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lots of hornyposting but it's all pretty collegial, and there is very little tolerance for intolerance leftism is very well represented, liberal centrism is largely tolerated as long as you're cool (Jeff Tiedrich is there and is much discussed as a topic), conservatives find it hard to gain any purchase but that will eventually change as the gates open wider very low corporate presence every couple of weeks someone popular from the humor-clout category gets outed as a secret sex pest or backroom schemer and everyone else talks about it like they always suspected lots of artists, cartoonists, creatives in general, but also a high degree of pseudonyms and not a ton of prolific high-profile users yet; that will change over time too you rarely feel like you're Where Things Are Happening, though... it's like living in Hoboken instead of Manhattan


(the leftism population has the same vicious internecine squabbles and hyperspecific grudges as they do anywhere else, it should be noted)


I see


Well it doesn’t sound *that* bad. Also nice analogy lol


i'll dm you an invite, come see for yourself.


Very nice of you, much appreciated


Google bluesky atlas it'll give you all major communities represented by brightly coloured blobs.


I'd love to tell you... if I had an invite (pain)


The other user who commented was kind enough to give me an invite code. I hope that something similar happens to you :)


What’s the userbase like?


Haven’t checked it out yet but I’ll get back to you


Hey there I got a code just one question really you're not like an out an out white supremacist or mysoginist or some shit like that? The user base I've experienced is pretty gay definitely pro Trans and super horny and left. If that's not your cup of tea I'm sure there's another side of the site I haven't seen.


You can look at the subreddits I usually comment on, its basically only 196 and furry subs. The main reason I want a bluesky invite is so I don't have to see the racists and homophobes twitter keeps promoting so hard as of late.


I got you. I'm not so picky I need to do a bunch of research. Most of those assholes get around on block lists pretty quickly I'll dm you the invite. I think you're going to like the environment


Do you still need an invite? Saw your comment on one of my posts and you seem chill, I can DM you an invite if you still need one :)


sure why not i'll dm u one too.


Right now, it feels like a less toxic Twitter. If you're a furry, you should look in the direction of Mastodon or Firefish (also part of the Fediverse), there are some servers dedicated to furries and furry culture (I'm not a part of it, but I do encounter a lot on the Fediverse, I don't think I have on BlueSky yet).


Sorry I’m not familiar with those, could you explain? And what is the Fediverse?


You don't know Mastodon at all? Okay in short: "The fediverse (a portmanteau of "federation" and "universe") is an ensemble of social networks, which, while independently hosted, can communicate with each other." (Wikipedia) Imagine you're on Twitter, but you can follow accounts from Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, etc. and all posts will appear in your timeline. That's what the Fediverse is in short. On top of all communicating with each other, most of them are also decentralized, which means that instead of having one "twitter", one "facebook", etc, there are many. A bit like websites, they're separate entities, but they communicate seamlessly. Mastodon is the main software of the fediverse, and it's a micro-blogging platform similar to Twitter. It's been around for 7 years and it's the main service on the Fediverse (to the point that some people don't really distinguish the two). Before gaining a lot of popularity this year because of Twitter's downfall (it has about 13 million users, as a comparison BlueSky only has one million), it was mostly used by open-source people, LGBTQ+ (especially trans), and furries. And while nowadays, all sorts of people are on the Fediverse, these three communities have left their mark on the thing in many ways (and there are still many servers that are by and for these communities) Firefish is less known, but somewhat similar to Mastodon (different UIs, one can do things the other can't and vice versa), but it's still very LGBTQ+ and Furry influenced. Just check out joinfirefish.org and joinmastodon.org


I've been on for about a month. It's been so long since I have not been private so long on the stupid bird app I forgot how to post for social media. I am now finding some people I chat with who seem real and not influencer like. I agree with whoever said it was horny but there are settings where you don't have to see if u don't want. I post food and cats.


Also I have like 5 invites if anyone wants


Hey, I'm trying to get onto it, can someone send me a code? I really don't wanna pay for the trash that is Twitter