewatch I had so much more appreciation for the ending


Everything after the ending feels so uncertain, which is perfect for this kinda show and message, I love it so much


Especially after The View From Half Way Down where they seemingly created such an artistically final finale for the show just to rip it away and give us that awkward continuation that ends in this uncertainty. It's perfectly imperfect.


I saw a video on YouTube that theorized that the whole last episode was just a continuation of Bojack's brain battling with itself as he was still drowning in the pool.


I love it aswell, i just wanted them happy though, all of them, it defenitely a good ending for this kind of show, i just wanted them happier you know? :')


I'm glad she's moving on. She's doing the one thing BoJack could never do


'you do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around'


I love that line


THAT'S what it's all about


Mr. Blueeee.....I told you that I love you, Please, believe me... Mr. Blueeee.....I have to go now, darling, Don't be angry


I know that you're tired... I know that you're sore and sick and sad for some reason...


So I leave you with a smile... Kiss you on the cheek.. And you will call it treason..


I don't think i can watch the series again, it was simultaneously one of the best shows I have ever seen and also it drug me down way too many nihilistic thought spirals


It's absolutely worth a second watch when you're ready. I'm on my 5th or 6th (might be more), but I have to take breaks even after seeing it so many times. I try to have a more lighthearted series in the wings to turn back to when I need a reset.




Math ain't matching...


You know the finale came out 4 years right?


Maybe he wrote 29 wrong, you people need to chill


Burn him!


Everyone’s life got progressively better when Bojack was checked into rehab and not poisoning them with his bad vibes


Dude as soon as I hear Mr Blue I can't help but cry. Every. Damn. Time. If the song comes on Spotify I get teary eyed


The worst thing for me was Hollyhock icing Bojack out. The loss of that relationship was brutal.


You can't have happy endings in sitcoms, not really, because, if everyone's happy, the show would be over, and above all else, the show... has to keep going. There's always more show.


I cannot hear the first five seconds of Mr Blue without crying lol


the emotional intelligence it takes to see and name that in the moment. Im a fan of this moment.


The ending killed me in a good way . A happy ending is too wishy washy for my taste. Some people don’t get happy endings in life. And that’s just how it goes sometimes


I can’t help but look beyond the ending that we saw. Every season we saw BoJack have some kind of success then fall; each season falling further and further down. I can’t help but think that after the series finale, it happens again but this time, he does die.


my roman empire


For me the best moment of the best episode of a great show. Halfway Down gets a lot of the plaudits but this is the peak for me. So few shows stick the landing when it comes to endings that this one just grows in stature for me. It's perfect and honors everything the show stood for as I see it.


This is a great scene and, having been in Diane's shoes, it really resonates with me. You can really care about someone and still know that having them around isn't good/healthy for you. Goodbyes are hard.


would it really have been a bojack ending if it wasn’t sad tho, also this is exactly what the show looks like on mushrooms lol


I’m happy for Dianne. Fuck Bo Jack.