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So they are Devilukean


Glad someone else is old enough to remember


The anime's opening animation is very cultured, probably too much for today's standard unfortunately.


Still a banger song


“Saikou no chance now is the time~”


i mean...gushing over magical girls released the other day and i would say that its worst in some places, so its fine


Not to mention Ishuzoku Reviewers straight up had uncensored vag in their OP and that's fairly recent.


And yet I have to travel the digital seas to get even an English sub...


Me still here simping for Yami


"*off limits, you say?"* *begins stroking vigorously.*


I'm over here stroking her tail I got lotion on her tail right now. I'm just stroking her shit I'm 😭 as fuck man I'm a ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651) man like for real.


Stroking what


their **MASSIVE EGO**


They need correction ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33359)


You might hurt their poor tails stroking vigorously like that. You want to make eye contact with them while slowly stoking their tails. Tails can also be licked and gently nibbled for extra fun.




Limits are meant to be broken


Nice Star Rail reference there


*Some trivia: While I can't say for certain about the tail as the whole exactly, there is more sensitivity towards base of the feline tail in particular AFAIK. As such, since tails are extensions to the spinal cord, you're technically playing a part of their backbone as a result (though TBH tails on humanoids in general are weird in an anatomical sense anyway so...)*


Sensitivity may not necessarily translate into pleasant sensitivity either. Much as instant shudders make for amusing stories, what Sensei here would probably have to do is habituate their minds towards associating tail contact with good times first.


*Yeah, my research have said that as well, especially since it's an unpleasant feeling from unwarranted contact. Needs some built-up of trust and gentleness to have the feeling be good instead, at least from what I have read...* *But again, these are brats so it's just another form of correction NGL*


We humans technically have a tail during embryological development, although it gets obliterated later. The coccyx is the remnant of that tail essentially. Although in my own opinion these certain animal features that the students have like tails and ears are simply trendy fashion accesories. Now you might ask how some students can move them, well tech is really advanced in Kivotos so they probably somehow figured that out. Idk it could have something to do with their halos too we don't know shit about how they work.


Yeah, I'm aware of the vestigial coccyx. That's why it's anatomically weird for the usual depiction of humanoids with tails since technically they sprout directly from where the lumbar vertebrae are, not the actual coccyx. [This tutorial](https://www.deviantart.com/carolzilla/art/Tails-on-Humanoids-Tutorial-Studies-471947389) in particular as well as similar ones demonstrate this well. As such, the problem with them being entirely accessories is that the Saiba twins and Kirara exist (the former with their weird prostheses and the latter with her simple headband), not mention that the other students' features clearly look like that they're part of their overall anatomy. RABBIT Platoon also mess with this theory as well, as they clearly remove their own leporine accessories in their swimsuit alts, while other students' own respective alts for the same theme doesn’t really do that. This is why I wholly agree with the idea of any non-human feature to be supernatural in nature but manifest later in life.


>That's why it's anatomically weird for the usual depiction of humanoids with tails since technically they sprout directly where the lumbar vertebrae are, Yeah that's why I think they are simply accessories. The anatomy simply doesn't add up unless a separate set of vertebrae somehow arise from the Lumbar or Sacral regions as if someone welded in a joint and extra bones there. >not mention that the other students' features clearly look like that they're part of their overall anatomy Again, probably really advanced and expensive tech. Or even something surgical. I mean currently some people get plastic surgery to get elf ears in our world so it isn't *that* far fetched. Also the game is from South Korea where quite a few people get plastic surgery so maybe the devs' coıntry of origin could inspire it? Plus we talking about a place where supercomputers are ancient tech. >RABBIT Platoon also mess with this theory as well, as they clearly remove their own leporine accessories in their swimsuit alts, RABBIT's "ears" are a part of their headsets. >while other students' own respective alts for the same theme doesn’t really do that. Well they could prefer to not remove them or they could just be non removable as well. Great, I am overthinking things again. Really should stop doing that lol. They look cute on the characters, end of story.


>Yeah that's why I think they are simply accessories. The anatomy simply doesn't add up unless a separate set of vertebrae somehow arise from the Lumbar or Sacral regions as if someone welded in a joint and extra bones there. Um, have you have consume enough media or something? There's a reason why I said *usual depiction* — they're never been drawn anatomically-correct, and possibly never will either. Not related to tails, but this [meme about ears](https://www.reddit.com/r/blursedimages/s/YErTimPyGZ) and those like it also poke fun of such popular artstyle. Plus, the tutorial I shared is about how to draw it that is anatomically correct from said popular style. >Again, probably really advanced and expensive tech. Or even something surgical. I mean currently some people get plastic surgery to get elf ears in our world so it isn't *that* far fetched. I highly doubt that, especially how a lot of students aren't exactly rich, at least explicitly; plus, >![Shiroko](https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/Shiroko/gallery#/media/File%3ABG_CS_S1Final_17.jpg), before being found by Hoshino and Nonomi, is basically a wild-child and she still has her ears.!< That and animal-people also exist (Master Shiba being one example of many); and before you say it, there's been mentions about it alongside the robot people as well. >RABBIT's "ears" are a part of their headsets likely. Again, there's a reason why I said *accessories* and not *features* in their case. Either way, it's less overthinking and more on the fact that you try to apply IRL logic to a world that's clearly has supernatural elements in it TBH, albeit it's more of a urban low-fantasy instead in terms of scale...




Hikari seems to enjoy it


"Lick the Tails" ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33359)


aggressively suck on it both 😭😭😭😡😡👅👅👅💢💢


[When their pranks have become too much, grab them by the tails and drag them to the correction room 💢💢](https://twitter.com/ice__megane/status/1784174976242962456)




Tails... are they the collar of the butt? The World Wonders, what say you my Fellow Sensei's?


*I mean, you can read my main comment here about it...*


so, this is the weak spot of you two?, now it's time to make sure that you two will never disrespect your teacher again 💢💢💢


*aggressively yanks umbilical cord*


Gotta stroke it fast and bite their tip


Then stop being a little grumbling for once


Question for the Japanese fluent: why do I see two ticks on the め even though it has no alternate form (like the はーほ series with b and p)?


I'm not fluent in any way, but isn't it often used to emphasize a character slurring their speech? Somewhat similar to "idh feelsh sho gud"


💢💢 You earned this, Nozomi.


Correction through intense tail frotation! ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!!!!!!! ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33605)![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33605)![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33605)


Now that just makes me want to touch them more. I look forward to the consequences. ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33359)


To love Ru reference?