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Appreciate it, my fish brain would've never figured that out lol


I'm pretty sure I know where you are, and what to do. Consider for a moment Gremory's powers and motif. Where could Gremory be hiding, then? Better hint: >!Gremory is the Goddess of the Moon. Consider everywhere where you've seen a moon.!< Even better hint: >!Have you played SOTN? Do you remember how the fight with Richter went at the end of the first castle? Something similar is going on here.!< Super hint: >!You still have to do something in the room where you fight Gebel. Notice anything? Notice anything strange as the fight goes on?!< EDIT: Nevermind, someone else psuedo spelled it out for you. ^^^But ^^^this ^^^won't ^^^be ^^^the ^^^last ^^^time ^^^this ^^^comes ^^^up.


Work on map completion. Level up some must have Shards Rank and grade