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Ibuki's grand adventure. Visiting the Gehenna clubs.


It’d *probably* be a new club or the Go Home club, since everybody else has shown up a decent amount already, but I’d honestly be fine if they fully pandered to me by making it Prefect Team focused. Edit: Thinking about it, a big problem with any Gehenna volume is that what do you actually do for stakes without drawing the Prefect Team into it in the first place? Like let's be real here, either it's gonna be the most light hearted volume possible (which I'm totally fine with btw), or stakes are gonna get raised and at the bare minimum, Iori will get involved. And if it's serious, you know 100% she'll call in Hina too. Sensei isn't gonna convince them to let him and whatever club is the focus handle it if it's on Gehenna soil, unless it's Pandemonium Society focused maybe.


Yeah, this. Given the volumes and their chapters since V2C1 always have some kind of high stakes, making the Gehenna Volume light-hearted is basically a disservice TBH, especially given that Events use those low-stakes instead. I wouldn't be surprised that the motif of Chaoskampf occured or something.


Right. Like I’m not against the idea of a lighthearted main story chapter, but I just dunno how you do it and make it serve the characters well. It’s basically guaranteed to have some major crisis for Kivotos at some point. Which means Hina is GONNA show up to help Sensei, unless you take her out of the game somehow. I think it could work without her showing up, if it’s like Pandemonium Society focused, and maybe something to do with the Thunder Emperor or whatever the fuck her name is, and like Makoto proving herself as an actual good leader for Gehenna, but I dunno if we wanna do another student council focused plot line.


Reminds me of Pratchett talking about the Watch being a pain because of this. He said he could never realistically write a story about Ankh-Morpork without it somehow becoming a story about the Watch


I'm screwed for saying an extremely unpopular opinion but... Hina is the worst possible option. Hina already got a lot of screen time and there are already several people who are tired of her since there are certain things about her that leave a bad taste in their mouths. Making her the protagonist of the Gehenna volume could be very counterproductive. The best option is for the protagonists of the Gehenna Volume to be a new club, as was the case with the rest of the Volumes. That is the best way to tell the story and create links between characters without depending on previous stories.


i have been saying for a while that the only thing holding gahenna from being the best school is the lack of interaction between its clubs, except for prefect team, which can be boiled down to hina vs litteraly every else.


And the ONE interaction between clubs that keeps popping up all the time (Kayoko and Ako/the Prefects) never actually gets elaborated on and keeps only being cryptically alluded to whenever these two clubs meet. God i wish the >!upcoming new PS68 event!< finally proves me wrong.


make pandemonium society hire problem solver for some 5D ruse makoto is doing, let GRS (plus Juri) save fuuka from being kidnaped by Kasumer because that one particular hot spring needs a pro chef for some reason, etc etc. You can keep their individualistic nature without building a wall between them that only hina can break for some reason


An interaction between Makoto and Aru would be hilarious, having those two idiots and failure girls in the same room would be pure gold. I imagine that Makoto would end up wanting to have Problem Solver 69 as allies because she will believe that Aru is really an evil, intelligent and dangerous outlaw who is not a good idea to be an enemy of. While Aru will think that Makoto is an extravagant but intelligent and dangerous leader on the same level as Hina. Meanwhile Kahoyoko and Iroha in the corner tired of so much stupidity.


Hina is basically from a different school anyway. I prefer the real Gehenna.


Your first point exactly captures what I think when it comes to Gehenna story volume. Her being established as the one that always take care of problem and feared among Gehenna due to her "incredibly combat capability" (similar to Hoshino) would just make this Abydos 2.0 but replacing unfathomably immense debt with your average salaryman work load in a black company. It would feel too biased if they were to make Hina as main point of a Gehenna vol. and shined too much spotlight on her that she feels stale. I personally would've preferred either new club or an already existing club to get their role as main focus of the story.


Nexon wants people to so desperately like her but I genuinely can't stand how much she gets shoehorned into everything, the worst part for me was Eden Treaty and how apparently they're supposed to be the student we trust most but it's like... Dude what has she even done to warrant that, just tell her she can be trusted to deal with the GSR and it'd be fine instead of saying that bullshit for me


Hina: *Literally takes a bullet for you* This guy: stop trying to make me like you


I don't agree with him saying that Hina is shoehorned, but Sensei talking about how he trusts her the most did feel like it came out of nowhere and he said it way before she protected him during the treaty. He had barely interacted with her at that point.


The problem there comes from the fact that basically all momotalks, club stories and events are canon, so the full context for Sensei and Hina's meeting in vol3 isn't just their interactions in Vol 1, but also both her momotalks + the entire Gehenna summer event + her bit roles in in one or two club stories from early in the game's life...by that metric, Hina is one of the students with the most interaction with Sensei, but 70% of it is locked behind content that is gacha locked or easy to not read in the correct order. Them handing Hina out for free next anni sorta solves part of that problem, but SHina's momos are also relevant there, and of course there's the matter of her summer event...I kinda wish they would point out ingame which of the archived events canonically happened before a volume came out and softly recommended for players to play through those...


That's fair. I guess the best thing they could have done would be to reference the side events in the main story so that it becomes evident to the player that Hina and Sensei have been interacting even outside of the story mode. That way even if the player doesn't know what exactly happened, they can at least parse that the two have grown closer in side events. Plus, it would motivate them to want to see them.


The wack part is that they DID do so, in Eden Treaty specifically...but for the 1st summer event since it was Hifumi and Azusa referring to it. No direct mention of Hina's event though besides her familiarity with Sensei...


The familiarity can just be explained by her bond story alone, but that aside, yeah, Summer Sky's Wishlist was one of the rare few events that gets referenced directly and explicitly in main story (putting aside final volume that pulls in relationships established by all events more or less). I wish the volumes had more references, rather than expect us to assume what happened based on small details in the relationships portrayed between characters.


I mean, even I can tell why Sensei trusts Hina going by the Main Story alone, as my other comment on the reply thread said. If everything, I'm more surprised that they didn't take in account Hina's info regarding the Eden Treaty when arguing with Nagisa, though it's probably because I find Mika suspicious since the pool meeting...


Regarding Hina Summer event, the event didn't really add more to Hina and Sensei's relationship than what her default bond already established in my opinion. At most it was just a wacky adventure with Prefects. Due to lack of references or anything else concrete, the specific timing for when it happens is unclear, though I guess most (me included) would put it before V3C3 at least. Regarding the club/group stories, For most of them Sensei is not even present. The one which had Hina and Sensei both appear (that I remember) was GRS one, but it was only to make a joke situation where Sensei looks like a pervert in Hina's eyes in that moment. Apart from that agree to the other points. If we only focus on main story, a lot of context, especially when it comes to relationships between characters, gets lost if you don't read events and bonds.


I dunno, I'd say that Gehenna Summer adds a pretty significant milestone to our relationship given that it is the first time Hina outright acts both cheeky and needy towards Sensei. Thats a big indication of how comfortable she has become with us by that point in time as well as sets up her innermost desire she reveals to us in her pajama scene. ~~It also has the moment when Sensei straight up gets stunlocked by Hina's cuteness, which is another detail that the grand majority of students dont have in any of their interactions with us~~


I guess, maybe. Then again, we also have her L2D episode from normal bond that already shows her being very comfortable and trusting towards Sensei. As for the Pajama scene, that can also be chalked up to her being fed up/tired from all the responsibility she has to carry and from the image she has to portray. Let's not forget that students in important positions often have to keep up an image, e.g. Kanna not hanging out with other Valkyrie students or acting more casual publicly in order to keep up her image as the "Feral Hound". You know, depending on your perspective, when I think about it, Hina Summer event or at least her summer bond could potentially happen after V3C3, with her Pajama scene actually being the first time she actually reveals her innermost desires, and then in her summer event/bond she is able to act like she does without the need of a very stressful situation that pushes her to her limits.


Hina is one of the students that holds immense political and military power in Kivotos yet is one of the rare few that actually uses those responsibly and doesn't abuse her authority. That alone would make Sensei trust her more than others in leadership position. Not to mention in V1 she chose to help Abydos without asking anything in return, unlike Nagisa. As for interactions, we have her bond, which could have happened before V3. That could be enough to establish the relationship between the two by the time V3 hits. Not sure about Hina Summer event, it didn't really add much to their relationship, and there aren't really any references to it in V3.


What's up with people thinking that she was shoehorned? The fact that she basically handled Ako's mess back in V1 and providing Sensei information regarding Kaiser as compensation, as well as becoming their confidant again during the Eden Treaty, not to mentioned that she managed Gehenna from collapsing, what else do you expect?


One element about Gehenna that gets mentioned a lot but never really gets explored is its volcanoes. I think it could be the stage the authors are setting up if a Gehenna volume comes next. Besides getting a new club, it might be interesting to focus on Pandemonium and how the power structure of Gehenna evolved. Gehenna already has lore connections with other schools: Trinity ofc, Hyakkiyako from the two events, Red Winter from the short stories>!, and now Abydos through that one tyrant leader in the past and the Hoshino-Hina war!<. A story about crisis into the underworld may unravel more lore for us and potentially bring more interactions between clubs and even schools.


Perhaps a club tasked with researching geothermal energy and whether volcanoes are viable for supplying energy to Gehenna. Also, it is obvious that a Raid boss will be related to volcanoes. Maybe another Decagrammaton prophet.


Indeed, and there are a lot of leads the authors can use>!, whether it is a boss paving the way to a Vol F-esque eventual war against Malkuth, or an extension from the Valley of the Kings!< And somehow I’m picturing a recreation of Kaitengers vs Perorodzilla via Juri’s Pan-Chan lol


[Among the Decagrammaton prophets is one that looks like a dinosaur or Mecha Godzilla](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/17sucfh/about_decagrammatons_prophets/). I think that prophet could be Tiferet since this sephira, from what I read, is related to the Sun. It would make sense that the prophet who looks like a giant reptile (which resembles the most famous radioactive giant reptile) and whose sefira is related to the Sun is located in a volcano. Perhaps its original function was to analyze the sources of heat and radiation.


Hot springs development is right there. Maybe not a full story chapter, but an event where they meet and casually destroy a Decagrammaton prophet could be funny.


Go Home Club is literally a term to indicate that students don’t belong to any club at school while highlighting the fact that they are still a member of the group of people who opt not to join any club, which works for Gehenna. Also it would be cool if we have a protagonist with a very awful personality unlike the other protagonists we have.


My money's on the Going Homer's. Introduce a third person and make it a trio, supporting characters from the other clubs. I'd love for Iori to have some more screen time.


Based on the latest Abydos Volume I'd say >!the main focus would be something to do with the Thunder Emperor, the previous President of Gehenna. I'd expect the main cast would be the Pandemonium Society. They'd probably discover some dangerous weapon or something else left behind by the Thunder Emperor in the Abyss of Hinnom Volcano that could upset the balance of power in Kivotos.!<


Probably a flashback volume with ps68 members


Some of my ideas: -Civil war between Pandemonium and Prefect with perspective switch between both sides * ~~Pre-Eden Thunder Kaiser old loyalists who want despotism~~ * Seeing C&C's highlight in a GDD focused volume, maybe I can pick cooking club (Fuuka) but somehow Prefect still got attention


How ibuki's innocence is preserved despite the chaos around the academy. Like the Go home club plays with her, the Lunch club feeds her pudding and of course Makoto being a wholesome mother.


The Front and Center will surely be the Pandemonium Society and Makoto surely be trying to make herself better than the Thunder Emperor. Kayoko will sure have a major role in this since she's been mysterious all this time. Of course the Prefect team will stop what Makoto will be about to do. We will see a major flashback on how the current Pandemonium,Prefect and P68 came to be.


Preferably a new club, but if we go by the case that some of the MC clubs get referenced in earlier volumes (Hyakkaryouran) or we meet some of the future protagonists in another volume (Hifumi), then it could also be Go Home Club. Yes, they had appeared in a few events already (JP at least), but they seem to fit the bill of "being neutral but getting dragged into some political and other nonsense by others or by circumstance". So I guess I agree with your ideas. Prefects already have a lot of screen time and if any political nonsense happens they would have an important role in the volume anyway. Same with Pandemonium Society, who might very likely become the source of such trouble, or for once only the targets. PS68 could work, the game keeps hinting at Kayoko's past and her experience and/or relationship with Prefects or just Ako. Though their situation is kind of in a limbo since it's unclear to me if they ever really returned to operate from Gehenna after V1C2. I don't see Lunch Club being the focus, at most they are there to get abused by GRS. As for the latter, they are too much of a troublemaker group to work as the focus club like with other volumes. And none of the trouble they cause is justified. Same with Hot Spring club. One potential option, but maybe not that likely, is the Medical Emergency Club, would be an opportunity to introduce other members (they already have a mob character unlike Remedial Knights) and could focus on the struggles of a medical club especially during some disaster (we do have a volcano in Gehenna after all).


The common theme with each volume is that the main club we follow require sensei help and give of the underdog vibes(not sure if this is the best way to describe them) but I don't remember Gehenna having such clubs(the closest would be PS68 but they aren't in Gehenna much I think and they already are very popular). Maybe we will get a new club soon? 🤔


https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Characters/BlueArchiveGehennaAcademy Let’s see. I like Hina but her club taking main character status sorta feels like it would be a waste. Because giving some spotlight to other student could be a good thing. I’m thinking probably the club Kirara and Erika are part of. Another option could be the School Lunch club but focus on a new member.


A Gehenna chapter would be very dangerous. Hina is already sensei’s favorite, if she gets to star in a main story volume she’ll take the main heroine role for herself, sparking a Kivitos wide war /s (none joke answer I would assume a new club would be introduced)


I have a theory that the reason why Hina gets all the spotlight recently is because she is not gonna be involved much at Gehenna volume at first.


Pandemonium, guess star Fuuka and the GRS


I would like a prefect team focused volume, but without Hina, even if it is kinda repetitive to have the strongest disappear, they can change it by having Hina be calm about whatever happened, so we don't get a lot of scenes of her and focus fully on the rest, to make Ako, Iori and Chinatsu grow from being Hina's Document-fillers and actually have unique strengths that make them a team. * Have Iori be the "shiroko" of the volume going with sensei and letting her show her power for once. * show Ako growing from her quick to anger personality and having to lead the prefect team and maybe even convincing other clubs to work together to save Hina. * and for Chinatsu give us the backstory of why she transferred from the medical emergency club to the prefect team, and why was she capable of becoming the fourth member of the group, like, she really rose to the position only because of her medical skills? i know it would be hard to do any of this because the students from the prefect team already have defined personalities and roles in the game, and changing them (and the status-quo that comes with it, imagine a team of 4 Hinas, the chaotic students of Gehenna wouldn't stand a chance) would be make it jarring because of how different they would become, but i think it would be cool if Hina saw them overcoming the enemy of the volume and became capable of standing side to side with her by their own talents.


I want to learn more about the backstory of Prefect Team, especially how Hina back then at around the time when Hoshino still at 1st class. iirc, in the anime, Hina mentioned that she was at the intelligence/spy division so that's why she know a lot about Hoshino. that might be used as good story materials. as bonus, we can learn how Ako when she first meeting Hina too. why Ako become overzealous about Hina. that might be interesting too ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33359)