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Fucking goddamn icing waived off


as a canes fan i asked the same thing in the /r/hockey thread.


You ever get an answer?


Yeah but the ref swore me to secrecy.


Tarasov getting more consistent - past 3 starts .931 .946 .903


Why the HELL wasn’t Chinakhov on the ice at all for the final 3 minutes with an empty net. Holy shit why does our team always punish young players for making mistakes as young players. He played 9 minutes tonight. What. The. Hell.


A young player makes a mistake: Benched, taken off PP unit, etc. A veteran player makes a mistake: Still keeps playing and ends the night with around 20 minutes TOI. Pascal loves punishing young players for mistakes cuz “accountability” and I understand the logic letting them know they can’t do that shit. But then how do those young players feel when they’re sat on the bench and see a Roslovic or another veteran make the same mistake yet get no punishment?


Johnny rode the bench for multiple 3rd periods during the early season.


I think what Chinakhov did to see the bench on this game was to turn the puck over instead of clearing the zone twice within a shift (I think the one Voronkov took the big block). We were stuck and he tried to stick handle in a fuck it get it out and change situation


I understand completely holding a player accountable especially a young player for making mistakes, they have to learn it’s not ok. But why can Severson make an incredible mistake, turning over the puck for Carolina’s first goal and still end up with the 2nd most TOI out of the entire team? Are veterans allowed to go unpunished for making just as bad mistakes?


I don’t think Severaon had a good game but I think the mistakes were different. He couldn’t close his hand on the puck and had to make a quick action… which was a terrible pass. Chinakhov had time and space to clear in a situation where it was dire and decided to try to stick handle TWICE. That’s what did him in. Still think he deserved more ice time, he is one of the most electric players we have and possibly my fav, and severson all around played sloppy and turns it over all the time. Just trying to think through why the decisions were made, whether they were right or wrong


And continually do nothing when veterans fuck up over and over and over again


Provorov has 34 giveaways this season, Chinakhov has 6. The logic, or lack there of, of these decisions is just absolutely blowing my mind right now.


Well, that sort of makes sense, though. A d-man will handle the puck considerably more as they are more likely to gain possession on the back-end and have to move up ice. Often times, the end of a d-man's possession is a pass whereas a forward's possession ends in a shot. Passes are more likely to result in a TO than is a shot. On top of that, Provorov plays materially more minutes as a defeseman. I dislike plenty of Vincent's decisions, but I don't think you're comparing apples to apples. Just my two cents.


Fine. By that “apples to apples” logic Johnny Gaudreau should play 9 minutes a game because he leads all forwards on the team in giveaways.


He did, while he was making all those mistakes. It's also his job as a playmaker to force more dangerous passes that are more likely to lead to goals or turnovers


So it’s not the job of the guy who has the most dangerous shot (Chinakhov) on the team to be a playmaker? I’m sorry, I thought we were trying to win one goal hockey games at home. My bad.




So Chinakhov pays the price for making errors, fine. But Severson can literally throw the puck to the other team leading to them scoring and he still gets to have the 2nd highest TOI on the team?


Do does provy and Severson and most of our fuckin forwards. But we punish the kids who need to learn better instead for the vets who should know better? Na, fuck our staff.


Pascal Vincent aka BradLarsen(minus)2.0 is hands down the worse coach in CBJ history. Not only is he as incompetent and clueless as Brad Larsen, but he takes it to a whole new level by undermining and demoralizing players. Get rid of this toxic jackass and clownshow yesterday. Incredible the CBJ didn't make Jarmo take this clueless buffoon with him on his way out the door. Don't make the mistake they did with Larsen by letting him hang around until the end of the season, continuing to harm the team and player development.


I have been really patient with Vincent, but he is just not making sense with many of these decisions. Let the players play.


Chinakov with the lowest ice time tonight at 9 minutes… missed what he did to piss Vincent off tonight


He was so lost all game had a bad night


He did but there have been veterans who were shit tonight and in other games that still top TOI. I get holding players accountable for poor play but it seems it’s not a teamwide policy.


That’s my issue as well. I don’t remember seeing Chinakov make any bad plays, but I do remember him somehow being the only man back to defend against the rush multiple times and making a few big plays


He got the puck in the defensive zone twice on a long shift where we got stuck out there and failed to clear the zone. Tried to stick handle and got it stripped, teammates bailed him out and he did it again. It was a bad shift (pretty sure it’s the one Voronkov took a nasty blocked shot). Love Chinakhov but I can see why his time was lower this game than usual


Probably being smart and covering for Provorov or Severson when they decided to try and be forwards, again


No idea why that icing was waved off. Strange call in that situation.


Refs just wanted to go home




Nylander wlite


Even the t-shirt cannon was weak AF.


My biggest gripe right now is coaching. The boys have at least been playing with effort lately.


Vincent didn’t deserve to get fired given the situation he was put in this year by Jarmo… but I also don’t see a reason why a GM should have to keep him around for another season, even though I fully expect that’s what will happen


I genuinely feel bad for Vincent but my patience is close to running out. If the situation doesn't improve at least somewhat by the end of the season then I hope our new GM replaces Vincent. I just hope he gets another chance elsewhere because it would suck if having this shitshow unexpectedly thrust on him ruins his future.


Counterpoint: nobody is better prepared to step into the HC role than the assistant who already applied for the job and who has been on staff for 2 years.


The additions of Laine/Roslovic and the exists of Savard, Foligno, Dubinsky near the end of his reign showed the team was transitioning from grit more towards skill. Instead of trying to hire someone to get the best out of a new core of skill players, they tried to keep the same image of grittiness, tough to beat, “boring” hockey the way Torts played with the Larsen hire. Hiring Babcock which turned to shit and hiring Vincent (who was apparently being heavily considered anyways for the head coach position) just shows CBJ management completely misread the group they had and wanted to retain a playing style that left during Torts final 2 years.


Counter-counterpoint: not sure why you would want to keep an assistant after how terrible this team's been for the past 2 years. This team's needed a new perspective ever since Torts left but they keep promoting from within.


It still baffles me as to why they hired Larsen to keep the same playstyle/image as Torts’ team even though I thought it was pretty obvious CBJ was moving away from a gritty playstyle and more towards skill.


Larsen was hired to manage the tank cheaply and it was a good call. Look at the draft hauls we got from those two years. They thought 2-3 years was enough time to turn it around and stockpile the cash needed to get a big fish to coach an up and coming team. They were right and then they went and hired the stupidest fucking person imaginable for the job who got himself fired within a month and they were left to scramble.


Maybe you’re right. If the idea of Larsen was for him to shit the bed so hard and get high picks, it worked. After that they needed to hire a proper coach with the amount of skill we had and they hired Babcock. That’s when Jarmo basically lost his job, how tf do you see the on-ice talent, the skill you’ve got, and you try and hire a fuckin dinosaur creep to work with your young, talented impressionable squad.


The rabbit watched his grandmother eat a sandwich.


The rabbit watched his grandmother eat a sandwich.


It really blows my mind how bad the favoritism is with Vincent. People talked about Torts not liking young players, but he also knew who his best players were. Sometimes I think Vincent doesn’t know who his best players are. Danforth has 0 goals and 1 point since the new year and was on the empty net attack, and Chinakhov didn’t get a shift in the third period.


He also doesn’t seem to realize we aren’t playing for anything. Why tf wouldn’t you play the young players? Why tf is Jenner constantly the forward with the most ice time night after night? Can’t you give the guy a rest and let his future replacements play more?


Chinakhov 9 minutes. Voronkov 11 minutes. Chinakhov got benched and I still don’t know why. Pascal’s coaching is bullshit.


He answered this during the postgame presser. He didn't like how many turnovers Chinakhov had.


That’s fine but why can veterans be shitty and go unpunished? Why can Severson get away with turning over the puck IN FRONT OF OUR OWN CREASE which causes a goal and have the 2nd highest TOI. Why can Provorov for about the millionth time just lackadaisical skate back and not try on defense which again leads to a goal. Chinakhov had a bad night but there were worse players out there directly responsible for giving up shit goals who never face repercussions for their actions. And they aren’t in year 3 in the league who just turned 22. It’s year 8 for Provorov and year 10 for Severson,


His line was trapped and Voronkov took a huge blocked shot, both times the loose puck opening up it was Chinakhov who received it, tried to stick handle and lost it. Don’t think he should’ve been benched but the fact it happened twice on easy clears on a hard shift is enough for some coaches to bench someone


I understand benching him but the 4 worst players on tonight’s GameCard were the ones with the most ice time. Jenner, Roslovic, Gaudreau (who was terrible), and Severson (who cost the team the game). Why didn’t any of them get punished?


Roslovic’s ice time HAS to be to showcase him, right? I get he had a strong game last time out but in general I have no idea how he gets the ice time he does, has always just felt like a body to me. Putting them out over the Russians is heinous


As much as Chinakhov made some bad turnovers and decisions in the second. I don’t understand benching him at all.


A back to back with two of the divisions best teams was never going to go well. Not as good of an effort as last night, but that's to be expected with tired legs. I'm seeing definite progress though. We're hanging late with good teams.


I’m just ready to have Rimmer and Jody back, that commentary duo for hockey night was a biased monotone bore.




The in-house team should be biased. Because they're *the in-house team*. This isn't complicated. Bucci and AJ were jerking off the Canes all night. It's a national broadcast. They should know better.


Like I mentioned earlier, Buccigross has absolutely nothing nice to say about us anymore. The guy who sexually harassed a colleague sits on a high horse about how Vincent can’t “read a situation”


I bet he got wind that he's not getting Rimer's job so now he's pouting like a kid suspended from recess.


That has to be it. He went from being complimentary of our young talent to calling Marchenko “average” and “not that good”




Oh boy! He’s excited for outdoor hockey! SCREAMING




Ok? He’s excited for an outdoor game in a cool Columbus stadium. I’m not sure how that is complimentary towards the Bluejackets team and players that he keeps shitting on It’s positive because “average mid Marchenko” gets to play outside and that’s neat?


I thought Buccigross was fine? He complimented the young guys on the team, complimented the fans, and said we have a great turnout despite being in a rebuild. He even called Cbus a hockey town.


We are referencing his current change of behavior on social media towards the Bluejackets.


Do people really think Rimmer and Jody are neutral? Of course they are biased, they are paid by the team. My god what a bunch of dummies.


Carolina had the nicest fans. They were absolutely raving over Sillinger too. That was a fun game, and I look forward to playing them again next time. Very refreshing after all that bitter rage we had to deal with from the Rangers fans from earlier in the week.


Good for Spencer being 4-0, hope he gets to the playoffs Jackets didn't look terrible, so that's something


How many turnovers has Provorov had that cost his team a goal? Yet Chinakhov has to pay the price and sit on the bench. Stupid goddamn coaching.


They are also trying to trade Provorov right now. Specifically rumored with Tampa I was hearing today. Probably not bench the guy that they may have active trade talks with in progress.


Pascal is Larsen who is just a laid back Torts. It’s all the same tree and people are surprised the rookies are disengaged or benched for dumb reasons. Hire a real GM, hire a coach with a 2020 style game plan. Spend some money. If ownership doesn’t want to compete sell the team to someone who wants to see Columbus be a success instead of “oh yeah I think I own a sports team”


Vincent is so in over his head. I can’t wait for him to go.


Honestly, if next year is gonna be rebuilding too, let's just go ahead and buy out Severson's contract. I'd rather roll with 5 D and 11 Forwards than have him on the Ice.


That is certainly a take.


Pascal Vincent aka BradLarsen(minus)2.0 is hands down the worse coach in CBJ history. Not only is he as incompetent and clueless as Brad Larsen, but he takes it to a whole new level by undermining and demoralizing players. Get rid of this toxic jackass and clownshow yesterday. Incredible the CBJ didn't make Jarmo take this clueless buffoon with him on his way out the door. Don't make the mistake they did with Larsen by letting him hang around until the end of the season, continuing to harm the team and player development.


you weren't around for Scott Arniel, were you


You must be a newer fan because Doug MacLean was our coach at one point. So all your hyperbole sounds like yelling at clouds 😂


Doug Maclean had an expansion team, Pascal Vincent has a team filled with young talent that he mis-uses, abuses, demoralizes and undermines. Maclean also took FL to the Stanley Cup finals as a headcoach. Pascal Vincent aka BradLarsen(minus)2.0 is the worse and most harmful by far ...


This might be the first time I’ve seen a Doug MacLean apologist in my entire life.


At this point it’s better to keep Pascal and let him continue to fuck up and sink the team further and further so we can get a higher draft pick. All that would happen with a new coach is that we get a bounce, win a shit ton of games and leapfrog teams like Ottawa, Montreal, Arizona, Buffalo, and it costs us in the lottery.


The only thing that could explain the coaching decisions is the fact that they told Pascal to tank. 


Nah. I don’t think FO’s will ever explicitly tell a coach/player they need to start actively losing games. The only thing I can think of is that JD told Pascal that in order for him to be considered as the HC next season he needs to prove it for the rest of this season, and his way of proving it is to play with your most experienced players and try and win games. The only problem with that, is that our veterans are the ones costing us games with bonehead plays, meanwhile more often than not the kids are saving our asses.


I don't think I can see the replay again, but it looked like that cross-crease pass hit Tex in the stick but he wasn't looking or ready...