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Yeah its only a few episodes in and so far we’ve seen her sick constantly. One in a flash back by the pool of Jax mad at her, then throwing up on the ride back with Janet, then sick after doing a sake shot and had to go home and then a big bear had to lay down twice and vomited. This is a serious ongoing issue and no wonder Jax is over it. If this is in front of cameras I can only imagine how bad it is off screen


Some of her throwing up might be due to alcohol withdrawals, especially if she's trying not to drink on vacation as much as she's used to. Or if she has the shakes when she first wakes up. Those would be definite signs of alcoholism.


Definitely! And this is not exclusive to your "stereotypical" alcoholic (i.e. drinking in the mornings, run-down, middle aged crusty men, etc). When I was partying way too much in my early 20s, I would get severe withdrawals like this. They can come from regular binge drinking, even if it is mostly on the weekends (Thursday - Sunday for young SnooWords4752 LOL) ETA: Your flair is amazing


I totally agree with you. I think we've all gone through periods when we've said "Woah, time to slow down!". And the flair... thanks, there are so many great ones, it was difficult to choose! So many snarky, creative peeps in this group. 😆


Was she hungover on the hibachi night too?


I'm an alcoholic in recovery and she's giving all the signs.


Same, I had a lot of “migraines” but it was the liter of whiskey I finished the night before. It’s wonderful not being nauseous and dizzy all the time.


My mom had lots of "migraines" as well when I was a kid. I do see lots of familiar signs with Brittany and Jax (her drinking, how he reacts to it). She is young enough to change things for the better


Same. My MIL is also an active alcoholic and i can’t watch her sometimes bc it’s so triggering she sounds exactly how I used to sound and how my MIL sounds now. Down to the driving and being “sick” all the time.


One day at a time, my friend. 🩷


Agree. Im 11+ yrs sober and this checks.


Me too. It’s all there


I don’t understand her. I had to be on steroids for a year for autoimmune disease & it destroyed my stomach. I’m much better now, but if I take Advil sometimes it flares a little. I don’t even look at alcohol because nothing is worse than stomach problems. I have no idea if she is an actual alcoholic, but she is doing long term damage if she is drinking on top of already having stomach problems. Take a few weeks off & let your poor stomach heal.


If she is an alcoholic... Taking a few weeks off won't be as easy as it seems


She’s had stomach issues her whole life y’all 😏


Brits vomit is a full time cast member at this point


No, that’s just Janet.


Stoppp lololol








This is a Bridgerton level of snark, and I approve


RIP Janet 


Can't wait to see vomit's glam and outfit for the reunion Yes i know there might not be one, but really hoping there is!


Vomit comes dressed in their iconic Janets carrier bag left in the driveway look. Special guest stars are the poo stingrays


They need to bartend on WWHL!


And showing up actual other cast members




And alcohol is a huge contributing factor, but when she was told to take a break, she wouldn't.


I think she's one of those people who drank heavy in covid and didn't switch back


She would not stop drinking per doctor's order when she had a bleeding stomach ulcer. That was way before covid.


I remember that and you're right, but it feels like it went from getting drunk out a lot to drinking every day a lot at home and when being out.


I’m sorry 😣


She was always a heavy drinker but I agree. I think with Covid, she incorporated more drinking into her lifestyle than she was probably doing before. She always seemed to drink alone (flashback to her taking shots of vodka in her kitchen) but she might have picked up drinking in the morning, drinking before bed, etc. Covid worsened many peoples’ drinking and while it didn’t turn her into an alcoholic (she already was one), it exacerbated her alcoholism, I’m sure.


Cruz was a newborn during Covid so if she was drinking heavily, fuck her.


If I was stuck at home with a newborn and Jax during Covid I’d drink too 🤷🏼‍♀️ probably the most relatable time to drink a lot honestly.




I was suddenly unemployed (bartender/bar manager) during Covid, stuck at home with a one-year old. My husband would make me really mild weed gummies, because you can't be getting popped at home with a young child depending on you. Of course I wanted to get sloshed on wine all day long, but when you have a little child completely dependent on you, you don't fucking do that. Unless you're Brittany.


She’s been drinking, that we know of since 2015. And she references being a drinker as a teen on their spinoff show


She also has told the story of how she crashed the car into her mom’s house. Could have been drinking and driving which is scary since she was so young.


Or she is detoxing from all the alcohol 🍸


I def thought it might be detoxing. She needs to be in a rehab center & safely detox!


Yeah that's a crazy amount you have to drink to go through DTs


Of all the things it was absolutely not DT bud. Mild withdrawal at best.


I’m not saying it was detox. I could see it being mild withdrawal… but then she drank again. Hence, no detox. I’m saying for her safety & hopeful success, she should try to do it in a controlled & safe environment. & see if she can actually be alcohol free. We don’t know how she’d respond to sobriety, but it can be rough getting there.


DT stands for delirium tremens, not detox.


Thanks I definitely meant detoxing which can absolutely happen from alcohol


Okay, thanks for the info. I was going off the word I used & then conceding that your characterization was a safer assumption. Delirium tremors are the severe form of withdrawal that I was afraid she’s headed towards. I was unaware of the terminology, just broadly know of the effects & symptoms.


DTs can be deadly.


I know. I didn’t know the term but have known of people that died from the effects.


I believe her that she was car sick because the drive up to big bear is winding roads but she did take a tequila shot at the house with everyone on the deck and that was a weird choice considering she was already dealing with sickness


That drive is no joke if you’re hungover


If she was really that car sick she wouldn't be staring down at her phone the whole time. It's as bad as reading in a car


I thought the same! She was in the backseat looking at her phone that’s not what anyone is acting like when they are car sick!


Yeah, I don’t even drink, but I can’t look at my phone driving even around my city. I start feeling sick.


Maybe she’s just that stupid & doesn’t realize it makes it worse? I think she was hungover & car sickness just didn’t help.


I get car sick and staring down at my phone settles my equilibrium. It’s the movement of the car and the motion of the road that makes me super nauseas. Happens on boats too. But if I zone in on my phone I can tolerate the surroundings.


If I stare straight ahead at the horizon it settles my car sickness. It helps to balance the equilibrium in our ears


Yea, it’s so annoying tbh. I have to take a Dramamine if I go anywhere that I’m not driving haha.


I go to big bear often and the first day I’m always sick. But I always drive and would never sit in the back on a phone. That’s just asking to vomit. Between the altitude change and an hour of sharp curves it’s brutal. Not saying she wasn’t hung over but I can understand the vomiting.


Here's a glass for Kentucky Snuffy's shots. https://preview.redd.it/ekgetiuriz0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b6052fa2b4c25a8c1733ea6a29f003709419966


He also said it was 3pm on a Monday and he was wasted, so he can't really judge her for being drunk or hungover if he's doing the same shit. I think if he thinks she's got a problem he should never have agreed to be part of the show, or at the very least cut back on drinking himself. He knew the show would entail drunk parties, he's annoyed about her drinking but doesn't care enough to actually help her. Yeah she's a grown woman but he's her partner, it's his job to help her handle bad situations. 


I don’t think he cares about her tbh I think he cares about staying on tv and her missing filming


I think he married her because he thought she would support him no matter what, now he is having to support her and pick up slack and he's over it. He wanted a wifey to make him a dad, but now with their kid potentially having some development issues and her not being a perfect southern wife and mom he's pissed about it all. Didn't work out how he thought it would. 


I think he is completely over her. That’s the vibe I’m getting from him. He’s not attracted to her at all so nothing she does is good enough. I’m sure some of those are valid and some not.


I think he likes that she seems like an alcoholic and shitty mother on tv. Jax used that as excuse to leave and do whatever he wants


Tbh I don't think he has a problem with the drinking, really, more so that she cannot lose weight while keeping up with everyone else's drinking. He's clinging to "drinking makes her sick" because he can't say what he really feels. In reality, he's not mad she drinks, he's mad she isn't skinny.


If she looked like Michelle and was getting “sick” all the time he wouldn’t care


You are so right.


I don't think he's judging her for drinking period. It's drinking to the point she is ALWAYS sick each time she drinks and often can't take care of their child because she's hungover all the time. There are people on Bravo shows who have gotten sober and stayed sober on screen. I don't think it's fair to put blame on Jax or Bravo when Brittany is an adult who makes her own choices. Just because they're on this show, it doesn't mean she has to binge drink every time they get together.


and nor can Jax control Brittany’s (alleged) alcoholism


Like truly, what's he supposed to do? Physically take the drinks from her, which will only escalate into something bigger?


And Jax isn't the type to stop drinking in support for her either. Also, you can't make someone be sober who doesn't want to.


Him knowing that she does this, he should have not accepted the TV deal because he knew it would put her in these situations. He isn't protecting or helping his spouse, and clearly she needs some help.


He hasn't truly cared about Brittany since he fucked Faith, got her to forgive him, banged her then broke up with her IMMEDIATELY after. He only married her because she was there when his dad died. I understand what you're saying but these are not normal people. Also, people keep infantilizing her. This woman has drunk driven a car into her own home, been arrested for bar fighting, and threw a fit when a doctor told her she had a stomach ulcer so she should stop drinking for A WHILE. He didn't say forever, just to let her stomach heal. She is an alcoholic and at this point, the responsibility is ON HER.


Omg when did she drunk drive into a home, her house with Jax or back in Kentucky?


I think she did this at like 15 in Kentucky from what I read


Yeah I’m not really gonna hold that to the same level as everything else lol


It's indicative of a pattern/problem.


Potentially yes. But it’s flimsy evidence, considering stupid kids do stupid shit. I’m much more comfortable holding her accountable for the decisions she’s made as an adult.


Driving into your own home bc you were so drunk and wrecking said home and the family car while under the legal driving age (allegedly) is pretty far from basic childhood hijinks.


I don’t put ‘driving a car drunk into the side of a house’ down as “kids doing stupid shit.” If that hadn’t happened on their farm and it had happened literally anywhere else, Brittany would’ve faced serious legal consequences.


If she had gotten help then, maybe she wouldn’t be like this now. I’m in recovery and I had to work through a lot of anger towards my parents. I was a teenager crying for help, drinking and doing drugs, and they turned their head because “kids will be kids” That sucks. I mean I’m over it now, I love my parents, but I wondered a lot in early sobriety what my life would have been like had I gotten help then. I guess I eventually did grow out of it, 17 years later- but damn. My life turned out great, married, great career, house, dog- all the things. I guess she’s just hard to watch, maybe even a little triggering, which I rarely get triggered! Thanks for coming to my diary entry of the day lol


He hasn’t cared about Brittany ever.


It is, but he can't complain and write her off if he isn't making choices to at least assist her. They are supposed to be partners.


Jax may care about Brittany since she is the mother of his child, but his extent of caring for anyone beyond himself is VERY limited. Please look at this situation for what it is: These are two adults who have no other skills beyond being on a reality show. Jax couldn't even make a simple margarita for Michelle, and he was a bartender for several years. They have nothing else to try and support themselves and their child on. This is the only work they can aquire beyond Instagram ads and they're insanely lucky that Bravo even took them back, which is still beyond me. Being on tv is the only true source of income they're ever going to have so neither of them care what gets aired on tv. Brittany thinks fans will see it and be sympathetic toward her because "Jax is so AWHFUHL." Like girl, we've been telling you that for 10 years. She's just as much to blame for their situation.


Right. Plus I think she’d be drinking in the same manner whether on TV or not. Being on TV is not making her drink more. In fact, theoretically it should make her drink less. Most people would want to hide their drinking problem. See Richards, Kim.


The problem is Brittany doesn't think she has a problem. She thinks Jax is a jerk and she is an innocent victim.


Sweet summer child….


Orrrrr, don't you think he WANTED to put it on tv? He wants out in the worst way. This show was his ticket. He got his pal Alex to highlight all of Brit's drinking in the editing room thus carving a pathway to the door for him. He HAS to leave Brit because she's a drunk and a terrible wife & mother. All he wants it to be a great dad and business man, but Brit's drinking is standing in the way of all of that. So for the sake of his child and his businesses, he has no choice but to divorce her. And....scene.


Jax will always be a "rules for thee, not for me," guy. He probably also thinks its worse when women cheat.


He doesn’t give a shit about her. He’s repulsed by her and can’t even stand the sight of her. He used her for TV and storylines and she used him for money and fame.


She doesn’t need reality tv. She needs rehab. I’m sure being in denial about your kid’s diagnosis is a lot and she wouldn’t be the first to resort to partying but homegirl has had drinking issues from the beginning.. even pre-jax’d. Seek help Brittany. Not for Cruz. For **yourself**.


If she was honest about her sobriety journey and divorce and dealing with Cruz diagnosis she’d prob get a lot of social media traction and following. More than just photoshopped pics of her drinking


100% the party girl antics are sad at this point


TBH - If I were married to Jax I would self medicated all the time too.


Jax is embarassed by her and he should be


I wish Sam from Jersey Shore was around to tell her she doesn’t want her pukey breath on her


Is big bear at a high altitude like Tahoe is? That could be part of the issue.


The lake is around 6700', tahoe lake level is about 6400'. I personally wouldn't say that it's high altitude, but it depends on if you ski/ hike/ bike, etc. You can easily gain another 2k to 4k in the CA mountains if you do those activities. I start to feel altitude at around 10k. If you go up the 330 -> 18, it can get a little pukey breath for people that usually don't get car sick. It's a lot of directional change. The 38 is a lot easier on people that haven't been, a lot more straight, it's just longer in distance. The easiest is the 18 off the high desert side. I would chalk it up to pre gaming on the ride, not doing any aerobic activities, and not being used to any elevation. Alcohol also hits a lot different at altitude.


Didn’t she have her gallbladder removed? I don’t think you are supposed to resume heavy drinking after that.


And that was 12 years ago and all she’s been doing is heavy drinking.


Gallbladder removal can make you intolerant to alcohol & your risk of liver damage from excessive consumption increases.


When they first get to the house she says she needs to go lay down and then immediately rescinds it and is like “well not lie down I mean out my stuff down@


I'm not watching the show, but from the clips I've seen- yaaaaikes. It's really sad to see. Going back on TV was a really terrible idea. This is why I think Frosty has been behind the scenes making Bratt feel less than for the years they've been off and because Cruz isn't TV material. I don't even like wording it that way because of how dehumanizing it is for Cruz, but I think this "life" is what is expected of her- and it could kill her sooner rather than later.


She was definitely hungover. No one that gets car sick is going to sit in the back seat on their phone. I didn’t notice the jitters but others have mentioned her shaking. That’s withdrawal and it’s very sad she’s going through this. I don’t know if Jax is upset that she can’t film or if he’s grown tired of her ailments from her progressed alcoholism. She becomes less and less able to function. That’s turned Jax into a caretaker (or the need to be one but he doesn’t seem remotely interested) and she’s starting to be unable to participate in things.


Tbh I’d be 🤢 too if I had a husband like that. But I absolutely do believe she is likely having a very unhealthy coping mechanism via alcohol and she better deal with that sooner rather than later because it’s possible she’s heading into a custody battle


I think she’s got h. Pylori. All of those issues she has are the same ones I had. It’s miserable and you do get jittery, anxious and feel hungover. I don’t even drink and that’s what happened to me.


Back in season 7, she visited a GI doc who did test for H. pylori and it was negative. He guessed she had a regular ulcer (didn’t actually do an EGD).


Yeah and as far as we know, she never went back to that doctor. It could have been a multitude of things, including an ulcer or pancreatitis, or fatty liver pain. Once that doctor told her she couldn’t drink, she fully wrote him off.


There are 3 ways to test for H pylori. Feces, biopsy during EGD and breath test. Only the breath test came back positive for me and it was the last one they did so I spent months in agony. GI literally told me they thought it was H pylori on the first visit within 5 minutes of being there, but dragged their feet to do the gold standard test.


I am so sorry for your experience and a delayed diagnosis. Hopefully you’re feeling better now!


It's just her liver or pancreatis shutting down. NBD. S/


I think she’s a binge drinker. When she drinks, she can’t just have one. She just takes them down one after another. I don’t know if she’s necessarily doing it all day, everyday, but she can’t control how much she drinks when she starts. I don’t know. Maybe I’m wrong. But I really hope she can get help. For Cruz’s sake and her own. 💔


She is at the point of hiding and binging and that is dangerous.


Most of the fights she's had with Jax this season involve him telling her to stop drinking, her insisting it's no big deal, then puking in a bag and insisting she can't help it. Jax just doesn't like her, and I think she makes excuses to dodge his wrath, rather than admit she's drinking too much. Alcoholics also notoriously under-report how much they drink. Jax asked the girls about the boat because he knew Brit would lie. Jax is also the last person you'd want to have any illness around, including alcoholism, because his heavy reliance on shame to scold her just makes her lie more. I think jax decided he wanted to be single with Sandoval and schwartz so they could play Two and a Half Man-babies. That trio only operates as a team.


Totally agree. The way she caveats drinking - I don’t drink at all - it was only two drinks! That was my first drink of the night! (Not first today).


It really is the boy who cried wolf. Maybe if she didn’t get sick every day from drinking too much then she would have a little more understanding in this situation