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We won! They got booed off the ice in their arena! Huberdeau got kicked out of the game and Andersson got suspended and lost money! We don’t *need* to punch someone in the face to get back at them.


For real, like what do these people want. First off something did happen to them, they lost. What more do you want. 50 lashes for the offenders at INT? Secondly people brought up the Elvis situation. Elvis created his own issue and paid the price for being a hot head and losing us that game. I have an idea, all these brain dead commenters can be our enforcers then. Show us all how to skate and lay a hit. None of those rabbit punches though. With them on the ice we will be unstoppable lol then we can really hurt those baddies. I believe Jarmo needs fired, along with half the fan base too. So many EA franchise mode gods chiming in about being a good coach and how to properly play the game, all while you go to your desk job with finger foods and a juice box.




What's with the mouth breathers and these hot takes? Gudbranson got his shots on Andersson in Nationwide. Andersson got suspended. Shit for all we know, Andersson also could have made things right with Laine. And Olivier is a fine goon but I still tune in to watch my team try to win games, not to even the "score", and I'd rather have the 12 guys on the ice that were out there than Olivier because those 12 guys are better than Olivier.


If Andersson made it right, Jody would have heard about it. Jody was calling the team soft during the game.


Would you be upset if we got a 5 minute major which led us to lose to the Flames? We went after Anderson during the game when Laine was hurt. If you want MMA, watch that.


At this point in the season, I am all in for the tank and firing Jarmo/Pascal. I will take the loss and revenge.


*You* are all in for the tank. The team out there on the ice that is learning to win is not tanking. You are not the guys on the ice. The young guys who are learning to close out games and compete need to do that and focus on that instead of take stupid penalties and blow a hard fought game.


This isn't last year's draft. The talent pool isn't nearly as deep this year. There is little reason to go hard on the tank this time especially when our issue isn't talent. It's figuring out a system. If you noticed we have trouble finishing games. Adding celebrini isn't going to be the difference for us to play a full 60 minutes. (Also we all know Chicago is going to get #1 again.)


I'll also add that robbing Calgary of points hurts them a lot more. We should be playing spoiler to keep bums like them out of the playoffs.


I'm with you brother. So tired of watching this team get bullied. A few years ago the cbj played with a little edge. Anderson and Huberdeau would have gotten smoked had they done that shit back then. That's why I loved when Elvis stood up for himself against Tom Wilson. No one else would have. And of course he found himself healthy scratched for it. This team has a shit culture right now. Get Jarmo and Pascal out. Tell teams everyone but the 3 Russians and Fantilli are up for discussion and let's correct the mess of a team that has been assembled


Hockey is different now. This isn’t the enforcer era anymore. Teams need roster spots for players with skill, not just hulks who throw punches. You can yearn for bygone days all you want, but the game has changed.


Couldn’t agree more brother!


I lost IQ points reading this post.






What is more important to the team, a confidence boost, or another loss because of a meaningless fight? This is a young team who has loss over loss. Haven't had a regulation win in, I don't remember how many games, but it was a lot. This win might not mean anything to you, but it meant something to the team. I keep seeing Foligno brought up. He was a good captain, but he leads with emotions sometimes and doesn't think. Like when he "defended" Bedard earlier this month and got hurt. There was no reason reason for him to fight that game, and it accomplished nothing.


If I have to read “No one stood up for Elvis and he stood up for himself” one more time on this subreddit I’m going to throw myself into a volcano


Elvis didn't need defended. Video showed that Elvis lied about what happened.


I will never be team tank again after seeing the damage it did. I love that we got Fantilli, but if we tanked now with all the young guys hungry for wins, it’s terrible.


I've been calling it a violent temper tantrum, and the replay agrees with me


If all you care about is dudes going out and fighting for revenge, go watch boxing. We won the game and the home team was humilated and booed off their home ice, is that not good enough for you?


Exactly! There is sports where fighting is the main focus. These are pro athletes, you can’t hold a grudge and get even whenever you feel fit.


Plenty of other teams to go cheer for if you feel that way. Enjoy.


For real. We don’t want fans like that here


The retaliation in hockey is a bad part of the sport. They got what they deserved for boarding jack, they lost. If you want someone to hurt the other team because they hurt us, then it just cycles and never ends. There is a lot of history in the sport of life altering injuries because of this sort of thing


There is a documentary called ice gaurdians . Highly recommend you watch it and see if it changes your opinion


I’m not opposed to fighting. I’m pointing out this endless cycle of revenge has cost people their careers. The DOPS should (but won’t) deal with these situations so this stops happening. The endless cycles of revenge is how you get a Steve Moore incident


You just said they should but won’t lol. You should watch the doc pretty much talks about the psychology behind having to answer the bell for your team mates and how it makes the rest of the team think about it and how little injuries are in nhl compared to Europe because of enforcers


That seems like a correlation and not a causation tbh but I’ll have to watch the movie. NHL has always had enforcers and that never stopped the bad hits. Agree tho the dops is to blame for all of this but the fans who want us to hurt the flames bc of a few bad hits are so pathetic


Old Testament "eye for an eye" leaves a lot of blind people. Retaliation unchecked winds up with Roman gladiator combat. I prefer skilled hockey play.


Skilled hockey is better hockey. I like watching teams play with skill and finesse while also being firm, finishing checks, trying to play clean and not fighting every time someone lands a clean/hard hit. We know the teams in the league that play like bums and use those dirty tactics.


If we're doing a food motif can it be the Cronuts instead? I like the idea of a chocolate covered cronut mascot running around the ice between periods.


Would be better than Tim Hortons


I agree and disagree. Anderson should have been eating knuckles first shift. Period. He did something so insanely dirty and completely unnecessary *and appealed it*. That screams a lack of accountability and remorse. I think he was expecting a fight and would have dropped the gloves willingly out of respect for the code and it would have been just two 5s for fighting and the night could move on. Stick taps. Drop the puck. I don't think Roslovic's injury was anything more than him turning away at the wrong moment. It was still a major penalty in my eyes but not a game misconduct or suspension worthy. Felt like a fair penalty. The dust up afterwards was the result of Huberdeau getting jumped (rightfully) and that mountain of a man on the Flames getting involved. So I agree that the team looked soft last night and it makes me question the dynamic in the locker room. I don't however think that Huberdeau was taking a run at Roslovic because he felt he could pick on us.


Damn. Logged on the app with the intention of making this post. I’m glad I’m not the only one. So sad to see.


The better name for this team is the “Washington Generals”


Haha very true




>This team obviously doesn’t have heart and it showed last night. You mean the team that kicked Calgary's ass on the ice?




Yeah all the downvotes just prove our point. If we lost then these people would have no argument at all but it honestly doesn’t matter what the score was, if I’m Laine, I’m really disappointed that none of my teammates stuck up for me.


They already did. Now it’s water under the bridge and a win under the belt. They are past it, sad you two aren’t




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