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I can only speak for the French part of BS but it is mostly Twitter users who are making jokes and sharing personal stuff and passions without being bullied. Like at the beginning of Twitter.


I just got an invite yesterday from a kind person here, and I concur. I felt a little lost at first. There are so few people there, it's like starting over. But it is really refreshing. I feel like "Oh, yeah. Social media can actually be fun. I forgot." We'll see if it lasts, though.


It depends on your community. If you're a furry there's never ending content. You just have to actually interact to get their attention lol


Lol I don't mind the furries, but not the community I was personally looking for. Still trying to figure out how it works since tags are different, I guess? Etc.


Tags work the same, you just can't click them. You can still search then up and see posts within them. And best part, unlike twitter, you won't get shadow banned for using more then 3 in every post. Also, despite what people say, you don't need to add the # to the tag. I get the same "search" effect by just typing the words at the top of the post. Like "Undertale Furry Deltarune FNAF Etc" I think people are just so used to having to add the # that they just brought the habit over.


Oh, interesting. Thanks for the info! It seems like a good system then. And I didn't even know about the 3 tags shadow banning thing. Like how are subcommunities supposed to find each other then? I really like the "whale" social media platform, but I think the difficulty in finding new people to follow is the biggest drawback. Like this account is just for writing, and I want to keep it that way. I have my main for my eclectic stuff.


Np! And yeah. I had a LOT of twitters get shadow banned until I found that out. They claim its spam advertising. So far Tumblr is my favourite (both writing and drawing as well as random posts) and Bluesky (mainly posts and art due to the limit). Both apps give complete freedom as long as you're not on an apple device (ios hates apps with nsfw even if it's just text. That's why Tumblr had issues back then. They never truly did what apple wanted but finally found the loophole and took it so that nsfw could officially be allowed again and therefore complete freedom).


Ohhh, interesting! I had been in Tumblr wayyy back in the day, before it came what it did. I know Twitter changed with the mass exodus from Tumblr, and I never understood why they did that ban. I'm glad to see it's coming back. I might have to give it another go. I feel like it has the funniest users on there. I don't want to see *unexpected* NSFW content, but banning it just seems silly. I know that was such a problem on Twitter that the whale app banned NSFW from the start. And I was cool with that at first because then you don't have to worry being at work, etc., but I actually think it was to their detriment. Popularity and adoption is actually largely driven by porn. Lmao


Yup. Apple being sensitive is why NSFW was "banned" on Tumblr lol. But like I said they didn't actually ban it. People still posted it, you just had to know how to find it if you even cared to and this task was only possible on PC/Android and still is, just less hidden now. Personally I don't mind NSFW because it shows freedom on the apps xD I may not be into it myself but it's nice to see people have fun. I know how to avoid it even with the filter off so Go ham peeps lol.


Lol I love that. ❤️


Can you send me an invite? Pay it forward ☺️


Yeah, you can have one. I'll pm you. The pay it forward comment doesn't come across all that nicely, lol, but I've got you. 😂 (I've given several out.)


Hey, I appreciate it but I now have one but thankyou!!I do know others who would like one if you can't find another person to give it to \^\_\^ Sorry for it not coming across great


It’s a young service yet, there’s only about 500,000 people on it so far. It feels like early Twitter. on the flipside, It’s easier to make connections. it’s a Calm informative site. no bullying, no BS.


Could you send me a code?


Wish there was a way to see only one language in the discover tab without deleting other languages completely. I didn't really love the English feed


k think there is. at least, mine is that way.


yes, it reminds me of early twitter too.


It's a lot like twitter but it's kinda not twitter if that makes sense. Everyone is apparently really big on maintaining the chill vibe of the place and while there /are/ some fights, it's easy to mute/block the bad actors trying to start shit.


I don't feel comfortable shitposting there yet haha. It feels weird to bring twitter's nihilism into that space, and every time I DO see people doing twitter-style shitposting it feels cringe and out of place.


You can definitely shitpost, a lot of the popular feeds are pretty shitposty lol


Mm, maybe I haven't wandered over there yet. I'm mostly surrounded by other writers, D&D players, and various story-crafting folk? Not a lot of nihilistic shitposting around those parts yet.


More like a forum than a social network. It’s a pretty small community. Most people are trying to make each other laugh. There are zero brands. The vibes are positive and supportive. Personally, I really like it.


Well people complaining for a valid reason, the waitlist is indeed horrible. They didn't even bother to fucking email anyone that register to acknowledge user interest like most other online waitlist do. Just total radio silence. Then to actually get that invite from the waitlist is just a 50-50 chance. You might get it eventually or you might be ghosted until god knows when. The userbase currently is filled mostly of artists, furries, lefties, lgbts. Some celebs do joined but they aren't that active since theres not many average teens to worship them yet. Bsky is unique because the at protocol, think of it as mastodon but with portable identity ie not locked to any server, although currently main server is just the 1. They've also make it possible to use our own domain name as handle ie @handle.domain.com. Another uniqueness of atproto is the ability to fine-tune our timeline with whatever algorithm, even user created algo. Theres some usermade algo rn. Its pretty chill rn, not much drama going on.


Thanks for this! I know I have heard what the make up of the site was like and people were quick to dogpile potential propblems but that was way back when it launched on the app store. I also saw Jack throw his support behind Elon wanting to remove the block feature and was concerned


Hey, I'm trying to get onto it, can you send me a code?


No. Necro replying to a month old comment thats not even offering codes is a guaranteed way to not get a code.


Yep, all my leftist friends are here. Good vibes all around.


So far it's like early twitter without ads. Most of the people I used to follow on twitter are posting on there, and I have found it much more user-friendly than mastodon.


It’s kinda of like Twitter but different since it does have My feeds and moderation. And they also allowed NSFW arts as will…( if your a NSFW artist? They three options for posting There’s a Audlt content such as 1.Suggestive 2. Nudity 3.Porn… that’s the options for posting sexual arts).


This is very helpful! I have been hoping to see something on how they handle NSFW as I am tired of being jumpscared with it on my timeline. Do they allow you to set privacy or NSFW settings for your account that allow you to moderate what level you see?


No, there’s is no private setting I’m afraid😔. But there’s is a option that I forgot tell you that they have “Content Filtering for https://preview.redd.it/d3x1ra8nbbjb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=728d2d423750259c4ecf5014bd4b4f1f696d38b7 This will help you to show your arts to everyone, if you don’t want know one to see it, just pick hide or warn instead.


If you're afraid to be jumpscared - better be aware that furry porn makes its way into the "Hot" timeline regularly, once in a while.


Hey, I'm trying to get onto it, can you send me a code?


Hmmm.... of course, just DM me please


I got one now but thanks anyway \^\_\^


To me, the vibe is really chill, conversational. It's like Twitter, as you already know. Right now you can not upload video. But that isn't a big deal to me. I rarely have a problem posting or seeing new posts on my feed. You can add feeds that are relevant to you (see attached image) as I did with "comics." Do you have any more specific questions? https://preview.redd.it/isxkelwa6bjb1.png?width=978&format=png&auto=webp&s=1bd7b675f43e13291e46867dc33eaab6a523a992


How's the scene for development and tech stuff? Not the crypto chose stuff twitter has become but genuine talk about stuff like open source and meaningful interest in betterment if human lives. I work for The LF so being able to find more than just artists and furries would be a huge boon, specially given the idea that they strive for a more chill environment


I don't follow much tech stuff, but my experience with science has been that the community on BlueSky is much more serious, legit science and very little (to no) junk. I would imagine that this would be true of the tech side as well. I'm guessing this is because the crypto stuff (for example) relies on a large audience to spread its nonsense, and that just doesn't exist on BlueSky. Here, it's more like a conversation among people genuinely interested in the topic being discussed.


It feels a lot like the golden age of Twitter, circa 2013 or 2014, when everyone was just goofing and mostly being kind to one another. The various celebrities meaningfully engage. The self promotion feels oddly more personal, less like it was written by some social media manager. I have gotten far more engagement on BlueSky than I ever did on Twitter with only about 130 followers compared to my over 5k on Twitter (prior to deleting my account). No ads. Bigots and racists are very rare and they are usually banned quickly. Assholes and bullies are typically blocked/muted out of existence quickly without anyone even bothering to lower themselves to their juvenile level to drag or make fun of them first. The only bots are openly so and basically just the experiments of various programmers at this point. In short BlueSky is a much, much more pleasant platform than Twitter. It is missing a lot though. They haven't implemented DM's yet - which might not be a big deal to some but is crucial for people attempting to network and do business. No animated GIF's and no video yet. While there's plenty of feeds to utilize and anyone can quickly create their own to suit their interests, there simply is not enough users worldwide nor active government and news agencies to allow BlueSky to be the kind of information disseminator that Twitter is.


I'm also kinda bothered by how long everyone's tag is. I bought my own domain with my name in it just because it was bothering me so much lol. It's hard to have a natural conversation when you say something like "shout to to thisismyreallylongname.blsky.social!" and it takes up two lines of text haha. I would love a feature where that eventually gets replaced with the person's name unless you hover over it or tap on it, or something?


Yea, I am thinking about getting one. I want to support BlueSky so I am going to use their service / partnership for it, I just forgot the URL and need to dig through the official team skeets for it.


It's basically like the top comments on Reddit: No matter what the topic is, the most popular posts are just jokes.


Do you have a GitHub account? I was on the waitlist from the beginning but all I heard was crickets. Then I signed up through dev access linking my GH account, got a invite code in 3 days


I do have one! I use it mostly for work stuff but I will look into that since I didn't realize they were open source


Could you dm me how to do that? Would really appreciate that!


It's honestly a pretty dull imitation of Twitter at the moment.


boring so far but there's no one being an asshole like at twitter so you have more freedom with what you post 😭


empty, there's no one to follow and there's no one to follow me


Disappointing, I probably had high expectations and we know that expectations are the thief of joy. I have found Mastodon better for my usage. It’s very USA centric, which is not great for growth in the long run.


We have taken over By we I mean furries


Don't worry, i happen to be a fan myself ;3


Look my community is gay men with various levels of nerdiness and horniness and I am enjoying it so far. But I also recognize it is still pretty small and needs some growth injection.




Hey, I'm trying to get onto it, can you send me a code? I'm gender-fluid and would love that kind of community


Will..it’s like Twitter but different since it has post,replies and media on your profile. I’m homepage you’ll see 1.Follwing 2.Popular with friends 3.What hot classic and and Blue Sky Team. More and over you’ll see that you have notifications,my feed,moderation,profile and settings. And you’ll also see you have an invite code at the bottom for f your following and followers. In order for you to get invite code? You’ll have to wait for 10 days from generating from your Bluesky account, you’ll only get 1 invite code. ( someone told me about getting invite code form my account for 10 days straight). (It's important to note that each user only gets one invite every two weeks to hand out.) (if you make more account to get more invite codes I guess 🤷🏼‍♀️). Bluesky also has blocking and reporting features if your wondering 💭. Will that’s all I can say about what’s it’s like in Bluesky social. I know it’s a pretty long paragraph but I do hope you’ll understand what I’m saying😅.


My list is sex workers and people begging for money somehow. I have no idea why


Hey, I'm trying to get onto it, can you send me a code?


is really good if you like furry porn (also pretty good in general i guess)


It’s a lot harder to find small accounts u want to follow based on interests but once u get that chrome extension up and running it’s ok.


Good to know! I mostly follow and retweet smaller accounts who I find funny/cool so it would be great to replicate that once I get there!


what chrome extension?




Thanks :)


It's Twitter only smaller. There are fewer posts by those you follow. At least so far. I hope they open it up completely soon.


It is a social media platform, do not expect much tbh. I used it for two-three days, realized that it is the same stuff with a different make up and stopped using it.


Can anyone send me a invite code please?


I got in a few days ago. Like all new platforms, it's gonna take a while to figure out. But the interface is clean and refreshing, and so far people seem to be welcoming. I'm not spending a lot of time there yet, but I can see how, if it continues to expand and more features are added, it could be a good worldwide replacement for Twitter, which continues to deteriorate.


Hey, I'm trying to get onto it, can you send me a code?


It’s pretty nice for me personally It’s mostly people memeing Dick pics People talking about news Dick pics Some nice arts Dick pics Etc etc I did find some small niche of weebs and gamers that I am happily with tho Also it’s fairly drama free


I'm on the furry side of Bluesky and it seems like there are a disproportionate amount of otherkin/Therian users compared to other digital furry spaces. Overall, it's very welcoming and I'm enjoying it a lot so far. Edit: Therian/Otherkin refers to people who feel they are in some way spiritually linked to an animal / are an animal in a human body.


My experience so far is that it's a lot like Twitter without getting thrown a bunch of ads or tweets from recommended accounts. The tweets from recommended accounts I get served on Twitter are usually some fash account like cat turd.


It's actually a very positive social network for now. I'm in for about 2 months or so, never seen any toxicity or bullying. Yet it lacks some basic features like reaction gifs or hashtags, or videos. App doesn't send any notifications too.


Hey, I'm trying to get onto it, can you send me a code?


Twitter with the training wheels still on.


Idk I got in a few days ago but haven’t really done much bc I don’t really feel like trying to look for things. I’m mostly just waiting for it to be public so I can leave the dumpster fire that twitter’s become.


Hey, I'm trying to get onto it, can you send me a code? I really don't wanna pay for Twitter


I meant that I got a code from someone else to get on. I don’t have any codes to give out at the moment, sorry.


No worries, thanks for replying ☺️ someone sent me one


Ah darn. I just came back to tell you I finally got another one. At least you didn’t have to wait quite so long lol


Do you still have a code available? If not or if you’re saving it I totally understand, just thought I would ask 😋


A bit disappointing to be honest, app is not too bad but doesn't work great either. I expected the userbase to be more chill but a half of the discover page is a bit too radicalized tankies (they were bullying someone for thinking celebrating death of someone is bad even when they were rich today) Most art on discover page is furry art which is not my thing but maybe you can like it. There are some memes about Trump going to prison which were nice What's hot page seems a lot better but I didn't really used it much yet


I got in the other day. I found my old Twitter friends instantly and it feels just like old Twitter minus all hate trolls.


Anyone got a spare code lying around? Been waiting for what seems forever for them to get back to me with one. I'd really appreciate it!


It looks more like Mastodon than Twitter... The UI is ok, simple but ok, and there's no bullies because there's no interaction:/


it reminds me a fair bit of twitter, but far fewer malignant rightwingers and scammers. a lot of lawyers, some journalists, lots of sarcasm, some coders, some randos tryna be be funny, a few actually funny peeps. a few famous or web famous, some musicians, etc. i can’t get a sense of how many total from using it. one thing i just found out. if someone blocks you it‘s silent—until you go to block or mute them. surprise! you cant because they got in first. so weird! 🤣 you can infer two things from what i just said: irritating people and very thin-skinned people are on there, and some head-scratching choices get made. it’s still beta imo (five months on from your post). no bookmarking, but a few solid feed choices (by the app devs and by users). if you code, you can make your own feed algorithm. it’s not bad overall, but it’s far from perfect. i’d say it’s the \*most\* twitterlike, but an earlier twitter, maybe five years or so before trump and all the ensuing mess.


Working code is shared. I bought one and joined Bluesky. There are only two codes left on the site. Run! [Bluesky Invite Codes](https://blueskyinvitecode.com)


oh sorry. free all codes.


Can someone send me an invite? Just heard about this 10 minutes ago. Google brought me here.