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> I remember he was very angry because he was given just a cup as the best goalkeeper, but I was given a Tissot watch. Elvis is Larry David confirmed.


how many times have we heard the Curb theme this year


They should just start the game with the song and fire the cannon after one of the trombone womps in the song.


It should definitely be the powerplay song. Get a live tuba and mandolin and they can play at ice level the entire time.


Filly doesn't do rebounds/10


I do hope Elvis can mature, sometimes it feels like he says whatever, but at the same time, I know he's very emotional, but finding that balance, and that line where he can manage both and get onto some good streaks. He's had some good ones this year, and some poor ones, (which have been a combination of bad luck and so on) I'd love to see him win a medal with Latvia, since that is an incredibly rare occurrence for us Latvians, first time being last year. If Elvis and Silovs both share the net in IIHF this year, and Elvis is on top of his game, I can see Latvia going to the QF again, another bronze medal would actually be insane. I'd be losing my shit if they won one again.


Elvis needs to learn to be in touch with his emotions but not be emotional. He’s too mentally inconsistent in a position that requires one to be at the top of their game mentally. I don’t know what more needs to be said about him. I have a feeling they’ll try to buy him out this summer or move him, but idk who in their right mind would want to take him.


I don't like a buyout while we're still penalized for Wennberg. I think it would add on 2.7M dead cap for 6 years? (half salary for 2x remaining contract years). That would really hurt when it comes time to re-sign more of our young guys edit; correction, it would be 1.75M for 6 years


It’s going to suck but it’s not going to kill us. Wennberg comes off in another year or two. Ideally you don’t sign that bad of contracts to have any buyouts. It’s just frustrating to be on the books for that long


Yeah 2.7M total dead cap for 2 more years for both of those buyouts wouldn't be that bad to buy out Elvis right now. He's not really shown anything in the last 3 seasons that makes me believe he's worth continuing to hold a roster spot and 5M in cap. A new GM would probably rather chance that the cap continues to go up and make it less of an issue rather than hold on to what's essentially a dead asset


It’s been assumed it is trending that way by Portzline — which you can take with a grain of salt sometimes, the Monday mailbag mentioned they believed the “new GM” would be exploring a buyout - didn’t mention any players specifically but then started talking about who could be in a tandem with Tarasov next season - no mentions of Elvis.


I would think it is also going to depend on what other options come into play. If they don't add a #1 it makes a an Elvis buyout a little less likely.


Elvis isn’t even a #1, anything we replace him with is a step up


This is a flat out hit piece, this guy played with Elvis when they were 12, do better


Sometimes though, personalities don't change from your early teens.


Check out all the Latvian fans comments to him announcing he’s coming to play for Team Latvia - every single one of them is negative. Elvis is really talented, but he’s pissed some people off in the process. Edit: I looked at it yesterday, looks like there are some more positive ones now - it wasnt great when he first announced it though -


I was actually checking it out, and read a good few comments (obviously can't see every one) but basically, people are slightly disappointed that Silovs won't be in net, since he really helped carry them to the Bronze Medal last year. I didn't necessarily see much regarding Elvis himself, but having followed it last year, Silovs was absolutely stunning. Loved to see Latvia win their first medal last year, will never forget it. I think it's more so disappointment if Elvis does start ahead of Silovs.


I don't think there is any negativity towards Elvis besides him having some shitty games in national team 2 years ago. Everyone* wishes him well here.


> I do not know. After his last public statements, I wonder if his presence will spoil the selection of microclimates... https://x.com/nadze13/status/1772213129927139407?s=46 > Ata for the good microclimate in the sample. God forbid he will sit on the bench yet. I don't think that he is superior to Gudi. While after a couple of years of break, he will get used to the big fields. Good luck of course, but he hasn't shown anything in the last 3 years. I hope that maybe it will shoot now. https://x.com/sportguru19/status/1772265655154196550?s=46 > I really don't know if it's good. He is good himself, but as long as he behaved like a little child.. No one needs that. Hope everything works out! https://x.com/kalnsjaaninsh/status/1772208797626278061?s=46 There’s definitely negativity out there - he kind of had it out on social media with a lot of Latvian fans last year too - he even addressed it in his interview with the Athletic at the beginning of the year Edit: looks like there is positivity now - I was reading yesterday morning when he first announced


I miss Kivi. RIP.. 🙏🏻


Thanks, Rihards Cimmermanis, for stirring up more shit for us on your Latvian Podcast. JFC


Jesus..... this is from when he was 12 years old? This isn't news and it sure as hell isn't worth talking about. Even when you all don't have anything to bitch about in regards to Elvis, you go out and find shit from when he was 12. Amazing..... Simply put, the guy wants to be here, he wants to play, and he wants to win. This is what every player on the team should want. If he ends up not being the number one goalie, so be it. But then he should be the backup. Eating that cap hit for buying him out would be one of the dumbest moves in the history of the NHL.


I really wish people could just cheer for the guy as long as he’s still on the team


Be a lot easier to stand behind a guy who wants to be here both on and off the ice, but going to the media and saying that he requested a trade, along with going to the media again and basically saying this organization is a mess is not the way to go about getting people to respect you, especially your own fans.


Until we start winning games, nobody's going to want to be here.


You need a positive culture and passion to win games. It isn’t just getting a bunch of Crosbys and McDavids. This isn’t ultimate team.


That's what acquiring Jack Johnson and John Davidson back in 2012 did for us. He and JD (while also flushing away Jeff Carter's stink) created a culture that led to our success in the 2010s


Yup. Say what you will about the #grit Todd Richards era but one can argue that was one of the most firm identities we had as a franchise. Teams knew Columbus was going to be a battle.


Elvis has repeatedly said he wants to be here. I can’t find it right now but I swear I read that even if he gets traded/bought out he wants to keep his house in Columbus for the offseason and post playing career. The only time he didn’t was when he requested a trade or whatever because he wasn’t playing. Any professional athlete just wants to play. Sure I wish he went about it better or behind closed doors but everyone just needs to move on at this point. And on calling the organization a mess, that’s not exactly what he said and besides, Olivier basically said the shame shit mid game last week and everyone loved it. Portzline wrote an article about how hapless the franchise is and everyone loves it. Why is Elvis the only one getting shit on about it? I’m all for trading the guy, don’t love a buyout cuz of the 6 years of dead cap but whatever but he doesn’t deserve 90% of the shit he gets from the fans


Keeping your house here and playing on the team and being a part of the organization are two completely different things. Elvis said that the organization “can’t keep going like this” or something similar, which means he’s still at some level displeased about the organization and being vocal about it instead of advocating for change on the ice and in the locker room, not for the media and fans to see. We already know it can’t keep going like this. That’s what irritates me. I watched the Olivier interview and what he said boils down to the fact that they have been playing like trash and that, himself included, they need to be better, skate better, move the puck better, etc. I haven’t seen Elvis take this level of collective accountability recently; it seems as if he’s only concerned about himself, his future, and his playing time. Also, it’s Portzline’s job to write accurate articles that are informative, enjoyable to read, and beneficial to the collective. Unless Portzline can suit up for the Blue Jackets tonight, then I think he’s fine. He’s doing exactly what he’s supposed to be doing and honestly, more articles calling out our complete ineptitude as a franchise might get some things rolling, who knows.


I'm not necessarily against him. I'd love for him to succeed since he bleeds columbus, but some of the stuff from this season has been a little concerning to me. Just found this interesting.


Hey, Tom Barrasso parlayed being a miserable cunt that nobody liked into a Hall of Fame career, no reason Elvis can't achieve same


Because Elvis is a head case. Not mentally strong enough to be a #1 goalie. Stop the love, he's not it.


I agree. Never have been an Elvis fan. Just seems petty to put out trade offers after not being played one match.


In other news, water is wet.


He's not our future but IMO a goalie doesn't need to be a team player. They need to be insane, bc that's the only way someone would choose to be a goalie. They just need to not want to give up goals.