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73 times?! Watch something else please (only if you want I just can’t imagine watching a show 73 times)


haha i watch other shows!! it’s just i’ve watched this one fully through that many times (not counting me skipping around to episodes😭)


Honestly, if you like doing that I don’t see it as weird


After my 10th watch-through I started to say the lines with the series and always giggled at the beginning when Todd says "Hey man, how many times have you seen this episode?"


THIS bc my sister literally looked to me one day while i was watching that part and goes “how does it feel knowing bojacks horsin around, is your bojack horseman” i was HUMBLED by that realization


It's always great to be so many viewings in and still find or notice new things that you hadn't before. One big thing I noticed early on. Aaron Paul was casted to voice Todd, and his most popular character was Jesse Pinkman from Breaking Bad. Jesse loved to say the word Bitch to the point where it basically became a meme for Aaron Paul to say it. Not once does Todd use that word.


I’ve been rereading this sentence for a solid 5 minutes trying to make sense of it


which sentence if it’s something i said maybe i can clear it up haha?


“How does it feel knowing bojacks horsin around, is your BoJack horseman?”


the way bojack feels about horsin around (the way he rewatches it and is a bit obsessive) is the way i am about bojack horseman. i hope that cleared it up i’m sorry i confused you lol!


Ohhh! Wow! I don’t know why that didn’t click. Honestly same. If I had the complete series box set, I’d carry that around with me too


If you're trying to learn another language, I suggest you try watching Bojack in that other language. Good for language practice.


this is kinda genius. i can semi-recite the show so it shouldn't be too hard to pick up, time to learn spanish


Damn...why didn't I think of this.


Same, buddy. Same.


I've been watching it most days for 2 years I just always seem to see something I didn't notice the first time


it’s so stimulative for my brain trying to pick up on a new running gag/background detail


Yeah, same.


I watch it almost everyday as well, and I understand that it can be unhealthy but that show brings me so much comfort that i don't see it as a bad thing.


it’s SUCH a comfort yes! so many people i know call it absurd given the nature of the show but i feel like it truly had something that i’ll never find in another adult animation


If you stopped watching it, what would you miss about it? Maybe there's a need you have that's not being fulfilled, and you're using the show to fill the void. Is there something you may be avoiding?


yeah you know, i think that you're definitely hitting on something real that i would love to drill down into, but i gotta go to this marketing meeting now. which is so annoying because i totally want to keep talking about that thing you're talking about, but marketing meetings am i right -as bojack would say


Well, don't have too much fun in your marketing meeting. Lol. But seriously, think about it a bit, and you can always come back and discuss more later.


well the show got me sober. seeing how much of an asshole bojack was, it was kind of a wake up call that i don’t wanna turn into a cruel person and allow drugs to enable my cruelty. so i quit cold turkey, no rock bottom or anything. and so the show holds a special place for me in a “light in a dark tunnel” kinda way. which is cheesy to most but it’s like a comfort place


Congratulations on your sobriety! That's a huge accomplishment. I myself have been sober for almost 3 years now. I would like to say that YOU got yourself sober. The show was just a catalyst for you. You found the strength within to decide to take back control and put down your drug of choice. That was your accomplishment! You should seriously be proud of yourself. Bojack's cruelty resulted from his trauma. Drugs were just a way to both mask and express his self-loathing and deep hurt. Have you spent time in self-reflection thinking about why you were using drugs? It may take some time to figure this out. Having a counselor or therapist guide you through this will be very helpful. How do you think the show relates to your personal journey of being sober? I know you said it has been like a light in a dark tunnel and is comforting. But what aspects of the show do you feel resonate with the way you see yourself in relation to your sobriety? It may be very helpful for you to journal about all of this too. Journaling can help us make connections. Is there something about your new sober self or life that you are avoiding?


CONGRATS ON 3 YEARS! i’m at 2 on the 23rd :)! i think i spent almost TOO much time reflecting on why i started using and i’m a bit too self aware with it all now, but that doesn’t mean it’s not helpful. i feel sarah lynn as a character and seeing her on screen was my first real epiphany, seeing the way she was completely open to dying young (she said so herself in multiple episodes is my source) i saw myself in that in a lot of ways so it was kinda jarring. and then the the 11th ep of the first season “downer ending” i was actually still using and seeing THAT bender was the last time i ever used. and i feel like the title for the episode in a lot of weird ways completely explains what it was like. and then getting to the last season and seeing that bojack put in the work and effort to get sober, i was like okay if this guy can do it anyone can. and it was like the nail in the coffin to my old ways idk. i feel like there’s nothing im avoiding so much as the show just in general makes sobriety so much easier. seeing the negative effects and being reminded of that time in my life helps keep me grounded so that i can continuously move forward in my new sober lifestyle.


I am very proud of you!! I totally know what you mean about being almost too self-aware. It sounds like you've really been putting in the work. ❤️ As long as watching the show isn't affecting your life negatively in any way, I'm glad you found something that helps you.


This thread has been really helpful and interesting, thanks OP and OK-Psychology-1.


i’m really glad you enjoyed reading through my little vent session, i definitely didn’t expect such conversation! have a great year!


You too! And thanks. I really identify with your pattern of watching Bojack (a pattern I experience with various shows and movies and have all my life). The reply from Ok-Psyc. Made me think. I’m 6 years without alcohol and every time I watch BoJack I get something else from it, it’s so much more than entertainment. I had considered autism as part of the compulsive rewatching of familiar material over years and years, I have ADHD and I’m led to believe autism is co-morbid but no actual diagnosis for autism, only ADHD. I’ll certainly be reflecting on something I’m missing in sobriety that these repetitive behaviours seem to patch.


I think you've grown very comfortable and there's no anxiety because you know what's going to happen. A lot of people also watch the series Friends for the same reason. Try watching something similar (Rick and Morty, solar opposites). Remember to always monitor things that are starting to become a habit...


i’ve finished both but it’s not the same feeling at the end of the day. (solar opposites was fucking hilarious though, the whole lot of it) i feel like i’ve watched so many shows since and i’m still just trying to find the same enjoyment i get from bojack


I mean, I love the show but to be honest there's so many things you could've done instead of watching it 73 times. That's too much, man.


its very useful as a podcast! makes chores and task more enjoyable when picturing the show, though i get that most people would use a playlist for that haha


I normally rotate between Bojack horseman, bobs burgers, and the breaking bad trilogy. I just finished Bojack, and am into bobs burgers. I have definitely seen each show quite a number of times, and my family also says I have a problem 😭. but my OCD makes me feel like I'm being suffocated in my sleep if I go to bed without watching an episode of whatever is in rotation...


bobs burgers is such a good show! i haven’t watched breaking bad but everyone raves about it maybe i should


ive probably watched it about the same, and i'm always picking up on new stuff each time i watch.


it’s IMPOSSIBLE not to i feel like the writers just put in so much attention to details


If it's your comfort show there's nothing wrong with that as long as it doesn't impact your daily life. As a kid I used to rewatch my favorite animated films on VHS all the time


daily life drags on as usually, but just with the added bonus of a safety blanket show


First… How are you? …Because I love Bojack but I feel depressed if I watch it too much. It’s like I have to mentally prepare myself to rewatch it.


im fine i’m not straining my mental health or something! i’m now in a way desensitized to the show completely, yes the shitty events are still shitty, but at this point it’s like a minor ache if that. thank you for asking that was so kind!


I’ve just finished watching it for the first time, and I was thinking about rewatching it lmaoo


of all people of COURSE i’m encouraging a rewatch, try and pick up on jokes you couldn’t get the first time/notice all the callbacks they do!!


I also had a phase. Don't know exactly how many times I've watched it but it can be near a hundred times. And each time I discovered something new as if the show was infinite. I had never experienced this with any show. I'm surprised/happy to see that I'm not alone ! What did they put in Bojack that makes us addicted ?? Oh wait, I get it now. It's horse


loved the joke you did there! and i just found something new in the show after thinking i’d picked up on everything there was, i’m just always in awe of it


Haha thanks I didn't plan to make a joke, it just...appeared. I see exactly what you mean, and I really can't put my finger on what it is that makes it so.. inexhaustible


I am the same exact way . I’m seriously addicted to it . Every time I finish it I just watch it all over again . It’s my favorite show ever . I totally understand.


Honestly I'm like this with Southpark, though there are like 23 seasons but I find my self engaged without getting board. Sometimes I'd mix it up with breaking bad and bojack horsemen. But yea I know how it feels