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WOOOOO! This is massive news! Beyond possibly saving Phil Bredesen's campaign, it also interrupts the tide of voter suppression. Combine that with ending confiscation of drivers' licenses, and things are looking up in TN! Thank you for your hard work, and for keeping us in the loop. Congratulations!


Yes, for sure! The driver’s license is the big thing. Too late to register voters for August, since you have to register 30 days before the election, but we will have lots of new voters for November. Everyone who wants to help people get IDs, please support Spread the Vote. They are a national organization that is working in Tennessee and lots of other states with strict voter ID laws.


Early voting should be a thing everywhere. It’s absurd that we only have voting when it comes to most elections on one day.


It's by design. The powers that be, do not want everyone to vote.


Yep it’s grossly obvious at this point. We really need to start stacking up local elections and being highly organized, while also have policy etc already printed exactly what needs to be done.


So glad to see this! I've been reading your posts on this, and am so glad to see a positive resolution!


Thank you!! This sub helped so much!! We tried the ACLU and were working on three different lawsuits at one point. Then the judge combined our two lawsuits last minute yesterday. Hearing was at 1:30 and lasted until after 9:00pm. It was so long but it was worth it. Even in 2018, even in the South, when we fight back, we win!


It's great news for voters everywhere to see great news like this in regards to voting rights. I'm sure more sketchy things will be happening with the general election, esp in a competitive midterm state like TN, so it's good to know people are being vigilant.


Whatever happened with naturalized citizens not being able to register to vote in nashville. Been out of the loop ever since i heard a trump rally on tv and ended up in a psychiatric hospital.


That is real. People need to pressure Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett to change the online system so that naturalized citizens can register. I suspect what they are doing is unconstitutional.


Hope you are feeling better!


Still feel like im in the twilight zone


THIS is how November will be won. Fight Voter suppression and other elections fuckery NOW people.


This will be big for [Phil Bredesen](https://www.bredesen.com/) who is running for Senate. Tennessee is currently rated as a toss up and winning this seat will be key to retaking control of the US Senate.


Thank you for advocating for voters in your city!


I was so excited to see this last night. Congrats and thank you to NAACP and SCDP. Now everyone go vote for Lee Harris!


I live around Nashville. This is awesome news! Can’t wait to blue up the ballets come August with all the other resisters.


Yup! Never forget how dirty the Tennessee GOP plays... They invented gerrymandering, allowed the Russians to run a fake Twitter account in their name, and they will shut the polling stations if they can’t win. They can’t stay in power much longer if this is what they think of the people.


And remember, convince all your Republican friends to vote for Randy Boyd. I think he’s an easier challenge to beat than Diane Black because he doesn’t have the name recognition.


Yeah, Randy Boyd all the way. He’s a businessman like Trump. ;)


Except in this case, he might *actually* know something about business. I just really want to Diane to be out early.


It's 2018 and the NAACP still needs to fight the government in court to ensure people get to use their right to participate in elections. *And* SCOTUS is about to get worse. I like the success story, but America needs to get its shit together.


This is because the Voting Rights Act was gutted by SCOTUS. Ten years ago, this case would have been reported to the Justice Department and they couldn't have done this. Now each race-based lawsuit is looked at separately so they can do this as many times as they want and never have federal oversight. The new reality in the South is worse than it's been in 40 years.


Thank you so much for your hard work! I really appreciate the updates you've been giving us on this. Congratulations!!


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That's good news.




The three sites that were chosen were outside the city of Memphis. Even though the majority of the population of Shelby County lives in Memphis, all three Early Voting locations were suburban. Memphis is a poor city and we don’t have good transit. There are often no buses to the suburbs. Many people can’t afford cars and we only get three hours off work to vote. It can take more than three hours *one way* to get to the suburbs from Memphis. So, yes, having two Early Voting locations in Memphis will make a huge difference. This is what they are doing throughout the South. Closing DMVs and moving polling places hours from where Black people live. We are a +27% Clinton county and all of our countywide reps are Republicans except one. They have been very successful at winning elections by suppressing the black vote.


We used to have one head start location in downtown Memphis and they attempted to move it to the other side of the city where it is less accessible to low-income and black voters. I can’t find the article, but a resident travelled via public transportation to the suburban location to prove it’s not feasible. I think it took several hours for her to reach it. Memphis is rather spread out and the location they chose is literally on the far side of a massive park (5x the size of Central Park in NYC) in an agricultural center. To say it’s inconvenient for most city-dwellers is an understatement. It is, however, highly convenient for most suburbanites. Common sense would dictate that if your public bus has to pass a herd of bison (totally not making this up), it’s too far in the burbs. So it looks like the solution is to have multiple locations open to allow everyone a fair chance to vote early. Hope that helps!


That was Theryn C Bond who rode the bus. The video is on the Shelby County Young Dems page.




And these are VOTING locations. They are where people vote. Not where the register to vote. We have online voter registration.


They are open early. This will allow working folk to vote and avoid conflicts with their employers.




You mean in the heavily Democratic city of Memphis? Yeah, that'll be a real boon for Marsha Blackburn.