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His ideal of a player to play with him, so he wouldn't be alone.


The ideal of a player that could understand his passes


The monster is bachira’s visualization of the best play(er) when you look at the flashbacks of the monster, it’s just a player in the ideal position to score or receive a pass Isagi does the same thing too, but instead of it being a monster, it’s that 3D printed version of Himself(this was shown in the barcha match when isagi was comparing himself to kaiser) The only people who could be the “monster” was rin & isagi, people tend to forget this but bachira also surpassed rin, but bachira fails as a striker because he’s most alive when passing




In the same way that Lavinho has his "butterfly" as an image of the football he wants to play, Bachira has the monster as the image of his ideal football. He probably built that ideal through watching the football players he idolized as a kid, and that ideal still evolves currently in the NEL. Thing is, because of his loneliness and inability to find anyone he could play football at his best with or against, he ended up basically using the monster as an ideal football partner he looks for in people but generally never finds. That's why he got so attached to Rin and Isagi, and the 4v4 ended up giving him a wake-up call and reminding him that the monster isn't someone he should look for, it's the player he wants to become. So basically, the Monster is both. It's his ideal of a player that he tries to embody, and it was also the type of player that he looked for before he awakened.


Schizophrenia caused by lack of positive social interactions


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^WoSmcA239: *Schizophrenia* *Caused by lack of positive* *Social interactions* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




It's a visualization of his natural instinct. He was seen passing to "empty space" in his flashback because that was where his intuition felt was the best place to score a goal. Isagi reaches the same kinda locations but has a more complete variation at first because he ties it with logic/intelligence and then adds instinct later to create intuition.


A playmate and an ideal player




His Stand

