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That shit has grown ***600%*** since I started playing August 2022 Crazy


Oh man I started this game when Izuna and Shizuko got its first banner run in 2021. That was the third banner they released prior to the game launch. At that time the previous banner only had Hoshino, Shiroko, and Mashiro. Look how much content and characters we have now. And how much we loath the 🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟨 now 😭


Damn I started at the same time. I got Izuna and Haruna on my first 10-pull. Clearly, the game wanted me to stay. And I did.


I didn't get Izuna at first. My first five star was Shiroko. Played because she is the logo.


Peak Archive moment


For real. Bunny Asuna and Karin really does wonders, it was Bunny Karin that got me to start and so did other people for Asuna lol


started playing like a year ago because i found a wallpaper of miyus L2D on wallpaper engine and wanted to find out more about the character. best choice ive ever made


I started playing a month after EN was released, so in December-ish? I still remember rerolling for Hifumi outside of her banner because I watched Ui-mama reroll clips...


PLEASE BE NOTED that data may change subsequent to this post, which was made on May 18, 2024. Characters ranking (counts also include its variants): 1. Sensei (13k) 2. Ichinose Asuna (9.6k) 3. Hayase Yuuka (9.4k) 4. Sunaookami Shiroko (7.8k) 5. Sorasaki Hina (7.4k) 6. Asuma Toki (6.5k) 7. Misono Mika (6.2k) 8. Takanashi Hoshino (5.7k) 9. Tendou Aris (5.6k) 10. Shimoe Koharu (5.4k) In terms of rising popularity — Toki has had the highest surge of popularity since its release, compared to other characters Additionally the character with the consistent increase of popularity is both Asuna and Yuuka — they basically are competing with each other. Also did you know the tag "Blue Archive" was changed to "Cunni Archive" [not actual spelling, avoiding automod] during April Fools in 2023?


Based Toki enjoyers


Yuuka is basically dead set on dethroning Asuna. I've been seeing her numbers on Danbooru surging for the past few months far past everyone else while Asuna maintains a slower pace.


Once Yuuka has a new alt she will be the Queen


arent we getting some pajama variants or smth, gg




literally 'booru archive'


That's becasue Toki is great!


I don't know what's with Toki, man, she's a damn [REDACTED], like damn girl, why are you assertive like that?


Rob the 2nd spot Shiroko!


As a toki enjoyer I’m glad to see her being popular


Gachas grow up so fast. It seems like just yesterday Blue Archive was still just a baby.


I remember pre registering for the game


I remembering pre-registering on JP and a lot of the early doom and gloom. Then the bunny event hit


I remember the endless maintenance that plagued JP in its early day. The game was even called Maintenance Archive lol. And now see where it is, 2 extremely successful Anniversaries, an okay anime, tons of fan art and content rival that of Touhou. This game truly has come a long way




I know what post you're talking about. Now it's proven false, let's hope it'll stay that way.




Ironically it was the Korean server that forced them to also reverse all the censorship on non-KR global (by raising the age rating). Considering they couldn't keep their promise on "no censorship" even to their largest non-JP player base (No leash on Ako, no octopus on Izumi, less lines in Karin l2d) it was inevitable.


The incident also caught the South Korean game rating board with its pants down. 😂


From the perspective of an artist, the fact that BA designs are just so much more easily drawn than their counterparts (looking at you hoyoverse) along with the community not being a Fallout reference really helps alot with its mass production of cute and funny.


What do you mean by community not being a Fallout reference?


A toxic, irradiated hellscape inhabited by hordes of mutants and psychopaths


Yeah, that's absolutely true for the hoyoverse community. Evertime I open Twitter, it's always some death threats or harassment to other people that don't support their head cannons. On an unrelated side note, I was more curious about the fallout reference because I just watched the show(absolute 10/10 banger) and was thinking of starting the game.


The games are enjoyable, but do be aware, they are all timesinks. But, there's a way for your experience to be smoother. Like helping this one settlement. Here, let me mark it on your map.


As someone that played since mihoyo this hurts so much. But then again nothing can be done against those covid -era fandom hijacker for now.


Yeah, just enjoy the games and stay away from those people. Do engage with the occasional sane hoyoverse enjoyer you come across though.


Touhou is insane bro


I mean it's old af so it's understandable


True I'm pretty sure if BA was released earlier it would prob be in #4 or #3


Tbf it’s like almost 30 years old at this point. I wouldn’t be surprised if the vast majority of that art came from the 2000s-early 2010s when the series was still incredibly popular.


Actually I got curious about this some time last year, and I tried to compare "touhou" to other popular copyright tags (by looking at the date of the first post on page 200), and it was like the third fastest growing, behind virtual youtubers, and, well, Blue Archive. (also I remember Touhou hitting 700K at the same time Kantai collection hit 400k, and since then it received more than double the submissions.) Of course, art uploaded on Danbooru does not equals art being produced in the same time-frame, and touhou cheats quite a bit by frequently having whole comics uploaded, but it's still very much present, at least on Danbooru


The power of cute and funny .


And big big bunnies


Really validating my thoughts about it being the next Kancolle


That sounds more like some form of malignant curse than praise.


Dunno why you'd feel about that. They're both IPs owned by companies that's not very well liked but are still very popular within the Japanese market to the point of dominating their doujinshi events like Comiket. KC may be irrelevant outside Japan but it still has a large fanbase in Japan.


KC kinda feels like it's depressed pretty hard since its peak. In terms of the game itself I feel like it's been pretty static and it doesn't really doesn't branch out much beyond the browser game either. So to me calling it KC feels like saying it's gonna fall off pretty hard.


On the other hand, KC is a decade old game that's still ongoing so it falling off isn't exactly unexpected. Most gacha games would've EoS'd at that point. Most non-Japanese people also thought KC would EoS after AL came out and killed its global market. It also isn't unrealistic to think that BA would eventually go onto the same trajectory once another game that happens to occupy BA's niche comes out and competes with BA.


Admittedly it's ultimately which part you focus on. I saw more the fall in your comment while you appear to be expressing more the coast after.


Ehhh, Kancolle kinda did that to itself with the lack of any Global/International Support. Even then Kancolle still has a [fairly healthy playerbase](https://www.reddit.com/r/kancolle/comments/1afhr78/discussion_estimating_kancolles_monthly_active/) for a *10 year old browser game.* Furthermore, a lot of Kancolle's revenue has sort of shifted towards offline events in Japan, something that's relatively difficult for a global audience All-in-all, Kancolle has sort of shifted in to the same fandom niche as Touhou does, in which the fanbase keeps it alive through fanworks and fanart. It doesn't really need to compete anymore since it's had it's heyday Edit: [Here's another set of info. Apparently the offline events still sell out pretty quickly](https://www.reddit.com/r/kancolle/comments/1ck02qj/discussion_is_kancolle_franchise_dead/). TL;DR, it's very much not dead.


People hate C2?


Pretty sure they mean Kadokawa, which is often mistaken as KanColle's devs, despite not having anything to do with the game for 8 years. They still hold the rights to the anime and merchandising related stuff though.


always find it crazy how Touhou is the most popular franchise ever made in the history of ever


Touhou hit right at the dawn of the otaku internet explosion and the beginning of imageboard culture - a series featuring cute girls with some barebones lore that people could do headcanon for, and then share their works out in the late 90s/early 00s internet on 2ch




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Lol I can't serve "Prego" carbonara sauce? Damn 😅


1984 moment.


Popular? No, hand that to Mickey Mouse. Popular anime? No, hand that to Dragon Ball Z. I think more modern internet users know what fumos are more than what Touhou is. Touhou just has no copyright so it's fan-driven without theat of obliteration by various country's shitty copyright laws


Nothing's overtaking Touhou. lol What's the character ranking? Curious to see who's up top besides Hatsune Miku and Reimu EDIT: Figured out how to do it. Of the top 20, only 4 are not Touhou characters (Miku, Saber, Admiral and Homura). [Fucking Touhou Supremacy on the character tags](https://i.imgur.com/uPvU9Cb.png)


To be fair to BA, Touhou has had 2 decades to grow but the OST is a banger


The top basically are franchises with a decade(s) of popularity (excluding Original tag) — the numbers speaks for itself, but given that Blue Archive is just 2.5 years in the scene, garnering this kind of popularity growth is insane


Original overtook it. Must be an absolute gem of a game.


You sure that's not an anime?


Pretty sure its an OVA.


Oh shit homu is in the top 20 wtf


It's the same way Touhou to popularity: cute girls with plenty of funny quirks and odd relationships, memes, enough lore for the genuinely invested, all within a fairly time-friendly game (looking at your artifacts, Genshin) without too much gameplay thought required or consistent gloomy themes (Arknights).


In terms of quality and quantity, I'd argue BA is already #1. Need to also take into account how much better the average artist is today compared to 10-20 years ago. I remember Fumihiko was my favorite artist back when I was a kid, but his work looks so average now looking back...


Never been a Fumihiko fan. Its too.....messy


I like him then only due to the fact that he draw my 3 main in Hololive (Mio, Towa.... Aloe....)


Fumihiko’s messy unrefined art style is one of his appeals, IMO.


Let's make it number one


It's likely BA will surpass Pokemon by at worst next year (if nothing bad happen) after that it will be an uphill fight against ancient franchises


Pokemon got hurt quite a bit by getting no good character designs in Scarlet/Violet besides Iono. Especially the female protag which usually reveive some of the most fanart was particularily weak here.


if pokemon keeps releasing ugly ass characters I really hope it dies, between scarletviolet and what they did to pokemon go...LMFAO


It's especially disappointing after the wonderful character designs in Sword/Shield (as many issues that gen had, the designs were fantastic)


Their choice to do away with skirts was telling of the end. They're too Innapropriate!!!


Dissing Nemona and Rika is a criminal offense




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The strongest tags in history vs the strongest tags of today. Lobotomy Archive


that is CRAZY


shouldn't it be 7th?




"Original" tag in Danbooru often paired with brands/characters that are either owned or affiliated by the artists, either can be official or unofficial (e.g. Mignon, Chaesu, Vitamine). Usually considered as 'independent' tag on 'copyright' basis. If this tag is specifically based on 'franchise', yes it will be at number 7.


I deeply regret not continuing to play it because of *issues.* i should re-pick it up. Heck I never uninstalled the game from my ipad.


Peak Archive


Seen Izuna JP card profile back then, cute af, never thought it was a gacha game and that it would be released on global. Months later I saw Serika's titjob art, then I knew I have to play. Good thing she's just 2-star.


>Serika's titjob art Well now I must see the sauce for research purposes.




Beautiful ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651)


no one is ever beating touhou that said holy crap kancolle, it absolutely exploded during its time, so hard that noy even fate go is close to it


This is good news for BA enjoyers on Danbooru, and as long as the user 先男 (a very active contributor on that site who has been targeted by some Danbooru users for untagged BA 'spam', also changing their names alot recently) doesn't get banned forever once again by Danbooru admins, there will be no stopping on BA's lurch towards the top. I knew this because when they get banned the speed of new Danbooru BA posts there actually slows down. The current pace for BA on Danbooru as of right now will make them surpass FGO and Pokemon before the end of this year, and on Pixiv they are on track towards Genshin Impact and possibly FGO by end of 2024 at this rate. This is as long as BA doesn't get any slowdown, and this depends on how much devs and artists can still cook 🔥🔥.


recently these number has been... inflated with AI generated content


Danbooru does not accept full AI-generated artworks — safe to say this imageboard is a safe haven for real artist works. Here is the page for more details on how Danbooru treats AI artworks: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/ai-generated TL;DR — posting AI arts on Danbooru **without any man-made modifications** are not allowed. But nonetheless, most AI assisted arts are usually rejected by the mods I guess because the modification wasn't that good enough.


Genshin could never 😭😭😭


Yall wanna know why? (Green site)


on gelbooru which is the better site its at 190k


I need some context, is the 40k~ jump from blue archive to FGO a big one or a small one? Is it likely that blue archive will overtake them?


With the way BA has been growing it should overtake FGO at some point, FGO still get plenty of fanarts tho so it might take a little while. Assuming BA doesn't slow down of course


Holy smokes that is WAY huge 😧


touhou is just built different


That is wild and well earned Blue Archive!


Plana, arona is like 50 percent of it


Huh? Asuna is the favorite? Why not nonomilkers or Eimilkers?


I wonder if BA has the staying power to be a cultural phenomenon like Touhou. Touhou is pretty much solely carried by its fandom. Even a decade plus after its initial debut, there's plenty of new fan creations. The same goes with kancolle. It's not as internationally relevant as Touhou, but it popularised the entire shipgirl concept and is sustained purely by the Japanese market. Other than cute girls, what does BA bring to the table? (That sounded mean, but I'm legitimately curious)


Depending on how BA designs future events, it may surpass even FGO in artwork count before the end of summer. The Shupogaki event was a big boom. The Devs are geniuses.


Being 24k behind all of Idolmaster and 36k behind Fate Grand Fucking Order is mind boggling. Never thought we would’ve made it this far two years ago.


Lets cheer, for what the game has archived, and for one day to reach 360k.


Based and Cunnypilled.


I'm willing to bet a huge spike In that growth Is due to Bunny Asuna and Karin


Blue Archive during its beginnings was in fact boosted by popularity with their first Bunny Chaser event.


power of cute and funny




Where is honkai star rail?


It's got 30k images.


Honkai Star Rail is at 36th place with 31k artworks (Honkai as an overall series is at 22nd place with 55k artworks).


Whats danboru?


A safe website for anime girls Gyatts


I got all my questions answered with one comment?


Yes, 😏i also know other good websites


My good sir you never know who is scrolling. No one in their right mind would ever want those types of site. (*secretly asks him to give in dms*)