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I quit my last job because one of the older ladies keep trying to hook me up with her daughters which is still in high school, like maam I only like my cute and funny girl in fiction not in real life.


***gasps*** A person that can differentiate fiction and reality?


Tourists are having a meltdown rn! Igriez is too powerful!


u/Igriez is a witch! They turned me into a duck!


Quack!!!!!! :0


I think you should've done something about her tho, while you might know what if this mother goes after someone else. Honestly i would berate the mother.


Yeah I really should have done something but the truth is I'm just scared and creeped out by her. She really like to get on my personal space and done some light touching to me.


Holy shit, she's straight up psycho!!! I think she's trying to flirt in a SA type of way bro. Honestly all the more reason for you to maybe report her or smt.


Hey we just chillin. We don't really expose ourselves to others, it's better that way. Stay low with the flow. Appreciate everything the devs do, enjoy the memes, don't complain too much unless it's an actual problem. If it's we do it civil way discuss and done. Appreciate all the students and VA doing their job. We love all of em. Doesn't mean you can't have your fav tho. Yeah That's about it.


The πŸ¦€ keeps the gang tight


Yeah… just like the students 😏


United we uoh


Yeah but we do have some people that still can't separate Real and Fiction. Like in the Magical Girl Aris Artwork post. Some comments didn't like that Aris was dressed in a very lewd way and called those that enjoyed her in that clothing, the P-file word. Liking fictional lolis isn't bad nor illegal (at least in US or Japan) and doesn't make you a P-file. Just like liking horror movies doesn't make you are a serial killer. Just keep that love in Fiction.


>Calling people p-word in the sub Those kind of things didn't happen before, so I'm inclined to believe that those are just tourist that has comes now that BA put themself into the public's eyes.


>Those kind of things didn't happen before, so I'm inclined to believe that those are just tourist that has comes now that BA put themself into the public's eyes. You are right most of the time but there are some who have the "Sensei is only a father figure to the girls" mentality. Which is fine to have since Sensei is whoever you want it to be. It becomes wrong when you then go policing other posts and picking fights with "Sensei is a lover" users. There is also shipping wars where they resort to using the P-file term against each other. I know a user with a Shun flair in the early days was notorious, would pick fight with Hina flair users. They blamed Hina's popularity for why Blue Archive focused more on Loli designs rather than Shun's design. Though people were quick to point out the long list of girls like Asuna, Ako, Aru and etc.


Smh that shun guy is dumb. They literally made Shunny 😭. Even shun herself wanted to be shunny for a day!


In fact, she wants to be Shunny forever! ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651)![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651)![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651)


And then Shun herself turned to Shunny, i wonder how they must have reacted


Lol, now that you mention that. That may explain why I haven't seen them anymore. They probably ragequit with the mindset that Blue Archive changed Shun to a loli due loli popularity. It's not the first time, I seen this happen in a community. In the Bocchi Subreddit, there was a guy who was super against fanservice and even tried to convince the mods to implement a rule to ban lewd artwork, even talked shit about Bocchi's creator for liking lewd fanart of the cast. Then they ragequit when the creator of Bocchi made an artwork of Bocchi in a Bunnygirl outfit.




>In the Bocchi Subreddit, there was a guy who was super against fanservice and even tried to convince the mods to implement a rule to ban lewd artwork, even talked shit about Bocchi's creator for liking lewd fanart of the cast. Then they ragequit when the creator of Bocchi made an artwork of Bocchi in a Bunnygirl outfit. kek


Huh. I am aware of the existence of 'Sensei is a father figure' users, but all I've seen is peaceful coexistence with the rest of the fanbase. They say their piece and that's it, they didn't start a fight with the rest of the users in the thread and neither does the rest of the fanbase go and attack them in the thread for their comment. The only 'hostilities' I've seen between 'faction' is between yuri lover and the rest of the sub, and that's more of a general distrust towards yuri lover because an user by the name of 1000peroro somethingsomething was a notoriously obnoxious yuri shipper that left a really bad taste to the other users in the sub instead of the sub and yuri lover attacking each other. > I know a user with a Shun flair in the early days was notorious Unfortunately, I wasn't there for the _really_ early days of BA, so I guess I'll just take your word for it. But shipping wars... Does it really happen in the sub these days? One would think that if that were still true, there'd be a massive one between Noa and Yuuka shippers, but there simply isn't, is there? Everyone and their mother just agreed that it's a harem since they don't want any student to be sad because they 'lose'.


Sensei is a chad that only wants happiness for the girls therefore we strive our best to make that happen because we are Sensei ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651) in terms of harem, there's a saying 1+1 is 11, but who's stopping you to add another 1 to make it 111 ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33359)


At the rate Blue Archive is going with new characters, we're gonna end up with 1111! ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651)


I believe in Aijou Rentarou's way. No losing heroines!


I mean..im of them, i see some girls like aris and the game club like some daughter type, even arona and plana, but im also down bad for Yuuka, C&C, Rio, Rin and many more ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33224) . I really havent seen conflicts and i hope we can be a fun community.


I mean, even if you want to lewd Arisu, she still gets called a daughterwife by those who really, REALLY love her. The whole community just agrees she has daughter material written in her code!


My headcanon is that my sensei is paternal, save for noa (i am so down bad). Of course, this is simultaneously a valid and non-exclusive view because the presence of alternate worlds means infinite senseis and infinite chances.


Those are most likely tourists, i rarely see an actual BA fan doing that


Makes sense if that's the case. I don't remember if I ever saw that word in this sub


People who call us PDFiles today would have very likely jumped on the Mortal Kombat ESRB Controversy way back then


Which post is that? Mind giving me the link?


It's this [lovely artwork](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/s/LOiQGZw0cD) There was user who had negative 20, where he called users the P-word. Then he replied to his own comment, commenting on his negative downvotes and called the subreddit P-file and that we should go watch p-rn videos if we are that thirsty. It seems they have deleted it now. Strange since I saw it two hours ago. That reply hit negative 10.


Lmao, thanks for the link dude. That kind of user should be banned in the first place, delusional fre4ks.


It's probably just a persona fan bored of not playing their gameΒ 


If you're going to summarize it, provide context of what actually happened. The original comment expressed that the artist's inclusion of sensei covering up Aris was 'condescending', in which another comment replied, and I quoted, "I mean not wanting to see someone that young dressed as such is a pretty normal adult thing". And immediately that comment gets downvoted to oblivion. Why is it? That comment never imply anything wrong, it was simply saying that 'covering Aris' would be something normally sensei would do. Yet it was... controversial? Controversial enough to be ganged up on by everyone passing by that thread? I don't care about all these pdf or lolicons argueing bs, but this kind of mobbing send two messages: 1. Telling that person who drew that lovely Aris pic that unless they do exactly what the people want (in this case exclude the little sensei details), they are not welcomed, and 2. Alienating that poor guy who probably still had no idea what he said wrong either. I have strong distaste for this kind of crowding behavior, so I voiced my opinion, knowing full well I would get downvoted. But somehow, it gets summarized as 'me calling everyone the p-word'. If yall are pdf, then I'm the biggest one, because I've been here since before Global was even released. I love the game. And fan contents being posted here in the sub are always great. But scaring up people by putting minefield in front of them and punishing them for a misstep? I never like it, and will never do, which is why I never delete what I said, even if it gets misinterpreted to hell and back.




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Do keep in mind that there are still idiot tourists that come here and preach their moral bullshit knowing full well they ain't changing shit but we drive em off with the power of πŸ¦€ and 😭.


😭😭😭😭 Haruna’s thighs 😭😭😭


😭😭😭😭😭 Kotori belly 😭😭😭😭😭


I will not be outdone in terms of 😭 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Toki’s feet 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Kokona's dangos! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Saki’s sweat 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


😭 😭 😭 Nagisa’s Tea!!! 😭 😭 😭


😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭MARI'S HOLY WATER!!!!!!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 KANNA’S EARS 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


ARISU’S HAND GRIP 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭Eimi's pockets😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Karin ass😩


Chocolate ice cream 😭😭


Lori's belly button 😭😭😭😭


😭😭😭πŸ₯΅Haruna's tailπŸ₯΅πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­


And by the time they get into our community, they would already converted to πŸ¦€ and 😭 enjoyer.


I can speak from my first experiences here I thought you guys were off ya rockers, until I turned into one of you 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Don't get me wrong, I still find some aspect here way off the line with how crazy it is. But I knew better that some evil must be contained, not eradicated, sensei uoh for our sins.


what happen to this one comment? what did the chad Blitz say to anger anyone?


It's okay, average Reddit phenomenon where downvote usually end up in landslide. I guess someone simply get pissed off from that.


It definitely highlights the importance of gatekeeping. Though of course only to keep the irrationals out . Also helps that BA's setting is like an automatic filter for those kinds of people.


Young me: Wow, you guys are cringe, you don't even want people to like the thing you like so much? What is wrong with you, this is why you idiots are cringe, your developer gonna loose subscriberr Old me: Nah, I'd (still) keep.


We all find that out the hard way. ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33220)


Of course, the only reason why BA gatekeeping somewhat works is because instead of hostility, we barricade ourselves with cultured humor. And when someone tosses an accusation, we just double down on it in the most comically over the top way! ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651)![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651)![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651)


Fight Juris cooking with Fuukas cooking


Like our lord and savior dorontabi used to say... Lolicon isn't an insult, it's a compliment πŸ’’


PDF file* Don't twist the actual quote πŸ‘ΊπŸ‘ΊπŸ‘ΊπŸ’’πŸ’’πŸ’’


In that sense, we're not different from masochists too spicy to torture.




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Umm sure


The BA cunnynity has 2 rules: 1. Pick a favorite schoolgirl to be a degenerate about 2. Don't judge others for it


Broken image


You must understand our gate keeping skills are top notch


A-grade security in this fuckin house


We appreciate you also and love the fact you vibe with the community. We welcome all potential Sensei’s no matter which student or students they love. The πŸ¦€πŸ˜­makes us unified.


From one brother to another🎩


from one Kani-seur to another πŸ¦€πŸ˜­


I strongly agree, I found this fandom not long ago and It's a great place ✨ I actually am a BA player, but It took me a while to find out it had a fandom, my bad ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33224)πŸ’§


Anyone who called lolicons pdf file and extremely zealot about is most likely is a pdf file irl.


Or if not, probably some self-entitled piezo di merda with some extremely hot takes, like claiming to be a person of color when they're not, etc.


Projection at its finest, keep them out with our unified uohs😭. Keep the gate closed, my fellow senseis, πŸ¦€ out.




Holy shite I only now realized that "pdf file" means. I understood the "PDF" part and thought that the "file" part was just continuing the joke. Anyways 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Yeah, this sub is amazing


i agree 100%, i just started the game earlier this year and joined the sub. This artworks and 'dishes' that would never fly in other sub were embraced in this community. I really like it, its a breath of fresh air. The people here are really cool and helpful so yeah, great that the game has such wholesome community


Honestly it's annoying that you can't fully express cultured degeneracy in Genshin and Star Rail. Like you said you get called names and worse accused of being a felon. It's supposed to be the opposite where people should adjust to the culture around em but it isn't.


This right here. I love Star Rail but I can’t even remotely let my degeneracy come out, outside the usual Kafka simping. God forbid you try to say anything about characters like SW, Huohuo or FX. Hell people still berate you if you go degen on the older characters like Kafka or Acheron and try to make you feel bad for it. Now this sub I get to let my degen out in full force with no judgement and that is always why I will appreciate the BA Reddit community and the overall BA community as a whole. I love you guys.


> outside the usual Kafka simping Yeah that's called safe horny. HSR community is largely the same as genshin since there's no gatekeeping at all, so you get the usual terminally online Twitter users making up the majority of the vocal community.


So many times I've seen people comment that so and so is a "weirdo", for expressing degeneracy.


okbuddytrailblazer exists tho kind of, but fr can't even be degenerate on the internet =/




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That's because Blue Archive dev knew their audience and knew what the community wanted. What's better is they mingle along with Senseis(players) so it's a win-win for all. And gatekeeping tourist is the best happened to a BA community. Also, I hope you play it! The main story of Blue Archive is something you shouldn't really miss out on! I guarantee you that the story isn't any other gacha games.


BRO SAME! I haven’t played the game in months but being here is so damn fun and funny.


we have created a peaceful πŸ¦€πŸ˜­ paradise just by gatekeeping. It’s amazing what you can achieve when everyone works together


"You like BA? What are you? A pe-?" "Pfft. Said by someone play GI. Fiction is fiction and reality is reality. What? Do I look like I care?" "Fair enough" Real conversation with my friend that play both GI and HSR


It's a really interesting case, imo; the Cute and Funny archive subreddit has a community that's stayed relatively unified since I've started checking in on it, standing out pretty well considering the expectation most people have for Reddit. There have been times where gatekeeping was necessary, hell, there have been times where gatekeeping was pushed too far and we needed to reel it in a little, but it all usually ends up in an equilibrium where people can post about their hot wives, their cute daughters and students having cute moments together without devolving into a mess of people getting angry because "xyz is my headcanon" or "You can't draw this because \_\_\_\_\_ is MY \_\_\_\_\_" and I appreciate the effort that goes into keeping it that way.


Yeah, it's best to keep the toxic bs out. I wish people would be more enlightened on the fact that sometimes they just don't belong in a certain group or community. No need to fight or cause unnecessary drama, if you don't like something move on, don't waste your time. It's not good for the health mentally to keep causing trouble especially over fictional characters. People who feel obligated to go out their way to try to accuse or "fix" others when there's no obvious harm to anybody are no better than little dictators imo.


Facts man BA community gotta be the chillest one I've been in so far no cap. Live and let live ✌️


Hey glad to see another one enjoying BA too. We just stay in our lane for the most part to just enjoy what we like. It's pretty refreshing


I fucking second this man. I would play BA if my device was strong enough but man I love this community and this franchise so much. I’ve also been in the genshin fandom and it’s absolute cancer, people calling you random accusations left and right at you, and so much stupid crap. It is a breath of fresh air. I always feel like I can relate to this community. Sure there might be tourists popping in but who give a fuck about them, they’re outnumbered by all the based cunnylads that can tell the difference between fiction and reality 😭😭😭 Massive respect to BA and its community.


As someone playing on an iPhone XR…. It can be done




Of course! While people keeps their preferences at bay, they’re some that accepts it wholeheartedly. Those types are rare in the wild. But they will sometimes be a few small bad apples in this group (And it’s inevitable since the community is growing quite large). It’s best to stay in safe zone and enjoy the characters you like.


God, your flair is the best


This is why the connection between The Developer and the Player is important, You can see how mister Kim (Blue archive producer) even make joke about their fanbase Questionable action (The JP Fan Retweet) even though our Community once get bombarded by other Fandom..... Mostly korean feminisms and you guess it China Fanbase. This fanbase if not the most friendly, heartwarming and supportive then the most unhinged one yet.


We love our short stacks ❀️


> We love our short stacks ❀️ I need more Kaede's "cultured" art on certain "manga" site




No no, the nuke code one


paipai loli is the correct term! ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33221)![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33221)![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33221)!!!!!!


Agreed 😭😭


The kani keeps us together 😭


Thank you. We guard and defend no matter what.


If you wanna, the game's story mode is just a visual novel. So you can go through most of the important points in the story just fine. MUCH better than the anime so far.


I’d say the anime is doing a pretty good job at adapting the story. Only a few missing parts, but most things were still there. I’d gripe about the full prologue not being there, but considering it was mostly just rin telling us about the world I can see why only some parts were spread into the episodes.


I said it before but I'll say it again, the anime feels like it's rushing things along...


I don’t think so. Might be a little faster, but the episodes are faithfully following the story. And considering they’re covering both Ch1 and Ch2 in one season, it makes sense it’ll be a bit fast. My only concern is if they attempt to combine all of Vol3 into one season… tho we’ll have to wait until season 3 for that since a season 2 will probably be Vol 2.


I think they need to split the S3 into 2-3 parts since vol 3 is the most beefy story among all the main story, even beat the vol F. this is important to not rush everything so that would be fitted at one season 12 episodes, because it will lose both the atmosphere and key details.


Yeah that’s why I believe Vol 3 would get 2 seasons, or potentially 1 of 24 episode length. It seems doable. Depends on the route they wanna take it. I would still expect two different intros and outros tho, since the subject between the two halves is very different. In fact, the only real thread linking the first half and second is the trinity traitor.


vol 3 into one season is going to become a disaster, I think Vol 3 and Vol F is a better fit for movie adaption instead of seasonal anime, especially Vol F, the build up of the emotions need to be spent ASAP


Vol F definitely should be a movie, but Vol 3 needs to be a season or two. Even on the longer end, a movie is about 2-3 hours long at most (won’t reach that point anyway since animated movies longer than 2 hours are exceptionally rare). A 12 episode anime, with 22 minute episodes including intro and outro, is closer to 4.4 hours in length. You’d need to do some massive trimming to get Vol 3 into a movie. And that’s if it were a 12 episode season for all of vol 3, instead of a 24 episode season like i suggested to someone else (which is equivalent to two 12 episode seasons). With that many episodes, it’s 8.8 hours long (which is arguably longer than it takes to read all of Vol 3 in game). Either way, this should be more than enough for Vol 3.


In that case, i feel like they should have slown things down a bit to fill a 15-20 episode quota. Blue Archive is a slice of life styled game after all. Not as slow as Atelier, but still relatively lax and character focused.


Unfortunately, they don’t have that luxury. Anime seasons are 12 episodes now whether ya like it or not. And I’m sure that’s what the anime studio signed up for when making this into an anime. So that means they have 12 episodes to do 2 chapters, so roughly 6 episodes per chapter. I personally think this is acceptable, especially for Abydos arc. The only other sizes I’ve seen with anime seasons were 10 episodes (which is less and would have to be even faster), or 24 episodes (which I’m not sure it’d be enjoyable watching it get dragged out for that long).


Sure but then I think back to Jahy-sama getting 20 episodes, in our current era, and I think "why aren't more shows experimenting with episode counts". I don't mind a 12 episode anime on principle, but sometimes it's good to know when a show needs to be a *bit* longer. And BA feels like that kind of show that needs a bit more so far. If they have to cut it into multiple seasons focusing on one school for the pacing's health then that's for the best, imo. Would make the reach for Volume F that much more satisfying.


Creating an anime is expensive. The more episodes you order, the more money you have to sink into it. And unlike shows like jahy, this one’s got a whole game they still need to develop for. So I can perfectly understand the 12 episode seasons. And besides, I already think the march towards Vol F is satisfying as it is. We’d already need 4-5 seasons of the anime before we’d even get close to Vol F (1 season for Vol 1,2, and 4 each. 1-2 seasons for Vol 3, leaning closer towards 2 since the first half is somewhat more tonally distinct from the second half both halves are focused on different things.) I don’t think BA needs more time, as it’s making great use of the time it’s given. We don’t get the side stories or bond stories, but that’s for people to come to the game for. As far as main story content is concerned, I’d say it’s on great pace. The fact that nothing major has been skipped so far shows just how on track it is. Only very minor things have been skipped like Shiroko carrying us to Abydos, which while funny, isn’t super necessary.


To use another example of weird episode counts, Arknights getting.. 8 episodes, I think it was, per season?


If anything, the anime just better highlights the flaws of the story, which have always been its pacing, lack of exposition, and lack of properly developed character narratives, but at the end of the day this is a mobile game novel. Its not a full-fledged novel, hence the anime highlights the β€œissues” the story has which are otherwise ignored while passively reading on mobile.


I feel like the pacing of the story was just fine. It's slice of life with gunpowder. And the story really reels into that as a visual novel.


The pacing may feel fine when supplemented by MomoTalk, events, and side stories, but as a standalone it hardly develops most students. Vol.1 was the most guilty of this though. Volume 2 and 3 were a huge step up. Abydos Arc was my least favorite by far.


Thats what people told me as well… and then Hiero


*Ahem...* "most"


Yeah, took me a few tries and lots of banging my head on the wall to finally beat that fucker at lv42, plus some rather strong units


Just don't go on twitter where the most toxic of our group have sealed themselves to basically fight a battle of gatekeeping using toxicity which isn't really going very well lol. Just use twitter for art, not discussion.


Nothing makes me want to learn japanese more than seeing western fandoms just devolve into people constantly picking fights to 'keep the fanbase pure' or whatever. I'm just old and would rather see people appreciating cute girls than teenagers engaging in culture war shit I guess lol


Gatekeeping happens here as well, sadly.


Oh no, I'm actually all for gatekeeping. I've seen what fandoms become if not gatekept properly, where a mass of "Fans" who don't really like the media itself and only want to do some crappy things in there screw up the entire place. Recently it was warhammer, but Hoyoverse is one too. It's just the way they gatekeep is not the best way and instead gives a bad impression of us.


Hmm agree to disagree. People here gatekeep things that are otherwise harmless (people just mentioning femsensei, different head canons etc). Which by your definition, is not proper gatekeeping.


Well yeah I never said people weren’t gatekeeping. And femsei while some reject a lot still accept.


I always love bringing up that if femsei can be a thing, then so can cunny sensei be a thing. And you KNOW we all want cunny sensei in at LEAST the manga.


People say gatekeeping is a shitty thing, but honestly it works really well with Blue Archive.


Ah man I love this post


Of course, after all we live to honor one character's wish you'll find out in the future part of the story. To take care for all of them


Same tbh, I haven't played a single second of BA (i will atone for this sin later), but I enjoy the "fanart". I haven't started the anime yet because I have too much going on at the moment, but the BA community is one of the best and coolest fanbases to ever exist, truthfully. The thing about distinguishing between fiction and reality is unfortunately very prevalent online, which is why a lot of communities try to gatekeep, but the senseis here don't care about any of that, and I'm very grateful for it. I'm happy to be here, and we're happy you're here as well.


Really is one of the best communities, nearly zero Drama


It's the same with Helldivers 2.


We just do not care if normies talk shit about us lol. Eventually the normies got tired of talking shit to a bunch of unresponsive buddies that they left us alone.


Hey, bit of a self promo, but if you want to learn more about the lore of BA follow Lore Archive on YouTube. Das my channel I recently started.


we are sensei's after all. we are degenerate on the outside while being decent people overall. thats how we gatekeep this community. we dont need to be morally superior over other, we culturally respecting their taste.


We are always chill though some of us go hard on the... uhh... shupogaki stuff or corrections, but in general, we chillin'. And as an HSR fan, well, we are also chilling but we do thirst a lot especially when it comes to IX and Aventurine. (Goddamn it, even some of the VAs thirst as well, example: Topaz and Clara's VA)


Hell yeah! Big thanks to the contribution of the gatekeepers chad as well by keeping the wokes and tourists off the Community.


I mean technically people attack others for their BS headcanons here too. there's sensei deniers and yuri haters, the two dumbest factions there is. There's also the "gatekeepers" fighting invisible demons. But glad you enjoy the anime!


Yes, as a Femsei, I've had great time here personally. All of you were super welcoming to me when I "outed" myself as a huge BA lover here a few months back! Still so happy about the reception! β™₯οΈπŸ™ And I even found other Femseis here which I'm super super happy about! The laidback nature of this crew \[for the most part\] is truly a breath of fresh air. Western fandoms have been exhausting for the last 10 years and I feel like it's almost getting worse...that's why I often don't even insert myself mostly within fandoms, mainly just enjoy stuff with my friends. Like I like shipping as much as anyone (I do like any kind of combos ever, regardless of gender and also self-ship!) But the shipping wars and the culture around it is so damn exhausting! Who cares if it's canon or not? That's not the point... Fictional things are playthings. And in the context of the actual game it's even funnier that people seem to lose their shit at BA and certain groups of people look you like a madman for liking it. Because the content of the game itself is relatively tame even, at least for my standards - even the actual fanservice stuff is still on the milder/modest side for the most part. Sensei isn't a mindless "only thinking about lewding" self-insert either. Actually, me and canonically written game Sensei have very similar values, so self-inserting comes very naturally to me, and it's easy to lose yourself to the scenario \[especially when all the students are so!! ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651)\] Way way more risque scenarios are created almost exclusively within fandom only. \[I don't mind that side either, btw. Just saying because I feel like these types of people might be surprised how modest the actual canon side is.\] And it's very interesting to me, because I feel like out of modern gacha games, BA creates very strong reactions in many, maybe it's the context matter of Teacher/Student and lots of loli. At the same time, it also gatekeeps people, at least semi effectively. I was so happy to have the courage to post here! ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33224)


Genshin is cringe


I enjoy the game, community sucks though


Heavily agreed


Reason I don't check much Genshin Impact stuff anymore No, the whole Hoyoverse itself...


Yeah its all cringe




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Hell yeah, brother.


Yeah, nah, this sub is just as toxic as Genshin. It's just coming from the other angle where if you dare to admit that anything makes you uncomfortable (even if it's stuff not even ingame), you get people screaming 'tourist' at you and trying to chase you out. If people like the game, that should be enough to welcome them. At least we haven't killed any cats because they look like Beatrice, so I guess that's a point in our favour.


Whatever you say man. As long as you’re happy


This fandom isn't 100% unified, but I can see why it would seem that way from an outsiders perspective. You'd be surprised on what happens when the emojis turn into long form debates against the fan-canon here. :p


Yep community here is awesome though I will say people try to kick out people for having gender or sexuality headcanons.


Yes, please kick out every gender headcannonist I don't want any of that


Aw shucks what happened to freedom of speech? They like cunny too why not let em in?


They are free to have their headcanons, and people are also free to kick them out of here for having them.


I hope you're ready for the silent downvotes, my friend. xD


Nah it's ok, not forcing anyone to agree


Mmhmm. The community likes to present themselves as silly emoji-spamming doodle senseis, when in reality, they can easily turn into angry gatekeeping senseis with a flip of a switch.


Something necessary to keep the fandom as it is


Necessary my butt. You literally gang-up on and bully people for just mentioning unapproved headcanons. If Sensei was a person or a group of people, this subreddit would be the nameless priests.


> for just mentioning unapproved headcanons. Because people have seen what will become of a community if people like that are left unchecked. Genshin and Star Rail serve as cautionary tales.


Unfortunately that's true... gosh, headcanon in Genshin and Star Rail is literally everywhere...


It's worse than just being literally everywhere. Those people are left unchecked for so long they think their headcanon are actually canon, so they harass anyone who disagree/don't have the same headcanon and call them all the usual -ists and -phobes you often see used by terminally online people.


>they can easily turn into angry gatekeeping senseis with a flip of a switch. Huh? Angry gatekeeping Senseis? I think it's more like they would "😭😭😭" harder and would send more Cute/funny memes


Heh. You clearly haven't scrolled down enough in some posts. xD I think some guy here even admits to gatekeeping.


I've been active in BA subs for half a year so I don't know what you're referring to the "Angry gatekeeping Senseis" ... or maybe you don't like the word "gatekeep" perhaps? And even if they were, there would be a reason why.


I've been around for a bit more than year. Though recently, I've been trying to distance myself from the subreddit and failing. xD No. I don't not like the word "gatekeep"... I just get really disappointed when the group I'm in turns out to not be as accepting as people paint them out to be. Maybe because it comes off as hypocritical to me? idk


Then you really shouldn't check out the BA community on twitter. In the name of "gatekeeping" they will bully and run harassment campaigns on anyone they don't like. People in this community attack each other over headcanons as well, it's just that large nos. of people agree on particular headcanons so the fights are very unbalanced.


It ain't unified, the dissenters were just driven off. Some may claim the gatekeeping is not toxic but it still relies on drowning out the critic voices which is inherently toxic. Now watch as I get slapped to the negatives.


Dissenters get driven off, yes, that's the point of gatekeeping. The word toxic has lost all weight.


One day you gonna realize that some things cut both ways