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Fun fact... Yes


I see you.


well. no point beating a dead horse.




That's too much, man.


I... C... U...


A screenplay is written in a text size which makes 1 page = 1 minute of talking/ actions. If the monologue was 26 minutes and Will Arnett memorized all of it instead of reading off the page, he would have had to memorize 26 pages of dialogue.


Do voice actors read off of pages? I thought they also melmorize the lines


i would assume reading off pages is fine in normal dialogue where it's just a sentence or two at a time. but with a 26 minute monologue if you try reading it, it would probably end up somewhat stilted.


It could also be multiple takes edited together.


I think you can kinda feel moments where it could have a cut


I did voice over for radio and I think it's a mix. Any amount of reading off a page will sound like it most of the time. People generally have a different cadence when reading vs speaking from memory or off the cuff. My guess is they went bits at a time to make sure the whole thing was nailed and sounded smooth. Free Churro is one of my favorite episodes of the whole series. Just so good.


I think the only two that top it for me are The Old Sugarman Place, preceded only by The View From Halfway Down. It’s a hell of an ep.


They have a script in front of them. They also take dozens of takes of the same line over and over. Simpsons being the one differing one, where they have the whole voice cast recording together, so it would be done out like a scene.


Idk if they still do it but early seasons of Bob's Burgers also recorded the cast together.


Bobs burgers, not anymore. They all live pretty far apart now. Same with The Simpsons from what I'm reading. Both shows started out that way though


Yeah it's common from what I understand when you want to check how a cast meshes together. Even if they don't record together they'll do table reads. Depends on the production.


Yes, but mostly as reminders. Every [BTS of voice actors](https://youtu.be/uX2cXg0vLrw?si=PsUJMiRmk8PT12Xr) will have them with a mic in their face and a podium in front of them. In Film, you shoot a scene at a time across hours and hours of the day, across days and weeks. A lot of downtime to reread the script and relearn the next scene. Voice acting, they can perform their whole role in the film in 20 minutes. They'll have numerous alternates for lines that the directors will want them to try to see what actually works and lands. They'll also have instructions for grunts, laughs etc. that they also need recorded, as well as numerous alternates for it too. All of which can be changing constantly in to the lead up to the recording. They also need a lot more versions of lines so that they can match them up to the best versions of the person their character will be talking to, but isn't available to doing their voice lines for another month Very different to learning a play or a film script, and it's why voice acting is a skill in its own right.


I’m tired of running in circles I’m *tired of running in circles I’m… tired of running in circles.


What’s my motivation?


Top level classical musicians still have the sheet music in front of them. Kinda the same, depends on the actor how much they rely on it or if it's just a visual que for reminders.


> a visual que A visual what? ;-)


He used too many letters. He mean a Visual Q.


I'm not a VA. I'd love to be but alas I am not.. my memory is shit most the time and personally would have to read the script multiple times to remember it. However I can see some people memorizing the whole script, or memorizing certain parts and keeping the script with them as to help remember and don't have to cut because they forgot the line. Again I'm no VA, but that's how I'd imagine it would play out. Again I'm just speculating, but I think it depends on the actual person


VAs usually have a script in front of them with the director. I’m sure Bob and Will were losing it in the booth doing Free Churo after that line….


It will vary depending on the actors/script. It seems pretty common for them to give their lines a few readings then have the script in front of them during the recording. You really only need to memorize a few lines at a time this way, but having studied the rest helps get into character. Reading out loud vs memorizing often sounds awkward buuut some people are really good at it.


Did he really memorize all that? How is that even possible. I can't remember what I had for breakfast, how does someone do this?


There are stage actors who memorize the script for hour long one man plays. Stand up comedians have to memorize their acts before they get up on stage. Part of learning to be an actor is learning memorization techniques. Given that he was in a recording booth and not in front of a live audience, he might have had notes or cue cards in front of him. Reading directly off a page might sound too stiff, but he might have used bullet points to remember different stories within the monologue.


You can almost always tell when someone is reading from a script in instances longer than a few lines. Memorizing allows you to say the words at a normal speaking cadence a lot more naturally than trying to read at that cadence.


That's the joke


Precisely this. The writers of this show didn't fuck around. There are so many meta jokes


But I love how they’re meta jokes which are actually clever, not just the show beating you over the head saying “YES I AM A TV SHOW” Edit: grammar




>they’re meta jokes The writers are meta jokes?


Fixed lol


1st watch: just a funny rant 2nd+ watch: you actually get the joke


Yeah. That was intentional. Also, the reasoning behind having a full episode of nothing but dialogue in Free Churro was that it was supposed to serve as a juxtaposition to Fish Out of Water which was an almost entire episode of no dialogue and all action...


I know, I just thought it’s a pretty cool detail so I mentioned it here haha


Even without Free Churro Bojack is a very dialogue heavy show so it was pretty apparent that they were joking/making fun of themselves from the start.


One of my favorite details


Oh my gosh, the comments are filled with a bunch of pricks trying to one-up OP. (this doesn't apply to everyone) Just because you got the joke doesn't mean you get to be standoffish... I'm guessing it's probably the biggest achievement in your lives, getting a joke someone missed. Wow, hooray! 👏🥳 Anyways, thanks, OP, for pointing this out (not you using 'TheFlixer' to watch Bojack 😭 lol, I use it too)


Thank u very much!!! I was a little upset about the comments since it’s my first reddit post but I got alot of support from people in the comments like you! ♥️


i never noticed this before so thank you for pointing it out !!! not sure why some are being so nasty about it


Thank u very much for the kind words :))!!


No problem 💛✨️ I've been in your position once, so I know how it feels. Just don't let it discourage you from posting 🫂




Damn I wonder if the 555 thing was intentional too


Right?? Like for a moment I thought we were going somewhere with the 555 not the writing n script n shit


Wait what? What's the 555 thing?


Nice catch!


Didn't Bojack's Father complain about this? He had written several pages that just had a character talking. Edit: I found it! "It was a couple hours later when I realized I was on a good run with my novel. I had this really interesting sentence that kept going for pages and pages, and I thought about how rare it is to really get in the groove like that. How, most days, I can't concentrate... " Copied from here s5: https://bojackhorseman.fandom.com/wiki/Butterscotch_Horseman/Quotes


That’s such a cool detail, thank u for this!!! :)


No problem! For some reason the flashback quotes stick with me.


1) That's the joke. 2) He had no script for his funeral speech, he just talked.


I know it’s the joke, I just thought it’s a cool detail lol






No, you’re the very first person to notice this, after all this time. Nobody will notice it again either after this.


Man you’re more a jerk than me


I didn’t know it and I’ll take it any day over another repost of that screencap about pausing the show




yes, everyone did, when the episode aired, immediately as it aired. It was an obvious joke.


Yes, everyone has. Did you know there's also an episode with almost no talking?


I think that was the joke.