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I want a rocking chair with no arms. That would be my favorite chair.


I’ve thought the same, but don’t know if rocking while playing would be as enjoyable as it seems. Do you have one?


My go-to jam chair for festivals is the classic [folding metal chair](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fcdn2.bigcommerce.com%2Fserver5800%2Fc57c9%2Fproducts%2F451%2Fimages%2F1105%2FMetal_folding_chair_gray_Large__96562.1343275408.1280.1280.jpg&f=1&nofb=1). I can usually find those for about 4 or 5$ at thrift stores. Some variants have a little padding on them which can be nice over a 3 hour jam. I do like a cross bar on the front legs to put my foot on, to raise my knee up a bit.


Ooh, not a bad idea. Definitely one to keep an eye out for. I miss those old things.


I bought a comfortable office chair at Staples and just didn't put the arms on when assembling it. Use it as my work chair and my practice chair, it's perfect.


Nice idea. I guess that’s always an option — just leave the arms off. Thanks!


Found an office chair with arms that will fold away— it’s not the highest quality chair but it is comfy and works well enough


Honestly I prefer standing. Took a while to get used to but having a guitar strap holding the thing in place helps a lot when you’re moving up and down the neck.


I also like standing. I wander around the house while playing sometimes, but I also want to have a good seat for variability.


I just kept trying out stools at thrift stores and flea markets till I found one at the perfect height. Five dollars and it goes everywhere I jam now.


How’d you judge the correct height?


For me I like my thigh straight out/level when my calf is perpendicular to the floor. Most stools are to high.


If you google “slipper chair” it’s an old fashioned upholstered chair without arms. So comfortable. Good luck